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The Forum > Article Comments > Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day? > Comments

Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day? : Comments

By Greg Bondar, published 7/2/2022

In 2018 Scott Morrison promised a religious discrimination act to protect Australians’ religious freedoms, an issue which was taken to the 2019 federal election in May.

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*.. It allows religions to discriminate against people who do not share their beliefs as well as those they consider to be unacceptable because of their sexual orientation, disability, race, etc…* go on ey.

Well you miss the point! Protecting rights should be performed at street level. That’s a human tradition stretching back millennia, and it’s that particular quirk of history that is seldom recognised.
Make all the theoretical rules you like, in the end people will ignore them in their own self interest.

One big missing part of this jigsaw is who are the enemy of religious freedom?
Out of that question grow many others.
The gutlessness of those throwing these proposals around in high places, is testament to the failure of the political system.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 7:06:01 AM
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I appreciate your point.
My view of religion is its imperative in stabilising society, a major part of our culture, whether a believer or not. Living Cheek by Jowl with the devils creation called gay rights is galling to many. I refuse to buckle to it!

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 7:17:51 AM
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Dear diver dan,


You wrote :

« Protecting rights should be performed at street level. »

What we are talking about here, diver dan, is a project of law : the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021.

Are you suggesting that this is something we should fight out in the street if it becomes law and our rights are not respected ?

Could you be a little more explicit please and perhaps give a few examples of how and when we should “protect our rights at street level” – single-handed, street brawls, gang-bangs, armed combat, etc. ?

Whatever it is, it certainly sounds like an interesting method of protecting one’s rights, diver dan. You say it’s “a human tradition stretching back millennia”. Sounds like you have the Stone Age in mind.

I believe the Stone Age began about 2.6 million years ago when researchers found the earliest evidence of humans using stone tools (and weapons). It lasted until about 3,300 B.C. when the Bronze Age began.

I doubt that banging someone over the head with a bronze tool would meet your criteria in terms of power of persuasion. Stone would probably be more effective.

Unfortunately, submissions are now closed for the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021, otherwise, you could have contacted the Parliamentary Joint Committee and reminded them that “protecting rights should be performed at street level”.

If you’re serious about wanting to get things back on track, your best bet now would be to send a Tweet direct to the Prime minister himself.

I'm afraid he’s the only one who could do anything about it at this late hour.

Good luck, diver dan – but don't hold your breath !

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 10:57:51 AM
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OF course, the bar association promotes a bill of human rights as it is a lawyer's picnic.

The reality is that Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs. Muslim's beliefs are often far worse, but they appear to be a protected species.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 6:30:02 AM
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Dear shadowminister,


You wrote :

1. « OF course, the bar association promotes a bill of human rights as it is a lawyer's picnic »

I cited the submission of the Law Council of Australia. I could have cited many others that also "promote" (as you say) a bill of rights. If you are interested, I suggest you consult the 400 odd submissions to the two federal parliamentary inquiries on the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021.

2. « The reality is that Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs »

Religious intolerance is a fact of life, I’m afraid, shadowminister. Many wars have been fought in the name of religion. Conflicts are inherent in the mosaic of certitudes they profess. Christianity is no exception to the rule. It has often persecuted and been persecuted throughout history.

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom's 2020 report, Christians in Burma, China, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Vietnam are persecuted; these countries are labeled "countries of particular concern" by the United States.

Happily, Australia does not have a history of religious persecution. Christians in this country have the freedom to gather and worship freely, to meet in public places, to join the army, to teach, to vote, and to be prime ministers. Christians own and run vast institutions. They are still the largest religious affiliation in Australia.

Of course, there may be the odd exception, but it would be a gross exaggeration to suggest that Christians are a persecuted group in Australia.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 11:40:13 AM
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I find your comment "Religious intolerance is a fact of life, I’m afraid," somewhat flippant.

How about "Racial intolerance is a fact of life, I’m afraid,"

or "Gender intolerance is a fact of life, I’m afraid,"


Instead of an entirely new bill, simply including religion under 18c would do the trick.

Secondly, savvy people would realise that this is a political wedge issue. Labor in blocking this bill would not gain any votes from atheists but would seriously piss off believers.

Why else do you think Juliar blocked gay marriage for so long?
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 1:13:18 PM
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