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Has Morrison had an Epiphany? : Comments
By Mark Buckley, published 5/2/2020Has our Prime Minister improved in his demeanour since the bushfire crisis?
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I suspect Morrison is hoping the smoke will settle on the fire issue so he can get back his comfort zone. The fires made him cancel his trip to India where he was to discuss increased coal sales. If that is revived then he is assuming the public is over it. Another test will be restoring the canned National Energy Guarantee. My impression is that it would be as effective as a feather duster but it may calm the public for a while.
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 8:18:01 AM
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Mr. Buckley could save himself a lot of effort by simply stating that he hates Scott Morrison. What a a sad misanthrope he is.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 8:19:29 AM
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To ttbn,
misanthrope - a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. Not really 'on the money' if you are describing me, but in response I would think most of the population object to many aspects of Morrison's personality. The only reason it is relevant is because he is the Prime Minister, and every dopey decision he makes affects most of our lives. If he was merely your unfortunate neighbour, I wouldn't care if he pulls the wings off flies ... Posted by askbucko, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 8:55:36 AM
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I think Mark Buckley is actually Paul 1405.
It all adds up! Dan Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:03:48 AM
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I reckon Soot 'Beam up me Scotty' Morrison's political career is all but over. I cannot see him recovering from the damage he did to himself during the 2019/20 fires. People have seen through the emperor's new clothes and they don't like what they see.
I think the Liberal Party will be discussing a new leadership behind his back between now and the next election because surely they don't hope to win with him as their leader. PS To askbucko: You said you have a background in History and Politics. I'd like to hear more so please touch base. Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:18:08 AM
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Has Morrison had an Epiphany? I don't believe he has any more than developing genuine empathy or a backbone.
He might have been given some tips from some in Australian Survivor on how to create a caring persona for media consumption during the very next photo op? But those who've seen the flood of crocodile tears from this politician this coalition, not fooled! I mean we had two Leadership challenge now as the most pressing priority fo junior party the NATS and the errant greens whose policy advice and preferred paradigms has created so much of the recent and preventable harm! As for scomo, it's business as usual and yackitty yack, blah blah. Bird's fur, horse feathers and endless humbug of a former advertising exec? Tasked with selling hypothetical refrigerators to Eskimos? All the coalition needs to stay in power, their most pressing concern, is a better salesman and a better story about how wonderful they are as managers! And how sorry they really, really are for your loss? And maintained until they once again stand on the victor's podium or until the tribe has spoken? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:29:46 AM
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As far as scotty is concerned it`s winning that`s important.
Never mind how, just win. Posted by ateday, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:37:03 AM
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Thanks for another pro labour hate Liberal puff piece! This writer has no credibility as he never listens, evaluates and only goes on his own bias. He should be taken on by the ABC, he is dumb enough! The bush fires are a State responsibility, which he ignored. They were caused because of State Government laziness, inaction and craving to show how green they are. These are mistakes common to all States now and the resultant enquiries will be evasive and fully backed by our totally corrupted media.
At some stage I hope we see some sense but this stupidity is unparalleled in human history. Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:00:08 AM
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I think that Scott Morrison is sitting on the fence for a good reason. Like it or not, for thirty years those who are perpetuating the greatest scientific fraud in history have had almost total support from the media. Most people reluctantly agreed that science must be right because science is always right, and scientists were considered simply impartial purveyors of the truth. Former John Howard said that when his science advisor first told him about HIGW, he automatically believed him because of his own personal high regard for scientists, but he does not believe it anymore.
Like PM Howard, more and more right wing people are beginning to realise that HIGW is primarily another leftist cause like open borders or Islamic immigration, which is intended to destroy the western civilisation that most leftists hate but prefer to live in, and that some scientists can be politically partisan Morrison probably thinks that HIGW is kooky himself but he also knows that at the present time, a lot of even right wing people still believe in this hogwash and he does not want to upset them. For example Tony Abbott who came right and said that HIGW was rubbish even lost his seat to a HIGW fanatic, although Zali Steggles has no plans for installing wind turbines in Manly yet. The Labor Party is in a similar position, Shorten lost the election primarily because of HIGW. In his case, the urban elite side of his party wanted no coal mines and 50% renewables. The other side of his party was more concerned with jobs and paying their extortionate electricity bills. Morrison's best move is to stay neutral and neither please nor displease too much of either side of the left-right divide. One problem the HIGW fanatics have is that they keep maintaining that catastrophe is only an ever receding decade away. As the decades pass and nothing much happens, more and more people will realise they have been had. By then the left will have dreamed up another catastrophe which can only be averted by voting for the left Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:09:22 AM
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To JBowyer,
Wow, you have a bee in your bonnet don't you, regarding the ABC. You have never heard the expression "Don't shoot the messenger", have you. I'll explain it to you if you want me to. I particularly like your theory that the ABC takes the temperatures around the country, and then they broadcast them, using a dodgy thermometer, and the BOM don't even know they have been duped. (24 Jan, 2020) Stunning. Then, go back over your other comments history, and blush. And as I often say, instead of taking potshots, why don't you expose yourself (in a good way) and put down, in an article, some of your beliefs. I'm sure they will surprise, and appal, anyone with a brain. Why are you guys so quick to attack, without proffering an alternate vision? I know, because you don't have an alternate vision. Posted by askbucko, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:39:14 AM
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Lego: If there was an academy award for bird's fur, horsefeathers, humbug and the biggest best pork pies? You'd likely win it with your latest contribution to this debate.
I'm picking the next polls will create panic in the coalition and a vain search for a new leader with a better BS sales pitch? Peter Dutton perhaps, just waiting in the wings for his chance for yet another backstab and endless non-core promises and getting even tougher on border security and our rapidly diminishing rights and censorship of free speech? Doesn't just warm the cockles of your heart to know we have such a no-nonsense strongman waiting in the wings to stamp on the errant greens, the gay lobby and whistleblowing public servants. Peter is strong enough to halve pensions and the dole? So things like negative gearing, super Super and fully franked dividends can grow!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:48:20 AM
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Bucko I know the BOM misrepresent temperature records, it has been proved without any come back on them. The ABC just report green nonsense and back up the corrupt BOM. You can have a whack at me but don't tell lies!
I know I could not put together an article sufficiently interesting and informative enough but you cannot either. However I am sufficiently aware to know this. You, sadly do not. Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:52:41 AM
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Mark Buckley,
There has been a sharp drop in responses since your first placement on 13/1/20. There is not a lot of interest in your blog, either: one or two comments - mostly none - on your clearly anti-conservative opinions. Tub-thumping doesn't invite discussion, and it palls quickly. Scott Morrison would not be my choice of PM, but I don't get the choice, and neither do you. Your attitude to Morrison seems, to me, to be obsessive. His party was elected by the people of Australia, and the party elected him as leader. You really need to get over that. Your attitude to Morrison is akin to the really juvenile, poor-loser nonsense occurring in America. And your 'if he was an ordinary man and not the Prime Minister it would be ok' is insultingly dehumanising and immature for a self-appointed commentator who expects to be taken seriously. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 11:05:47 AM
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Planet earth calling Alan B.
I don't know which planet you live on, Alan, but here on planet earth the entire western world is turning to the political right. This is because an entirely new class of people now exist in the western world and they think that they are God's gift to the human race. I mean they were always there, but their numbers have swelled as our universities have increased. The public service is absolutely infested with them. What unites them as a class is not just diplomas or incomes, it is attitudes. And to regard yourself as a member of this fashionable class of pseudo intellectual eggheads you need to conform to it's ideals. Slagging off against your own people, culture, and race is a big one, and so is supporting every enemy of your people and sneering at our greatest ally, the USA. Then comes multiculturalism, open borders, racism, recognition, republic, and increasingly HIGW. HIGW is left wing loonie central. It was your side that wanted Islamic immigration and multiculturalism and now you got it. The result? The "bollardisation" of the whole western world, police officers who now look like storm troopers, gender segregation of public pools in Muslim areas, citizens being shot down on the streets or coffee shops, honour killings, child brides, African gangs terrorising entire neighbourhoods, the severe curtailment of our most cherished civil liberties through terrorism legislation, including habeas corpus, and search and seizure by police without a judicial warrant of any person's motor vehicle or place of abode. Severe curtailment of freedom of speech through 18C. That was your side that did it to our country, Alan B. And you are now trying to blame the right side of politics? Don't make me laugh. I suppose in 50 years when the Arctic is still there and Miami is still above water you will be blaming the HIGW hoax on Donald Trump and Scott Morrison? Suck it up. You wanted Australia to be another multicultural sheethole and you succeeded. Now you want to destroy our economy with HIGW? Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 1:41:44 PM
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I still can't believe people are ignorant or stupid enough to believe that by not burning coal we would not of had the bushfires. Mark again exposes his hatred of Morrison, his ignorance of Australian history and State Governments failure to back burn. I think Mark has simply cut and pasted from the abc who would write this sort of garbage in relation to Abbott. Morrison's only mistake is that he has not learned from Trump that no matter what he does the lying liberal media have not forgiven him from halting Shorten and his Marxist policies. Like Trump he should just reveal their hypocrisy and stupidity.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 2:00:28 PM
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That's eloquent enough stuff Lego, and I would say accurately describes the position of Morrison.
I couldn't disagree with anything you said in the above posts. Very good. Dan Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 4:20:15 PM
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a moment of sudden and great revelation or realization.
Well, good for the PM but what about the opposition ? They're still looking for the road sings to lead them to the Lemmings' track ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 4:42:52 PM
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As long as you’re still here ttbn, reading and commenting
Perhaps you could tear yourself away from sky news and write something for us all to critique? Posted by Leftard, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 6:52:55 PM
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My side? And so on? And just reinforces and backs my earlier comment! I voted one nation until I saw how autocratic and dumb their leader was. And I've given the man with the hat my first preferences ever since.
My preferred cooperative capitalism economic model would lay waste to unions. But I am not an idealogue welded to this or that idiotic ideological imperative Like Lego or the religious right like runner . My principled stand on nuclear power makes me the hated enemy of the lunatic fringe green movement. I've been extraordinarily busy for an aging ripple given all that a patently moribund Lego lays at my feet. And because I dared to call him out? Been listening to a debate on water and the answer would seem to be limited to more dams. Well, one can look at many dams now that are bone dry in this new normal and indeed bone dry river beds that used to feed them. There's only one source of water we can't run out of and that is seawater! What prevents us from using it is the high( 8 times) cost of coal-fired energy and our preference of four times more expensive reverse osmosis! Compounded by price gouging, tax-avoiding, profit repatriating foreigners and the lickspittle pollies that covertly serve them first? That's why Morrison gets a serve! And Uncle Donald because of self-evident criminal tax avoidance and the trail of broken and bankrupt family firms he's left in his wake as he acquired "his" billions. You think a six-time bankrupt is a good money manager, economic expert? Finally, mate, let me say. A lion never values the opinion of a sheep! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 5 February 2020 7:44:10 PM
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ttbn & LEGO hit the nail on the head ! There wouldn't be one sane person disputing their assessment !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 6 February 2020 7:57:50 AM
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Keep in mind folks that ttbn, LEGO and individual are all inmates at the same psychiatric clinic.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:07:27 AM
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"we don’t want our leaders as stand-in father figures, we want them to present themselves"
The ideal prime-minister should always be on holiday and never return! They say that fires are the responsibility of the states? OK, then state premiers should also be on holidays, always, so they do no damage, so they never harass the people and never, for example, go after them when they clear the trees and bushes around their houses. Fires could be so easily prevented had those tyrant miscreants whom the author calls "leaders" stayed out of the way. Just imagine the cheap electricity we could get if those oil-filled gum trees that are destined to burn anyway, sooner or later, in a big destructive conflagration, are burned instead in a controlled manner with electricity as side-effect. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 6 February 2020 2:03:36 PM
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burned instead in a controlled manner with electricity as side-effect.
Yuyutsu, How'd the Greenies carry on if that were to be done ? Perhaps refuse dumps could be designed to become heating facilities ? Or wastewater treatment plants could be used as Gas supply ? I fully agree that anything combustible should be harvested from wood to waste. The ashes could be mixed with concrete to produce irrigation pipes to harness run-off. There's way too much unutilized waste wasted. Posted by individual, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:18:46 PM
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Dear Individual,
«Perhaps refuse dumps could be designed to become heating facilities ? Or wastewater treatment plants could be used as Gas supply ?» This is already being done: garbage decompose into methane, which can then be burned to produce electricity. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 6 February 2020 10:13:51 PM