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WA Liberals will recriminalise homosexuality : Comments

By Brian Greig, published 2/2/2005

Brian Greig argues that if the Liberals win the WA election there will be a human rights roll back for gays.

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There is little in the way of hope for humanrights in this election for men with ts(transseuxalism) who continue to be ostracized and denied decent health care in Western Australia-Political parties throughout australia have ignored the situation of males with ts when developing legislation based on the experience of women with ts they assume that the situation for men is the exact opposite and this is not the case.

The Physical Symptoms of transsexualism in Males
reproductive organs that are incongruent with the male identity
menstruation-bleeding and hormone imbalance
impaired phallus functionality
Posted by guy faulk, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 9:47:46 PM
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Guy faulk
about time someone spoke about the medical aspect of this. (transexualisim)
That is the ONLY kind of sexual disfunction that I am prepared to recognize. i.e. when there is an identifiable medically related issue involved.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 9:57:04 PM
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Wrong again, Homo au Go Go!

You said: "According to the APA, members cannot resign once they under investigation, as Cameron tried to do."

This incorrect claim was first made by Mark Pietrzyk who is not a member of the APA, and who is a gay activist and writes for the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights group.

Cameron's resignation was sent on Nov 7, 1982 and accepted by the APA President on Nov 29, 1982. By this point, all previous disputes between him and the APA had been settled, and there were no other charges or inquiries into possible ethical violations pending against him. The last previous correspondence from the APA was dated Oct 18, 1982, reminding Cameron that it had closed his dispute with 6 U. Nebraska psychologists.

Note also that the APA President and APA Monitor did nothing to challenge Cameron's decision to resign. It was more than a year later (December 2, 1983) before the ethics committee decided to "drop" Cameron for "non-cooperation".

I did searches on the alegation that Cameron advocating exterminating homosexuals but all the references point to the "interview" with C Everett Koop cited by guess who - Mark Pietrzyk. There was no other independent verification and no reference to Cameron's actual writings, nor is there an actual transcript of the interview. Pietrzyk has already been shown to be a liar so I see no reason to believe him here. Cameron has noted that in the past Sodomy was a capital crime punishable by death. Cameron _MAY_ have suggested that this punishment be reinstituted (a suggestion - if true - I would not endorse) but I can't find any such suggestion in his writings.

Again, note the constant ad hominem against Cameron and the failure to deal with the data.

And when you do your search on Paul Cameron and fraud note the source of all the allegations. They all pretty much end up pointing to our gay activist friend - Mark Pietrzyk.

Ad hominem est ad nauseum.

Posted by Aslan, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 10:02:03 PM
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Excerpt from: The Man Behind the Myth
A Report On Paul Cameron, The Chief Anti-Gay Researcher Of The Theocratic Right

Until 1980, Dr. Paul Cameron was an instructor in psychology at the University of Nebraska. When his teaching contract was not renewed, Cameron devoted himself full-time to a think tank he had set up called the "Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality"(ISIS) in Lincoln, Nebraska. Under the auspices of this institute, Cameron touted himself as an expert on matters of sexuality, particularly on the societal consequences of homosexuality. Throughout the 1980s, Dr. Cameron's institute published a series of hysterical pamphlets variously entitled: Criminality, Social Disruption and Homosexuality; Child Molestation and Homosexuality; and Murder, Violence and Homosexuality. In these pamphlets, Cameron presented "findings" allegedly showing that homosexuals were disproportionately responsible for all sorts of heinous crimes, including serial killing, child molestation and bestiality.

Shortly after making these claims, however, Cameron came under fire by a number of psychologists whom he had cited in his publications, including Dr. A. Nicholas Groth, director of the Sex Offender Program at the Connecticut Department of Corrections---an expert on child molestation. Dr. Groth and other psychologists complained that Cameron was deliberately distorting or otherwise misrepresenting the results of their studies in order to support his agenda.

In response to these complaints about Cameron from his fellow psychologists, the American Psychological Association launched an investigation of Cameron's research. The APA discovered that Cameron not only misrepresented other psychologists' findings, but that his own studies employed unsound methodologies.

Citing Cameron's breach of the APA code of ethics, the APA expelled Cameron from its membership in December 1983. Cameron claimed that he had actually resigned before the APA expelled him, but APA bylaws prohibit members from resigning while they are under investigation.

Cameron was also censured by the Nebraska Psychological Association, the American Sociological Association, and the Midwest Sociological Society. In 1984, US District Judge Jerry Buchmeyer denounced Cameron for having made misrepresentations to the court in a case involving the Texasstate sodomy law.

Challenges to Cameron's credibility only seemed to spur Cameron to accelerate his anti-Gay activities. In 1987, Cameron moved to Washington DC and set up shop under the auspices of the Family Research Institute, a "anon- profit Educational and Scientific Corporation." From this location, Cameron has continued to crank out his propaganda, periodically updating his brochures and aiming to influence the policy-making community. As Cameron has stated in one brochure, "Published scientific material has a profound impact on society... In a clash between the oreticalethics and hard, cold statistics, the data-linked opinion will always win."

The original wrong doing which led to Cameron's expulsion from the American Psychological Association---distortion and falsification of others' studies and employment of unsound methodologies---continue to be found in Cameron's current research studies. Indeed, Cameron often pads his brochures and articles with citations of his own previous studies, studies which have already been discredited.

The 1983 Isis Survey
Cameron's most oft-cited study is a survey of sexual and social behavior of 4340 adults in five American cities conducted by Cameron's Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality in 1983. The results of this survey were subsequently published in a number of Cameron's pamphlets and in an article "Effect of Homosexuality Upon Public Health and Social Order."

Cameron was initially inspired to conduct his 1983 ISIS survey shortly after he spearheaded a drive to defeat a Lesbian and Gay rights ordinance in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1982. Making no effort to hide his objectives, Cameron told reporters before the results of the study were in that the purpose of his survey was to provide ammunition for activists wishing to overturn Gay and Lesbian rights laws. Sure enough, Cameron got the results he wanted.

As anyone who has had a basic course in statistics knows, a survey study is valid only to the extent that one can be reasonably sure that one's sample is representative of the population as a whole. To that end, statisticians have developed a complex array of methodologies for ensuring that researchers acquire a sufficiently large, random sample to use as the basis of those studies. Sexuality surveys pose particular problems insofar as people are reluctant to share information about their personal habits and those who are personally conservative are least likely to willingly participate in such surveys. Cameron however, apparently prefers to ignore these methodologies whenever it suits his purpose to do so.

Consider his sampling method. Although Cameron was allegedly able to get thousands of heterosexuals to respond to his survey, he was only able to get 41 male homosexuals and 24 Lesbians to respond. The extremely small sample of Gays would in itself invalidate any attempts to draw conclusions about the sexual behavior of the Lesbian and Gay population. Yet this is precisely what Cameron does.

Even worse, the extremely skewed results of Cameron's survey indicate that he did not even get an adequate random sample of heterosexuals either. According to his survey, 52% of male heterosexuals have shoplifted; 34% have committed a crime without being caught; 22% have been arrested for a crime; and 13% have served time in prison. Twelve percent of male heterosexuals have either murdered or attempted to murder another person. Any researcher who obtained these kinds of results for the American male heterosexual population would have given serious thoughts to tossing out his survey as tremendously flawed. Cameron, however, has chosen to use his survey results to depict Gays and Lesbians as essentially depraved and violent, while skirting over his bizarrely skewed findings on male heterosexuals.

Cameron has published three pamphlets which allegedly prove the existence of violent and homicidal tendencies among Gays: Murder, Violence and Homosexuality; Criminality, Social Disruption and Homosexuality; and more recently, Violence and Homosexuality, which is are vised version of the first two pamphlets.

The pamphlet Murder, Violence and Homosexuality asserts the following "facts":

You are 15 times more apt to be killed by a Gay than a heterosexual during a sexual murder spree.
Homosexuals have committed most of the sexual conspiracy murders
Homosexuals have killed at least 350 (68%) of the victims
Half of all sex murderers are homosexuals
Homosexuals committed 7 of the 10 worst murder sets.
These conclusions are based on a sample of 34 serial killers Cameron selected from the years 1966 to 1983. Cameron stacks the deck not only by including phony figures (he includes in his sample the claims of the notorious Henry Lucas, who subsequently recanted his boast that he murdered hundreds of people) but by examining only those serial killers with an apparent sexual motive, allowing him to include John Wayne Gacy and his victims, but exclude the overwhelming majority of serial killers and their victims. This manner of selection distorts the reality of massmurder considerably. As sociologist Jack Levin, author of Mass Murder: America's Growing Menace points out, "The typical mass murderer is a family man. He kills his wife and his children in order to get even. The typical serial killer is a white heterosexual male, like Ted Bundy...Of course there are homosexual serial killers, but they are in the minority."

Cameron's pamphlet Criminality, Social Disruption and Homosexuality consists almost entirely of conclusions reached by Cameron's other studies, including the above-mentioned study on mass murder and Cameron's 1983 ISIS study. On the basis of the 1983 survey, the pamphlet argues that Gays are more likely to use drugs and alcohol, get involved in a traffic accident, murder someone, cheat on their income tax, and serve time in prison (are markable 13.4% of Gays versus "only" 7.7% of male and female heterosexuals have been in prison). Concludes the pamphlet, "Homosexuality is a crime against humanity."

Linking homosexuality to child molestation is a favorite theme of the religious right, and Cameron happily obliged his friends with statistical "evidence" to support this slander. Cameron's literature on child molestation consists of two pamphlets: Child Molestation and Homosexuality (an early and revised version) and two published articles, "Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil" and "Child Molestation and Homosexuality."

Cameron's Conclusions:

Gays have perpetrated between a third and a half of all child molestations
Homosexual teachers have committed between a quarter and four-fifths of all molestation of pupils
Gays are at least twelve times more apt to molest children than heterosexuals (revised to "10 to 20 times" more in a later study)
Homosexual teachers are at least seven times more likely to molest a pupil.
Cameron's findings are based in large part upon a review of other researchers' work on child molestation, but in order to get the results he wants, Cameron has to distort the findings of the original studies. For example, Cameron defines all cases of molestation between an adult male and a male child as molestations committed by homosexuals; however this definition is rejected by the very experts Cameron cites. One of these experts, Dr. A. Nicholas Groth, has in fact explicitly stated that the molestation of young boys by adult men has nothing to do with homosexuality:

"...(I)t is a faulty assumption that if an adult male selects a young boy as his victim, his sexual orientation is homosexual. We found that some (73, or 49%) offenders responded exclusively to children---boys, girls, or both---and showed no interest in adults or age-mates for sexual gratification. These men were pedophile in the true sense ofthe word.

"Other (75 or 51%) offenders showed no persistent sexual preference for children but turned to them as the result of conflicts or problems in their adult relationships. Although this group regressed to sexual encounters with children, their predominant sexual orientation was towards adults. In examining the adult sexual lifestyle of this latter group, it was found that the large majority (62, or 83%) of these subjects led exclusively heterosexual lives, and the remaining subjects (13, or 17%) were bisexually oriented that is, their adult sexual activities involved both male and female partners, although here, too, their preference was for women.

"It appears, then, that the heterosexual adult constitutes more of a threat of sexual victimization to the underage child than does the homosexual adult. The offender who selects young boys as his victims has either done that exclusively in his life or does so having regressed from adult heterosexual relationships. Offenders attracted to boy victims typically report that they are uninterested in or repulsed by adult homosexual relationships and find the young boy's feminine characteristics and absence of secondary sexual characteristics, such as body hair, appealing."

Even the conservative Washington Times has rejected the myth of the male homosexual as child molester. In a three-part series on child molestation in the Boy Scouts, the paper reported:

"For decades, Boy Scout leaders have tried to protect Scouts from sex abusers by watching out for men they thought were Gay. They were watching out for the wrong people. Most men who have sexual relations with boys are heterosexual adults, according to several studies of child abusers. They have sexual relationships with women, but children may be their primary or secondary sexual several cases where a Scout leader was caught molesting boys, other leaders explained they had no reason to suspect the man was homosexual. But some sex abuse experts say that pedophilia seems to be a sexual orientation of its own, rather than a spin-off of a person's adult sexual preferences...The Scouts' "Youth Protection Guidelines," distributed to Scout leaders, says it is a "myth" that "children are at a greater risk of sexual victimization from Gay adults than from straight adults."

"It is also worth noting that historically, heterosexuals have paid little heed to the rights of female children vis adult males. Indeed, the very notion of child sex as a crime is a fairly recent invention. Throughout most of history, children were regarded conceptually as small adults. Talmudic law specified that, although recommended age for marriage was twelve for a female, sexual intercourse and betrothal was permissible with a female child as young as three years and one day (as long as the permission of the father was obtained). Intercourse with one younger than this was invalid from the standpoint of betrothal, but was not acrime. Christian Canon law set the age for legal marriage at twelve for the bride and fourteen for the groom; however, it also permitted intercourse and betrothal with females as young as seven.

"Church doctrine subsequently influenced the development of statutory rape laws. Until the late nineteenth century, English civil law placed the age of consent for sexual intercourse at ten years, violation of the law being merely a misdemeanor. The age of consent in most American states in the nineteenth century was also ten, except for Delaware, which set its limit at seven. It was not until the efforts of social reform movements in the late nineteenth century that the age of consent was raised in most American states to between fourteen and eighteen. Thus, the religious right's argument that child molestation is invariably connected with homosexuals' undermining of moral tradition could not be further from the truth."

Cameron has provided anti-Gay organizations with a great deal of research material indicating absurdly high rates of various extreme sexual practices and venereal diseases among Gays and Lesbians. Pamphlets on these subjects include What Homosexuals Do, Medical Aspects of Homosexuality and Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do. According to Cameron's pamphlets, the frequency of various sexual practices among Gay men areas follows:

oral sex: 99% to 100%
anal sex: 93% to 98%
anilingus: 92%
urine sex: 29%
fisting: 41% to 47%
sadomasochism: 37%
average number of partners per year: 20 to 106
In regard to venereal diseases, Cameron concludes that Gay men are:

fourteen times more apt to have had syphilis
three times more apt to have had gonorrhea
three times more apt to have had genital warts
eight times more apt to have had hepatitis
three times more apt to have had lice
five times more apt to have had scabies
over 5000 times more likely to have had AIDS
As for Lesbians, they are:

nineteen times more apt to have had syphilis
two times more apt to have had genital warts
four times more apt to have had scabies.

Cameron's "findings" are based upon two main sources: Cameron's own 1983 ISIS survey and various studies which do not employ random sample survey methodology. Indeed, one of the authors Cameron has cited has complained, "For[Cameron] to use our figures to estimate differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals across the board in the general population is ludicrous." Several studies which Cameron cites to support his conclusions about the behavior of Gays are actually studies about Gay men recruited entirely from VD clinics.

Cameron even repeats as fact the outrageous urban legend that Gay men supposedly like to insert gerbils in their rectum (Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do), citing a column by the popular journalist Cecil Adams as evidence. However, after extensive research trying to trackdown the source of the gerbil story, Adams has come to the conclusion that it is a fabrication.

What is particularly odd about Cameron's attempts to link Gays with perverted sex practices is that he is not at all disapproving of the same practices when heterosexuals perform them. In his 1981 book Sexual Gradualism, Cameron approved of heterosexual sodomy, remarking, "The anus is potentially 'sexy'...Animals do not use the anus to sexual advantage, but many humans do." He also approved of heterosexual "golden showers" (urinating on one's partner), though he found the practice personally distasteful, because "anything both partners do is OK. "Cameron also gave qualified approval to heterosexual adolescents having pre-marital sex, on the grounds that "active heterosexuality inhibits the formation of homosexuality."

A recent study of Cameron's which has received a great deal of attention among the religious right is "The Lifespan of Homosexuals," a paper comparing 6516 obituaries gathered from sixteen American Gay newspapers over a twelve-year period to a sample of obituaries from regular newspapers (findings of the paper are published in Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do). Cameron comes to the following conclusions:

Less than 2% of Gay men survived to old age
If AIDS was the cause of death, the median age of Gay males was 39,
For those who died of other causes, the median age was 42, and only 9% died old,
Lesbians had a median age of 45; 23% died old
2.8% of Gays died violently
Gays were 116 times more apt to be murdered; 24 times more apt to commit suicide; eighteen times more likely to die in a traffic accident
20% of Lesbians died of murder, suicide or accident, a rate 487 times higher than that of white females aged 25-44.

Now it is obvious that AIDS in America is having a hugely disproportionate impact on Gay men, and this would have the effect of lowering the average statistical life expectancy of the Gay population. However, this is not enough for Cameron; he must prove that AIDS is not the result of unsafe sexual practices but is merely one manifestation of self-destructive behavior on the part of Gays and Lesbians. Thus he resorts to culling obituaries from Gay and Lesbian newspapers, a methodology which would be laughed at by any reputable research scholar.

There are a number of reasons why obituaries from Gay newspapers are not representative of deaths among the Gay population as a whole. Gay newspapers were created by and for the urban Lesbian and Gay communities which have only recently flourished (within the past two decades). These communities consist of Gay men and women who are disproportionately young, open, and socially active among their fellow urban Gays. Obituaries in Gay newspapers are not meant to provide a public record of deaths among all Gays, but to allow members of the urban Gay and Lesbian community to express mourning, particularly for those whose lives have been cut short by illness or accident. Lesbians and Gays who live outside these communities or who die of natural causes are not nearly as likely to be reported in a Gay newspaper.

Taking into account these factors would seem to explain some of Cameron's more bizarre findings, such as the fact that the median age of Gays who died from causes other than AIDS is nearly as low as the age of those who died from AIDS, and that Gays are more likely to be murdered, die in traffic accidents, die from heart attacks, cancer, etc. than heterosexuals. Moreover, the fact that Cameron was only able to obtain 133 Lesbian obituaries out of a total of 6516 Gay obituaries over twelve years would seem to suggest that obituaries from Gay newspapers are hardly reflective of the Gay and Lesbian population, unless one is willing to conclude that the vast majority of Lesbians live forever.

Cameron's diatribes against Gays and Lesbians are bad enough, but even they pale in comparison to the policy proposals he has put forth to deal with the AIDS crisis. Cameron apparently believes that the spread of AIDS is a positive development in helping to rid the world of "perverts." He has told one reporter, "I think that actually AIDS is a guardian. That is I think it was sent, if you would, about forty years ago, to destroy Western civilization unless we change our sexual ways. So it's really a Godsend."

On the other hand, Cameron also views AIDS as being such a large threat to "innocents" that he has proposed nationwide testing for HIV and the forcible quarantine of all those testing positive, either by confinement to their homes or in regional detention centers. He has also advocated the outlawing of homosexuality and the forcible closing of all Gay bars; homosexuals would be required to register with government authorities and have their movements tracked.

At times Cameron has called for even more extreme measures. At least twice Cameron has advocated the tattooing of AIDS patients on the face, so that people would know when they were meeting with an infected person. The penalty for trying to hide the tattoo would be banishment to the Hawaiian island of Molokai, a former leper colony. In the event that a vaccine were developed to prevent AIDS, Cameron has proposed that homosexuals be castrated to prevent them from "cheating" on nature.

Cameron has also argued that the extermination of homosexuals should also be considered a "viable option." At the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference, Cameron announced to the attendees, "Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals. "According to an interview with former Surgeon General C.Everett Koop, Cameron was recommending the extermination option as early as 1983.

It is not known how many of Cameron's colleagues in the religious right support some of Cameron's more extreme policy recommendations. When Will Perkins, chairman of Colorado for Family Values, was asked whether he supported Cameron's call for quarantine of AIDS victims, he replied, "It's a very complex question, but it has puzzled me that AIDS has not been handled the same way as any other deadly disease in an epidemic form." Kevin Tebedo, a co-founder of Colorado for Family Values, has not been so shy, having been quoted as favoring tattooing and quarantine of those who test HIV positive. Reverend Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition has come out in favor of quarantining AIDS patients in what he calls" cities of refuge." David Caton, head of the Florida chapter of the American Family Association, has suggested that homosexuality be discouraged by photographing patrons entering Gay bars and posting these photos in public places such as the post office. In any case, not a single prominent figure in the religious right has publicly repudiated Paul Cameron's writings.

Full article at:
Posted by Homo au Go-Go, Thursday, 10 February 2005 8:31:26 AM
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If you are going to try and discredit someone with such fervor, then please at the very least have a live link! The link you left led nowhere and besides, I very much doubt that a 'geocities' page is a reliable source of information. Better footnoting please
Posted by Em, Thursday, 10 February 2005 10:12:18 AM
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Thanks Homo au Go Go, it seems the only way to break through all this abominable god-bothering gay-bashing is to post at length with the facts (see my lengthy posting on the equally awesome liar Reisman on a previous gay-bashing Muehlenberg article).

You will never persuade those who chose to live with such fear and hatred in their hearts, but at least we should take the trouble to counter with the facts on this website, for those who might be naive or innocent to believe that there is some truth in all this horrible bigoted tripe.

I live next door to a lesbian couple who have a thirteen year old daughter. She has dyed her hair pink, she spends all weekend chattering on her mobile phone, plays her music at full volume, and she is always getting screamed at to do her homework. She is a typical Australian teenager.

The only time I see her face clouded with fear is when she is faced by the god-bothering bigots who occasionally knock on her door, and want to make her feel guilty about her parents, who of course are consumed with love for her. She is a plucky little girl and usually tells them to bugger off. When they get to my door I am usually so angry...

Anyway, if this goes on much longer I will look up some further stuff and post as I can in support of your good self and Queer Penguin (and where is the lovely DavidJS?).
Posted by grace pettigrew, Thursday, 10 February 2005 11:39:10 AM
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