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The Forum > Article Comments > The Life of Zye - who will cry? > Comments

The Life of Zye - who will cry? : Comments

By John Mikkelsen, published 26/8/2024

This is clearly not a move opposing women's rights to abortion, but a move for the rights of real live human babies.

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100,000 murdered babies last year.

The Romans, before they died out as the West is now dying out, had no qualms about putting infants out into the elements to die after birth.

I have no skin in the game. No emotions about it. Just the old fashioned idea that abortion - and worse, a tiny human left to die in a tray after birth - is wrong: inhumane apart from cases where the mother's life is at risk, or the child is defective.

What awful people we have become.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 26 August 2024 7:53:37 AM
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Are there not one but two John Mikkelsens?

Author(s) bio stating:

"John Mikkelsen is John Mikkelsen is a long term journalist, former regional newspaper editor, now freelance writer formerly of Gladstone in CQ, but now in Noosa. He is also the author of Amazon Books memoir Don't Call Me Nev. a long term journalist, former regional newspaper editor, now freelance writer formerly of Gladstone in CQ, but now in Noosa."
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 26 August 2024 10:32:07 AM
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John Mikkelsen employs emotionally charged language, selective reporting, and distorts the reality of abortion practices to push a sensationalist anti-abortion narrative.

Judith Jarvis Thomson’s violinist argument illustrates why the issue of personhood is irrelevant to the debate, and exposes the desire of anti-abortionists to provide the unborn with more rights than the rest of us.

The claim that foetuses are just "left to die" is untrue. In the event of a failed abortion, medical staff in Australia are required to transfer viable foetuses to a NICU to sustain its life. Non-viable foetuses receive palliative care.

The Senate’s motion was based on a large set of complex ethical considerations, including that of bodily autonomy. Mikkelsen, however, has framed it as indicative of a widespread moral failure without addressing any of those considerations.

In the absence of any solid argument, the article is worded to evoke strong emotions.



The Romans had plenty of qualms about infanticide, particularly with the widespread influence of Christianity towards the end. Your post hoc logic could be used to argue that it was in fact Christianity that contributed to the fall of the Roman empire.
Posted by John Daysh, Monday, 26 August 2024 11:31:26 AM
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John Daysh is totally wrong. The issue is not mainly about abortion but live births following late term abortions and it is a fact that what the article depicts is actually happening too often, as exposed by clinical midwife Louise Ansett and Dr Joanna Howe. The babies are just left to die without any palliative care or potential life saving measures, particularly in Queensland, Victoria and the NT.
Anybody with any moral compass would realise how horrific this is. If Daysh can't believe it, he should take it up with those giving evidence at the Queensland parliamentary hearing initiated by Robbie Katter.
Posted by Mikko2, Monday, 26 August 2024 1:40:14 PM
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Late term abortions are an abomination and contrary to our Christian values. It’s an area of great shame. As Paul Keating said over the weekend in a national newspaper interview “The West has lost its moral mandate. It is bored with its own culture—it is culturally exhausted. Nihilism and an attendant loss of faith characterise modern life. There is no guiding light.” I can’t be sure that he intended his comments to relate to matters like late term abortions but his comments seem very apt to me, in this context. We are going down the drain as civilised humans.
Posted by Lytton, Monday, 26 August 2024 2:14:00 PM
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That article is spot on in my opinion.
It is a fact that babies aborted in late term – over three months – and remain breathing and alive have been left to die without any cuddling or comforting. Just imagine this living miracle human being placed on a cold stainless steel tray to slowly take its last breath!!
Anyone leaving a baby forming for five months or longer and then deciding to have an abortion are playing with fire IMO. Why leave it so long? Maybe I have not thought enough about that to know why.
The growth of a foetus moves fast once conceived - Six weeks after conception this is what is already formed: “Eight weeks into your pregnancy, or six weeks after conception, your baby's lower limb buds take on the shape of paddles. Fingers have begun to form. Small swellings outlining the future shell-shaped parts of your baby's ears develop and the eyes become obvious. The upper lip and nose have formed. The trunk and neck begin to straighten. By the end of this week, your baby might be about 1/2 inch (11 to 14 millimeters) long from crown to rump — about half the diameter of a U.S. quarter.”
In my opinion, aborting a baby that is more than five months formed is nothing short of MURDER.
If the mother has a life threatening reason for the abortion, then that is different and would be decided by the doctors concerned who have to sign for the abortion to go ahead.
I am disgusted that our Queensland Government - under the Palaszcsuk/Miles Premier and Deputy Premiership chose to make late term abortions legal. This is a huge blight on this state.
Posted by Farnortherner, Monday, 26 August 2024 2:40:49 PM
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