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The Forum > Article Comments > Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day? > Comments

Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day? : Comments

By Greg Bondar, published 7/2/2022

In 2018 Scott Morrison promised a religious discrimination act to protect Australians’ religious freedoms, an issue which was taken to the 2019 federal election in May.

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Thank you, Greg Bondar, for your succinct analysis of " a red herring". It is one of Morrison's ploys to distract the public from his ongoing problems doing what he has failed to do in the past three years- manage the government of Australia. He is always too worried about his self-image, that he has never looked in the political mirror to see/know that if he looked after the small details, the larger ones, usually fall into place. His abject performance at the recent National Press Club was an admission of failure, albeit never given voice, as his pride gets in the way. He trips over it every morning getting out of bed. Dishonesty and lies have become his bedfellows- by necessity. To put it in an Australian language, which we all know- he is a slacker!
Posted by Cyclone, Monday, 7 February 2022 7:35:45 AM
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Don't you think a Religious Discrimination Bill is needed, considering the recent Citipointe Christian College saga? The pressure placed on Citipointe has led to its withdrawal of the anti-gay contract. It was promoting the biblical view of homosexuality and its eternal consequences as articulated in Romans 1:18-30 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

Will the RDB cover schools and allow them to promote these sexual values in their enrolment contracts?

In 2019, Scott Morrison stated "he supports the law of the country but wouldn’t say if his personal opposition to same-sex marriage has changed since it was legalised. . . . Mr Morrison abstained from voting for marriage equality when it passed the House of Representatives in 2018, and he voted “no” in the national survey" (SBS News - AAP - 13 May 2019).

I look forward to see how the RDB will be implemented to allow evangelical and Pentecostal schools and organisations to be faithful to biblical Christianity in the ethos of their beliefs.
Posted by OzSpen, Monday, 7 February 2022 7:38:40 AM
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From what I have seen, the bill would stop Christians from 'discriminating' against people in their schools and institutions who are don't actually believe in Christianity - atheists and homosexuals, transgenderists and other perverts. The Muslims love the idea of gagging people from criticising their horrid religion, too.

Discrimination is a natural and healthy thing. You might as well not believe in anything if you don’t discriminate. Discrimination doesn't mean violence or nastiness: it means 'Thanks, but no thanks. You stay in your yard, and I'll stay in mine'.

I am amazed that people are still waiting for Morrison to make a decision or have a opinion on this Bill or on anything else.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 7 February 2022 8:01:22 AM
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Why all the fuss about Citipointe?

If parents didn't like the 'contract', they could have sent their kids to any number of schools not so fussy, including government schools where anything goes - anything except a proper education, that is.

Note that the ranting, raving MSM didn't say if, or how many, parents approved of the school's discrimination according to belief. Like other businesses there was an offer to sell; the customer can accept or not.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 7 February 2022 8:21:35 AM
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First of all, all forms of discrimination need to be legislated against/unlawful! Given we already have religious freedom with few impediments!

Alan Saunders, a world renowned genetisist and his team, in peer reviewed research, found two certain gay genes and three probables.

At one time the men of religion and letters believed in a flat earth, then that earth was the centre of thee solar system and the universe. And non believers excommunicated for believing otherwise. Today, we base belief, [most of us,] on evidence based belief!

And those like the flat earth society sidelined like the brain-washed nutters they are! Along we the religious cranks that believe the bible to say things, that JC never uttered!

Why, even Paul was a self-confessed homosexual, persecuted by both the Romans and the Jews. And only found sanctuary inside the early esoteric Christian community!

Today he would find a very different Christian community full of very vociferous bible bashing hypocrites! Persecuting (born that way) difference!

And ignoring any evidence that contrary to their narrow (brainwashed from birth) belief system! No change is needed to guarantee freedom of religious worship! We already have that in spades!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 7 February 2022 12:36:05 PM
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>a religious discrimination act to protect Australians’ religious freedoms

I think the religious do themselves a disservice because all they do is pick and choose what they want to hate on. There are a few good people who are religious but that's despite their region not because of it.

Those of us from the outside find that incredulous and serves to simply identify that a old fashioned book of myths is being used as a shield to protect a select few from being allowed to proclaim their hate speech (banned by for everyone else) loudly and proudly.

The Bible is either the word of god... or it isn't

Kill disobedient sons (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:2)
Kill blasphemers (Leviticus)
Kill non-virginal brides (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)
Kill homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13)
Kill adulterers (Leviticus 20:10)

Your supposed to marry your rapist, you're not supposed to eat shellfish, or wear clothes of different blends but that's all cast aside and you can hate on gays ? If the religious then are discriminated against or taken to task for their hate in a level playing field, or have to pay taxes etc its apparently egregious ?
Posted by Valley Guy, Monday, 7 February 2022 12:59:31 PM
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