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Time for a commonsense detention policy : Comments

By Tim Martyn, published 4/4/2005

Tim Martyn argues that community based assesment for asylum seekers is better for tax payers and for the refugees

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If the detention centres are such a hellhole, then refugees would be far better off in their homeland.
Posted by davo, Tuesday, 19 April 2005 9:40:45 PM
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you shouldn't have given me a link which proves 'my' point dear :)

Those people are IN NAURU because they

a) Have been found NOT to be refugees and
b) Refuse to return to their own countries.

It is NOT the decision of the government, it is THEIR decision.
They have been assessed, found 2b NOT refugees, and now, (why we even take thought for their 'desires' after this is beyond me) because 'THEY' refuse to be lawfully returned, they are seeking sympathy of people like you, hoping they will have a better chance of flouting our law.

Bear in mind, many people coming here as 'seeking assylum' from various countries can find that the threat no longer exists, (due to regime change) hence by the time they arrive they are not refugees.

My questions remain largely unanswered. The only thing I find is 'emotional blackmail' from Miranda.

"Your all heartless unless u allow my deliberate use of this sad event to try to turn your thinking."

As for ROSCO... man :)
I love those words "I have a profound sense of justice" etc.. ooooooh c'mONNNN mate. Does your sense of 'profound justice' extend to returning the stolen land on which you live ? It wont take much digging to show the rather shallow and hypocritical background to that approach matey :) I prefer the biblical approach "All have sinned" including me. But that does not change my views on sound political/social/cultural management strategies for a problem which would otherwise get seriously out of control to our national detriment.

Does anyone doubt that the 1,000,000 Iranians who have moved to LA are having no impact ? Or the US states where Hispanics (many from illegal immigration) now outnumber traditional inhabitants, to the point of wanting SPANISH to be the language of education ? U can call it anything u like -XENOPHOBIA even, but I call it sound political stewardship.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 19 April 2005 10:01:01 PM
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I don't think you are reading my posts very closely mate.
I did not say "the majority are always right, by might" to advocate this as much as to show you that APART FROM GOD, they are always 'right' because they DEFINE right. Thats my point.

A better foundation is:
"love God first, and love your neighbour as yourself". Loving your neighbour does NOT include aiding and abetting him, nor comforting him, nor condoning him in stealing, murdering, defrauding, deceiving etc. including attempting to enter another country illegally, so don't even think about giving me the 'heartless hypocrite' speech please :)
Without concepts of real human rights and real justice from the Almighty, we are all subject to those with the might to decide our futures without reference to any principle other than those they see fit to apply to us.
China is a good example of this. See how they treat dissenters, religous people, etc. See how the old 'flesh' Human Nature is rearing its ugly head in China now. "Weeeee are the top dog, you Japanese are NOT." Pride, arrogance, ego.. "All have sinned"
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 19 April 2005 10:11:50 PM
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It doesn't sound like Rossco believes in democracy, I mean, he has so much contempt for public (majority) opinion. He even advocated earlier that public opinion be ignored!
Posted by davo, Tuesday, 19 April 2005 10:29:20 PM
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Boaz, sweetie darling sweetie, I don't see how the link proves 'your' point at all. However, your response to it clearly delineates how differently we see and understand the same thing - and there's nothing wrong with that.

Now our differing views doesn't make me wrong or my comments 'garbage' or 'trendy' - just different to yours. To me your attitiude to refugees is heartless.

So, mate, get over it.

Posted by Xena, Wednesday, 20 April 2005 8:00:00 AM
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Actually, we are all to blame for the suicides in detention. Details of how many - I will find out. (I know there's been some in Port Hedland, Villawood and Maribyrnong.)

I voted for the ALP who brought in mandatory detention in 1991 which became a much more punitive policy under the Liberals from 1996. The invention of 'management' ie. solitary confinement in Baxter 2002 being the eventual outcome of the 'punishment' regime.

In fact, if you have read about 'apartheid' in South Africa. The government was voted in that invented and implemented it (though black people couldn't vote at the time of course).

The same in Nazi Germany. Hitler had support. Everyone knew about the concentration camps but what did they do to close them down or to get the information out to the world? Not enough, obviously.

If you voted for the federal government that implements policies that lead to mental illness and sometimes suicide of asylum seekers locked in detention centres - then you are in fact accountable.

Just as I am accountable.

Get it?
Posted by Miranda, Wednesday, 20 April 2005 9:56:15 AM
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