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Decline in feminism? The backlash myth : Comments

By Paul Norton, published 19/8/2005

Paul Norton argues there is no evidence to support popular claims that Australians are becoming more conservative.

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Feminist policies- improving women's status and lives by ensuring:
The right to vote
Access to university studies
Access to professions such as medicine and law
Ability to purchase property
Legal personhood
Equal pay for equal work
Ability to stand for Parliament
Posted by Laurie, Friday, 26 August 2005 3:42:45 PM
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Timkins, what is your view in regard to the kind of issues Trinity and Laurie are talking about?

Leave aside the excesses of some feminists (or those going under that name).

- Do you think women and men should get equal pay for equal work?
- Do you think women should have the same rights under law as men?
- Do you think that women and men should be allowed the same opportunities based on their ability rather than gender?

If you get past that then we may make better progress at dealing with the impacts of the abuse of some of those ideas. To much of these forum threads is taken up with you butting heads with feminists who don't appear to represent the extreme views rather than dialog which moves us forward.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 26 August 2005 3:59:46 PM
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I would think it is now impossible to determine who is an “extremist” or "radical" feminist, and who is moderate, as so many feminists are now attached to government, subsidised by government, attached to Universities etc.

In the case of Maushart, she portrays herself as being an Australian academic attached to the Curtin University, but says the most discriminatory and vilifying comments regards the male gender, but to my knowledge no other academic has ever made the slightest objection (so the rest of academia must agree with her).

In the case of Sweden, it was recently ranked the most gender-equal country in the world by the World Economic Forum, but that does not stop the Swedish feminists from carrying out their male vilification and demonisation, although one government official Ireen von Wachenfeldt was recently forced to resign after comments made about men, and the Swedish Ambassador to Brazil, (and ex Equality Minister), Margareta Winberg was also forced to withdraw statements made about Swedish men also.

So it appears that no matter what is done, feminists will continue their male vilification and male demonisation as much as possible.

In the case of such things as right to vote, university studies, access to professions, ability to purchase property, legal personhood, equal pay etc, women have had those things for decades, if not more than men?

And this is becoming an important issue, whatever more is given to women eventually has to come from somewhere else,(particularly if money is involved). As a gender, men are paying out much more personal income tax than women, but as a gender, men are receiving back pittance. That is economics, but in the area of law, it is becoming increasingly biased towards women also.

The ultimate is Spain, where 50% of government has to be female by default, thereby allowing in so many Mausharts, Greers, Schymans , Wachenfeldts etc. Normally no one would vote for them.

That is why I would like to see a clear definition of feminism, and a clear set of feminist policies (and not a “Don’t you worry about that” attitude)
Posted by Timkins, Friday, 26 August 2005 7:56:29 PM
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Timmy, and given human nature, and looking at history, the likelihood of either gender just 'stopping' when they reach equality is quite opptimistic I think.

The people driving agenda's are usually very committed, and equality is too close to 'vulnerability', so it wouldn't surprise me if the feminazi's continue to try to drum up issues to remain relevant.

The classic I read once was how (believe it or not) the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac, was one of the main contributors to power role stereotyping, gender inequality, and the evil of patriarchy.

Here is quite a good article which will shed light on that, plus some valuable isights on the roots of the present middle east conflict.

A quote from a feminist writer is illustrative of just how 'far' the feminist goals might be focused

"Many feminist writers have considered patriarchy to be the basis on which most modern societies have been formed. They argue that it is necessary and desirable to get away from this model in order to achieve gender equality"

But, I ask, is equality really the agenda ?

So, as more and more males realize just how far the feminazi agenda my be heading, a backlash will indeed occur.

So, if it will never be anything else but 'Us' or 'Them' in charge, perhaps its better to step out of the loop and look to the scriptures for some enduring answers :) which assign roles and promote love above power in all things.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 26 August 2005 8:45:41 PM
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Thank you for your cogent, rational post. Notice how Timkins has deliberately ignored your reasonable questions as follows: (they deserve repeating)

"- Do you think women and men should get equal pay for equal work?
- Do you think women should have the same rights under law as men?
- Do you think that women and men should be allowed the same opportunities based on their ability rather than gender? "

Timkins I am still waiting for your example of "male" type politicians and "male" type policies.

Boaz for goodness sake this thread is about whether or not there is really a backlash against feminism. The only interpretation I can make from your post (apart from exhorting us to shack-up with JC) is that I guess you must be backlashing equal rights - ouch!
Posted by Trinity, Saturday, 27 August 2005 8:50:23 AM
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Trinity, the religious nutters can't help themselves, they see nothing but the muddy mirror inside their heads.

We have come a long way since WW2. Men returned from war and found that women were doing so-called mens jobs, very successfully. From then on both sexes began to realise that they were a lot closer to equal ability and opportunity than they had been made to believe.

It was the girls and boys of the that era that were taught by both their mothers and fathers to respect and accept each other on the whole. Though you couldn't stop them and never will from aligning themselves gender, wise when it came to sexuality. It went from there, to where we are now, which we should all be thankful for.

I am sure that most people believe that equality is the norm, as we see both sexes being able to make their way through life without major suppression. Of course we will always have the cases that don't reflect that.

Radical feminism, is just another blind ism, like religion. Good for making us wake up to its stupidity and giving us a hint as how far we have come and what we should steer clear of.

I hope this is not getting away from things to much, But I have yet to see the feminists out on the streets, or in the media, trying to overcome the suppression of islamic and other religious women in this country, they are strangely quiet.

From my view of life, I don't see a backlash other than against the feminist PC's that flaunt their stupid anti male agenda. I think I may be right in saying, that the majority of women really object to the PC's agenda, as it is driving wedges between the equality that we have attained.

As long as men and women keep talking to each other and understand that we all have equal opportunity on the whole, but are different in our understanding and implementation, then we can only go forward and enjoy what we have and can achieve
Posted by The alchemist, Saturday, 27 August 2005 12:01:33 PM
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