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The Forum > Article Comments > Biden in bind as Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution turns 1 > Comments

Biden in bind as Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution turns 1 : Comments

By David Singer, published 6/6/2023

Significantly HKOPS trashes the United Nations decision on 23 December 2016 to create for the first time in recorded history an independent Palestinian Arab state between Israel and Jordan.

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>Since when in history, do people get what they want?
'Tis actually a common (though obviously not universal) outcome. Just look at how many countries have been granted independence since the UN was formed.

>Israel effectively has the upper hand right now, with the situation in limbo as it is.
Yes it does, but what should it do with its upper hand? Should it pursue peace and justice? Or should it try to grab as much land as it can at the expense of peace?

>The Palestinian side show is detracting from the major issue of US meddling in the ME;
Without it the US would have much less motive to meddle in the ME.

>particularly with its softening view of Iran and the implications that has for the future stability of Israel.
Israel's much stronger than Iran, and that's not going to change.

>not the irrelevant issue of Palestinian separatist terrorism, supported by meddling
>Obama nightmarish dreaming of his version of the new world order.
Obama's involvement has been very limited.

'Tis Netanyahu, not Obama, who's done the most to promote Palestinian separatist terrorism. Rather than addressing the injustices that feed it, he's used it as an excuse for continued oppression.

This is not so much a matter of Israel v Palestine as it is of those who want peace v those who don't. Unfortunately Netanyahu's in the latter category. So is David Singer.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 12:41:11 AM
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Dear Aidan,

Good comments, thanks.

Just one remark:

«Unfortunately Netanyahu's in the latter category.»

Netanyahu in person is not in any category, he doesn't care about peace or war, territories or justice, nor even about "judicial reform" - his only concern is to stay out of jail and to provide for his family's financial high-maintenance needs. He is practically now a hostage of his party and coalition allies.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 8:30:36 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

You wrote: "Relative peace, without and especially within, can only be achieved once the land is divided as required, possibly into 3, 4 or 5 different states, each with its own unique character."

My cousin was president of the Orthodox Union. He is friends w Netanyahu & sent me a picture of them together. Our views on Israel, on Judaism and many matters are diametrically opposed. However, we are both citizens of the same country, the USA, and wouldn't have it any other.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 9:19:02 AM
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You poor simple fools.

And I mean no offence, but only wish for your salvation moment as did St Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus.
You’re blinded by the light of the Democrats at the moment, but there is hope as the landscape clears of the fog of self delusion.

I’d need a book as long as Tolstoys war and peace to highlight your blindness and it’s dangers.

Poor boy Netanyahu, I don’t envy him.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 10:41:49 AM
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Dear David F.,

«My cousin was president of the Orthodox Union. He is friends w Netanyahu & sent me a picture of them together. Our views on Israel, on Judaism and many matters are diametrically opposed. However, we are both citizens of the same country, the USA, and wouldn't have it any other.»

I know two brothers, American Jews, whose views are similarly diametrically opposed - that much that when the one was invited to the Passover Seder next door to the other's apartment, his hosts had to make significant efforts to ensure that the other brother, who celebrated the Seder at the same time in his home, would not find out that his brother was next door.

Fortunately for you and your cousin, you are not living in Israel where one of you would be making laws and regulations for the other based on your opposing worldviews.

Or is your vision, perhaps, for solving all the problems of the Middle-East, to let Imperialist America take over Israel and its surrounding as its 51st/52nd state?
American states, you know, are also presently at each other's throat, especially on the issues of abortions, homosexuality, gender-change, racism and the death penalty.
I am very glad not to be an American.

One of the brothers, BTW, became a Canadian citizen. I don't know whether or not they also retained their US citizenship: would you perhaps like to see the USA take over Canada as well?


Dear Dan,

I very much appreciate your concern for my salvation. Thank you.

Place Jesus Christ in contemporary Israel or contemporary America - which side of politics do you think he would take?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 2:36:50 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu'

I have no desire to make my cousin conform to my way of thinking. I am not a tyrant. We can live together in peace. People in the US differ in many ways. However, they are not literally at each other's throats and live in peace for the most part. To me democracy doesn't require that all agree, but it does require that we live in peace with our disagreements.

The United States has had a Civil War when the disagreements boiled into conflict. I hope it will not have another one. If Israel split up into several different national entities as you recommend they could get into conflict with one another as Israel and Judah did. My cousin emailed me today on a matter of family history. I tried to help.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 3:58:47 PM
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