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Bush fires, Australia and climate change : Comments

By Charles Essery, published 2/1/2020

Climate change has reached cult status and with the lemming-like adoration of characters like Greta et al, backburning is judged only to increase CO2 and therefore to be outcast.

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Ayame, don't take Mr O's side, remember what your mother told you about men like him, or maybe you have a little rebel in you.
Anyway, I don't need or want to know about AGW or anything related to this, what is beginning to be unravelled and exposed as a scam, because it is not the demon it is touted to be, and Aussies are not the culprits in all this.
We keep getting idiots accusing us of being the second largest polluters per capita.
Big deal, that is my answer and my position.
So whether I'm smart enough or not to understand it all, doesn't matter, if I think it's not a genuine thing.
What I do know about it I have researched and learnt from others and their reasoning and results.
So you see Ayame, we can't ALL be experts or scientists, and anyway apparently neither can they ALL agree to a consensus.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 11 January 2020 7:06:53 PM
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No, we can't ALL be experts. But we can at least TRY to understand the issues. You don't seem to care. Do you know what "per capita" means? It means "per person."

And we're not the 2nd-largest per capita. If you read an actual study, you would know this.

If you were on a jury, would you vote based on the evidence, or would you go with your gut feelings?
Posted by AyameTan, Sunday, 12 January 2020 12:42:54 AM
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Ayame, firstly I DO know what per capita means, why do you think I said it.
Secondly, I don't believe we are the second largest polluter, PER CAPITA, but someone else did so I have repeated it.
I don't care, that's why I have researched a little and listened to others, who have, a lot more than me.
I don't care because more and more info is forthcoming that debunks and threatens the credibility of this GW CC farce.
I don't care because this whole thing has been built up to way over it's true level of severity, and the BS continues, like trying to blame the fires on CC, I mean come on, Really?
As for your jury question.
Knowing that ALL evidence is flawed one way or another just like the 'facts' about GW CC, I would go with a little of both, unless the evidence was so conclusive, it was irrefutable.
Anyway it all seems futile now, with NASA admitting they got it wrong, showing pics from space of places greening where they said they said would be baron wastelands in a few years time.
And as for the link Josephus has offered, why would we not believe the prediction of the glaciers being gone by 2020, it's no different than the stupid predictions of Al Gore and others, including the science industry.
Things are being debunked and reversed more and more.
I think it is time, like an election, the loser declares they have lost.
Well we are at that point currently, waiting any further to admit this whole thing was a con is like waiting to have the mercy rule in football, declared.
So to be clear, there is NO catastrophic GW or CC event that has anything to do with the severity of the fires.
It is just another dry hot summer which happened to include strong winds.
It's happened before, and it will happen again.
Like I said, this is a sh!thole of a country, with some of the harshest living conditions and environments on earth, with most of it being desert.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 12 January 2020 5:34:14 AM
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OK, so who said it? Do you have a source, or are you just making things up, as usual?
Posted by AyameTan, Sunday, 12 January 2020 8:30:58 AM
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Ayame "Warming Garbage", page seven , by Bazz.
The part about we being the second most polluters per capita was on a link, one of the commentors put up.
There is no way of find that one.
I am surprised you haven't come across that claim before.
I don't do a lot of searching or researching, I mainly read what I come across and yet I came across it, as I do with most of the things I say on OLO.
Ayame, you can't take all this too seriously.
The earth is a big mass, not easily affected by what goes on from within.
The more plausible explanation for all this, is that it is nothing new, and being highlighted for other reasons.
If you really want something to worry about, think about this for a moment.
Because we apparently have been burning things which start off being solid or liquid.
These solids or liquids have weight.
We have apparently burned off trillions of tonnes of these, better known as, fossil fuels.
Now this would equate to trillions of tonnes of weight.
Given that we are led to believe we have destroyed, burnt them, means we have removed trillions of tonnes of matter from the original weight of the earth.
This being so, means the earth is now lighter.
Now what happens to something being kept in a particular orbit when it changes weight.
It either gets drawn into the thing it is orbitting around, or it ends up shooting off into space in an ever increasing orbit untill it breaks free of the sun's gravitational pull, and shoots of into space.
Now, let's say, just for the hell of it that the earth has been getting lighter and lighter over the course of us burning up fossil fuels.
Thereby making the earth lighter, in so doing, would cause the earth to be drawn in slightly closer to the sun.
If we are to believe this might be the cause of this alleged GW,CC.
If so, it's pointless trying to mitigate or stop it now.
We're looking at mars.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 12 January 2020 12:26:02 PM
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Just quickly following on with the fantasy of global warming and the death and demise of the earth and all things living on it.
I wonder if growing enough trees as quickly as possible will help rectify this alleged problem.
Thereby, at some future point in time we end up with the weight of the earth back to where it was prior to the industrial age.
Hopefully stopping it's slowly increasing spiraling course towards closer and closer to the sun.
So why are we looking Mars?
Why have we been told to grow trees, is it to capture CO2, or just an excuse to plant a lot of trees, to increase the mass of the earth?
All this is a fiction of course, just like the the allegations about GW and CC in the first place.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 12 January 2020 12:42:49 PM
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