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Trump's and Netanyahu's folly : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 7/2/2020

Thus, controlling the Palestinians' lives and their territory became synonymous with Israel's national security.

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Hey Yuyutsu,
"What makes you think that Israel's foreign policy has anything to do with religion?"

I've seen footage of Netanyahu meeting with the Rebbe who asks Bibi why Moshiach isn't here yet and I know about the Greater Israel project.
I know how Netanyahu started the war on terror at the 1979 Jerusalem conference, long before it officially started.
- Which probably became the Bethlehem Doctrine.
I know about Israels foreign policy objectives under the Yinon Plan.

What makes you ask these questions when you used to support and practice Judaism?
And that you know damn well that aims of the Jewish religion and Messianic age mean to have Jews rule over all nations?
Why even ask?

And please don't be offended by my harsh response, because offense is not intended.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 13 February 2020 12:01:13 AM
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"Good to hear from the anti-Semites in the bleachers."

I don't care if you call me anti-semitic.
It's not going to stop me expressing my opinion.

I'll say it again 'Until you realise that the US funds terrorists to promote Israels religious based foreign policy, then you'll all remain clueless.'

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Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 13 February 2020 12:23:36 AM
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And don't for 1 second think I've forgotten the Russian Kalibr Missle attacks on the Aleppo command centre in 2016 which killed 30 - 50 Mossad and Western Intelligence officers who were directing the war effort in Syria, and don't think for 1 second I've forgotten the false flag chemical attacks on innocent women and kids.

The US and Israel are the terrorists.
These are the facts, not whatever sweet nothings the Pro-Jewish Pro-war corporate media whispers in your ears.

You're all playing the part of useful idiots.
- And doing a good job I might add -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 13 February 2020 12:39:38 AM
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Dear Critic,

I am in pain seeing the exploitation of religion in Israel and by Netanyahu in particular, who is anything but religious.
The concept of a Jewish Messiah (or Moshiach) is of a secular/national nature, not religious. It is so painful to see how much crap passes for "religion" these days by the undiscerning public and how religion itself is denigrated as a result.

A true "Messiah", or saviour, would come not to conquer other nations, but to deliver the pious, annihilate the miscreants and to reestablish morality and the true principles of religion.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 13 February 2020 8:10:43 AM
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Hey Yuyutsu,

I'm no expert, but I'm fairly sure it's religious beliefs to them.

Who Is Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah)?

The Messianic Redemption will be ushered in by a person, a human leader, a descendant of Kings David and Solomon, who will reinstate the Davidic royal dynasty. According to tradition, Moshiach will be wiser than Solomon, and a prophet around the level of Moses.

Ever since the destruction of the Holy Temple, in every generation there is an individual, a scion of the House of David, who has the potential to be the Moshiach. If at any moment the Jews are worthy of redemption, this person would be directed from Above to assume the role of the redeemer.

In every generation there is a scion of the House of David who has the potential to be the MoshiachDuring the Messianic Era, the Moshiach will serve a dual role. He will be a monarch, ruling over all of humanity with kindness and justice, and upholding the law of the Torah—613 commandments for the Jews, and seven for the non-Jews. He will also be the ultimate teacher, the conduit for the deepest and most profound dimensions of the Torah which will then be revealed by G-d.

You have at least some history with Judaism, though I think you have different beliefs now.

What exactly should a non-Jew think about these plans?

Should I not be opposed to this as much as I oppose being imposed upon by Islam or any other religion?

The right to freedom of religion also includes a right to freedom from religion.
Do I or do I not have the right to choose for myself?
- And why would I support religions whose beliefs lead them to believe they have the right and obligation to impose their views and ways on everyone else?
Why would I support any of that crap?
Why wouldn't I oppose it?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 15 February 2020 9:37:27 PM
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Dear Critic,

This legend of the Jewish Messiah is, as you say, crap.

However, it is not religious crap - it is nationalistic crap.
Nationalism is crap, religion is never crap.

It is a common practice for nationalistic movements to invent false stories about the role of their people, "explaining" for example why Tibet was presumably always part of China. The unique feature of Jewish nationalism, is that it managed to disguise such fake stories as "religious". Moreover, it even managed to trick Christians into believing this to be the case.

What you do about it is up to you, but whatever you do, please do not fall into this trap of believing this legend to be religious - it is a nationalistic aspiration.

While nationalism imposes itself on others, religion does not and cannot do so. To the extent that organisations impose themselves, their views and their ways on others, such organisations are not truly religious even if they consider themselves as such.

You definitely have the right to follow any existing religion, make your own religion, or abstain from following any definitive religious path. Bear in mind, however, regarding "freedom from religion", that while you have every right to deny or disbelieve in God and otherwise to abstain from any ordained practice, from a metaphysical point of view nobody, human or otherwise, can escape religion altogether.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 15 February 2020 10:46:41 PM
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