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Preposterous political posturing : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 31/7/2020

I just couldn't believe it. 'Coon' is no longer to be the name of a well-known style of cheese.

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Dear gouger,

Your as thick as the proverbial brick aren't you!
You know what? Thanks a million for jumping into my trap.

The heading of this article is "preposterous political posturing".
An article written by one of the most conservative of OLO authors. He's over it!
I'm over it, and anybody I know is over it. And what is the "it" we with a still functioning brain are collectively over?

We're particularly over Wank-Wokes like you, the bonger from Nimbin, and the vixen who I'm sure, still has a box of last years Christmas nuts between her/ its legs, (who would know);? and other assorted traitors of this once lovely country, brought to its knees with dumb blatant stupidity, of which "my" example of it highlights the whole sad story.

And you proffer-up an example of how right you are and how wrong I am, by the charmingly dismissive quote from the Queensland Police force.
Well I'm armed for that lie.
I know ex-Queensland police; that's the same ones I faced off with in the BLF on the streets many years ago, and trust me, their view if the new age Politically correct copper, is not printable.

But I'll round it off conservitavly. When their not in the back room writing up reports taking infinitely longer than the job they write about, they are scheming along towards an exit strategy designed to align with a anti-social cop-out condition so contagious, the wonder is anybody actually works in the public service; it's acronym? PTSD.
In every mans world called "scam".

Our whole society is a scam. The leading cause of it is Political Correctness.
And what that dangerous disease does at its worst, it conflates the truth with a blatent lie, which is in the forbidden basket to counter, under the tag of "Racism", in this instance.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 2 August 2020 8:07:45 AM
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I begin with a bitch session.
How many of you remember being shat on and abused using the word "abo", when I made it quite clear that it was just another abbreviated word I grew up with, such as describing myself as a WOG, DAGO, DING, SPAGHETTI MUNCHER, and so on.
You see I can use such words when I talk about myself, and there's NOTHING you pin heads can do about it, and I know there are those who are fuming right now, because I found a way of dismissing or rejecting PC.
I reject any attempt at trying to change me to suite others.
I am who/what I am and if others don't like it, they can all go and get.........
I do not accept PC, this you all know.
If I have to use words that do not convey the true message, then I am lying.
If someone wants to abuse another, they have the right to do so, and more importantly, they must be allowed to do so, regardless of the consequences which may or may not follow.
How many times do I have to remind you ignorant, arrogant plebs, I have told you so many times that words like "blackman", "fireman", "policeman", and I could go on but you know what I mean; now clear your ears and mind for a moment while I give another of life's lessons to all you bloody PC loving degenerates.
The words I have highlighted are in fact "NOUNS".
Yes nouns, this means they are not descriptive words as you morons want them to be.
They do NOT in any way suggest that a "policeman", can only be a MAN!
Although, I believe they should, but that's another axe.
So if we are expected to take this latest "COON" debacle seriously, I for one cannot.
This PC crap has got to stop, WE have to stop it, by rejecting and attacking it at every opportunity.
What next, I hate sports, alcohol, chili and so many more things that the rest of Moronia actually worship, so am I at fault?
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 2 August 2020 10:10:49 AM
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Hmmm, the letters "man" attached to many words raises hackles in the PC
brigade to a silly extent.
I had the opportunity to put down a woman "Chairman" of a meeting.
She objected to being referred to as "chairman".
I pointed out that the word came from the Roman Senate where the chairman
when he rose to speak stood behind his chair and put his hands "Man in Latin"
on the chair.
Therefore "chairman" is the correct name for the person chairing the meeting.
The Roman senate never had a woman chairman.
The chairman was not happy with me pointing this out !
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 2 August 2020 10:51:44 AM
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It would be nice to have articles NOT dealing with race or the
Chinese virus. Boring doesn't come anywhere near describing the same people arguing about the same things they have no control over.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 2 August 2020 11:20:39 AM
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It won't be long before saying 'CHEESE' for a photo will be deemed racist as it will remind people of Coon Cheese !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 2 August 2020 11:34:11 AM
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thanks for pointing that out.
All these type of words are only titles and even today do not imply that they refer to a "man".
So it is that you are like minded, in that I will not succumb to idiots with immature and misguided ideologies.
Any idiot who expects anyone else to accept that the COON company owners changed the name because it was some casual decision are so stupid and arrogant to expect us to believe that, just shows them up for what they are.
The truth behind the decision and ALL decisions like it is purely a business one based on the fear that this stupid, rancid PC crap is going to affect their bottom line.
It's disgraceful that they changed the name under a false and ignorant pretence.
If I was a descendant of the COON family, I would consider it an affront and a slur on my name, not to mention that it is racist to remove it.
You have to be a racist to consider it a racist name to begin with.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 2 August 2020 11:38:24 AM
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