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The 'shock jocks' are in tune with the silent majority : Comments

By David Flint, published 15/12/2005

David Flint argues only a policy of zero tolerance by the police force and the courts will bring the gangs to reason.

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It has been mentioned before but Flints barracking for the shock jocks and talk back needs to be considered in light of the high regard he and Alan Jones hold for each other.

The silent majority rubbish also ranks with the other Australian myth of the tall poppy syndrome - countless Aussie celebs have used this defence failing to recognise a lot of us ( the other silent majority ) see them as over grown weeds rather than poppies

Flint makes a few points (well one) - the failure of the NSW ALP to address crime - not racial crime but crime in general - he then goes on to inject the immigrant line about border control, legal injecting rooms and assimabiltiy (is that a word?) - all the other nagging things that so pre occupy this man - these are the things that apparently trouble the silent majority, the matters elevated to big deals by the shock jokes ( and no it isnt a spelling error ). He draws us back to what underlies his premise and that of so many of the quiet but indeterminate quotient - a whole bunch of us dont like foreigners unless they are serving us food or turning down our beds.
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 15 December 2005 3:13:10 PM
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Poor old David,

Still living in the twilight of his self deluding world.
Then again some people cannot help living their entire life with blinkers on.
It even makes it worse if one is one eyed.

Posted by nobby, Thursday, 15 December 2005 3:26:22 PM
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Really Sneekykym, you need to get out more.
By the way, did you know about the riot in W A. March last year, no I did not think so; Aboriginals and Sudanese, No white Anglo’s involved so don’t report it, can’t get good Socialist propaganda and guilt out of that.
Sorry you also forgot to mention 1915 Broken Hill Murder’s -Riot-and Parliamentary speech about that incident. Objectivity sneeky not subjectivity. You are loosing it
Posted by All-, Thursday, 15 December 2005 3:35:24 PM
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Me!!?? get out more.
Dont get it all - there's a whole lot I dont know about so what's your point.
Can't say I am feeling guilty about much at all either;

Dont know of any aborifigal/sudanese clash - is it a compulsary kind of thing to know? If it wasnt reported which particular conspiracy buried the story - which socialist media aparatus shanghied that story? Comrade Murdochs, or Comrade Packers?

and sorry I didnt know I was under any obligation to mention the 1915 Broken Hill - Murder - Riot - Parliamentary - speech either; would that be in relation to Mulla Abdulla and Gool Mohomed the Turks I believe who ambushed a train killing several and wounding a few others? - and if so - so what?.

Don't tell me - it means there's proof these guy's murder a lot. Or is the point you make so refined I have missed it?
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 15 December 2005 4:03:59 PM
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Isn't it interesting, the greens are now very quiet in the anti dam
rhetoric, just took a good drought. I wonder how bad it will have to get on the street, before the do gooders wake up no this one.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 15 December 2005 6:41:42 PM
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Just saw an in-house discussion on SBS regarding the matter, a handful of the usual suspects were there, the policeman, the surfie, the young muslim, the pollie, respective religous heads, young muslim female.

Of course there was talk about the inherent racism that muslims face, and to what extent Sundays events were racially motivated, and the backdrop was a very large picture of one of the aggressors during the day Sunday.

Nothing about whether the burning down of four Christian churches was racially motivated aggression, or the bashing of a stranger in a car with bats because he replied when asked that he was Australian, or telling caucasion girls that they will be raped and then stabbing the friend that attempts to protect them. Nothing about any possible racism existing on the Middle Eastern side. What a crock of BS.
Posted by HarryC, Thursday, 15 December 2005 6:54:03 PM
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