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What do popular votes mean in the USA? : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 5/3/2021No one in American history has won more votes than Donald Trump did last November, save for Joe Biden, who won over 81 million popular votes.
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Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 5 March 2021 7:48:49 PM
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Did you read the article SR or just, as usual, run off to find someone to tell you what you wanted to hear about the article.
Direct quote from the article.... "There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs." Plenty of others as well. You should read it some time. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 6 March 2021 8:14:29 AM
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McHazy. I agree with SR.
Conspiracies?! Yes some loud jerk did actively conspire to incite a mob to storm America's Capitol/Parliament building. Trump Vote Count being now a gone issue: only dredged up by a diminishing number of Trump occultists. Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 6 March 2021 8:49:48 AM
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Spot on Don, spot on!
And no one in American history has won more votes than Donald Trump did last November but lost the election, save for Joe Biden, who won over 81 million popular votes and won the election. WAIT A MINUTE! WAIT A MINUTE! STOP THE PRESS! SOMETHING DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. There's something really stupid about this topic. Are YOU smart enough to work out what it is? Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 6 March 2021 9:40:19 AM
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Good old Uncle Donald. Forever in the news; that’s the idea.
Dan Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 6 March 2021 11:14:18 AM
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Dear diver dan,
Indeed. It will take the cult members a long time to let go. Dear mhaze, Only the most jaundiced, conspiratorial fruit loop would read that article and decide it was proof of widespread voter fraud. It was directly about looking after America's democratic institutions which Trump had repeatedly attacked culminating in the soft coup attempt at Capitol hill. “The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted.” These people should be applauded including the US Chamber of Commerce for their belief in democracy and for their willingness to stand up for it. Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 6 March 2021 12:41:44 PM
You claim "the revelations of those in the Time article shows a conspiracy to rig the election".
It does no such thing. Instead it shows a determination to save the electoral process from the voting suppression and underhanded framing of unsubstantiated irregularities by a flog called Trump.
Mate, you really need to get off the Koolaid.