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Why Israel should take its time to retaliate against Iran : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 19/4/2024

Iran’s unprecedented aerial attack on Israel has upended the shadow war between the two countries and created new opportunities to contain Iran while creating a new regional alliance.

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More advice that Netanyahu won't be be taking any notice of if he had the time or interest to be aware of it.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 19 April 2024 9:31:26 AM
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"To begin with, Israel's air defense system has demonstrated how formidable it is, which de facto rendered Iran's air offensive capabilities significantly less effective. The fact that Israel and its allies, including the US, Britain, France, and Jordan, intercepted 99 percent of the Iranian ordinances has had the opposite effect on what Iran wanted to achieve."

What a load of crap.
The correct word here is not 'forbiddable', it's 'ineffective'.
The US and Israel had advanced warning, and had nations, ships - and everything they had in place firing at Iran's response, and you had at least 9 ballistic missiles hit one of the most defended places in the world.

Iran took out radars, interceptors, ballistic missile launch facilities, command and control headquarters.
And they said if Israel wants to escalate, they will hit them with 10 times the barrage.
Not to mention that Hezbollah would flatten Israel themselves.

Iran can destroy all western economies if it closes the Strait of Hormuz.

This was a warning to Israel, one well earned when they attacked consulates on foreign soil.
There is a rule, you don't attack embassies and consulates.

'The idea that you can attack us at will, but that we can't do the same, doesn't fly anymore.
We can hit you anytime we want'.

Luckily, Iran does not seek a war or nuclear weapons.
Many in the West however seek a war with Iran, which will force it to build them;
If they aren't simply offered them from Pakistan (fellow Islamic nation) if required.

If Israel continues to act like a terrorist state, it will get what it deserves.

Iran has a defensive military pact with Russia, and China is a large buyer of Iranian oil.
America doesn't get to do what it wants anymore.
Even if Israel is the tail that wags the dog.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 April 2024 9:51:52 AM
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Don't go to war with Iran. But with its evil Commander in Chief clergy. Which should receive less mercy than their HAMAS.

Ordinary Iranians are ready to revolt. They should be assisted with every means possible! Weapons, logistics, assisted Kurdish fighters.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 19 April 2024 10:20:12 AM
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Thank you Alon for your words of wisdom.


Dear Critic,

«The correct word here is not 'forbiddable', it's 'ineffective'.
The US and Israel had advanced warning, and had nations, ships - and everything they had in place firing at Iran's response, and you had at least 9 ballistic missiles hit one of the most defended places in the world.»

The truth is somewhere in the middle.

The word is 'reasonably effective'.

Sure, without the outside help Israel would suffer casualties and much more damage, but it still wouldn't have been the end of the world.

The number of missiles hitting Israel was likely 4 plus one drone.
OK, so this means that 98% were intercepted, not 99% and unlike Israel's early claim that all drones were downed.

These missiles hit and lightly damaged a C-130 Hercules, an unused runway, a building still under construction and a road near the northern Hermon mountain that was hit by the drone.

The daily casualties and damage inflicted on Israel by Hezbollah is significantly larger.


Dear Alan,

«Ordinary Iranians are ready to revolt. They should be assisted with every means possible! Weapons, logistics, assisted Kurdish fighters.»

You seem to have forgotten something - our sincere prayers!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 19 April 2024 10:50:19 AM
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"Sure, without the outside help Israel would suffer casualties and much more damage, but it still wouldn't have been the end of the world."

The reason there was no casualties was because Iran gave advanced warning, and did not set out to create casualties.
It was an extremely measured response, and more of a warning.
If they wanted to really hurt Israel, they could've.
But they are not looking for a war.

That was the point, that was the message.

Both sides used the situation to test the other.
Israel was testing their own defenses, and Iran was testing the effectiveness of an attack.

"The number of missiles hitting Israel was likely 4 plus one drone."

You said the other day there was none, and I'd already seen the footage.
The missiles even slowed down and altered their trajectory to avoid the Iron dome interceptors.
- And these aren't the best that Iran has.

- I think it likely, that Israel would not tell the truth about the effectiveness of an Iranian attack.
They are compulsive liars, and also, I've heard a different telling on how effective Iran's attack actually was.

Israels missile defense is ineffective (as is ALL THE WESTS)
Iron Dome can be easily overwhelmed by cheap Shahed drone decoys.
You won't have time to reload the launchers and won't be able to stop all the cruise missiles, ballistic missiles or hypersonics.

Iran if it sent a barrage 10 times bigger, which I'm sure they have;
- Will wipe the Israeli military off the face of the earth.
But like I said Iran does not seek a war.

They've just stated they might resort to building nuclear weapons if Israel does not stop it's constant provocations.
And it's Israels own fault, you don't target embassies or consulates on foreign soil.
Israel works on deterrent superiority.
Iran is saying we're not scared to strike you if we must.
The deterrent superiority is over, the bully just got punched in the face.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 April 2024 11:33:50 AM
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10 countries failed in intercepting Iranian drones, missiles: Raisi

>>Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi revealed Thursday that more than 10 countries attempted, using their technological capabilities, to thwart Operation True Promise but failed.

The United States with all its capabilities, as well as France, other European countries, and some regional states, took part in intercepting Iranian missiles and drones launched toward Israeli targets in occupied Palestine, Raisi pointed out during a speech in the city of Shahrud, east of Tehran.

He indicated that the precise Iranian retaliatory strikes against "Israel" took place even though Iran did not employ the element of surprise but proceeded with the attack according to a prior announcement.

The Iranian President warned that if the Israeli occupation entity makes a mistake and attacks Iranian territories, Tehran's response will make "Israel" and its backers regret their actions.

Raisi pointed out on Wednesday that Iran's retaliatory attack against "Israel" was a precise action aimed at punishing the Israeli occupation entity.

He indicated that Operation True Promise was a limited action, underlining that should Iran decide on a broader operation against "Israel", the occupation entity would be wiped out.

He also warned that any hostile actions by "Israel" against Iran's interests would be met with a stronger response.

The Iranian President's statements echoed those of the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army, Major General Sayyed Abdolrahim Mousavi, who affirmed to Al Mayadeen that the Iranian Armed Forces are at utmost readiness to decisively and strongly respond to any aggression against the Islamic Republicc's interests.

In a related context, the Commander of the Aerospace Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, affirmed Thursday that his country confronted the Israeli occupation entity with minimal capabilities and outdated weapons.

Hajizadeh noted that Iran did not use any of its state-of-the-art "Khorramshahr," "Sejjil," "Haj Qasem," "Khaibar Shekan," or hypersonic missiles during Operation True Promise, highlighting that the aforementioned missiles enjoy heavy and high capabilities.<<

Israel and the wests missile defense is NOT formiddable.
It's expensive and ineffective, end of story.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 April 2024 12:36:14 PM
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Dear Critic,

«You said the other day there was none, and I'd already seen the footage.»

No, I estimated some 2-3 missiles. Apparently the number is 4, one of which hit a vacant space causing no damage. I also think that Israel first honestly believed that the northern road was hit by a ballistic missile and only later discovered that it was in fact a drone. This footage was also shown in Israeli media.

«Iron Dome can be easily overwhelmed by cheap Shahed drone decoys.
You won't have time to reload the launchers and won't be able to stop all the cruise missiles, ballistic missiles or hypersonics.»

Iron Dome is only designed for short range projectiles.
Israel has much more powerful ground and air solutions for the longer range ones, including hypersonics.

«Iran if it sent a barrage 10 times bigger, which I'm sure they have;
- Will wipe the Israeli military off the face of the earth.»

This is your estimate and I don't wish or have the time to argue.

I don't think it is that easy to kill off my family, but look, if you are correct, then Israel will not come off the stage quietly, but rather use its weapons of last resort as it dies, taking along the whole Middle-East and maybe even the whole world with it.

«And it's Israels own fault, you don't target embassies or consulates on foreign soil.
Israel works on deterrent superiority.»

That is Netanyahu's fault not Israel's.
More technically it was Yariv Levin who ordered the attack,
as he was appointed acting-prime-minister for a day while Netanyahu had a hernia surgery. We will probably never know whether Netanyahu gave him this instruction beforehand or whether it was Levin's private initiative. Levin is the architect of Israel's "judicial reform" intended to destroy its democracy so that the bloody Messianic Jews of the West Bank can do whatever they like without the courts stopping them. May both perish and rot in hell for eternity.

Either way the Iranian people benefit by taking down some chiefs of their Revolutionary-Guard tormentors.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 19 April 2024 12:43:40 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
I stated 'Will wipe the Israeli military off the face of the earth.'
* Emphasis - 'military' or 'military targets'

Take note that I did NOT say 'Will wipe ISRAEL off the face of the earth'.
- Nothing at all to imply 'your family' or 'civilian targets' if you misunderstood.

You know I don't support the killing of innocent civilians regardless of which side they're on.

"This is your estimate and I don't wish or have the time to argue."
- Well I'm not sure it would be a good thing for Israel to push it's luck and test the theory, but don't worry Russia and China will move to try and restrain Iran if Israel does try to escalate further, and Iran blocking the Strait of Hormuz is most certainly not in the US interests right now, (Biden doesn't want a fuel crisis in an election year - it will give the election straight to Trump) despite the opinions of a few crazy neoconservatives, like John Bolton.

Looks like there's reports about an hour ago Israel launched a retaliation for Iran retaliation...
Netanyahu really wants to provoke a wider conflict and drag the US in to save it.
Now what will Iran's response be?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 April 2024 2:25:25 PM
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Dear Critic,

«Take note that I did NOT say 'Will wipe ISRAEL off the face of the earth'.
- Nothing at all to imply 'your family' or 'civilian targets' if you misunderstood.»

No, you did not say it - it goes without saying...

Without the Israeli military, it would be a matter of minutes, hours at the most, before each and every Israeli man is tortured to death, each Israeli woman raped and then cut to pieces and each Israeli baby burned by Israel's "friendly" neighbours. My peace-loving family and friends are not going to be spared.

Besides, even the Israeli military is comprised mainly of conscripts, innocent sons and daughters of civilians, who had not say about being part of it.

«Looks like there's reports about an hour ago Israel launched a retaliation for Iran retaliation...»

Yes, and Australia already asked its citizens to leave Israel, and S&P lowered Israel's credit rating further from AA- to A+.

The attack itself was very minor and Israel already announced that it was only a signal to show Iran that Israel can attack it on its own soil (as if they didn't know it already).

«Netanyahu really wants to provoke a wider conflict and drag the US in to save it.»

Netanyahu's interest is to keep the war simmering forever, not to finish it so quickly and decisively.

Even for him, this attack was a foolish and uncontrollable ego-reflex.
But on second thought, he did it only to please Ben-Gvir, that's why he sent to Iran only a few ineffective drones and no real missiles.

But it seemed that didn't help Netanyahu: Ben-Gvir already rebuffed him saying the attack was just a nonsensical child's play, not anything he could accept. "Jump higher" he says, and Netanyahu is bound to jump, because Netanyahu is desperate like a fish in the net, feeling the gates of prison gradually closing on him.

«Now what will Iran's response be?»

Like Netanyahu, the Ayatollahs have to act, do anything, in an attempt to try to divert the Iranian people's hatred towards Israel instead of toward themselves.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 19 April 2024 4:05:10 PM
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"Without the Israeli military, it would be a matter of minutes, hours at the most, before each and every Israeli man is tortured to death, each Israeli woman raped and then cut to pieces and each Israeli baby burned by Israel's 'friendly' neighbours. My peace-loving family and friends are not going to be spared."

Well, obviously I hope this doesn't happen;
But Israel is run by fanatics, and peace seems impossible.
I feel Israel needs an attitude adjustment or all out war might be inevitable, which will be felt everywhere if the oil stops flowing from the M/E.

No Israel's economic situation is not good.
With some 70,000 Israelis from northern Israel unable to return home and the state footing the bill I hear, as well as all the IDF called up from their normal employment (not doing what they were previously employed doing) and many taking injuries from the war and not being able to return;
And the Houthis efforts to block Israeli bound shipping causing supply problems and cost increases...

>>"Jump higher" he says, and Netanyahu is bound to jump, because Netanyahu is desperate like a fish in the net, feeling the gates of prison gradually closing on him.<<

I hope things do not escalate any further.
Seems Iran has mostly laughed off the attack, which itself seems like it was more over exaggerated face-saving propaganda than an actual serious attack.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 20 April 2024 12:03:57 PM
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Dear Critic,

Your last comment is well balanced and I agree with everything you said there.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 20 April 2024 7:02:43 PM
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