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The Forum > Article Comments > What gains has the freedom movement made politically in 2022? > Comments

What gains has the freedom movement made politically in 2022? : Comments

By Michael Viljoen, published 9/1/2023

Even without an exact figure, it's hard to doubt that this was the largest ever single political gathering in Australia, larger than the Vietnam moratorium protests of May 1970.

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Re your top post above.

I’m confused. At the one and the same time you condemn Democracy and political parties, followed one paragraph down, by lauding the State?

How is it possible to have a State with it’s inevitable bureaucracy and not have an oversight system above it in control, in your view?
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 9:01:46 AM
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Dear Dan,

I was not lauding the state.

I have stated time and again that states AS THEY PRESENTLY STAND are rogue illegitimate violent-based organisations. This is because they force themselves and their laws on innocent people who never freely agreed to have anything to do with them.

On the other hand, there would be nothing principally wrong about having states so long as membership in them was voluntary, so long as people could choose whether or not to belong to a given state (and if not, to possibly create an alternative state of their own with other like-minded people).

I have not condemned democracy either: democracy is a valid management system within a state, so if a state is legitimate then so is its democracy. What is not legitimate, is to subject someone to the majority-rule of an arbitrary cohort s/he never freely chose to associate themselves with.

What I have been critical of here, are people who wish to eat the cake and have it too, who are happy to enjoy the comforts and benefits of a state, but then complain when that state restricts them. There is no such thing as "sovereign-citizen": one is either sovereign or a citizen, one cannot enjoy both worlds, one should be able to choose, in fact one MUST choose.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 12:05:11 PM
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The below appears to me to be where basically you stand on the issue.
But I find it an incongruous position for an Israeli

Sovereign citizen movement:

Tell me I’m wrong if you wish.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 2:15:31 PM
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Dear Dan,

I looked up your reference to the "Sovereign citizen movement" - this does not reflect my views.

States as they stand are immoral and illegitimate entities BECAUSE they are violent. This does not give us a license to be violent as well, nor to cheat and disturb others in any way!

If one is truly committed to keep away from and not cooperate with evil at all costs, and I admire any such person, then one should also completely avoid the state's money, the state's roads, the state's water and electricity grids, the state's ambulances and the state's police and court-system when being offended by others, etc.

And if forcibly dragged to the state's courts, argue not with them, say nothing, nor eat their prison's food or even drink their water, nor even sign any release-papers.

Anything less than that is hypocrisy!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 3:16:58 PM
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Well, you are radical with that view, and it very much resembles the view of the Sovereign citizen movement.

The Sovereign citizen movement is the ideology, not a stand alone organisation. You might need to be careful you are not officially targeted.

These radical thinkers are becoming more conservative middle of the road, as the ideology seems to be gathering pace: The Trains were much a part of that group think.

People of all shades are walking away from State control which increasingly sidelines the population it should serve. Anarchism is popular to all shades of political think!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 8:48:26 PM
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Yuyutsu: Did you read this part at the end?

'politics which motivates some people to deny the inevitables and instead resort to bizarre claims.'
Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 9:02:12 PM
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