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WA Liberals will recriminalise homosexuality : Comments

By Brian Greig, published 2/2/2005

Brian Greig argues that if the Liberals win the WA election there will be a human rights roll back for gays.

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Rabid right wing Christian groups have stated putting source notes in their hate papers. Their rants and raves are full of bogus quotes and out of context quotes and down right lies. The data is usually rewritten up by some dim whit in the US and distributed around. The Baptist churches have become quite prolific. The junk science and out right lies told in this why goes a long way in identify the type of people these right wing churches are trying to attract. If any of these people actual read the from the actual sources a people in the field rather then foolish groups like this link below you may be able to have a informed debate rather then the closed minded drivel that is being produced by them.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 3 February 2005 9:43:10 AM
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Kenny.. this is a recurring theme.. "rabid".. 'right wing'... 'hate papers'.. those words are almost like a broken record. The gay lobby uses them in an assault of 'conservative evangelical' churches which is the correct name. What you are doing is just slogunering.. its also a part of that identifiable strategy to attempt to link 'foul and bad' ideas to the Christians who appose gay behavior.

But the interesting thing is.. I dont find 'HATE' in any of those publications listed on your source. I DO know where to find real heavy duty hate though... and its at 'GODHATESFAGGOTS.COM' by pastor Fred Phelps, who I guess u have heard of. Conservative evangelicals will always emhasise a compassionate approach, so WHY ???? do u group them in with the likes of Phelps ? (it apears) Phelps is kind of way right of the right wing of the republicans if by that you mean 'hating homosexuals'. He is a loony. CEs would all condemn his approach. So, I guess your deceptive tactic is just that.. a tactic rather than a serious attempt to engage on the issue.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 3 February 2005 10:26:37 AM
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Chunky.. did u swipe that litte line about the '500 perpetrators and no gay activist' from Robbie Swan of EROS ? I received an email from him with almost the same wording except that he used 'sex shop owner' instead of gay activist... maybe u are in ACT with him ? Or read the same 'standard' list of response material... hmmmmmmm
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 3 February 2005 10:32:07 AM
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Percy I am appalled at the ignorance of some of us also.

The increased emotional and mental problems of homosexual people are more likely linked to the levels of discrimination against and dissaproval of them, than to their preference for sexual relationships with people of the same gender as themselves.
Posted by Mollydukes, Thursday, 3 February 2005 11:03:20 AM
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Get a Thesurus BOAZ_David there are many words for hate.
Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 3 February 2005 11:10:06 AM
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Well, I'm going to stir the flames up a little bit with a brand new opinion on the matter. It's my own one and it's an agenda that I'd like to push for the health of society, which should ultimately be governments role, rather than the control of society, which should be limited to megalomaniacs.

I'm going to start by expressing the view that the "traditional" family structure is missing something. There is something in my view of todays society that says too many kids are not being provided with the best opportunity to grow and develop as physically, emotionally, and sexually healthy. I'm not sure, maybe I've seen too many friends trying to cope with growing up missing something, maybe I've felt it a bit myself as well.

In my world view, human beings are not whole. We never represent the entire spectrum of what is possible, due to the fact that no matter how well we might do something one way, someone else is sure to do it a completely different way. In essence (and sorry to get a little mathematical) we are all fractions of a whole. Everyone is approximately a collection of half of what is possible for humans. And we are multiplying. Basic maths will tell you that a half multiplied by a half is a quarter. We are multiplying to create children that are much less than we are, and giving them so little material to work with.

Often in a family, a child and a parent will not get on well together, because they are too alike. I know I certainly argued with my father growing up, because we were to akin to each other. If however, each person finds their opposite half amongst their own gender, and adds together. We can see that a half plus a half comes to a whole. Two guys, in love with each other and together encompassing much more of the range of masculinity, and two gals, also in love with each other and encompassing the possible range of femininity.

Now what we have are two, well, for the sake of argument, complete wholes. There'd still be some holes of course, but the maths looks better with 1 rather than 0.934134. When we multiply 1 x 1, this time we will give birth to and raise our children as a whole. As almost a 1 to begin with, with all the opportunity to grow and learn trust and respect and how to be a caring, loving, responsible human being. Growing up with four walls around them to roof a loving household would have to be better than the two walled tent setup we currently settle for.

This doesn't just work for two gay couples together. It also works for two straight couples together. The partners need not be shared if that offends your religious sensibilities, however households with four loving, caring parents would be distinctly happier, more safe and secure and environment to raise children.

The nuclear family is an interesting concept, because if you look at the Hydrogen atom alone, it consists of 1 proton, and 1 electron flying about it, and it's very volatile. The far more common and stable form of Hydrogen is H2, 2 protons and 2 electrons. I'm not even going to start talking about Helium for fear of scaring everyone off, but please, think about it and post your considered comments and opinions.

Of course, traditional 2 parent families shouldn't be banned, no matter how volatile, but I think many friends could find this a much more satisfying and enjoyable way to raise a family, because it shouldn't always be a chore. All those close family friend "uncles" and "aunties" could actually be "mothers" and "fathers" in stronger families. This way children could grow up with the attention of four parents, allowing perhaps three to work and one to stay at home, and four to share the work of changing diapers and coping with teenagers. And any children who are too alike their father or mother, will have another loving, caring, father and mother on board who is the opposite, and often the easier to get along with.

I think/hope this could also lead to a large decline in domestic violence, since if an abusive father hits his children, there would another father figure there to stop the violence, rather than having to live in fear and pain. And hitting your own kids is one thing, but hitting someone elses kids is likely to get these bullies taught a lesson, with one out of four hopefully willing to report the abuse and break the cycle.

It's all about responsiblity, respect and balance. There is nothing "wrong" with homosexual relations and relationships. They are simply "different". I know certain parts of the bible condemn homosexuality, but I'm fairly certain it was Jesus himself who said "Love thy brother". In latin he actually says "Love thy sibling" but it was translated by arrogant male scribes of the time. All men are brothers, and all women are sisters. Love each other, as well. Do not hide your love for your friends away, but instead, let it flourish. Do not be ashamed of it, for love is never something to be ashamed of.

And please do not simply mindlessly believe all you are told by organised religion. Any truly humble pastor will tell you they don't know all the answers. You have to seek before you can find. Ask these questions of yourself. Maybe you'll find your own answers for today, rather than someone elses for yesterday. They're the only ones that are ever going to truly satisfy you. Looking might be scary, but I promise you'll live through it. Unless of course you don't. But that's inevitible some times. It happens to the best of us.

Faith, Peace and Respect
Chris Coman
Posted by Coman, Thursday, 3 February 2005 11:15:06 AM
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