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Netanyahu is unfit to serve - he must resign now : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 12/4/2024

Since Hamas' savagery of 1,200 innocent Israelis on October 7, one thing became abundantly clear. Netanyahu, and no one else, indirectly precipitated Hamas' attack.

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Nobody but Hamas “precipitated” the terror attack, and Netanyahu is not going to resign.

An “end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” now would be the end for Israel.

Alon Ben-Meir's ravings should be what ends.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 April 2024 7:57:46 AM
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Agree. Left at the helm, this "man" could start W.W.111 and the destruction of Israel.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 12 April 2024 10:02:16 AM
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I agree with this article: Netanyahu is a monster and Israel's greatest enemy, possibly ever.

The only point I disagree with is that "he is preventing an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" - he is only preventing an end to the present eruption. That too is bad enough.


Dear Ttbn,

«An “end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” now would be the end for Israel.»

Not to worry, the conflict will not be over for the foreseeable future.
The IDF is strong enough to handle it, but for Israel to survive it now also requires the moral strength to conduct this conflict successfully.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 12 April 2024 12:40:01 PM
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This white feathered author, is a willing captive of Gadi Eisenkot, the Pied Piper of Jerusalem, the Poster Boy for an increasingly desperate and dwindling gang of Israeli leftist rats.

Before his next attempt to convince the non-convinced majority of realists, consider them with a break from the mad tedium of irrational defeatism and outright treachery his writings are, a re-streaming from the Biden Democrat administration that sees no fault in its own wide open Southern border, which encouraged the infiltration unhindered, of an estimated fifteen million illegals over the course of three years.

Bidens motley crew, are not the example of how to maintain peace and security of any borders, especially those as fragile and dangerous as is Israels many, made infinitely more dangerous with Biden blindly following Obamas strategy of Iranian appeasement.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 12 April 2024 2:10:52 PM
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What do you call "successful". Exterminating Hamas is a start; then there is Iran's proxy, Hezbollah, and Iran itself, and who knows what other lunatics are waiting in the wings.

Who will be more successful than Netanyahu? Certainly not the sort of person or people you prefer to Netanyahu. Too weak. Too Leftist.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 April 2024 3:45:06 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

«Who will be more successful than Netanyahu?»

Practically anyone, even your humble servant - it would be difficult to find anyone who could bring about a greater and more disastrous defeat to Israel than Netanyahu's.

Hamas is not exterminated, in fact it is growing, gaining more support in the West Bank and the Arab countries, while at least 20% of American citizens support it, not to speak of Europe.

Hamas strategically sacrificed Gaza on day 1 of this war, including its own fighters: it cares not if Gaza no longer exists and all Gazans dead, in fact it planned for just that. It cares only to harm Israel, no matter what the cost - attacking Hamas in Gaza is like trying to catch a deadly snake by its tail.

If you read the papers and comments in Israel, it is apparent that more and more Israelis, including from within Netanyahu's own party, realise that Israel is being defeated in this war.

The people of Israel are despaired, traumatised and downcast.
Even the killing of more Hamas militants in Gaza can no longer elevate their mood, it's all for naught, and most hostages are already dead.

Israel won the battle on Gaza - and lost the war, that because Hamas had a clever strategy and Netanyahu didn't have any. His only strategy is to try save himself from prison and his family from bankruptcy.

Israel is being hated around the world; and also finds it harder and harder to source ammunition. Israel's economy is faltering, so many Israelis are wounded, physically and mentally, so many haven't seen their homes and businesses in 6 months, Jews around the world are scurrying and afraid to leave their homes. What more signs of defeat do you need to be convinced?

What I call successful is to have a worthwhile cause to motivate one's own people, gather friends and split the enemies against each other. In contrast, Israel is losing its raison d'etre along with all its friends while uniting its enemies against it.

Netanyahu should not resign - he should be hanged!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 12 April 2024 4:32:59 PM
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Condemning the people who could bring about eventual peace is preventing peace !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 12 April 2024 5:54:44 PM
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Looks like Hezbollah has made the Left's desires a reality overnight !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 13 April 2024 6:33:47 AM
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Maybe "your humble servant" should return to Israel and sort it all out.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 13 April 2024 8:27:56 AM
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If you would kill a snake, you cut off its head. And to do that in context to HAMAS/Hezbollah, you kill the mad mullahs in Iran.

Several undetected cruise missiles, delivered through bedroom windows while the mad mullahs sleep should do the trick, while limiting the collateral damage to as little as possible.

If a self-serving and allegedly corrupt Netanyahu was a truly strong leader, that would have been done years ago. Moreover, I believe, only as long as he stays in power as the PM, he stays out of prison.

The war serves that purpose!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 13 April 2024 10:43:10 AM
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Important to note that the attack by Hamas on what amounts to the Criminal Apartheid Zionist Settler State in Occupied Palestine was effectively a long standing serious festering infection that erupted. At least more attention is now being drawn to the background story of how for the last 75 years, immigrant Jews have been stealing land owned by Palestinians and often mistreating - including murdering them largely with impunity. Is disgusting that due to strong influence of Zionists - ie people who support a Jewish state which includes some fundamentalist Christians in the US, its government has to date strongly supported the state of Israel financially including with large amounts of military assistance and by using its veto power to block resolutions condemning misbehaviour by Israel in the United Nations Security Council. Seems that support for Israel by Jews has been declining and also their political influence of its supporters in the US has been dropping. Looks like the attitude and actions against Palestinians by Netanyahu will hasten this. Also, note that lately has been much more media coverage of the viewpoints of Palestinians than in the past when there was more Zionist Jewish influence on editorial policies of Western Mainstream media.

Is important to remember that the background of immigrant Jews in Israel is largely not Palestinian Jews of biblical times, as is often falsely represented. Seems ancestors of many included ruling classes of the rogue kingdom of Khazaria north and east of the Black Sea who fled to Europe after neighbours Russians and Persians got sick of misbehaviour in around 1250 AD and chased them out. Around 500 years earlier in around 750 AD, had decided one of the three Abrahamic religions needed officially adopting to try and improve ethical standards and For some reason chose Judaism. Unfortunately what could possibly be described as Khazarian Mafia standards prevailed.
Posted by mox, Saturday, 13 April 2024 8:47:38 PM
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What happened in Sydney today could very well be part of the same Domino Netanyahu gets so much Flak for !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 13 April 2024 10:27:32 PM
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Let me guess:

In this event, we have a knife wielding lunatic in a major shopping centre in the midst of the wealthiest Jewish community in Sydney..

So far, we are told, no smoking gun here, and the police are the heroes.

Do you think as I do, how inclusive it would be to not be treated as idiots ?
Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 14 April 2024 8:38:47 AM
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The idea that, without Netanyahu, the war would end is just plain batty or deliberately malicious. Douglas Murray has recently interviewed all people who could replace Netanyahu, and: “No one, left or right, would be doing anything different from what Netanyahu is doing now”.

Did Hamas and Palestinians in general really think that they were ever going to get away with October 7?

The shrieking to “stop the war”, “stop the fighting” are just invitations to Israel to lose. The only way to stop the conflict is for Israel to win. Drivelling on about ‘two states’ is ignorant and stupid.

Three cheers for Netanyahu; may he soon exterminate Hamas and all its little helpers, who have it coming to them. Bring on Rafah.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 April 2024 9:09:23 AM
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Dear Ttbn,

No, the wars would not have ended without Netanyahu, but they would become much shorter.

In 1967, Israel took Gaza, Sinai, the West Bank and the Golan heights in just 6 days - now it couldn't take Gaza alone in 6 months!

Had Israel any other leader on October 7th, then the Hamas attack would be blocked in 10 minutes and with very few Israeli casualties, if any, not to speak of hostages.

Netanyahu helped in creating and financing Hamas and their interests are overlapping. He is a traitor who only SPEAKS about the elimination of Hamas - I wouldn't be surprised to find that he is coordinated with them and always been!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 14 April 2024 10:12:59 AM
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Can't see any of this ending well! WW111?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 14 April 2024 10:25:24 AM
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Well said Mox, Yuyutsu.

Good to hear informed knowledgeable opinion as opposed to the asinine, ranting ideological diatribes from folk like D.D. and ttbn
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 14 April 2024 10:34:30 AM
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As I stated, the first Domino has already been pushed ! Let's see how much more stupid the Left will become.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 14 April 2024 11:34:38 AM
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Dozens of Iranian drones over Israel. The U.S is involved in shooting them down. I'll bet they wish they hadn't helped get rid of the Shah, and that the idiot Obama hadn't reversed Donald Trump's policy on Iran. Alas, there's not a ruling politician in the U.S and the rest of the West with the backbone to stand up to the thugs. The world is looking more like the pre-WW2 world looked like.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 14 April 2024 11:53:17 AM
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Dear Ttbn,

«The U.S is involved in shooting them down.»

And Britain too, but many thanks also to the Jordanian air-force which downed dozens of drones on their way to Israel.

Altogether, Iran launched 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and and 110 "standard" land-land missiles. All drones and cruise missiles were downed, while some 2-3 of the standard missiles made it to Israel and caused some minor damage. A Bedouin Arab girl was severely wounded by shrapnel from an Israeli anti-missile missile.

Israel should have more respect for its true friends like Jordan.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 14 April 2024 2:24:23 PM
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the wars would not have ended without Netanyahu, they would become much shorter.

Yuyutsu, Yuyutsu, Yuyutsu, tz,tz,tz !?
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 15 April 2024 10:03:18 AM
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Nice post there Yuyutsu,
I told you all what was going to happen ages ago.
I told you Israel has lost the war.

"Hamas is not exterminated, in fact it is growing, gaining more support in the West Bank and the Arab countries, while at least 20% of American citizens support it, not to speak of Europe."
- Did I or did I not say it was a recruitment drive, on day 2?

Israel's stated goal was destroying Hamas.
It went into Gaza, it came out, Hamas remains.
Israeli didn't achieve it's goals.
It hasn't gotten the hostages back.
All Hamas had to do to win was survive.

"If you read the papers and comments in Israel, it is apparent that more and more Israelis, including from within Netanyahu's own party, realise that Israel is being defeated in this war."
- It took a while, but was bound to happen;
and hatred will turn inwards on it's host.

"Hamas strategically sacrificed Gaza on day 1 of this war, including its own fighters: it cares not if Gaza no longer exists and all Gazans dead, in fact it planned for just that."
- You could make that argument, I think it has some validity;
except that I would emphasise that Hamas did not kill it's own people, Israel killed them.
Hamas needed a plan that would change the status quo, and it achieved that, at significant cost.
They're Muslims after all, they'll martyr themselves if necessary.
Do you think they were just going to take the degrading treatment of the Israelis forever?
October 7 was a military raid on Israeli military facilities.

"The people of Israel are despaired, traumatised and downcast.
Even the killing of more Hamas militants in Gaza can no longer elevate their mood, it's all for naught, and most hostages are already dead."
- Reap what you sow.

"Israel won the battle on Gaza - and lost the war"
"Israel is being hated around the world"
- As I predicted last October.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 April 2024 2:42:17 PM
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"Dozens of Iranian drones over Israel. The U.S is involved in shooting them down. I'll bet they wish they hadn't helped get rid of the Shah, and that the idiot Obama hadn't reversed Donald Trump's policy on Iran."

It was an organised response.
Israel targeted Iranian diplomats inside the Iranian consulate in Syria about a week ago.
You don't target embassies or consulates.
Iran decided they were going to punch back, and showcase their ability to strike Israel if they want to, and the US couldn't persuade them not to.
Iran said if the US intervenes in their response to the Israeli aggression against their consulate in Syria, that they will strike US bases in the region.
So the US went into damage control;
Because the Biden administration can't afford a regional conflict involving Iran right now, as much as they would like to attack Iran.

The problem is, with the risk that oil stops flowing out of the region, even conflict itself will invite speculators.
If the price of fuel goes up in the US, Biden will be handing Trump the election.

And if there is a conflict in the Middle East;
Russia will be the only oil and gas show in town.
They will make billions.

The attack was staged, the Israelis were given advance warning.
It allowed the Iranians a chance to respond, and save face.
The US has urged Israel not to respond.

"Altogether, Iran launched 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and and 110 'standard' land-land missiles. All drones and cruise missiles were downed, while some 2-3 of the standard missiles made it to Israel and caused some minor damage."
- Not sure that's true Yuyutsu.

I've seen footage of what is supposed to be ballistic missiles hitting Nevatim air base where F-35's are stationed (apparently 5 missile hits including the runway and a c-130), and Iran says it also targeted the Israeli intelligence HQ on Mount Hermon, which was involved in the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.
US officials have also apparently stated 4 ballistic missiles hit Ramon airbase.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 April 2024 3:15:08 PM
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"Israel is being hated around the world"
Armchair Critic,
Yep, there are many who share your mentality !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 11:35:32 AM
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Dear Critic,

«Do you think they were just going to take the degrading treatment of the Israelis forever?»

It will not be forever I hope - nor was it always like that.

This degrading treatment was not by "the Israelis", but by Netanyahu, his Nazi companions and the Jewish Messianic settlers - may they all perish and rot in hell. Israelis are also receiving a degrading treatment by the same!

Why are the good and peace-loving Israelis being punished for the crimes of others?

«October 7 was a military raid on Israeli military facilities.»

The facts are that most of the Israelis killed on October 7th were peace-loving and unarmed civilians who participated in an overnight music festival or were in their own Kibbutz homes.

Even among the military, these 18-19 year old female conscripts had no say over Israel's policies. In fact they were not even listened to when they warned their superiors of the impending attack.

Both people who tend to go to such festivals and people who live in a Kibbutz, usually belong to the Israeli "Left" which opposes Israel's occupation and supports a Palestinian state.

«Hamas needed a plan that would change the status quo, and it achieved that»

They managed to postpone the splitting of Israel in two, but only for a while.
Israelis themselves cannot live together with these Jewish Messianic beasts.
And what then? These Judean animals will conduct a real and uninhibited genocide, killing any Arab they can find to the last baby.

Let me tell you, had Hamas acted more rationally and instead of these innocent hostages which Netanyahu is anyway all too happy to be rid of, taken hostage Moshe Butbul, Sarah Netanyahu's elite hairdresser, then by now there surely would have been peace in the Middle-East and a Palestinian state!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 10:18:07 PM
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Many wonder how the seven-hour stand-down on October 7th by the IDF gets overlooked; former IDF members say a bird couldn't land on the Gaza/Israeli wall without being detected.
Posted by Francesca, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 6:06:45 PM
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Israel v. Iran
Israel scored an early goal.
But Iran countered, and evened the score.
If they declare time now, we can all consider it a draw.
Ruffled feathers can be allowed to settle.
Iran wisely appears to favour this.
Should Israel seek to continue the game, who knows where it will end?
Israel would be outrageously foolish to do this, just to seek some kind of 'revenge'?
I hope wise heads will see the wisdom of stopping the action now.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 18 April 2024 2:31:10 AM
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Dear Ipso Fatso,

Yes, the next score by Israel is diplomatic: Israel is successfully convincing Europe, Australia and others to issue new punishing sanctions and boycotts on Iran.

Let Israel not spoil this achievement which can hit Tehran more painfully than bombs and missiles.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 18 April 2024 5:27:44 AM
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"If they declare time now, we can all consider it a draw."

If they declare time now, we all win and peace can prevail.
If Israel wants to keep escalating, we all lose.

Personally I think Israel will keep escalating as per it's existing attitude of 'we can do whatever we want to you, but you can't do anything to us'
Israel is not going to stop with it's hubris until it gets smacked across the face a little.

Iran's not going to take it anymore, but Russia and China should be able to keep Iran placated for the time being.

"Should Israel seek to continue the game, who knows where it will end?

Iran has sent a message to Israel.
'STOP. We can reach out and touch you anytime.'
They only attacked military facilities and they did not kill anyone.
- But they said 'continue to escalate and we will hit you with 10 times more'.
Unlike Israel who fired on a consulate in breach of the Vienna convention, killed 2 generals and 13 civilians.
Iran had every right to respond, and their response was legal under international law.

- Even though our lying PM says otherwise.

Netanyahu is in a bind.
He can't take back Northern Israel.

"Let Israel not spoil this achievement which can hit Tehran more painfully than bombs and missiles."

I'm not sure Western sanctions have the same effect as they used to.
They've all found ways to blunten any impacts.

Iran can destroy all western economies anytime it wants.
What do you think happens if Iran closes the Straight of Hormuz?
The collective west can't even stop Ansarallah, they have no chance of stopping Iran.

Wait till futures traders are jumping out windows like it's 1929.
- And Russia is the only oil and gas game in town.

Iran does not want a war though.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 April 2024 8:24:26 AM
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Pretty sure I heard earlier today that Iran has stated, that they do not seek nuclear weapons, but if Israel keeps up it's attitude, they will build them.

I haven't dug up the article yet.
But here's another interesting headline.

To free up space, Ben-Gvir suggests executing Palestinian detainees

- Are these the same detainees on 'administrative detention'?
i.e. indefinite detention without charge?

Israel IS a terrorist state.

I see their game now.
Their genocide is a psy-op, but they are keen on land theft.
It's to meter out that much punishment on the Palestinian civilians that they themselves will oppose Hamas, which is the only resistance against Israel.

Israel is going to get itself wiped off the map soon, if it's not careful.
And it will make little difference if Netanyahu's gone.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 19 April 2024 8:43:50 AM
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Dear Critic,

«Israel is not going to stop with it's hubris until it gets smacked across the face a little.»

The ones with hubris are not smacked - they are shielded by ordinary Israelis who receive all the blows. There is not an ounce of hubris in ordinary Israelis, only despair, but what still keeps them in Israel is "my children are in the army, so how can I go and leave my grandchildren?"

Bombing civilians is easy, but can you think of a way to smack Netanyahu instead? Like I mentioned earlier, kidnap Moshe Butbul, Sarah Netanyahu's elite hairdresser - and everything will change in the Middle East!

Same for the Messianic Jewish settlers, do something to instead get THEM to despair, convince THEM that their Messiah is not on his way, so THEY return to the U.S.A where they came from and belong. Bomb out instead and raize to the ground their sacred sites in the occupied West Bank - the Western Wall in Eastern Jerusalem, the tomb of the alleged patriarchs in Hebron, the tomb of Rachel (thus alleged) in Bethlehem, the tomb of Joseph (thus alleged) in Nablus. If you want peace in the Middle-East then it's them, it's these trouble-makers whom you must send away.

Netanyahu is only laughing when ordinary Israelis are killed, for the dead, the hostages and those who left the country in despair will no longer vote against him, so he will never go to jail and Sarah will continue to enjoy the finest luxuries.

And shouldn't we similarly support the ordinary Iranian people who are cruelly trodden under the boots of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards?

«Unlike Israel who fired on a consulate in breach of the Vienna convention, killed 2 generals and 13 civilians.»

"Sixteen were killed in total, including seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) soldiers, five Iran-backed militiamen, one Hezbollah fighter, one Iranian advisor, and two civilians."
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 19 April 2024 10:12:31 AM
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Dear Critic,

«To free up space, Ben-Gvir suggests executing Palestinian detainees»

No surprise, that is what his Nazi party always stood for.

«I see their game now.
Their genocide is a psy-op, but they are keen on land theft.»

Only now you see this?

The policy of Israel's Nazi part has always and officially been to TRANSFER the Arabs out of Israel, not to kill them. Even the German Nazis only wanted to transfer out the Jews - their "final solution" was authorised only when it proved too difficult to expel the Jews alive.

«And it will make little difference if Netanyahu's gone.»

It might not fulfil all our dreams but I think it will make a significant difference.

Netanyahu is just a petty criminal and a chronic liar, caring only for his person and close family, he really has no interest in politics, but in his struggle to keep out of prison when nobody else was willing to be his friend, he recruited the worst Nazis like Ben-Gvir. If honest people were running Israel's government, that could never had happened.

Israel's previous PM, Naftali Bennett, while a very right-winger, was also a very honest and upright person: this war and accompanying atrocities could not have happened under his guard.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 19 April 2024 10:12:35 AM
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