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The Forum > Article Comments > Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day? > Comments

Will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the light of day? : Comments

By Greg Bondar, published 7/2/2022

In 2018 Scott Morrison promised a religious discrimination act to protect Australians’ religious freedoms, an issue which was taken to the 2019 federal election in May.

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There is no gay gene Allan B.

It’s more accurate to state that environmental factors are the greatest influence on choice.

Relativising the conjunct of homosexuality to the normalcy of a heterosexual society is hugely anti-social and an affront to decency.

There is no excuse for promoting the perversion, and when you push their barrow it reduces your relevance accordingly. Take some advice.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 7 February 2022 1:29:00 PM
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We don't need religious Rights, what we need is religious responsibility !
Posted by individual, Monday, 7 February 2022 2:38:23 PM
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What we really need is personal responsibility elevated to its rightful place
Religion is a personal choice; nobody is forced to comply to its demands on lifestyle and personal choices, and nobody should be persecuted to the point where it becomes necessary for righteous members of society to seek protection behind the barricades of an act of parliament, (which this bill will in some form or another be implemented as an act).

What a sad indictment on this country it is, when religion in its many cultural and social forms is so much under pressure to comply to leftist dogma which is considered inappropriate to the same dogs of disruption that were capable of spitting on our returning Vietnam Veterans on their return to Australian shores.

Why do we tolerate these fools?

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 7 February 2022 8:54:54 PM
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Dear Greg (the author),


You wrote :
« So, will the Religious Discrimination Bill see the ‘Light of Day’? - not on your nelly. Alea iacta est » [the die is cast, there is no turning back].

I sincerely hope you’re right, Greg. The bill is blatantly unethical.

It states that contrary to international human rights law, the manifestation of religious belief must be privileged over other human rights. It allows religions to discriminate against people who do not share their beliefs as well as those they consider to be unacceptable because of their sexual orientation, disability, race, etc.

Freedom of religion or belief is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reaffirmed in article 18 of the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) signed by over 160 States, including Australia.

In addition to freedom of religion, this right includes the right to adopt, change or abandon a religion or belief, and to profess no religion or belief.

“Freedom of religion and belief” and “Freedom of opinion and expression”, are two intrinsically linked and mutually reinforcing principles founded in the universal, indivisible and interrelated nature of all human rights, whose purpose is to protect individuals – not doctrines of thought such as religions and their symbols, which do not constitute subjects of law.

In sum, Australia (or any other country, for that matter) does not need the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021.

What we need is what every other democratic country in the Western world already possesses, i.e., a comprehensive Bill of Rights embedded in our federal Constitution.


(Continued …)

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 2:07:23 AM
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(Continued …)


Here is what the Law Council of Australia wrote in its submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 :

« The Law Council considers it is preferable to embed freedom of religion in a comprehensive and coherent framework of substantial rights protection, which recognizes that limitations on rights must be necessary, and proportionate to the specific need, in order to be justified and permissible. This is best achieved through a federal human rights act.

In the absence of such an act, piecemeal legislation which places an undue emphasis on giving effect to single freedom may risk unjustifiably limiting the rights of others ».

That seems like good common sense to me.

I can't imagine that our Prime minister thinks otherwise – but, no doubt, he has his political (religious?) imperatives to deal with ...

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 2:22:41 AM
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diver dan,

<<There is no gay gene Allan B. It’s more accurate to state that environmental factors are the greatest influence on choice.>>

I agree there is no gay gene but your diagnosis of "environmental factors" influencing choice is just as problematical.

God's view from Scripture is that He "gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error" (Romans 1:24-27).

The cause of homosexuality and other sinful actions is "the sinful desires of their hearts." I don't expect you to accept this diagnosis but it's as true as the living God is holy.
Posted by OzSpen, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 7:03:15 AM
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