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Time for a commonsense detention policy : Comments

By Tim Martyn, published 4/4/2005

Tim Martyn argues that community based assesment for asylum seekers is better for tax payers and for the refugees

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by 'do better' are u in fact saying that the people we accept from all over the worlds trouble spots in an orderly and controlled and properly assessed manner is bad,flawed, not enough ?" BD

Not enough, that's right. M.

"It seems to me that no matter what the government did, unless it involved open borders for all and sundry you would not be happy. Correct me if I'm wrong. Has it occurred to you that the government is just that ? They govern, they control, the limit, the advance, as the MANDATE they were given dictates. How can you expect it to be any other way ?" BD

Governments haven't always done the right thing eg. 'apartheid' in South Africa, denying black Australians the vote, to name just two. M.

"Perhaps 'your mob' did not get up, and ur being like some 3rd world would be dictator :) saying "The election was rigged" ... seems so." BD

I don't think the election was rigged but I do think that John Howard is not truthful and is a very, very manipulative politician. He was in opposition for a long time as leader and aspiring leader of the Liberal Party where he learnt how to get into power and stay there. M.

"Newsflash, 'our mob' DID get up. They are governing on behalf of those who voted for them. This does NOT mean they are doing EVerything in accordance with our views on fairness or on justice in all cases. Don't white-ant the policies of a freely elected government. "YOU" are not God, I'm sorry. (Neither am I)" BD

Obviously, I didn't vote for the present federal government but I wonder about those that did - did they really vote for all that this government has done and will do?
This is a democracy (or so I thought) where it is 'legal' (so far) to protest against the government's policies. Or, perhaps we don't live in a true democracy as it seems you don't think I/we have a right to disagree with the government? M.
Posted by Miranda, Wednesday, 20 April 2005 3:43:04 PM
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Xena and Miranda....

I'll get back to you all, I do thank you Miranda for making the effort to respond to my questions, this is indeed good progress towards an actual debate and meaningful discussion about important issues.
I'm currently snowed under with an avalanche of work and am about to order my Porche :))))))))
.... *smile* kidding, I'm probably stuck with 'middle of the road commodore-ish' wheels for life.

2 B honest, I think we all want the same thing, justice and humanity for all. But there are many aspects to the discussion/ issue, and there is also a lot of accumulated mythology and sentimentality which may or may not be appropriate in the light of history and human nature.

Are we all noticing the unfolding of 'human nature' between China and Japan at the moment ? i.e. "top dog is going to be MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" So each of them appear to believe, and pride, greed and ego are coming to the fore as such a predictable thing, and it's on such predictability of human nature that a lot of what I'm 'on about' is based, quite apart from the Biblical principles which are in fact a 'commentary' on human nature and its appropriate remedy.
Have a nice day everyone, I'll try to turn my brain back on in a day or so or whenever I can squeeze in a visit here. Don't say mean things about me while I'm gone :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 21 April 2005 9:59:41 AM
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Well, hopefully, some new people will input into the forum.

Meanwhile I am investigating deaths in refugee detention because each of those deaths is important and how they happened tells a lot about the circumstances inside detention centres.

So far I know there's been deaths in Port Hedland, Villawood, Christmas Island, Nauru. All for different reasons. Some suicide, some negligence by health carers.

All could have been avoided.
Posted by Miranda, Thursday, 21 April 2005 11:35:04 AM
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Well done Miranda and Xena. It is unlikely that there will be many more comments since the article is off the front page now.

I think the only thing that I can add is that people who fear that the asylum seekers would overwhelm us take a negative view of the robustness of our society and it's capacity to respond to the problems that this would cause.

I think that this fear is similar to the hysteria about communism back in the 1950's. With a 'freedom-loving' and wealthy society such as ours was even back then, there was no chance that we would have tolerated a government that resembled the soviet model.

People are so fearful and you would think that Christians like David would have more trust in their God and less in John Howard.
Posted by Mollydukes, Friday, 22 April 2005 2:56:53 PM
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Molly... u need a good talking to :) and I'm going to give it.

Where u get this 'hysteria' about 'outsiders/other races/other beliefs' is totally beyond me, it is not hysteria, it is well thought out, carefully researched, patiently observed undeniable facts of both history and human nature.

Politically I realllly feel you are either naive, ignorant or both, plus a good dollop of Disney thrown in to give you a 'screen saver' idilic picture of life.

Communism was NEVER based on the idea that it would sweep to victory with a vast national majority, its strategy was based on approximately 10% alone. They felt this was enough to bring about the revolution and install the dictatorship of the proletariat. There was no room for 'democracy' because they had 'The Truth' about social/political life.

I have not only EXPERIENCED but also observed in many places the power of ONE SEAT in a democratic country with a close call between major parties. Do I have to thump and pound on this keyboard for a week till you mob get this ONE point which u all seem to be missing.

Minorities WILL without question and without exception attempt to re-shape society in their own image. Have alittle peek-a-boo at the USA and the "Hispanic Vote".. do you remember that Cruz Bustamonte character ? he was seeking the CA governorship by pandering to THEIR agenda. How would you feel if suddenly the language of education was changed from English to Spanish ? and you woke up one morning and your kids were crying at the frustration of not knowing the new language they now had to learn in. Now, important question, dont take another breath until you have answered it with a yes or a no..
"Is this just hysteria OR is it actually happening" (attempts to re-shape parts of the US as outlined above)

Now, if it is NOT happening, then its 'hysteria' but if it IS, then its reality check time for you and others with the same mindset.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 22 April 2005 7:25:48 PM
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David Has communism ever taken hold in a wealthy society that has had 'freedom' without military force being used? And woudl you think that the 'communism' that would have come about through this would be anything as bad as you imagine it would be?

Of course an influx of new cultures attempts to change the existing culture to their way of life. I have faith that the same people who are demonstrating outside the detention centres would be demonstrating outside anywhere in Australia where the new immigrants were able to change the rules so that we were denied our 'freedoms'. Has this happened in Australia, even though that is what Pauline said would happen?

Why are you so sure that change toward another culture is negative? Is that where the difference is so marked between us. I like change and difference and feel powerful enough to cope with it. You don't want it and see it as too powerful to be controlled.

Call me all the names you like. I am bullet proofed against insults by right wing people.
Posted by Mollydukes, Monday, 25 April 2005 12:56:18 PM
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