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Cannon fodder of the culture wars : Comments
By Kevin Donnelly, published 11/2/2005Kevin Donnelly argues that politics should stay out of the classroom.
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It was written by a fella named John Ray and merely posted on the oz-aware site for the convenience of readers.
All of which has no relevance to its validity which each will judge for themself.
Reading your response made me recall that scene in that book about the girl possessed by "the devil" (The Exorcist). When the priest comes to exorcise that devil it goes ballistic because it innately knows that the priest is calm and unswayable and represents an ultimate truth and purity that transcends all other.
In other words, "the devil" goes beserk because it knows there's nothing it can do to ultimately prevail against decency.
When I see leftists hurling epithets and ad hominems at those whose views contradict theirs, and whose views represent truth and ultimate decency, then I see that metaphor in action.
I see it disturbingly many times---which reminds me that indeed "the barbarians are inside the gates".
Take care Ken--you may literally "know not what you do".
Moving along to Grace's comment re 'distinguished academics':
Being somewhat more familiar with the workings of the human mind than most, I'll share with you a certain psychological concept. The danger of being out of touch with reality is that one may well be confronted by that selfsame reality. When that happens, the individual's mind simply does not know how to 'process' the incoming information.
It then 'hangs', much like a computer does when there's data or programming conflict. The fancy word for that is 'catatonic'.
That is essentially all that happened to those "most distinguished academics from Harvard, Princeton, MIT and elsewhere". They had always been out of touch with reality and could not deal with it when it confronted them.
You don't believe 'distinguished academics' would fall victim to such human failings? ` Perhaps they are even more likely to. Read (and shake your head in amazement)about MIT Professor Nancy Hopkins---- (quote) a woman “at the peak of the academic pyramid”----being overcome by the “vapors” upon hearing an “unwelcome idea.” Like a “Victorian maiden,” she collapsed waiting to be “revived . . . by the offending brute’s contrition” (unquote) at
(Note, Ken, also not a piece written by myself...)
Just because someone has been 'distinguished' by his/her peers does not automatically mean he/she and his/her peers are not a bunch out of touch with reality. Read "The Closing of the American Mind" (a book) by Professor Allan Bloom and you'll better understand that the more formally educated a person becomes, the more likely (but not always!) he/she will put it idiot.
Ever heard of Peter Singer?
And finally, BOAZ, when Ken said "ribid" he meant not "rabid" but "ribit".
As in "ribit, ribit.....ribit, ribit....."