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Common sense: quarantine is for sick people : Comments

By David Pellowe, published 6/8/2020

At no stage did we ever think lock down was a sustainable measure. We were told we only had to flatten the curve.

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I think the crux of the matter is the medical advice.
For instance, the advice on that malaria vaccine or drug. Hexachlorine ?
We have scientists from very eminent medical institutions giving
absolutely contrary statements.
One says that given to elderly patients in the first week gives
a large decrease in the death rate.
Another says that trials have shown no effect at all.
They cannot be both right.
So what does a politician do ?
He can take the no loose decision and insist that the drug be used.
A reasonable "gamble" as the drug is a safe and accepted treatment.
He will be berated by the local medical "experts" for unethical practice.
That whole issue got confused by anti Trump syndrome when Trump
announced he was taking the drug. Therefore is must be a bad decision.

That we have such a fundamental contradictory medical opinion means
that the medical profession is not as clever as they want us to believe.
A second opinion is the usual suggestion, but that did not work.
The inability of the medial profession to solve this dilemma very
quickly shows a lack of professional procedures.
It leaves the rest of us to go by the seat of our pants.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 6 August 2020 11:56:34 AM
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There is rarely mention that out of the tens of thousands of business's ruined and possibly a million plus unemployed that not one public servant has lost a cent. I suppose many can pounce on the all the cheap sales which will be occurring in the near future. You would think that if we were all in this together that public servant wages and spending would be cut by at least 20%. Oh well all those HR Departments need the diversity staff, the thousands stopping progress through green, red and rainbow tape, the education bureaucrats working out how to confuse kids about their sexuality. And lets not forget the billion plus a year for the abc to push their marxist division and cancel culture. The 'smart' country? Oh well as long as we remained locked up and wear a mask all will be ok.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 6 August 2020 12:24:58 PM
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Hi Bazz,

President Trump tried hexachloroquine and he didn't get the virus. So that proves it's effective.

I don't know where to get hexachloroquine, but I've tried something else, to ward off the virus: at every full moon, I go out and howl at it. Four months now, and I HAVEN'T CAUGHT THE VIRUS ! So it works !

So what do we need these jumped-up 'doctors' and 'science' for ? All everybody has to do is go out in the street when there's a full moon and howl at it. Not for long, maybe half an hour. Around midnight would be the best time, when the moon is fullest. Ignore the dogs, and the pesky neighbours.

And when the police come, tell them it's your individual sovereign right to howl at the moon. They'll know what to do.

Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 6 August 2020 12:28:52 PM
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Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 6 August 2020 12:34:42 PM
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It would have be interesting to know what the 'expert' advice would have been had the 'experts' had their incomes slashed. But,they are being treated as some sort of angels even though most of their advice and predictions have turned out to be crap.

The fact that politicians have not shown solidarity with the general population and made sacrifices should never be forgotten, either.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 6 August 2020 12:47:56 PM
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Recent broad scale testing has revealed that the real number of Italians that were infected, was six times greater than the original estimate!

That's six times David! And as Asymptomatic carriers spreading this killer virus, far and wide!

People like David say, healthy people shouldn't be locked up!

I get that what he knows about infectious disease, could be written on the back of a postage stamp, using a crowbar for a pen.

Asymptomatic people need to be locked up so they don't get to kill other folks! Understand yet, genius?

Me? I've have locked the whole place down tighter than a fish's annus phincter, and that's so tight it's waterproof. I'd have imposed the dawn to dust curfew immediately and locked and bolted all the borders, international, state and shire!

And policed the curfew with a routinely tested army, armed with non-lethal bean bag ammo. And right wing agitators like David and a few radio piosonalities would have cooled their heels in prison for sidition and or treason!

Curfew breackers would have had a beanbag round in the belly, as their reward!

Other than that, Jobkeeper and or Jobseeker should have been extended to all workers! So that sick folk could stay at home when sick, rather than be forced to work at whatever and spread their infection far and wide! Just to put food on the table!

And clearly not understood by the ruling class, judging all others by their economic standards! Or compelled by an idiotic idealogical imperitive?

The flatten the curve rationale, was therefore in play because the emphasis was on the economy first and foremost and done as the rationale by folk who knew about as much about HIGHLY infectious diseases as the very ignorant, David?

If the disease is deprived of host carriers it dies! Flattening the curve does not deprive it of hosts!

And the victorian or Italian examples demonstrates just how easily a single carrier can shut down the whole economy!

We should have gone/still go for elimination. more effective and less costly overall!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 6 August 2020 1:12:27 PM
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