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The Forum > Article Comments > Black lives matter, monument defacement and media erasure: unpacking the ethics > Comments

Black lives matter, monument defacement and media erasure: unpacking the ethics : Comments

By Rob Cover, published 18/6/2020

The 2020 expansion of the Black Lives Matter protests into a global anti-racism movement in Australia, the United Kingdom and elsewhere has been welcome in countries where black and Indigenous deaths in custody remain unacceptably high.

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'Dear runner,

Blame the victims for their poverty and disadvantage? How very un-Christian of you yet again.'

no Steelie I blame deceitful regressives like yourself who have championed the welfare state among the Indigenous, supported the re writing of history and despise those who have attempted to address issues that could lift people out of poverty. You are very much part of the problem with your hateful rhetoric.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 18 June 2020 11:30:27 AM
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Joe. As usual, erudite educated comment!

Big Nana. You make many valid points, most of which I can agree with.

We need to isolate and forensically, divide deaths in custody. Those that are caused when the police are pursuing a stolen vehicle/criminals and or, criminal perpetrators.
Those incarcerated for serious crimes and die of natural causes inside.
Those killed in prison by prisoner on prisoner violence.
And those where the police or prison warders have used excessive force that then resulted in a fatality.
And a knee on a neck is not the problem but the excessive duration!

We need to accept the role of humbugging activists, inequality and poverty in all of these outcomes and their beginnings.

Finally, how about we enrol some black policemen and make them entirely responsible for eliminating all black crime.
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 18 June 2020 11:42:42 AM
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Spot on as usual.
The major challenge is not that indigenous citizens are being killed in custody; it is the high percentage of indigenous people who are incarcerated, especially young people. Protesting that the police are racist will not solve the problem. It is not the cause.
Underlying issues have to be tackled, health., education, employment, housing, substance abuse, family breakdown, and the high levels of violence.
Marching with placards and chanting yank slogans is worse than futile. “Black Lives Matter” is without programmatic or strategic content ; and worse, as Big Nanna points out , it is divisive, destroying the only basis for forging a political alliance that could effectively challenge it
Posted by Leslie, Thursday, 18 June 2020 1:22:15 PM
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unpacking the ethics :

What have ethnics got to do with feigned indignation ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 18 June 2020 1:25:19 PM
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one really wonders why anyone would join the Police today. To have so many degenerates with arts degrees spitting on you, sleazy lying lawyers working against you and the lying left media always hiding the truth one would need to be masochist. The cops are the true victims in most cases.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 18 June 2020 1:51:50 PM
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Why are we worrying about Black Deaths ?
As a city dweller I have not seen a black indigenous person for as
long as I can remember in the flesh or on TV.
Perhaps if I were in the back blocks of the NT it might be different.
All the noise is being generated by white people, some claiming to be indigenous.
Some men are claiming to be women and some women are claiming to be men.
There was one man claiming to be a piano !
So are there people like the ABC's whiter than white indigenous author?
It seems that in a hundred years or so everyone will be white or yellow.
So all this kuffle is going on about a disappearing difference.
I note that someone on here does not understand the meaning of words.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 18 June 2020 3:46:35 PM
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