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One nation, one culture : Comments

By John Stone, published 26/7/2005

John Stone argues to win this war, official multiculturalism should be abandoned and Muslim immigration virtually halted.

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To all those having difficulties with our world.

A statement of fact:

Planet Earth is multicultural.

You can always leave and start your own monoculture somewhere else. If you choose to stay then pull your collective fingers out and make an effort to get along with other people. Its not difficult. Agree to disagree if you must. We have more in common with each other than we do differences. In fact our differences are superficial. Our humanity isn't.

A restricted immigration policy will not free us from terror - it will just return us to the bad old days of white Australia.

There is no escaping multiculturalism - it is a part of this world's environment.

Yours Sincerely

A Human Being
Posted by Trinity, Wednesday, 27 July 2005 5:14:54 PM
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Closing our borders is no solution.
But I am not surpised at Stones veiws or those of them that think he has "hit the nail" on the head; I am surprised he stopped short of suggesting that we round up all muslims and people of a swarthy appearance and herd them into camps - indeed we now have a surplus of spaces in our detention centres ready made for these no good nicks; I mean the United States did it to the japanese after Pear Harbour was bombed didnt they? And if its good enough for them to dehumanise a particular race surely its good enough for us.

At the same time we need to be wary of the Irish Catholic, any one from the former Soviet Union (they could be communist sleepers), scottish trade union officials, Chinese people (see Soviet Union), the French, they have a history of revolution and are fiercely republican. And any one else whose veiws are at odds with ours.

Autralia over the last decade has become a dangerous and lonely place and is set to become even more dangerous and lonely - and like the english bombers the source of the danger is home grown and represented in the utterings of the likes of Stone.
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 28 July 2005 12:09:50 PM
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the world is also 'Tribal' :) an examination of most European countries will reveal many 'tribal' dialects.
Show me one place on earth, where 'tribes' co-exist in harmony where there is a shortage of resources. And then, if you can, show me the same people when populations swell and resources do eventually become 'valuable' :) I have a sneaky feeling, people havn't 'evolved' beyond tribal loyalties as yet. OOps.. sorry, I forgot about trendy Lygon street cafe's, but the real world is back at Johnston street.

WHITE Australia Policy. errr.. T, your so far off the rails on that one. It ain't about color !

SILENT and SNEEKEE You guys make valid observations, but you are failing to connect to the bigger picture. Your comments are parochial and 'anecdotal'. True as far as they go, but neglect the determined goals of 'agenda drivers' of the Islamic faith. Its not the family bloke down the road or next door who is going to 'dimmify' you, it is the shouting ranting Sheikh in the mosque. You need to get out more :)
did you actually 'hear' what Sheikh Omran said on 60minutes ? or the other guy ? 'hello'... to quote you.

Australia and America are unique, (less tribal) a big discussion needed -they are atypical of the rest of the world

Do a search on Islam and demographics
Largely through immigration, the Muslim population of the United States grew sixfold between 1972 and 1990

Are they changing the fabric of society ? are they IMPOSING their faith LOUDLY on non Muslims ? Would YOU like this experience ? How would you FEEL if you were powerless to change a loud yelling of Islamic prayer in your bedroom window 5 times a day, even though you were part of the majority non muslim community ? Is such religous imposition 'divisive', 'inconsiderate', 'rude', 'annoying' and an attack on the existing/host culture ?

check this

If anyone doesn't want this, they have a democratic right to DISCRIMINATE in their immigration
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 28 July 2005 1:53:58 PM
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I'm Atheist so I'm glad that BOAZ_DAVID has seen the evils of religious freedom. If we stop anyone with a fundamentalist irrational belief in the supernatural from entering the country then how much better off would we be. ;-)
As a missionary you have little ground to stand on here, after all you go to China trying to change the dominate culture over there. Oh I forgot yours is the true irrational belief in the supernatural and therefore do apply to you.

Religious fundamentalism in the evangelical Abrahamic Sects always leads to violence of some sort. Don't forget the next worst terror attack in the US was made a Christian militia member.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 28 July 2005 2:30:37 PM
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From the general tone of this thread it seems that most people just aren’t buying it John. The ‘race’ thing sort of fizzled since your last go at it and ‘culture’ doesn’t seem to be doing the job either. I’m sure there must be plenty of ‘other’ words. Perhaps you could even invent one.

Jimbo: “SBS does not enshrine insularity on the country it provides resources for us to be more aware of the rest of the planet…”

That’s why he wants us to ditch it.

Multiculturalism works. For those who are having SO MANY problems with it, perhaps you need to get out more.
Posted by hutlen, Thursday, 28 July 2005 2:31:31 PM
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Why are there Prayer Rooms at airports for people of Muslim faith - and none for people of Christian faith? How is that multiculturalism?
Posted by kalweb, Thursday, 28 July 2005 4:54:39 PM
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