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Boys must be boys : Comments

By Dave Smith, published 29/11/2005

Dave Smith argues boys would benefit from an initiated rite into manhood - in the boxing ring

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I have read all the posts above and I am simply flabbergasted that so few of the posters have been able to dig themselves out from under their politically correct lack of vision and understanding to read what you have actually written.

Perhaps the phrase, "God, please help me to suffer fools" is appropriate.

Most seem to have missed the point altogether and replied with disgust about violence and inane comments about equality of the sexes and other frivolous matters. The entire point of the article seems to have flown rapidly over their heads. More is the pity.

Father Dave, I thank you for expressing your opinion about this matter, I don't necessarily agree with you 100%, but I do think that you care deeply and you are willing to engage constructively on the debate about the serious matter of troubled boys. I for one welcome your opinion unreservedly. At least you have offered something real and constructive over the usual rhetoric that many attempt to use to subjugate the problem of boys.

Hey, I know that you know and I know that you really care. God bless you Father, I really mean that, if I may dare to say such a thing to one in your position. But some of us do know and like you, we really do care too. Many thanks mate.
Posted by Maximus, Thursday, 8 December 2005 8:04:08 PM
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Rex - what a wonderful post. Long may you continue to dance! I loved watching strictly dancing on ABC Friday nights. Some of the best times of my life were being swept around the dance floor by an adept man. Unfortunately many men in my generation (50) can't dance.

Maximus did you read Rex's post before posting yours? I would call it politically neutral.

Father Dave - I admire your passion and I believe that boxing is a good idea for some - but not all. Prefer Tae Kwon Do and other martial arts myself and after Rex's post, believe that dance just might be the best solution all round.

Posted by Scout, Friday, 9 December 2005 8:17:09 AM
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Maximus condemns many posts (including mine I presume) as:

"politically correct", and pleads to his God,to "please help me to suffer fools"

This is where the level of debate is in Australia these days. Dismiss people's views as 'politically correct' - much easier than trying to mount a logical argument against them. Dismiss those who disagree with you as "fools" - even though they might just have given the subject a great deal of thought, and might just have a valid point of view.

A shame that some feel the need to mimic the behaviour of our political leaders, rather than conduct argument on a more thoughtful, tolerant and logical level.

There are many ways to solve a problem. As Einstein said, "For every problem there is a solution which is simple, obvious and totally wrong" (or words to that effect).

Its vital to canvas different options and different views.

Whoops, maybe I am being 'politically correct' again.
Posted by AMSADL, Monday, 12 December 2005 10:26:36 AM
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I agree with AMSADL, who adequately summarises the psuedo-argument which is often used to spuriously discredit those with differing opinions: 'politically correct' is the label and it's been used as a knee-jerk reaction in this forum a few times.

I assume Maximus is attempting to label my comments PC, e.g. feminism being good for men, being in a pro-feminist era, diverse masculinities etc., because he/she doesn't wish to or cannot be bothered mounting a logical or well-thought argument against the tripe that i was spouting?

I took a diversity line because it's not divisive. Does that mean i'm talking in PC terms, just because i don't believe in a divisive and reactionary anti-feminist return back to a singular male masculinity?
Posted by nula, Monday, 12 December 2005 6:50:59 PM
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Quote Nula: ...I assume Maximus is attempting to label my comments PC, e.g. feminism being good for men, being in a pro-feminist era, diverse masculinities etc., because he/she doesn't wish to or cannot be bothered mounting a logical or well-thought argument against the tripe that i was spouting?..

I thought we'd already done that....?

Silly me, I'll just go and get my fluffy pink shoal and I'll meet you in the kitchen - then you can show me how to whip up that wonderful Soufle of yours! MMmmmm.......delicious!!

Fair dinkum, you punces should READ the thread before posting to it, many manly men have already done exactly that, (mounted logical well thought out arguements against the tripe you were spouting).

Sometimes it's like talking to a friggin wall with you academically distorted PC types. And maybe you should try getting in the ring before you comment on whether it's good or bad for anybody. You are really in NO position to comment until you have.

Deadset, if it was up to you lot, every boy's rite of passage would involve a box of tissues, a packet of Tim Tams, and watching the entire series of 'Sex And The City' with his Dad.

Give me brutal contact sports any day!
Posted by Give 'em enough rope, Monday, 12 December 2005 10:07:58 PM
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Read Rex's comment, and don't confuse diverse masculinity with stereotypical femininity, which is another indicator of the narrowness of your understanding of gender.
Posted by nula, Monday, 12 December 2005 10:21:45 PM
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