The Forum > Article Comments > Time for a commonsense detention policy > Comments
Time for a commonsense detention policy : Comments
By Tim Martyn, published 4/4/2005Tim Martyn argues that community based assesment for asylum seekers is better for tax payers and for the refugees
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by 'do better' are u in fact saying that the people we accept from all over the worlds trouble spots in an orderly and controlled and properly assessed manner is bad,flawed, not enough ?" BD
Not enough, that's right. M.
"It seems to me that no matter what the government did, unless it involved open borders for all and sundry you would not be happy. Correct me if I'm wrong. Has it occurred to you that the government is just that ? They govern, they control, the limit, the advance, as the MANDATE they were given dictates. How can you expect it to be any other way ?" BD
Governments haven't always done the right thing eg. 'apartheid' in South Africa, denying black Australians the vote, to name just two. M.
"Perhaps 'your mob' did not get up, and ur being like some 3rd world would be dictator :) saying "The election was rigged" ... seems so." BD
I don't think the election was rigged but I do think that John Howard is not truthful and is a very, very manipulative politician. He was in opposition for a long time as leader and aspiring leader of the Liberal Party where he learnt how to get into power and stay there. M.
"Newsflash, 'our mob' DID get up. They are governing on behalf of those who voted for them. This does NOT mean they are doing EVerything in accordance with our views on fairness or on justice in all cases. Don't white-ant the policies of a freely elected government. "YOU" are not God, I'm sorry. (Neither am I)" BD
Obviously, I didn't vote for the present federal government but I wonder about those that did - did they really vote for all that this government has done and will do?
This is a democracy (or so I thought) where it is 'legal' (so far) to protest against the government's policies. Or, perhaps we don't live in a true democracy as it seems you don't think I/we have a right to disagree with the government? M.