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The 'shock jocks' are in tune with the silent majority : Comments

By David Flint, published 15/12/2005

David Flint argues only a policy of zero tolerance by the police force and the courts will bring the gangs to reason.

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Keith: I am not sure what your point is. Here is a letter that may help you to understand my statements a little more. Without a lie this fell into my lap. I was using it as a bookmark (maybe there are angels).
Sept 18 about 12 years ago.
Deliberate Inflation
I was horrified recently to hear the Liberals offering a consumption tax as a platform to regain the Governmant of Austraia.
A consumption tax, or Vat, to give it its now commonly recognised name, is nothing short of deliberate inflation of prices. Karl Marx in his communist manifesto, recommended as the first essential step to socialise the free society was a graduated progressive taxation.
for the Liberals to say they will reduce personal tax is an untruth. No government has ever reduced taxation. All governments have always carried out Marx's progressive taxation.
As the only solution to this problem i recommend to able men of goodwill to get behind the Citizen's electoral council concept, where your Member of Parliament is bound to vote according to instructions from his own electorate." (Name address supplied.)
Parliament house would be a bit packed - ahy. Nevertheless. Letters similar to this were common back then and often used similar arguments to question the utilities we have touched on. Just typed all this stuff for you two so ya' better read it. How on earth could you typo w for a t.(theatre).
Posted by rancitas, Tuesday, 20 December 2005 5:24:11 PM
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I agree with >> "Sartre ? Peace movement" ? gimme a break, it was him who showed how it is irrational to do other than trample on anyone who gets in your way.(when we reject God) <<. That is entirely the point. We cannot, as human, reject faith & meaning (as State control & Capitalism would often wish). 'Faith & meaning' is essential to the growth of the individual & society. We westerners collectively realised this (or simply realised that all was not good & 'partied hard') during the 1960's. Organisations such as the Humanist movement work with a holistic approach &, accordingly, accept all non-violent religious activity, as well as providing their own meditation.
All- (& Boaz), the point is that Marx was responding to the conditions at his time & place. Personally, I do not agree with many of his ideas. To take his writings literally in their application to 21st century humanity is almost ridiculous. It must be recognised he was a one of the first major publishers of 'leftist' thinking on social structure. As I have said, 'leftism' has evolved. True 'leftism' now searches for a balance between the individual & society, through non-violent means.
Posted by Swilkie, Tuesday, 20 December 2005 6:30:05 PM
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I hear a lot of noise being made about the arrests of white supremisists and those nazi nutters.Their pictures are proudly displayed in all our media.Easy targets that don't have the power to retaliate.

Carl Scully has twice referred the Cronulla mob of 5000 as being the racists who are the sole perpetrators of this conflict.Both he and Morris Iemma are inflaming the situation by not giving an balanced view of what really happened.It is really quite disgusting.

Not one house searched or person of Middle Eastern appearence being arrested in Bankstown or Lakemba for hoarding weapons.They won't go into their territory,it is just too dangerous.They made their statement when hundreds surrounded the Lakemba Mosque.The police were too scared to act.People attacked for filming and no action taken.Why did two Police Stations remove the Australian flag after the riots? Is this not appeasement?Don't all Australians respect our flag?

Well now we know who really runs this City of Sydney,it is not Morris Iemma,not the Police Service,it is the Middle Eastern thugs.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 20 December 2005 6:51:06 PM
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our man flint has hit the nail on the head.

one of the best articles ive read about the sydney situation and he exposes the real problem of a lack of policing and an ability to confront and control arab street gangs.

his analysis of our left wing dominated media is spot on and the shift from news reporting to campaign mode cheer leading explains why fewer and fewer people trust the MSM anymore.
Posted by vinny, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 2:53:56 PM
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Thank heavens for that:
I would be hard to argue the benefit of the left of 40 years , and the change that was forced, But to date they have totally lost the plot, and engage in the evils of days gone by; I would not subscribe to conspiracy theories, but at this point in time it is more of a Psychosis conditioning, some attributes may well be genetic and neurological disorders, i.e., Mild Autism and Schizophrenia. Sounds harsh, but it is well documented, and thus substantiates some theories in pathological behavior and attitudes, think of it as trying to gage a level of honesty, be it a little lie or a Whopper, there are no levels of Honesty, ether it is or is not –there can be no middle ground.
People need to study the Hellenistic civilization and the philosophy that made it then: - and is the premise of our existence in Western Societies.(Yes we are in the rapid decline)
DB, a major factor to why Christianity is on the decline, is mainly the ministry in all sects have a adopted Marxism as a major study and have for 40 odd years, these Ideals conflict with the Now Metaphysics, and you find more pastors etc belching Leftist propaganda rather than the teachings of the bible and Jesus, true fact unfortunately. It has become self Nihilistic because of it. That need’s to be changed.
Capitalism or it is the Gun, and Marxism’s tax scale is in forced, but under the autohypnosis of Fascism, yes Fascism, Half Government, half private. And it will self destruct.
Raise some Eye browse.
Posted by All-, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 4:14:43 PM
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Sorry to hear about your son being attacked Arjay. I agree that we need to be tough on violent crime, no matter who is committing it. I'm just not convinced that the problem is exclusively a Lebanese one, I've known people who have been assaulted by gangs and the gangs weren't Lebanese. The police weren't real interested then either.

Harry C, I have no idea why the police didn't catch the person who threw a Molotov cocktail at them..obviously, if Lebanese people are breaking the law then they should be treated just like anyone else. The baseball bats thing is a bit of a fine line, I'm not sure that just having a baseball bat is a crime. Are you aware of any anglo-australians being arrested for posession of baseball bats?
Posted by hellothere, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 7:16:55 PM
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