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The current Netanyahu-led government was born in sin : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 15/12/2023

From the first day the current Netanyahu-led coalition government was formed, it was preoccupied with its corrupt domestic agenda and perilously intensified the conflict with the Palestinians.

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As Dr. David Adler recently said, Left wing Jews are among the worst anti-Semites.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 15 December 2023 7:17:52 AM
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It seems to my simple mind that there’d be a better chance for a stupid fanatic to see sense than an intellectual to ever have foresight.
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 15 December 2023 8:57:32 AM
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Hear, hear and well said Sir! I absolutely agree!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 15 December 2023 9:01:01 AM
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A great article!

I agree with every word.

As for the promised next article that will argue that "there is no other realistic option to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than a two-state solution" - this is so nice, but what can one do when the people in question do not want to have a state of their own?

As the author stated, "without which Israel will not know a day of peace", thus we need to accept that realistically, Israel will indeed never know a day of peace.

I await the author's next article.


Dear Ttbn,

«As Dr. David Adler recently said, Left wing Jews are among the worst anti-Semites.»

If the present Israeli government and the West-Bank Jewish settlers represent what being a Jew means, then please count me and my family in Israel as proud anti-Semites.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 15 December 2023 1:39:46 PM
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Yes, and all those left wing deserters from the IDF prior Oct 7th came scurrying back into the fold per chance being branded the treacherous Jews they were.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 15 December 2023 3:20:37 PM
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Diver dan,
Yep, just like those here who reject that puny sacrifice called National Service in return for reasonable national security & lifestyle. They blurt patriotism at the most minniscule criticism but are not prepared to back it up with a few months or a year of doing something towards it.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 16 December 2023 9:28:08 AM
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The Albanese government committed the most malign act of bastardry ever committed by an Australian government when it sided with Hamas rapists and baby-killers by voting in favour of a UN resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, which would place Israelis under a constant threat of harm.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 16 December 2023 11:05:02 AM
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The Israeli ambassador to the UK has dismissed the idea of a two-state solution between Israel and terrorist Hamas.

Hamas wants a Palestinian state from the 'river to the sea', she said.

So, at last, after 70 offers to the Palestinians of a state - all rejected - Israel has faced the fact that the terrorists want to wipe out all the Jews; and, that Israel has to destroy Hamas, no matter what.

Good luck to and best wishes to Israel!
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 16 December 2023 2:55:49 PM
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"The Israeli ambassador to the UK has dismissed the idea of a two-state solution between Israel and terrorist Hamas."

She just showed that it was never seriously on the table in the first place.

And 'from the river to the sea' is a Likud party policy.
Israel gets angry at the Palestinians for saying it, but it's THEIR policy.
If you agree with Israels stance here,
Then maybe you should attack and beat up some indigenous on Australia Day when they chant 'Invasion Day' instead, because that's how stupid whinging about it is.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 16 December 2023 6:19:41 PM
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Unlike the US and the UK, Australia’s Labor government capitulated to the stridently vocal and viciously assertive pro-Palestinian lobby at home.

The Albanese governmen has given in, abandoning solidarity with Israel and breaking with its allies.

Coalition MP, Julian Leeser, got something right for a change when he said the Albanese turnaround is about the growing threat to himself by the Greens in Grayndler. As well as kowtowing to Palestinian terrorism supporters living in Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 17 December 2023 10:13:53 AM
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At last, a government that listens to the people. Imagine that. Thank you Albo for joining the rest of the humane world and calling for a cease fire in this horrible mess.

Anyone who agrees that Israel's right to "... defend itself" includes the right to butcher thousands of innocent children has lost their own humanity.

Hamas didn't grown out of a vacuum. Only a hurt person will hurt another. And I offer that the apartheid system of government imposed by the Israeli government for decades has been the festering sore at the heart of this. It is about time that the supporters of Israel acknowledged this fact and stopped hiding behind the accusation and lie that those who don't agree with the Israeli government are Antisemitic.

Kudos to the Albanese government (just as the rest of the world is beginning to) for standing up for humanity by calling for a ceasefire.
Posted by Aries54, Monday, 18 December 2023 9:00:46 AM
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Please correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the Palestinians rise up long before Israel came into being . Anyone from the outside could be forgiven to think their problem is almost a DNA issue not political or religious.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 18 December 2023 10:06:20 AM
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Only a hurt person will hurt another.
Are you living under a rock ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 23 December 2023 11:49:04 PM
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Well, the statement that "Only a hurt person will hurt another" is actually correct, simply because there never was born a person that was never hurt.

The problem is when X hurts Y and Y in turn hurts Z.

Even Magpies hurt only those who have hurt or tried to hurt them in the past.
A wise person once said that "intelligence is the art of distinguishing between individuals".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 24 December 2023 12:08:43 AM
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The problem is when X hurts Y and Y in turn hurts Z.
That is not a good scenario however, when X hurts just about every other letter in the Alphabet than that is simply malice. Greed & jealousy foster malice & much malice comes from incompetence or stupidity or both. Most stupidity is not natural, it’s refined courtesy of Western intellectuals who blame their own greed on those whom they maggot off.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 24 December 2023 7:49:48 PM
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5 times in the past Palestine rejected offer to have its own state
Posted by WhiteMouse, Wednesday, 27 December 2023 6:24:37 PM
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Hamas have hostages still

Hamas has stated that 7/10 will be repeated again and again.

Diplomacy is not going to work with these people.

No government nor organisation should tell Israel what to do.
Posted by WhiteMouse, Wednesday, 27 December 2023 6:30:22 PM
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It is now obvious that there are only two possible solutions for peace.
These are imposed by the Koran.
1. All countries convert to Islam. Atheists included.
2. Islam is declared illegal and enforced in all countries.

Not sure how either is enforced, but the end goal of peace is dependant
on one or the other.
Islam insists on being intolerant to other religions.
Islamists have been insisting on the first solution or has no one been listening ?
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 28 December 2023 2:18:41 PM
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Dear Bezza,

Please define "peace".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 28 December 2023 2:33:40 PM
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Well, it is a bit like;
"How long is a piece of string ?"
At one end would be at a minimum an absence of war.
At the other would be a close trading, business, cultural, and
and relations like Australia and New Zealand.

Anything inside those parameters would be a gain for everybody.
Why do I sense you are laying a trap for me ?
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 28 December 2023 5:43:19 PM
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Dear Bezza,

«At one end would be at a minimum an absence of war.»

That is called a "cease fire".
Australia has it with China.

«At the other would be a close trading, business, cultural, and
and relations like Australia and New Zealand.»

This too Australia has with China.

Israel had both with the occupied territories, between 1967 and the late 1970's, which could become a reality again, provided Israel remains strong.

But the moment Australia is perceived to be weak/unsupported, China will attack.
And as soon as Israel is perceived to be weak, the Arabs will attack it, regardless of any formal peace documents, which are therefore unnecessary.

On the 6th of October Israel was very weak from within (due to Netanyahu's government attempting to dismantle its democracy, which in turn was to curtail any opposition to their desire to hold onto the West Bank), which is why Hamas attacked then. No doubt it will attack again when Israel is weak again, the only question being whether it will be in 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 years hence.

It is the same in nature - when an animal is young, old, ill or weak for any other reason, then it is when predators attack it.

Israel must stay alert and armed to its teeth indefinitely, regard of any "peace" papers.

This "peace" that you talk about it relative, it is not a real peace, it is based on circumstances and practical interests and when these change, it will be broken.

The main interest of Hamas is to keep liberal "threats" out which could tempt their masses to forsake the clerical elite and emancipate their women. It doesn't mind Jews as such, only that most Israelis are liberal. It doesn't mind for example ultra-orthodox Jews because they are as conservative as themselves so they don't pose a threat to them. When it encounters liberal threats among its own Muslim population, it throws them off the roofs of tall buildings.

The only real peace can be found within.
Only this inner peace cannot be shaken by circumstances and interests.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 28 December 2023 9:26:30 PM
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You misunderstand my peace implies good faith.
However because of the Koran there can be no peace in good faith.
Any agreement with moslems can only be a cease fire of uncertain length.
After all they have made it clear, we must accept Islam, pay the Jizaz
or expect to be killed.
Any peace they agree to is only until they are able force compliance.
That is why Europe is in such danger due to immigration, no accident.
After Eurabia whose next ? The US and Australia ?
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 30 December 2023 1:48:43 PM
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Dear Bezza,

«You misunderstand my peace implies good faith.»

So are you modifying your definition (because yours from Thursday did not require good faith)?

«However because of the Koran there can be no peace in good faith.»

Why, the Quran can be read and interpreted in many different ways, and in any case, even if that was the only possible interpretation, nobody has to follow the Quran, only if they want to!

«Any agreement with moslems can only be a cease fire of uncertain length.»

Correct, but that is the case with any agreement with anyone, not just Muslims.
The only thing that is certain in life not to change, is change itself.

«That is why Europe is in such danger due to immigration, no accident.
After Eurabia whose next ? The US and Australia ?»

Why "danger"?
Death is a certainty for all that was born.
Make the best of the life you have now, knowing that it is bound to end one day.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 30 December 2023 10:11:32 PM
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