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Pandemic mismanagement : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 23/8/2022

We are now beginning to pay the price of very poor public health policy management.

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The people responsible for the draconian lockdowns and assaults on our freedoms have not "long known" anything of the sort. That, or they did know, and deliberately set about exercising dictatorial powers over a complacent, or dumb, population.

And the scumbags are going to get away with it
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 8:19:47 AM
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My goodness what a trite, ill-researched, dog whistling, pile of poo for an opening statement.

"We have long known that there were many collateral deaths from lockdowns due to people failing to diagnose cancers and other life-threatening diseases, depression and suicides. That's not to mention the bankruptcies and families who were unable to feed themselves."

Many? Rubbish. The excess deaths figures dove into the negative in Australia during the main pandemic and lockdown periods. The suicide rates according to the Victorian Coroners Court were well down across virtually all age groups during the same. Deaths from the flu completely dropped off the page. Sure there will have been some repercussions from delayed surgeries and delayed detection of other diseases but these are certainly not reflected in the figures.

Presenting such a flawed opening premise renders the rest of the article rather neutered.

Perhaps a revision might be entertained.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 9:31:24 AM
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It was not the pandemic that created all the aforementioned issues, but the ever widening gap between the (greed is good) haves and the have nots.

The poor just can't afford health insurance and insurance generally. Can't afford unaffordable housing and live all over the world in tin shanty towns that cannot stand natural disasters.

When all they can do is struggle day in day out just to put food on the table! Vaccinations/health care/medicine become a massive luxury few can afford.

Murray as one of the, I believe, (parasitic) privileged haves, is part of the, I'm alright Jack, (leave the blinkers on) problem?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 23 August 2022 10:22:21 AM
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Excess deaths..."The Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed that Australia has been suffering a huge amount of excess deaths compared to the historical average since around October 2021, with figures revealing the number of Australians who have lost their lives in 2022 is 18% higher than the historical average."

"There were 4,732 more deaths than expected in the first two months of 2022."

"For all weeks in 2022 the number of deaths exceeded the upper limit of usual variation reaching statistical significance (3,105 deaths). "

"Deaths due to dementia, diabetes, ischaemic heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases also recorded some statistically significant excess mortality in the first two months of 2022. "

A revision might be required, but not of the article.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 10:30:43 AM
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COVID Reinfection Rate HIGHER For Vaccinated! Says Iceland Study
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 11:15:07 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Well that was even more piss weak than usual.

What are you even trying to do? Why are you comparing early this year to the period we were in lockdown while Covid was creating havoc across the world?

As stated by the ABS the age-standardised death rate for 2021 was 431.0 per 100,000, which was well below the historical average (459.0) and a bit above the rate for 2020 (424.5).

What do you thing would happen once the lockdowns ceased, the mask compliance waned and the borders were reopened? Death rates went up. Why is this so hard for you?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 4:50:24 PM
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