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Bush fires, Australia and climate change : Comments

By Charles Essery, published 2/1/2020

Climate change has reached cult status and with the lemming-like adoration of characters like Greta et al, backburning is judged only to increase CO2 and therefore to be outcast.

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Altraz, what are your standards for morality? Whatever god says so?

No wonder you've demonstrated a complete callousness towards suffering in this thread.

Yet another reason why Al Qaeda is more compassionate than you. Most of their victims die INSTANTLY.
Posted by AyameTan, Friday, 10 January 2020 6:14:35 PM
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Ayame, finally there's the true Ayame, I've been waiting for.
Now, let me put you straight on a couple of things.
Firstly I must warn you, I do not ruffle easily, if at all.
Secondly, I am pragmatic, objective and do not suffer fools.
Further, I am a cynic, an optimist, a pessimist and a realist, so you'll have to go a long way to get around me.
I abhor anything that remotely smells of PC.
I tell it like it is.
I don't get sarcasm and irony.
So when I say something, it is because that is what I learned researched or found out.
If I am wrong, correct me immediately, because being a proud person, I hate the idea of me saying an untruth.
So, now, you were saying?
Oh yes, MY standards for morality?
Well, you picked an easy one to answer there.
The females of today have the morals of rutting pigs, and carry on like them as well.
As for being callous, not sure what you mean.
If you mean I don't carry on like that snivelling idiot on TV at the death of some kangaroos, well what would you have me say/do?
Hold a funeral service for them?
At least you are being honest in telling us you are a supporter of Al Qaeda, now that takes some real stones broadcasting that on this medium.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 11 January 2020 12:32:25 AM
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Wow. You don't know what "callous" means? Do you have access to a dictionary?

"insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others."

What is the proper role of a woman, according to you?

You say they are "like rutting pigs." So you think they should remain faithful to one man. So you are in favor of enslaving women. How conservative of you.

If you see an animal suffer, the least you could do is show some sympathy.

Now please. Show me how you are MORE compassionate than Al Qaeda.

If you oppose end-of-life choice, you are pro-torture.
Posted by AyameTan, Saturday, 11 January 2020 12:38:42 AM
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Ayame, firstly stick to the point, when discussing being callous, you initiate with animals, but then in your response you change to humans.
I know what callous means, I simply am rational and use relativity to gauge whether or not I should give a sh!t about someone or something.
I'm not an emotional jelly brained half-wit that feels sorry for something just because you or someone else does.
If the situation deserves sympathy, I will choose how to respond.
Next point, you would do well not to try to put words in my mouth, it's one of many ways to provoke people.
Now, what is the proper role of a woman, according to me?
Well firstly she has to act and dress modestly.
There is absolutely no need to wear an inch thick make-up.
She must conduct herself in a effeminate manner.
Be soft spoken and gentle of nature.
Not some bogan, loud, slob of a slag, with the vocabulary of a guttersnipe.
Who is always the "good time girl", trying to be "one of the guys".
But seriously, the leading most disgusting thing about maggots today, is that they conduct themselves like sluts.
When the idiot women's movement and even Germain Grear said women were equal to men, I think the females, (not women) took it as a license to act and carry on like men.
So the first thing they decide to copy in their pathetic attempt at trying to be 'like men', was to get pissed and feel the need to shag someone.
When I see the pictures of these maggots unconscious in the gutter with their dress over their head and their knickers down around their ankles, it engenders a feeling of disgust and filth.
How proud a child would be with one of these maggots of today as their mother.
Is it no wonder we have these arrogant and out of control kids today, and that's just the females.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 11 January 2020 3:19:03 AM
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The infamous data manipulator Dr Michael Mann has landed on our shores to promote catastrophic climate change in the form of our bushfires. This is the guy who recently lost his defamation court case over the integrity of his shonky “hocky sticky” climate temperature graph (notoriously used by Al Gore to promote his renewable energy investments and global speaking tours). The Guardian of course has promoted him by publishing a “Dangerous Climate Change” essay.

It now appears Mann is here for a sabbatical in Australia (obviously has come here to lick his wounds after the legal exposure of his false 'hockey stick' diagram). So expect an increase in scar-mongering and crisis doom and gloom stuff from the ABC and The Guardian. I found the version of his Guardian article in The AGU (Amer. Geophysc. Union) magazine. Here is the link if you want to see what he says (without having to subscribe to the Guardian).

As this is just a entrée into his spruiking things here, he has co-authored a book (published 4 years ago!) which The Guardian and SMH will no doubt help him promote!

I bet it will become the cookbook for forthcoming recipes for the Climate Change cultists and the media to feed us with more climate crisis stories this year.

Happy ' "climate change crisis" year 2020
Posted by Alison Jane, Saturday, 11 January 2020 7:32:09 AM
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Altrav, it doesn't matter whether you're indifferent to an animal's suffering or a human's suffering. It's still callous either way.

There's no need to get a tattoo, either. Should tattoos be illegal? What about beer and cigarettes? No one needs them to live.
Posted by AyameTan, Saturday, 11 January 2020 7:58:20 AM
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