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Jordan moves to resolve West Bank sovereignty problem it created : Comments

By David Singer, published 11/8/2020

Razzaz has raised the possibility of a 'one-state solution' to replace the 'two-state solution'.

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What I wrote on 26th June 2020 still stands :

I wrote:

"An annexation by Israel of territory in the West Bank might be coordinated with Trump's reelection priorities.

Collusion between Netanyahu and the Trump Administration is possible. This is in the sense that if the annexation is launched before the US November Presidential Election this may well amount to a crisis that will benefit Trump.

If there is a violent Palestinian reaction to the annexation then footage of violent demonstrations, Israeli tanks and airstrikes will tend to make Americans anxious. Broader Arab national opposition may well boost the price of oil hurting the American voter’s hip pocket.

President Trump can wade into the crisis by “brokering” peace – really in favour of Israel. Meanwhile many undecided US voters may rally round the President, as they often do in times of tension.

Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 26 June 2020 9:45:34 AM"
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 1:43:34 PM
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Hi Petye,

I'm not so sure - I suspect that Trumpf is such a moron that, if anything, his ramblings that the Beirut explosion may have been caused by a bomb - launched by whom ? - drops Israel into the picture (no, I don't think they were involved either) and doesn't suggest that Trumpf could possibly be - or see himself as - some sort of peacemaker.

Choose your friends wisely, the Israelis are thinking. My bet is that they're sending chocolates to Biden's wife for her birthday, whenever it may be.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 2:20:03 PM
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"In the early hours of 25 June 2020 and 7 July 2020, dozens of soldiers raided two homes of the extended Abu Hashhsash family in al-Fawwar Refugee Camp, under the pretext of searching for three family members. The soldiers entered both homes without masks. In the first, they beat three family members and blew up a fuse box in the metal workshop of another member. In the second, they set a dog on three members of the family and beat one of them. In both cases, right after the raid, an ISA agent called the family, who were not suspected of anything, and demanded that the relatives the military was looking for turn themselves in. In one case, the agent explicitly threatened that soldiers would return and turn the family's home into a “battleground”.

Soldiers raiding Palestinians’ homes at the dead of night, waking entire families, including small children and infants, has long since been a fixture in the routine that the occupation regime imposes in the West Bank. In these raids – which, this time, included the use of violence and intimidation against family members, as well as damage to property – soldiers are not required to show a search warrant or even provide a reason. This is yet another example of the military’s abuse of power, even in the height of a global pandemic, with a lockdown imposed on most of the West Bank and fear among residents running higher than ever."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 2:38:59 PM
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I think that Jordan will always be a pivotal actor in any solution. Previous experience will give Jordan hesitation in granting ‘Palestinians ’ Jordanian citizenship. The notion of dumping the failed 40 year old ‘two state’ solution is a step in the right direction. With President Trumps’ drive and guidance there is as good a chance I have seen, in the last 20 years, for a ‘workable’ solution.
Posted by Pete S, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 4:27:55 PM
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Dear Pete S,

Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 4:44:09 PM
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Hi Joe

Re your "My bet is that they're sending chocolates to Biden's wife for her birthday, whenever it may be."

Biden's wife, Professor of English Jill Biden, was born on June 3rd, 1951

Professor Jill Biden will make a fine First Lady. She'll be a vast improvement over clothes-horse for hire Melania Trump of the "Iva beena in Amereeka for 24 years, buta iya sounda lyka I'ya just gotta offa the boata Yesterday" Slovenian-Russian accent.


Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 6:21:26 PM
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Just to prove Melania canna speaka in Engleesh - here's Mel
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 11 August 2020 10:36:01 PM
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I didn't know she had such a great sense of humour !
Let's see you put on an act in Slovak Lingo & put it up on Youtube !
As for the conspiracy theory on the West Bank, why not write a Novel to publish right at election time ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 12 August 2020 7:22:44 AM
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Giddy Iddy

I'll do better than thatty.

Here's her hubby

where "Trump falsely claims "in 1917 The Great Pandemic...ended the Second World War""


Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 12 August 2020 10:34:19 AM
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Trumpf is unaware that his own grandfather, the brothel-owner, Fred Sr's father, died of the Spanish Flu in 1918, before it was well-known.

But he knew about Hitler rampaging all over Europe in 1928, causing the Depression. Stable genius !

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 12 August 2020 10:39:38 AM
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Hi Pete,

Trumpf is unaware that his own grandfather, the brothel-owner, died of the Spanish Flu in 1918, before it was designated as a pandemic.

But he knew a bit about Hitler rampaging all over Europe in 1928, causing the Depression.

I wonder how he'd go on SBS's 'Mastermind'. Caitlin would cream him.

Stephen Loosley has an article in today's Australian, suggesting that Trumpf might drop out of the race. I doubt it, it's not in a psychotic's nature to admit defeat like that.

But that's not to say that he might not have an accident in the next 83 days. I wouldn't try crossing the street if I was him. Or stand near windows. Or go on any long drives with fellow-Republicans.

Oh hello, Runner, didn't see you there.

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 12 August 2020 10:49:56 AM
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All I heard was "and probably ended the second World War".
When one considers how depleted all soldiers were from energy & spirit, it's not out of the question that they simply got too sick !
I recall many old blkes telling stories of how stuffed everyone was towards the end.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 12 August 2020 6:13:06 PM
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This is the most happy day:

Since 1967, Israel's government declared that the occupied territories will only be kept as a bargaining chip for a peace agreement with the Arab world.


As the first step, Israel will abandon its annexation plans.
Further down the line, as more Arab countries join the United-Arab-Emirates in a comprehensive peace agreement, Israel's army will abandon the West-Bank altogether (and the Golan Heights when Syria is also ready for peace).

No more depressing horror-stories, SteeleRedux!

While the author may, at his own peril, maintain his private "100 years old Arab-Jewish conflict", between his sect of "the Jews" and the Arab ghost, Israel and the Arab world will now live in peace as Israel will no longer bow down to "Jewish" demands.

As for the native population of the West-Bank, the so-called "Palestinians" and the so-called "Jews", let them handle their internal affairs as they please: if they wish to keep fighting each other then so be it, but the rest of the world will leave them to their own devices and concentrate instead on fighting and eliminating the virus!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 14 August 2020 10:52:52 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

You proclaim; “As the first step, Israel will abandon its annexation plans.”

Don't be silly, no it won't. Netanyahu has done this dance so many times before that no one in Israel nor in Palestine believe he has any intention of doing it again. He will take the money and run, something he has turned into an art form.

As to the horror stories i'm not sure what you are wanting from me. If I stop posting them do you think the horror for the Palestinian people suddenly goes away? No, they will still exist, all that will happen is your sensibilities will be a little more protected. You will have to tell be why you think you deserve this luxury.

This announcement is purely an election one. It doesn't change much if anything on the ground but is their to boost Trump's chances.

Trump has supposedly halted North Korean missile testing but in less than two years they were back at it. His deals are soft platitudes and this latest one likely has about the same amount of substance.

I wish it wasn't so.


Convinced he would never get Israeli approval to build a home in his village, Amarneh set his sights on a cave in the foothills overlooking Farasin.

Amarneh said he figured that because the cave is a natural formation, Israel could not possibly argue it was illegally built, while the Palestinian Authority agreed to register the land in his name.

Amarneh sealed the mouth of the cave with a stone wall and installed a wooden door at its centre.

He fashioned a kitchen, a living room, and sleeping areas for himself, his pregnant wife, and their young daughter. There is even space for guests.

After living there for a year and a half, he received a demolition notice from the Israeli authorities in July along with 20 other Palestinian families in Farasin.

End quote
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 14 August 2020 12:15:56 PM
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As I've been saying since June: Trump can wade into the Netanhayu manufactured Israel-West Bank crisis by “brokering” peace before the US 3rd November US Presidential Election.

Even getting this 60% of it right ain't bad

And LO AND BEHOLD what does Trump announce over the last 24 HOURS?

"Israel signs historic deal with UAE that will 'suspend' West Bank annexation - Trump hails US-brokered pact as ‘peace agreement’"

Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 14 August 2020 4:55:03 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

I'm wondering given the numerous reports showing the Israeli's have only agreed to a temporary halt to annexation plans whether you are now prepared to walk back your earlier claim that:

"As the first step, Israel will abandon its annexation plans."?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 16 August 2020 12:27:17 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

Nobody knows the future. All I can do is pray.

But I am optimistic, because I know that the majority of Israelis want peace more than anything, also most Israeli soldiers do the right thing and only a foolish minority commit these atrocities that you report, which saddens me to the core.

Netanyahu is in a very difficult place.
He would do ANYTHING to avoid being thrown into prison - and frankly, who wouldn't?
It is unfortunate that he needs the settlers in order to remain prime-minister, so that he can slow the court-proceedings. He pays them some lip-service and today he also announced that he will throw more money at them, to build better roads to their settlements, including tunnels beneath troubled areas. It is understandable.

- but I don't think he really cares one way or the other about the West-Bank: he will go wherever the sway goes, to lose as few supporters as he can.

He cannot lose the votes of my family because they were not voting for him anyway.

The people of Israel have been despairing.
For several decades they have been singing of peace,
but as time passed with no results, they were worn off and having considered it an impossible dream they said "well rather than banging our heads against the wall, let's instead solve the economic social and religious problems".

But now things are changing. With the new peace accord the people will wake up and demand more, and on seeing their numbers, Netanyahu will follow, perhaps even retiring with a presidential pardon for his historical "peace-making".

And for my personal excitement, having peace between Israel and the UAE means one less flying-leg and a shorter trip, perhaps even under 24 hours if connections work well (Australia-Dubai-Tel-Aviv with the Emirates, practically on a straight line) when next, once COVID is over, I can see my family in Israel again, including the two new babies I never met.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:30:19 PM
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