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Australia or Sweden: which has had the better 2020? : Comments
By Paul Frijters, published 19/4/2021In that 510,000 wellbeing years is all the misery caused by lockdowns and social distancing: all the cancelled weddings, all the additional cases of depression, all the extra anxiety.
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Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 April 2021 10:19:48 AM
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What a piece of stitched together, ill researched, rubbish.
It can't even get basic facts right. "Sweden did not close the schools, which is the thing that has been found to cause massive wellbeing losses among the young and their parents in other countries." Yes they bloody well did. They certainly closed universities and upper highschools but left lower and primary schools open. Just in December of last year they announce all schools would go to distance learning for a period to cope with their second wave. Just to be perfectly clear the first graphic has nothing to do with the ANU study. The authors do not mention Sweden once. As to the "media commentariat" the Murdoch press has been dogged in their condemnation of people like Daniel Andrews. Most Australians are pretty darn grateful for what our leaders have done to keep the scourge of Covid from inflicting a Sweden style nightmare on us. This bloke is just winging it. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 19 April 2021 10:46:57 AM
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Foiled by The Australian paywall, I could see only this part of a Chris Kenny article, but it says a lot:
"The pandemic has turned us back to our roots. When the British settled this continent in 1788, they established a prison island; now, once more, people are not allowed to leave the place, and we submit to unprecedented levels of authoritarian control". Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 April 2021 12:32:15 PM
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We have already established that your racist sexist and incestophobic BIGOTRY completely invalidate your political opinion. In any event, you are not "most Australians" and do not represent them. Obviously if most Australians agreed on the restrictions of their liberties by totalitarian fascists of your ilk, no governmental action would have been necessary to restrict them so we are both agreed you're talking nonsense. You have been brainwashed and do not understand what you're talking about. You've got a brain. Use it! You need to do independent research and get the facts and understand what's going on .Merely swallowing down what your totalitarian official propaganda manipulators are brainwashing into you does not make you more clever and morally superior, as you mistakenly suppose, but dumber and more docile. But you need to understand that that's not a reason for other people to have their liberties and human rights violated. Notice how the left wing just keep rushing in to defend unlimited government power without reason, over and over again? They love it. They think the violations of freedoms and human rights are wonderful because in the final analysis, that's all their ideology has ever been about. Repuslive authoritarian Stalinists to the core, with their rubbish about how government is really an all-knowing, all-caring God, our saviour and redemption. By your own premises you agree you have no valid criticism of government. Posted by Cumberland, Monday, 19 April 2021 12:39:15 PM
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Dear Cumberland,
"incestophobic"? Lol. Well yes, you have me there. I do have a strong dislike of incest, most of us do. The fact that you seem to think that is an insult potentially has you as a Tasmanian at the very least. It was a big bowl of fruit loops for breakfast this morning wasn't it. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 19 April 2021 1:03:24 PM
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The article probably would have been helped had it contained even a short definition of the meaning and thought behind the concept of 'Wellbeing' and 'Wellbeing Years' (WELLBY).
Although it means slightly different things in each jurisdiction, it is a well understood term which allows comparison of population and economic outcomes across time and regions using more broadly based parameters than just GDP and the like. A reasonable explanation comes from the US CDC... As the data starts to accumulate, it is clear that the lockdowns were/are a monumental error for which populations in places like Australia will be paying for years to come. The excellent analysis in this article, while probably a surprise to many, is just one of a growing body of evidence that the lockdown frenzy that swept the first world was ill-thought out and probably the worst economic/medical error made by collective governments since 1929. Since most political parties, most medical groups and most sections of the mass media, either supported or at least didn't actively oppose the lockdown frenzy, none of these can be relied on to inform the public of this new understanding. However, the research and information that the lockdowns were a severe error is becoming so overwhelming that its unlikely to be repeated in the future. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 19 April 2021 1:09:38 PM
The media has helped the new totalitarianism by causing panic and hysteria. The virus always heads the news: constant yabber of "new cases", when there has been no domestic infection passed on, but has arrived with people allowed in by our 'managers'. If you actually took notice of these propagandists, you would think that people had died ONLY from the virus! Nothing else, including old age and other causes exist! They carefully keep from you the fact that, in countries, like the UK, the number deaths since the virus have been the same as the averages for the past 10 years, well before we heard of the China virus.