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Penny Wong’s world view: AUKUS all the way : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 21/4/2023

The anti-China hawks, talons polished, got their fill. The US State Department would not be disturbed. The Pentagon could rest easy. The toadyish musings of the Canberra establishment would continue to circulate in reliable staleness.

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But,,,can the Earth King Pedo Pete, rely on his trusted agent of the South that she is not actually a Sergeant of the the Dai Li and personal protector of the Golden Emperor?

And..can Pedo Pete trust there will be no peasant uprising in the Southern Kingdom?
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 21 April 2023 8:19:29 AM
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"Anti China hawks". What a stupid thing to say. China - a murderous Communist country - is a threat to Australia, which the CCP regards as the the weakest link in the weakening West.

As for the rubbish about the US ", interfering and guiding (Australia's ) politics and its policies" - that proves that Kampark is off his rocker. He should be confined to a suitable medical institution where he could receive treatment for his Australiaphobic condition.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 21 April 2023 8:37:04 AM
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What ttbn says. As for the nuclear proliferation treaty we can do nuclear and stay true to that treaty by developing MSR thorium. Because there is little if any real prospect of building a bomb from thorium or U233.

I believe Putin tried but killed several scientists in the effort. And difficult to remove nuclear fuel while liquid and around 700 C.

On the other hand, MSR technology can burn nuclear waste as it uses it as mostly unspent fuel and also weapons grade plutonium.

The brain-dead greens would sooner leave in the weapons. And some labor luminaries locked in the 19th century would power our subs with coal if they could.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 21 April 2023 11:29:00 AM
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China doesn't need to start any wars, it's the US which provokes until the other side acts.
They did it with Japan in WWII and they did it with Russia in Ukraine.

Chinese is a industrial powerhouse and the US has become a outdated junkheap with all it's industry exported to foreign countries by greedy capitalists. China leads the world in critical technologies and has 4 times as many people.

China will surpass the west in every area, if they haven't already surpassed them in most areas.
This is inevitable and there's nothing the west can do about it except try to undermine and keep their rivals (and citizens) down to stay on top.
The US does not have allies, it has 'partners' vassal states that are there to be sacrificed (like it did with Nordstream and European energy) that it uses until they are no further use to them.
China’s ‘Particle Beam Cannon’ Is a Nuclear-Power Breakthrough

"It promises to recycle spent nuclear fuel, making it cheaper and less dangerous—and moving Beijing toward energy independence."

China is moving forward Alan B, while the west (and your ideas) have stagnated, because to many people serve their own interests and the status quo under democracy and capitalism.

They make money off keeping nations poor, dividing them against each other, exporting war and exploitation of their nations assets, or putting them in debt to the IMF which forces them to sign over their nations assets.

The US wants to exploit and capitalise from suffering, where China wants to get stronger the old fashioned way, building, trading and improving peoples lives.

- Winning War makes banksters wealthier off death -
Citibank executive declares "we have to win this war" because there is such desire to "mobilize private capital" in Ukraine

- It's all about the money, and the US salivates over getting Putin out of the way to get at Russia's wealth in commodities as well.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 21 April 2023 6:59:12 PM
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AC, You're talking about facts...this is no place for have to spin a palatable story 'bout how Jingos rule the world preserving the fictional facts the readers want like to hear.
Talk about how Thorium is the new savior and that the colour brown is going to be the new fashion colour, particularly when dealing with the US. Hides all the stains.
Talk about the hundreds of thousands of Australians that will sign up to fight to the death to preserve the values and advanced thinking of the US....weel the thinking bit might be several bridges too far considering Guantanamo.

And when I read things like this,
but let's move on and not dwell on the past
After all that's what history is....and what can one learn from history?
It wasn't the first and it won't be the last US cockup
Posted by Special Delivery, Saturday, 22 April 2023 4:44:48 PM
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Australia supports the liberal world order because Australia's national interests depend on a world order governed by liberal rules originating from Britain.

From Australia's point of view, we are immeasurably better off in a world that operates under a liberal regime. The world has been dominated by rules and codes determined by British liberal thought for centuries. Australia exists as the nation it is because the world operates to enhance and encourage free trade, not just in goods but in people and finance and thought. A world dominated by the CCP would be highly detrimental to Australia and would force us to become something very different to what we are today.

In a world where the dominant power was no longer democratic in its aspirations, those nations to our north whose adherence to democracy is equivocal would surely head down other paths, also threatening our way of life.

Australia has supported the liberal world order for its whole existence. Its why we helped against the Boer, were in WW1 and Korea and Vietnam. Why we support Ukraine. Not because we have a vital immediate interest in those wars but because we supported the liberal order that fought those wars. That is why the Taiwan Straits are important to us and why, flawed as it is (especially under the current kakistocracy), we support the US against its foes. In the long run it is in our self-interest.

That is why we are in AUKUS. Its why we prefer the US over its totalitarian rivals. Its why we seek friendship, support, mutual support from those who likewise support the liberal world order.

I get that those who have chosen the other side, those who dream of the victory of the totalitarian states over liberalism and care little about what that world would look like...that these folk are severely disappointed that a new Australian government continues to support the liberal world order. But a new Labor government, just like every government before it, cannot, if it has Australia's interest at heart, do other than oppose the rise of the totalitarian hegemons.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 22 April 2023 5:07:06 PM
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