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Outspoken Christians will not be tolerated : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 12/4/2019

For daring to share some scripture passages on his own social media page, Australian rugby star Israel Folau has been given the boot – all in the name of tolerance and inclusion of course.

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'People were duped into supporting gay marriage'

well before that Diver. Promoting sodomy as normal or natural has been a lie that media/academia has pushed for decades.
Posted by runner, Friday, 12 April 2019 3:43:23 PM
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I'm sure that, as a good Christian, Folau loves sinners but not necessarily the sin. So I don't understand any talk of 'hate speech'. As well, I don't understand the focus on comments on homosexuals rather than drunks and fornicators: Folau is entitled not to approve of their behaviour and to express such an opinion. [But I wish there were more sympathy for drunks and fornicators].

We seem to be in a weird world in which we're not allowed to express disapproval of any behaviour other than that of some Golden Mean: any deviation is labelled 'hate', which seems equivalent to the attitude of a seven-year-old [oops, that sounds like a 'hate speech' sort of remark; well, kiss my arse]. We all have 'dislikes' - Facebook, I think I remember, used to have a special button (or am I mistaken ?) The world is full of dislikes. Yes, maybe it would be a better place without a 'dislike' button. Maybe in an authoritarian society, disliking or hating would be outlawed, with the usual remedies, but history suggests that that usually requires the subtraction of a huge section of the population - ultimately probably the WHOLE population except the Great Leader and Teacher.

So yes, perhaps the destruction of Israel Folau for his dreadful crimes of expressing a contrary opinion to somebody else's, based on his belief system, is a forerunner to Gulags and BITB, or 're-education'. But we're all entitled to our opinions, and anybody who doesn't think so should in turn be 're-educated', in order to live in a democratic and tolerant society. Yes, tolerant - such a society means that we should be able to tolerate differing opinions. Otherwise tolerance is no more than bullshirt.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 12 April 2019 4:59:51 PM
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total hypocrisy that those who object to the Scripture being quoted claim its a fairytale. Yet happy to ruin a man's career on the basis of a 'fairytale'. And of course turn a blind eye to the murder of many in order to receive 72 virgins. This country has lost its way!
Posted by runner, Friday, 12 April 2019 5:56:39 PM
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So, a person can now be sacked for expressing a religious opinion?

Are there any historians out there who can pinpoint the year Australia stopped being a free country, where free people could express any political. social, or religious view without legal sanction or their employers sacking them?

One wonders where our much respected Human Rights industry is on this one? Last I heard, a Liberal government had even appointed a Human Rights commissioner expressly for the purpose of defending freedom of speech? But here is a perfect example of an employer violating an employees freedom of speech, and the whole damned Human Rights Industry is missing in action.

I don't know what these public service drones earn, but I'll bet it is somewhere north of $250,000 dollars, and the only time they leap into action is when they can find some fanciful grievance expressed by a favoured minority group. Just like the ABC, if these overpaid busybodies can't or won't do their jobs and defend freedom of speech, then sack the lot of them and make them find a real job.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 12 April 2019 6:29:21 PM
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Placing religion over secular considerations should only be sackable in politics, public office, and positions of responsibility.
Posted by Rusty Catheter, Friday, 12 April 2019 10:33:46 PM
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Dear Bill (the author),


Israel Folau posted a meme on Instagram that read: "WARNING Drunks Homosexuals Adulterers Liars Fornicators Thieves Atheists Idolaters, HELL AWAITS YOU. REPENT. ONLY JESUS SAVES".

Rugby Australia and the New South Wales Rugby Union issued the following joint statement :

[ “Rugby Australia and the New South Wales Rugby Union have made repeated attempts to contact Israel both directly and via his representatives since 6.30pm on Wednesday, and at this point he has failed to communicate directly with either organisation.

“Whilst Israel is entitled to his religious beliefs, the way in which he has expressed these beliefs is inconsistent with the values of the sport. We want to make it clear that he does not speak for the game with his recent social media posts.

“Israel has failed to understand that the expectation of him as a Rugby Australia and NSW Waratahs employee is that he cannot share material on social media that condemns, vilifies or discriminates against people on the basis of their sexuality.

“Rugby is a sport that continuously works to unite people. We want everyone to feel safe and welcome in our game and no vilification based on race, gender, religion or sexuality is acceptable and no language that isolates, divides or insults people based on any of those factors can be tolerated.

“As a code we have made it clear to Israel formally and repeatedly that any social media posts or commentary that is in any way disrespectful to people because of their sexuality will result in disciplinary action” ]

What was considered acceptable in biblical times is no longer admitted by modern democratic societies since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

Also, Israel Folau seems to ignore that homosexuality is a perfectly natural phenomenon, just like heterosexuality.

No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist. Part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual.

Those who believe in Him should present their excuses to God for having misunderstood that He created homosexuals – and rectify the bible accordingly.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 13 April 2019 12:00:49 AM
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