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Rejecting HKOPS sees world unleash a monster : Comments

By David Singer, published 10/10/2023

HKOPS offered a new approach – the merger of Jordan, Gaza and part of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) into one territorial entity to be governed by the Hashemites.

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Dear YuYu,
Far from it I do not hate israel. Netanyahu leaves a bit to be desired though. However why do they want to inflict on the Palestinians what they went through in WWII. Like russia does they have no right to invade and displace another peoples.
Buried title deeds or not.
Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 10 October 2023 1:50:32 PM
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Dear Ateday,

Netanyahu indeed leaves much to be desired.

«However why do they want to inflict on the Palestinians what they went through in WWII.»

"THEY" is a very dangerous word.

I wouldn't know the exact percentage, possibly 1%, possibly 3% of Israelis are Nazis that want to inflict what the Nazis did to Jews in WWII. Unfortunately, some of them are presently in government. And again, what these Nazis want to inflict is not what THEY went through because THEY were not even born in the second world war and have not felt any of that with their own flesh.

It is not proper of you to generalise, stereotype and tarnish Israelis like this. The absolute vast majority of them are not at all like that.

About these "deeds", you are just being childish: all heaven and earth are God's so no people truly own any land.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 10 October 2023 3:06:25 PM
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'The absolute vast majority of them are not at all like that.'

Who is the 'absolute vast majority of them?
Those who were trained from an early age on a daily dose of the Holocaust?
You don't get a security apparatus trained to kill indiscriminately without many years of preconditioning.

The reality is that Israelis are taught by their elders and parents that the only good Palestinian is a dead one.
Much the same as how the US viewed the indigenous American Indian population it managed to eradicate.
The considerations the world powers bestowed on the Jewish people in atonement of their so called 'ignorance', and in light of their suffering, was the right for the Jewish people to imitate the Nazis in redeveloping the and furthering the oven concept of extermination and eradication.
An open air prison! To kill as you pleased with no recrimination.

The way you tell it 'everyone was just walking past when it happened'
'We had no idea'.
That's what everyone about said about the Nazi Jewish solution of WW11.
This is what you have to offer the Arabs for normalization?
Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 10 October 2023 6:46:35 PM
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Dear YuYu,
"They" is a collectic word with a wide meaning as I am sure you realise.
I am glad you have your opinions, you are indeed entitled to them as is everybody. However I do not believe in an hypothetical imaginary entity who owns this Universe. I believe in science which, generally, can be proven. Remember that no one, as yet, has come back to tell us what is on the "other side". You do believe that which is good for you which is quite ok.
BUT our Benjamin was elected by the "vast majority". If israel is a democracy, which it purports to be, then the "vast Majority", or majority at least, supports him and his philosophies.
So the real terrorist state is israel.
Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 10 October 2023 7:47:08 PM
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Hi ateday,

Democracy is a feces sandwich.
- The only choice you get is which half of that sandwich you prefer.

My take on this is simple, I don't want to eat any of that sandwich.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 10 October 2023 9:08:29 PM
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Dear Ateday,

«However I do not believe in an hypothetical imaginary entity who owns this Universe.»

God is not an entity, but should I start explaining this to you, that would run deep and be a major diversion away from the topic, so please allow me to remain on the topic, where my point was that no one truly owns any land. And yes, this is true for Australia as well.

«I believe in science which, generally, can be proven.»

Do you believe in 20-21st-century science or in the mechanistic science of the 18th century? Latest relativity and quantum physics prove that there is so much more to the universe than what meets the eye, and even space and time are nothing like the our naive linear three-dimensional Euclidean perception.

«BUT our Benjamin was elected by the "vast majority".»

He was elected by a very thin majority for various internal reasons (which I could explain if needed) rather than for any philosophy of his. In fact he has no philosophy, or rather, his only philosophy is to avoid jail time for himself and his family. Actually, Benjamin is considered a moderating factor within his extremist coalition government which he had to put up with only because the others refuse to join a government headed by a criminal and a chronic liar.

«So the real terrorist state is israel.»

Every state is a terrorist by definition because it terrorises its people into submission.
Hamas is no better, especially when throwing their political opponents off the roofs of tall buildings.


Dear Delivery,

«The reality is that Israelis are taught by their elders and parents that the only good Palestinian is a dead one.»

Then why was Arafat been offered by Israel an independent state over 97% of the West Bank, the whole of Gaza and other land in exchange for the missing 3%?
(an offer he refused)

You don't make such offers to people you want dead.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 10 October 2023 11:23:30 PM
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