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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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mmm...lots of defensive posts here. Its good to see so many who don't want to be labelled racist or don't want to Australia to be known as a racist nation. Now ...if we could only get these same posters to agree that the racism that does exist in this country is not acceptable we would be on the right track....this would be much more honest and balanced approach than complete denial that it exists at all.
Posted by Rainier, Thursday, 22 December 2005 2:26:51 PM
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I would recommend that Greg Barnes apply for the posts of being in charge of the Australian media and the ABC. They have a cultural cringe and loathing of Australians so he would not feel out of place.
What a pity he was not around in the '70's and '80's, that was when the media and the academics really decided that this country was of such poor quality that the only way to save it was to let it be overrun from outstanding humane nations like Lebanon, Iraq, Iran , various sections of Africa and the many Pacific superior islands. Pity that Robert Mugabe has not been enlisted to run as PM, he would have shown us a thing or two.
I would also recommend that we stop being so selfish and give Greg some encouragement to migrate elsewhere to a more pleasant land. Preferably a Muslim one. The Ganjaweed would surely welcome his ideas on how to runa country. I'll donate to the price of a one way ticket.
Posted by mickijo, Thursday, 22 December 2005 2:53:39 PM
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Monika, please don't ask wre difficult questions like that, untill she has had her medication. She will get back to you, she may be on her home planet of Zircon at the moment, but will return to Earth presently. Have a nice day....
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 22 December 2005 2:56:56 PM
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Dear all,

It’s Christmas the season of sharing and good will. Time to reach out to those less fortunate and catch up with friends and family.

So if you are friends or family of Greg Barnes he seems a little down at the moment.
Maybe try and make the extra effort to catch up and cheer him up, maybe take a fruit mince pie or some tinsel. See if you can get him out of his office maybe get some fresh air or a coffee.

Exercise can be mood booster, I suggest taking him for a stroll up the Truganini Track probably not far from his home. The view from the top of Mt. Nelson is great and a nice reminder of how lucky we are to live in this country. There probably is a BBQ up the top why not make a day of it.

The thing is I’m just not prepared to accept the Australia is racist backwater Greg. If you do go out for last minute shopping on Saturday at Salamanca Market I think you think you will find Australians of all backgrounds getting along just fine.

Australian immigration levels are presently very high and very few people are jamming the airways saying it needs to be reduced. After 9/11 and the Bali bombings you would think the slack jawed white supremacists would have a better chance of spreading the anti immigration message but this is not the case. I’m not saying everything is fine but in general things are better here than most places.

However one thing I have to concede is we are becoming less tolerant, I think Society has become far less inclined to tolerate Racists, Homophobes and Bigotry.

Seasons greetings Greg and if all your friends are busy I’ll make time for a walk
It is Christmas time after all
Posted by jimbo, Thursday, 22 December 2005 3:20:25 PM
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So, Barns hates the entire electorate now because it rid itself of politicians making decisions without democratic consultation? Not quite. It’s only the disgusting, racist white Australians he hates. He’s quite happy with the Muslims, Aborigines and Asians. They can do no wrong. Funny thing about Barns: he looks the same as the people he calls racists. He is the epitome of self-hatred. Perhaps this will help the posters who claim that they don’t understand the expression.

“Why can’t Australia be more like Canada”? he whines. Why can’t Barns go to live in Canada, Quebec in particular, to see what the French-Canadians make of his blathering? Very tolerant, they are. I notice that he has anticipated the question of his leaving at the end of his diatribe. Apparently he thinks that he can straighten us out, the twerp!

Even the Opposition is too ‘conservative’ for this extremist. If he lived in a country other than this “pigsty” where they did prevent ‘shock jocks’ from having their say, does he really believe that he would last long?

It’s disgusting that creeps like Barns are allowed space on OLO.

Bring on the sedition laws!
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 22 December 2005 3:31:48 PM
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Of course racism exists in Australia as it does in all countries and all communities. Unfortunately it is the nature of many to dislike people because of differences instead of celebrating those differences.

The easiest thing in the world to be is a racist it takes no effort nor many brains to dislike someone because they are different.

What is that famous saying .... I'm not a racist BUT...... then everything after the "but" is racist.

Australia is a country of diverse cultural backgrounds and that makes it a special place. I've always laughed at people who make racist white propoganda type statements whilst heading off to get their Chinese take away oblivious to the fact that they are making a goose of themselves by undermining their unintelligent arguments.

The fantastic international cuisines now available in Australia is a result of people from other countries coming to live with us. My taste buds thank them.

My relatives arrived in 1855 and I welcome all people from all countries who have chosen to make Australia their home. I also apologise to our wonderful aborigines for the terrible things that have been done to them and their families over the years.

I just wish that I knew more people from other cultures so that I could learn from them and understand them better.
Posted by Opinionated2, Thursday, 22 December 2005 3:34:06 PM
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