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'People Power' surges back despite conservative mass media : Comments

By Andris Heks, published 30/6/2022

This time the general electorate refused to be swayed by misinformation, and shifted further to the left than the Labor Party dared to go

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Next time round, they will possibly see the error of their ways and vote the coalition back in.
Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 30 June 2022 9:16:49 AM
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"Next time round, they will possibly see the error of their ways and vote the coalition back in."

Hopefully not.....Ever.
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 30 June 2022 9:26:45 AM
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Politics certainly seems to have changed and we're
seeing it unfold. Hopefully, under the new leadership
it will be less of a wrecking ball and more of a builder
type of ethos in Canberra. The signs though are good
thus far. In the past half century few Australian PMs
with the exception of Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating
have had so busy a start in foreign affairs.

And its looking good. The QUAD trip was an obvious success
re-kindling ties with US Japan, India went down well -
and it indicated how our government will take on regional
policy especially with China's fresh assertiveness.

Domestically - things are also looking hopeful - with
negotiations being key. All in all if our PM can succeed
in raising the tone of politics it will be very welcome
to many voters.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 30 June 2022 10:39:00 AM
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Where is this "conservative mass media". Anyone who thinks that there is a skerrick of conservatism left in this country has to be coming from a pure communist outlook.

But remember, Mr. Heks is a creature of the ABC. He even imagines an "ultra right" section of the mass media.

The ex-Prime Minister, whom I, as a conservative, dislike and despise as Mr. Heks does, was certainly not a conservative; he was nothing; he was in cahoots with the ABC-loving Turnbull in backstabbing the only close-to-conservtive, Tony Abbott.

And yes, the Morrison government was a terrible government - because it was not conservative.

But a "scare campaign" against Labor. Of course their bloody was, and vice versa. Scare campaigns are part and parcel of election campaigns, by all politicians.

"The majority of voters not only decisively rejected the Liberal Party ….". So, people understandably wanted the Coalition out, but more voters still gave their first preferences to them than they gave to Labor. Without the preferential voting system, the Coalition would have been returned.

We are still entitled to say what we think, but Mr. Heks is talking through his ABC hat.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 June 2022 10:49:26 AM
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I don’t vote, so I’m not at all responsible for political outcomes which are totally outside the power of the voting classes: one day they may realise the error of their ways, and not vote for criminals: It’s not a good idea to support them.

My suggested solutions to Politicians made here on OLO, are not understood or appreciated by the timid population here.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 30 June 2022 11:07:43 AM
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Left right, good bad, up or down. All elections are decided in the moderate middle and on good or bad policy. As for people power, as long as there are preferences and dirty deals done in the dead of night on traded preferences, so called people power, is effectively emasculated!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 30 June 2022 12:39:06 PM
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