The Forum > Article Comments > WA Liberals will recriminalise homosexuality > Comments
WA Liberals will recriminalise homosexuality : Comments
By Brian Greig, published 2/2/2005Brian Greig argues that if the Liberals win the WA election there will be a human rights roll back for gays.
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Posted by Aslan, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 1:45:16 PM
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Kenny, I provided the full citation to Sarantakos's paper on several occasions now. Here it is again:
S. Sarantakos, “Children in Three Contexts” Children Australia 21/3 (1996). If you post your email, I can email you a PDF version (although it is reasonably large). It was published in a peer reviewed publication: Children Australia, and Sarantakos is not a "rabid right winger" - he's a "rabid left winger"! AK Posted by Aslan, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 1:54:32 PM
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Aslan: Actually, I found your silence to my post exposing your hypocrisy far more deafening.
Cheers, Queer Penguin Posted by Queer Penguin, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 2:06:59 PM
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Queer Penguin,
I did not make sweeping generalisations about the gay lifestyle. Rather, I cited specific research demonstrating my statements, and would only be too happy to provide you with lots more, including lots from homosexual researchers - especially on domestic violence and drug and alcohol abuse. Secondly, I do not have hatred and fear in my heart. My writings here have been factual and objectively deal with the published evidence. Unlike yourself, I do not resort to ad hominem - which is a classic indicator of weak arguments and no defence. I am glad that you don't have HIV. I hope that you will be spared an AIDS related death. Be careful - but I think it may be only a matter of time before you do contract the virus or Hep-A,B or C or numerous other STIs. You can always change you know. There are many many former homosexuals and lesbians who are now happily married with children. AK Posted by Aslan, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 2:34:57 PM
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Sorry Aslan - I'm too busy enjoying my life and not spending my time obsessing about how others live theirs to want to be "cured" (which, FYI, has a "success" rate of between 0.0 and 0.1% -
Cheers, Queer Penguin Posted by Queer Penguin, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 2:43:57 PM
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>Cameron is a professional psychologist with a PhD and he did not get expelled - he RESIGNED. See for the full story including documentation of correspondence etc. demonstrating that Homo's assertions are false.
No cigar, Aslan. According to the APA, members cannot resign once they under investigation, as Cameron tried to do. And contrary to your claim, Cameron's research and his organisation, the Family Research Council, carries no weight outside the Religious Right organisations that rely on his bogus 'studies' to back up their dogma. The man seems to be so obsessed with homosexuality he will say or do anything to try and prove what terrible people we are. Maybe this is because he was raped by a paedophile when he was a minor; though Cameron himself denies this traumatic event has played any part in his subsequent career. He is also on record stating that homosexual sex is far more enjoyable than heterosexual sex. "Marital sex tends toward the boring," Cameron told Rolling Stone magazine. "Generally, it doesn't deliver the kind of sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex does." If all one seeks is an orgasm, he said, "the evidence is that men do a better job on men, and women on women. Homosexuality," he said, "seems too powerful to resist." Bizarre! What most will regard is undeniable is that Cameron is a dangerous extremist with fascist tendencies. Since 1983 he has called for homosexuals to be executed, according to an interview with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop [Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995]. And speaking at the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference Cameron said: "'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals." Earlier today I found much later references to Cameron calling for the tattooing, quarantine and 'Final Solution' for gays, but have no time to track them down again this afternoon. I have better things to do than argue the details of various studies with the likes of Aslan, whose apparently hysterical obsession with the subject of homosexuality seems as abnormal to me as that of Cameron himself. For those undecided few who may still be reading this thread, I suggest a quick search of "Paul Cameron fraud" will reveal plenty of rebuttal of Cameron's claims and more detailed explanations why his name is mud outside the Religious Right. And while you're at it, investigate the dismal record of the so-called 'ex-gay' movement and 'reparative therapists' -- similarly religiously inspired crackpots who have utterly failed to make reality fit dogma, but don't care how many people they screw up while trying. Posted by Homo au Go-Go, Wednesday, 9 February 2005 4:42:56 PM
"Thus, propagandistic advertisement can depict homophobic and homohating bigots as crude loudmouths...It can show them being criticized, hated, shunned. It can depict gays experiencing horrific suffering as the direct result of homohatred-suffering of which even most bigots would be ashamed to be the cause...our effect is achieved WITHOUT REFERENCE TO FACTS, LOGIC, OR PROOF. Just as the bigot became such, without any say in the matter, through repeated infralogical emotional conditioning, his bigotry can be alloyed in exactly the same way, whether he is conscious of the attack or not... This approach can be quite useful and effective — if our message can get the massive exposure upon which all else depends."
Re Paul Cameron:
Homo's assertion about Cameron are demonstrably incorrect. Cameron is a professional psychologist with a PhD and he did not get expelled - he RESIGNED. See for the full story including documentation of correspondence etc. demonstrating that Homo's assertions are false.
Isn't it interesting that verious organisations (who's administrator's beliefs often do not reflect the beliefs of the members) to issue "statements" which make assertions about Cameron and his research yet never provide any detailed criticisms of why it is supposedly bogus or discredited. Yet, Cameron's study on the reduced life expectancy of homosexuals was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to death studies (Omega), and Dr. Charles Smith of SUNY at Buffalo chair of the session of Eastern Psychological Assn convention in 1993, publicly commended Cameron's novel approach and said he was going to warn the gays at his institution about the hazards of their ways.
Furthermore, Cameron's national sex survey was published in prestigious science journals such as Nebraska Medical Journal, Psychological Reports, Lancet, and Science, and have formed the basis for a number of scientific papers presented to the Eastern Psychological Assn. Thus, it would appear that his research is "discredited" by gay activists, not by scientists.
Re the Federal Judge, Jerry Buchmeyer's claim that Cameron is a fraud:
Buchmeyer is a well know gay sympathiser, and activist judge. The Texas group that brough the case to court even remarked that they were lucky to get Buchmeyer on the case. In any case, what Homo forgot to mention was that Buchmeyer was later overturned by the 5th Circuit meeting en banc (that is, with all the Circuit judges ruling jointly) by a vote of 9-7.
For a detailed defence against Buchmeyer's accusations, see:
Of cousre, gay activists will keep claiming Cameron is a liar and a discredited carckpot because they want to shut him up. And as Joseph Goebbels put it: "If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big lie and keep repeating it."
Again, note the lack of critical discussion of the actual data presented. The fact is that Cameron's methodology and conclusions have NOT been scientifically refuted regardless of what gay activists have to say.
Also, note the silence in regard to my criticisms of the cited paper "supporting" gay parenting. Note the silence regarding the Sarantakos's contradictory study. The silence is deafening.