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The decline of sensible politics : Comments
By Ben Rees, published 20/4/2023The problem now facing the western world is the failure of both Reaganomics and Thatcherism to manage the dislocations that have emerged following Covid and the European military crises.
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Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 22 April 2023 2:09:20 AM
Answer- Apparently Thorpe said "Any black man that stands with the f*-*-g white little c*-* like that, youse can all get f*-*d, too." It seems to imply that Lydia Thorpe believes that black men shouldn't be supporting white women- perhaps because it undermines the psychological purity of black people. In a sense I agree with her that aboriginals need to protect their own interest and encourage their own people to support in solidarity. But I'm sure she is happy to undermine the solidarity of white c*-*s. To me the answer is Aboriginal Autonomous Sovereign Territory's where they can live according to their own laws- poke sticks into each others eye's if they like- smack their people with clubs if they like- government of the black, by the black, for the black. If they want to live in White c*-*s territory they follow white c*-*s rules and get the same as white c*-*s- without special treatment. If white c*-*s decide that this arrangement needs to be adapted for protection of their interest then that is their right too- as a government of white c*-*s, by white c*-*s, for white c*-*s.
Apparently Aboriginal women for example- were better off after the arrival of white c*-*s.