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Islamophobia in Australia: the response of the academy : Comments

By Jake Lynch, published 20/3/2019

Researchers should be able to furnish us with evidence about where Islamophobia 'comes from'; what it consists of; how it is promulgated and spread, by whom and for what ends.

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Islamophobia is a made up word coined by non-Muslim apologists who wanted a a thought-terminating expression for abusing anyone who dared to criticise Islam or question its existence in the West after it was introduced en masse.

No 'workshop' or 'examination' is needed into the obvious, well-founded basis for the attitudes of Westerners to Islam and the horror it has brought to us.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 8:45:38 AM
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Notorious Israel hater and Islam apologist, Jake Lynch, is crying that a grants committee refused to fund his latest Cacausaphobic and Hebrewphobic hate "workshop." There must be some hope yet for government grants committees then. I thought all you had to do to get buried in taxpayer cash to was sneer at western civilization and give overwhelming support our enemies? But I guess that Jake and his "workshop" were even too much for the west despising public servant grants committees.

Jake goes on in stereotypical socialist fascist style, demanding that anyone who puts up an opposing point of view must be silenced. Hitler and Stalin would be proud of you, Jake. You have got their tactics down pat.

Now, if you and your comrades want to sell the idea that Islam is harmless, Jake, then given the events of the past twenty years, I would say that would be a hard sell to the public.

Look, Jake old mate, I want you to keep up the good work. I want you and your lefty mates to keep associating leftism as the protectors of Islam. Keep opposing anti terrorism laws which have stopped half a dozen Muslim terrorist attacks in Australian cities, while us right wingers will show the public we care more for their safety, than offending the leaders of a violent, backward, and terrorism endorsing religion. Keep supporting multiculturalism, and our side will support Pauline. Because every terrorist attack against Australia and our friends and allies will drive more people into our camp.

Lastly, Jake, while you and your comrades waffle among yourselves in your academic bubble about "deriving evaluative criteria for content analysis of social artefacts", our guys will talk to the public in words they understand, in values they understand. And that is, Jake, that if a bunch of people tell you in their own holy scriptures that they intend to use terrorism and violence to subjugate you, then you would be a fool not to take them seriously. Especially if some of their members are doing just that, while their leaders blame the victims
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:06:43 AM
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It is not only in Oxford that this bloke writes fiction. If ever there was an area of non academic study it has to be Peace and Conflict Studies, talk about meditating on your navel. I wonder if this bloke has even seen the real world.

Jake, your Islamophobia will magically disappear when anyone, a fair haired bloke, or even a blond young lady, in a bikini cam walk around a Muslim enclave at dusk SAFELY.

Only an idiot academic could suggest this is the case right now, & blame whitey, the victim for the development of his so called Islamophobia .

Wouldn't it be wonderful if some of these pie in the sky academics could just grow up, walk out side for a moment, & see the real world the rest of us live in.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:19:14 AM
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When children are born they know nothing of hate, it has to be learned!

As a boy growing up I was fascinated by stories of Ali Baba, flying carpets and war against the infidel.

I probably reached adulthood before I realized, that I, all my Christian brothers/sisters were the infidels.

Then came the dreadful stories of beheadings, rape, crucifixions, tales of innocents being buried alive! As if it were acceptable normal practice. Dito suicide-car bombings, topped off by the mindless destruction of those twin towers.

Then we had their spiritual leaders comparing young Australian women to pieces of meat, boasting how they would outbreed us to become the dominant culture.

Peaceful cohabitation never ever on the radar. As good as throwing petrol on the fire/ giving oxygen to white supremacists.

Stoked with incidents like Tampa. Further exacerbated by "economic migrants" buying ultra expensive boat rides from transit countries. So they could emulate Muslim migration which saw Buddhist countries like Indonesia Islamified.

As seems to have been tried in East Timor now occurring in PNG, without any real resistance by the observing global community.

Little wonder the far right/white supremacists were given oxygen and allowed to spread their countervailing hate "freedom of speech"!

We're regaled by Muslim speakers seeking to divide us along racial lines, talking about brown and black bodies. Our bloody history.

Ignoring how Indonesia and other Asian nations were colonised from the Middle East by the religion of the sword.

We are lumped in together as if we all of us share a responsibility, even those of us transported here in chains to arrive more dead than alive!

So very few of us had any choice, not like border hopping Muslim migrants squatting on the sovereign territory of neighbours and trying to impose themselves and their alien ideology on their unwilling host nations

. I feel horror and abhorrence for the catastrophe that occurred in Christchurch, but wonder how much of that hatred against Muslims was aided and abetted by miscreant mullahs? And their barely veiled hate speech?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:34:27 AM
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The use of the abusive, derogatory term 'islamophia' immediately identifies the worldview of the user.

The following video should clarify issues for this conference.

Who's Responsible for Terrorist Attacks Interview with Prophet Muhammad - David Wood
Posted by elizabeth4, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:14:29 PM
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Again all I see is more division,
more demonisation, setting groups one against
the other. Will we ever learn that what we
say to try to tear people apart - all that
has consequences?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:59:22 PM
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Well, Foxy, your concern with divisiveness is not a surprise.

Perhaps you should consider the appalling Christchurch slaughter in its historical context, though, and ask yourself where the divisiveness began:
Posted by calwest, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 2:04:49 PM
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While, "Scott Morrison attacks 'mindless tribalism' after Christchurch massacre", most of the contentious, verses in the Qur'an and Hadiths are directed against specific groups / tribes, particularly Jews and Christians.

We remember:
After the Islamic terror attack in Melbourne four months ago, Muslim community leaders refused to meet with Scott Morrison because of all the systemic Islamophobia.

After the Christchurch attack, the same Muslim community leaders are demanding a meeting with Morrison because of all the, er, systemic Islamophobia.

To say Terror Attack A is something to do with Islam is totally Islamophobic; to refuse to say Terror Attack B is Islamophobic is even more totally Islamophobic.
Posted by elizabeth4, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 2:14:59 PM
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how Britian needs a Trump to at least drain a tiny part of the swamp.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 2:28:47 PM
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Only last week on another topic, Foxy was stereotyping and demonizing right wingers with every human vice she could think up, including "stereotyping."

Now she talks about how demonization and division is just awful.

In order to be a lefty, you need this uncanny ability to use double standards, and to never recognise your own self evident contradictions. But one thing I won't accuse Foxy of is hypocrisy. It is just that she can't understand that she is doing the very things she insists everybody else must never do.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 2:39:08 PM
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We're all flawed human beings in one way or
another - with our own biases. However
we have to try to make changes. We can't keep
on doing what we've been doing thus far and expect
different results. As they say - that's not logical.

I'm willing to give it a go.

Anyone care to join me?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 3:04:20 PM
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Foxy, you seem to be suggesting that change is always good? And that "intelligent" people always advocate for change? That is a complete nonsense. In my own lifetime I have seen my country change, and it has not been for the better. Australia is now a much more dangerous society than when I was a kid, and teetering on bankruptcy. Some things have improved, but before you change something that is working quite well, you better have a good think about it beforehand, because some things, like Australia's racial demographics, can not be changed back once we realise that we have made a mistake.

In my lifetime I have seen the ethnic ghettoisation of Sydney suburbs, proving that birds of a feather just keep flocking together, no matter what socialist dreamers think about creating a race blind society.

As if we do not have enough trouble with our own black people, we had to go and import more from overseas, and now we have a serious and unsolvable crime problem in Melbourne.


Restrictions of freedom of speech.

Demands for social exclusion and exemptions from the common law.

Attacks on churches and synagogues.

The refusal of many teachers (especially female teachers) to work in schools with high Muslim student numbers because of their violent and misogynistic behaviour.

The provision of security guards in Sydney's public schools to protect staff and other students from violent Muslim boys.

Private school student numbers soaring as parents in Muslim areas protect their kids by getting them away from public schools full of violent Muslims boys.

The refusal by Muslim drivers to allow blind people with seeing eye dogs or passengers carrying alcohol to enter their cabs.

The fortification of every vital government department with steel gates and security guards (who are usually Muslims anyway).

Passengers on domestic flights having their bags checked for bombs.

The necessity for armed guards on Jewish schools.

And Susioncrack, Foxy and Poirot have to worry when they go for a night out in Sydney, whether they can get into a taxi with a Muslim driver without getting raped.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 5:12:39 PM
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We must live in two different worlds.

I'm a Sydney girl born and bred but I've lived in
Melbourne for decades. My world consists of
all sorts of people from different walks of life,
different religions, different ethnic groups.
I've not encountered any of the problems you're
referring too. I go out all the time in Melbourne
from cinemas, theatres, restaurants, visiting
friends, attending church, catching taxis quite
often - going shopping, et cetera. No problems
anywhere. I've met some terrific taxi-drivers.
My doctor is Chinese, my heart specialist is
Indian, my eye-specialist is from Pakistan,
my leg specialist is from Iran.

We live in a quiet court - and our neighbours are
from Sri-Lanka, Italy, Lebanon, Egypt, Macedonia,
China, Hong Kong, and Lithuania (married to an
English girl).

So I don't know why I don't see the problems
that you do.

But there it is.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 5:46:40 PM
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The proposed islamophobia workshop needs a logo. Suggest this would be most appropriate:
Posted by elizabeth4, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 5:48:46 PM
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There are so many appropriate images available
on the Christchurch terror attack. These are a few that
have been shared:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 6:16:57 PM
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these pie in the sky academics could just grow up, walk out side for a moment, & see the real world the rest of us live in.
How right your statement is. I just hope I'm around long enough to watch these morons get their just dessert. They're silly enough not to realise that they'll be the first on the hit list if their ignorance is successfully made use of by those they presently defend !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 6:21:28 PM
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You are either lucky or...
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 7:31:29 PM
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Basically the cause of Islamophobia started because of moslims Infidelophobia.

I can't put it any plainer than that.

This bloke is an Islamic apologist & a Left Wing Extremist. His idea of an Academic Response would be to make out that anyone who in a fervent Islamic loving person is a Right Wing Extremist.

In my opinion his little get together is working on a flawed premise to start with. But, then again, any Studies that come out of Universities now-a-days can be taken with a grain of Salt because of their built in Left Wing Bias.

Also, did you know that puppies don't like having their tummies rubbed or being scratched behind their ears. Apparently it annoys them & they don't like it. So a scientific study says. Just recently in the Paper. My puppies would tear ya arm off if ya didn't.

So stick that in ya pipe & smoke it, Jake 'ol boy.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 10:22:26 PM
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What I have never been able to understand is why, if we are such an unwelcoming, racist country, do so many people risk death trying to get here?
Posted by Big Nana, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:18:37 PM
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Big nana,
Australia is the last continent to be conquered & if Labor gets its way this will be achieved within a few years !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 March 2019 7:12:34 AM
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Hey, Foxy,

There's a Chinese proverb which says "a frog at the bottom of a well sees only a small portion of the sky."

Your ridiculously narrow view of your wonderful life wallowing in Melbourne's "diversity" suggests you have green skin.

Here's a sample of what's happening in the real world:
Posted by calwest, Thursday, 21 March 2019 8:46:03 AM
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Here's a sample of what's happening in the real world:

You simply take the 's' out of 'https' and all is well; it's an OLO thing.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 21 March 2019 8:51:06 AM
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Thankyou Calwest. Removing the s from above URLs.
Posted by elizabeth4, Thursday, 21 March 2019 9:02:20 AM
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Surely in Australia, we have to champion the values of equality of men and women, of the rule of law, and of the sanctity of life ?

In other words, no matter whoever killers may be, they have no right - equally no right, if you like - to kill innocent people ? Innocent Muslims should not be killed; innocent non-Muslims should not be killed. Their lives are sacred. Mirror-image murders of innocents should not be part of modern contemporary life anywhere.

But let's pursue the guilty down the last rabbit-hole wherever and whoever they may be.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 21 March 2019 9:18:08 AM
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Joe, you're absolutely correct, of course. But there are two problems: the first error is that one should not generalise from a large group to harm individuals who may be entirely blameless; the second is, however, that the damage inflicted by Islamists has been disproportionately huge.

In relation to the second point, Islamists seem to have no trouble at all in indiscriminate slaughter, whereas the Tarrants of the world are actually very few in number. Note also that while Islamist terrorists are always defended by "it's nothing to do with Islam, he/she is mentally ill", that excuse has not been put up for Tarrant, even though he obviously has issues.
Posted by calwest, Thursday, 21 March 2019 10:16:18 AM
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Hi Calwest,

It's evil, and wrong, either way: innocents should not be killed on any grounds. Surely we have to agree on that ?


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 21 March 2019 10:34:04 AM
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I don't have 'Islamophobia'.
I have Islamo - don't give a crap.

I never asked for these people to come here.
It's you that seeks to vilify me because I don't want to go along with your mass immigration.

I'm a white nationalist.
Whats wrong with that?

Apparently in 2019 if your a white nationalist and you support Australia putting its own interests first then what that means is you're a racist, a xenophobe, and questions and innuendo surround your potential for 'radicalisation' and becoming a 'lone wolf terrorist'.

If you really want to understand this whole issue better you should look in the mirror.
People like you created the problem and you vilify the real Australians.

How many Aussies do you think actually WANT Muslims in our country?


Should we just take a simple show of hands?

Not many, but you stifle the voices of everyone by making us criminals for not going along with what you and the UN globalists want.

Where's democracy if half or more of the country DON'T even want the Muslims we have now, let alone more Muslims - and you do whatever you want importing more anyway, then vilify anyone who disagrees?

And you wonder why there's Anti-Islamic sentiment?
Whilst they take over our communities?

- People like you support and impose tyranny on the rest of us -

We know what's happened in other countries.
We're not dumb or blind.
Are you dumb and blind?
It seems like it but you're certainly not a mute.
- Spouting your Pro-UN, Pro-immigrant, Anti-Sovereign Anti-Australian bullcrap. -
If you want that (what's happened due to Islam in other countries) for the rest of us then how about you go live there instead?
It has it's merits you know;
- You can have the life you want and can stop hassling the rest of us -
Why don't you just pack your bags and piss off?

There's nothing wrong with us, but there's something seriously wrong with you.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 21 March 2019 10:34:58 AM
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Well said AC. I agree with everything you have written. It's Infidelophobia that started the problem, not Islamophobia.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 21 March 2019 10:55:38 AM
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Islamists want to conquer & control the World, Muslims just want a life like everyone else but they can't until they start openly rejecting the islamists extremists !
White extremists won't bother about any violence once the Islamists stop !
So, let's start the game & the ball is presently in the Islamists' court !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 March 2019 11:12:31 AM
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'It's evil, and wrong, either way: innocents should not be killed on any grounds. Surely we have to agree on that ?'

yeah Joe especially the most vulnerable which just happen to be in the mothers womb. Oh thats right just like Isalm that subject is taboo. Only 'haters' would ever comment on it.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 March 2019 11:14:10 AM
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Hi Runner,

Slightly off topic, but would you advocate that all fathers of embryos should be identified and required to financially support mother and child until the child is eighteen ? And/or that fathers should make more use of their rights to be stay-at-home parents ?

Otherwise, it's solely a woman's choice.


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 21 March 2019 11:33:51 AM
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@Foxy, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:59:22 PM

An absolutely perfect post Foxy, in my opinion. Division. That's the game they are playing in the western world today to tear it apart.

Who would do such a thing and why?

Look no further than the Marxist socialists - the Left. Everyone left of centre (Scott Morrison and his Liberal bed-wetters included, all the way to the communist Greens in Australia) around the world are active in creating animosity and division within society. Their goal, when they have achieved world discord, disruption, disharmony and chaos is to have the answer, which is simply one world socialism; the United Nations and their "sustainability" agendas.

Marxism is about human destruction.

Here's a quote from a book written by the late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand, who studied the works and writings of Karl Marx, he writes of Marx -

"In his poem "Human Pride," Marx admits that his aim is not to improve the world or to reform or revolutionize it, but simply to ruin it and to enjoy its being ruined:

With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then will I wander godlike and victorious
Through the ruins of the world
And, giving my words an active force,
I will feel equal to the Creator."

So that's who and why there is and will continue to be, as you eloquently wrote, "...more division, more demonisation, setting groups one against the other."

Great stuff Foxy, you know the problem. Now, just work out exactly who it is that is really doing it and why. I've given you my take on it. Good on you for writing your post. Thanks.
Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 21 March 2019 12:24:20 PM
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come on Joe you are normally a straight shooter. Don't give me this embroyo deceit. That's exactly what the nazis did when wanting to dehumanise Jews. Have you checked waiting times for adoption lately. And no its not the women's body being butchered its the babies life. And yes under law its the woman's choice to kill her baby. You know what they say about the law especially when formed by godless and cowardly degenerates.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 March 2019 12:41:46 PM
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I'm familiar with the Chinese proverb.

We do think too small, like the frog at the bottom
of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the
top of the well, if he surfaced he'd have an
entirely different view. He'd see the bigger picture.

Still frogs have it made - they get to eat what bugs them.

You gave all your links to us from "Breitbart."
I'm sure that you're not aware that this site is a
questionable source based on extreme views and
the publications of numerous false claims.

They constantly promote propaganda/conspiracies, poor or
no sourcing of credible information. A complete lack of
transparency and a deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes
and disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 March 2019 1:28:12 PM
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Foxy: You gave all your links to us from "Breitbart." I'm sure that you're not aware that this site is a questionable source based on extreme views and the publications of numerous false claims.

Yet, you are also guilty of doing the same, in quoting Left Wing Sites at times. Left Wing sites that are even more questionable in their extremist views.

One should look at all sites then sort out the Chaff from the Wheat. Remember the 80/20 rule. It applies both ways.

Refusing to even look at a site because you suspect it might be from a view that you don't support is like closing an eye & a half to enjoy the scenery.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 21 March 2019 3:29:31 PM
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Sorry your argument doesn't wash.

You're going to have to do better than that.

My links come from a variety of reputable sources.
Whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant.

However breitbart is a notoriously disreputable,
discredited source as the mediabias fact-check proved.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 March 2019 3:52:47 PM
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We probably live in two different dimensions, Foxy.

I had always assumed that you were actually Alexandra Occasio-Cortez, but now you tell me you are an Australian? Whatever, I assume ( a bit of stereotyping here) that you are the daughter of the middle class and went to some posh ladies college? You didn't just get born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you probably got the whole silver service. Insulated from the harsh realities of life, you live in some leafy area where the local comparatively wealthy ethnics are house trained, and you think that your suburb is a microcosm of the whole planet? You joined the public service and entered the leftist thought bubble, which holds that all you have to do to solve every human problem is to raise more taxes and spend more on social services.

It has been noted, Foxy, that those who are the most enamoured of multiculturalism, are the ones who live the furthest away from it's negative consequences. I don't know where you live in Sydney, perhaps it is East Killara or Beecroft? Where the upper bourgeoisie populations are almost 100% white, and where "progress" (actually anti progress) associations are full of influential people who make certain that no blocks of flats appear in their suburbs?

Or perhaps Bondi or Manly? Both of which are fighting tooth and nail to prevent suburban rail extensions into "their" suburbs, because they don't want trains to bring the riff raff into "their" trendy elitist areas. "Intelligent" people may welcome "change", but not in their own suburbs. Chardonnay sucking elitists may welcome "refugees", as long as the government settles them in bogan areas. Wherever you live in Sydney, Foxy, you probably think that all human civilisation ends at the Gladesville bridge? You couldn't find Blacktown or Claymore without a GPS.

If you lived in Melbourne, I'll bet it wasn't Narre Warren or Thomastown? I'll bet there isn't a Somali or a Sudanese within ten miles of you
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 21 March 2019 4:04:46 PM
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suddenly the 70 seriously ill inhabitants of Manus Island have got well. Not one has been taken to Christmas Island for treatment. Hmmm. Was Keryn and Banks telling porkies? Surely not.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 March 2019 4:28:04 PM
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You say: "You gave all your links to us from 'Breitbart.'"

Yes, I did. Today's edition, which was very convenient because it had quite a spread of such examples, none of which you have even attempted to refute, except by a generalised smear of Breitbart.

Are you saying that none of the Breitbart examples is true or correct?
Perhaps you'd like to produce some evidence instead of the vague slander. I guess that if you dismiss anybody you disagree with it saves having to think or put up logical, evidence-based argument.
Posted by calwest, Thursday, 21 March 2019 5:05:47 PM
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Foxy: My links come from a variety of reputable sources.

What you are saying is that all Lefty Sites are reputable & any Site that's not Lefty inclined is irreputable. I get that.

Foxy: Whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant.

Obviously you didn't comprehend what I said regarding reading all sites Left or Right. I apply the 80/20 Rule. 80% BS 20% Could or maybe.

Then again, I have never seen a Socialist/Marxist Site that is reputable at all.

I'll have to have a look at this "Breitbart." I've never visited the site to make a judgement one way or the other.

I will report back shortly.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 21 March 2019 5:51:10 PM
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1) I was born and bred in Sydney - grew up in the Western
Suburbs - am a Westie.

2) Attended public schools (except for early Catholic

3) Was a latch-key-kid - both working parents. I helped look
after the family.

4) We lived in a working-class mixed ethnic neighbourhood.

5) I married a Melbourne boy - we are now living in Melbourne, -
again in a mixed ethnic neighbourhood.

6) I Lived and worked overseas, travelled widely, learned
different languages, had many career changes.

7) With my husband's help I graduated from university
while working full time and raising a family.

8) I do not drink chardonnay - prefer merlot.
Do not drink latte - prefer tea.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 March 2019 6:04:46 PM
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There's plenty on the web about Breitbart - you can
Google the information. It speaks for itself.
I gave the link to Mediabias/Factcheck.

Even Wikipedia has banned the use of Breitbart as a source
because of its unreliability.


I don't purposely choose sites for their political leanings.
I choose them for their content and facts that can be
verified and are reliable. Of course some sites have paywalls
which are not accessible. I don't like putting labels on
things - but if a site has been declared as giving out
misinformation and is not reliable - I won't bother with it.
Breitbart is but just one example of this.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 21 March 2019 6:31:15 PM
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To Foxy.

So, you are a working class chick who had brains and was upwardly mobile? That is what smart people do, Foxy. Smart people are upwardly mobile and generally speaking, dumb people are downwardly mobile until they become stuck in a rut of poverty. It has nothing to do with "oppression" or "discrimination." Now, you are a member of the educated bourgeoisie and you now have a compulsive need to adopt the values of your new class and be accepted as a card carrying member?

So, you sprout the inner urban educated professionals fashionable left wing party line and become a socialite socialist. You advocate for the Republic, Reconciliation, and Refugees, without really thinking the issues through. Bizarrely, as a supposed liberal, you even leap to defend Islam, which is a fascist political religion advocating terrorism, and the complete antithesis of a true liberal. It is very much like a Jew defending National Socialism. You have been conditioned to think that nationalism and patriotism are gauche', and not the values worthy of a member of your new elevated brahmin caste. Nationalism is only for bogans, the class you escaped from and now look down upon.

The new values that your new class insists you must now espouse to gain their acceptance, is to pretend that nationhood is obsolete, and that true Brahmins such as yourself are simply citizens of the world. So, you advocate for internationalist organisations like the UN and actively work against the interests of your own country and your own people as a way of displaying your new social superiority.

All you have to do now is to chant the class mantras about "progressive" issues that have been scripted for you. And repeat, parrot like, the tired and discredited arguments you have learned by rote from your caste's self appointed leaders, to show the bogan's what's what. Unfortunately, you then come up against a bogan like me who has done his homework and who knows how to pick apart the contradictory and double standard arguments inculcated by your peers into your head
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 22 March 2019 5:27:25 AM
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Foxy, you say:
"There's plenty on the web about Breitbart..."

And you have dealt with none of it. You choose to believe blindly.

Deal with the facts. If you have evidence, logic, any sort of argument to refute it, then do so.

Otherwise, your comments are as useless as usual.
Posted by calwest, Friday, 22 March 2019 7:34:51 AM
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Your assumptions about me are again wrong.

See you on another discussion.


You obviously like "Breitbart"as a news source
and find my comments useless.

I'll leave you to it.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 March 2019 1:59:08 PM
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To Foxy.

So was your stereotype of me.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 22 March 2019 2:48:37 PM
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"Your assumptions about me are again wrong.

See you on another discussion.


You obviously like "Breitbart"as a news source
and find my comments useless.

I'll leave you to it."

Foxy does a bow out; mark 12?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 22 March 2019 3:29:22 PM
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I just watched some of the Drum & I could not believe my eyes & ears how the ABC Anchorwoman was jus about having a panic attack because she failed to get the Muslim Doctor to stop saying good things about Morrison.
That Windsor git too should be charged with stupidity !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 March 2019 7:07:48 PM
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Some of my closest friends are from Nigeria and Malaysia. They can't believe our Government is so apologetic to Islam. They also thought Australia was a place where they could receive decent education but now realise academia has been totally hijacked by anti western sentiment.
Posted by runner, Friday, 22 March 2019 7:16:18 PM
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A matter of life and death …


Judging from the media reports, there is no doubt that Brendon Tarrant perpetrated the mass murder in the two Christchurch mosques. If this is confirmed by the New Zealand courts – after full exhaustion of all means of recourse – I should not be at all surprised if the majority of New Zealanders considers that, whatever his motivations, by his denial and non-respect of the inalienable right to life of his victims, he has forfeited his own.

If that were the case, the State alone, exercising the will of the sovereign people, should, against his will and in the common interest, be empowered to prevent him from exercising his right to life too.

In my opinion, a legal decision of this nature, by a democratically constituted court of justice, should be implemented with a maximum of humanity and as least pain, stress and suffering as modern science can allow. The best possible conditions of euthanasia (from the Greek eu, “good” and thanatos, “death”) should be provided. It should include appropriate psychological and religious support and assistance if required, as well as sedation.

Naturally, euthanasia of a convicted criminal must necessarily be carried out in conditions of utmost security, both for himself and others. Nevertheless, it should be implemented in a perfectly civilised fashion, preferably in a warm, cosy environment. Under no circumstances should it be a sordid, degrading or humiliating end-of-life experience.

Though I suspect that there may well be a majority of New Zealanders in favour of this as the most humane and morally acceptable manner of dealing with Brendon Tarrant, if indeed he is convicted, it is, nevertheless, totally impossible.

Capital punishment, as it used to be called when implemented by the State, was abolished for murder in 1961, and abolished for all crimes, including treason, in 1989.

In my view, criminal court decisions of legal euthanasia should apply for specific crimes such as child murder, serial killing, torture muder, rape murder, mass murder, terrorism, and premeditated murder that is carefully planned and executed.

Life imprisonment is torture.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 23 March 2019 1:17:12 AM
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Life imprisonment is torture.

Banjo Paterson

An even greater torture is being a victim ! Should they therefore be humanely euthanised ??
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 March 2019 9:26:50 AM
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Foxy: ) I do not drink chardonnay - prefer merlot.
I not drink latte

I like Merlot myself. My wife get them of Green Tree or something. Works out at about $3.50 a bottle.

Regarding Coffee. Flat white made on International Roast. Any other coffee makes me violently ill. Strange. so when I go out I always take my little tin of IR with me. I guess we all have our little quirks.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 23 March 2019 12:03:59 PM
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I love a flat white and International Roast.
But because of my AF (atrial fibrillation) I've been
banned from them - sticking to tea. Although I do cheat
at times as a treat - especially when eating out.

My tea is mainly twinings (sugar, lemon, honey or jam).
I also like the odd cappuccino. Favourite cake?
Black Forest or baked cheese cake works. Then there's always
the Pav - which I also love.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 March 2019 12:36:19 PM
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I think it is about time to give Jake an insight into the reason many of us do not like Islam, or Muslims in general.

It is pretty easy mate. Just click on one of the hundreds of videos of a couple of tall buildings in New York, crashing down, with hundreds of people in them.

If that doesn't do it for you, perhaps the sight of dozens of people jumping out of very high floors, where they were trapped above the flames might. It would only be the experiencing of very high levels of pain that could encourage such acts.

It should not take many such images to give, even someone as dumb as Jake, the idea of where the dislike of Muslims came from.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 23 March 2019 1:40:23 PM
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Dear Hassie,

Just as a balance try to imagine people running to the
mountains to escape warplanes, mothers carrying their
dead children in their hands. Their villages and
homes turned to rubble. Try to imagine the ruthless
politics of a cruel and unjust indefinite imprisonment.
Our government's dehumanisation of asylum seekers.
Their names and stories are kept from us. On Nauru and
Manus Island. They live in a zoo of cruelty. And our
media's constant attacks on their religion.

And then wonder why extremists exists in our midsts?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 March 2019 2:00:38 PM
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Foxy: Just as a balance try to imagine people running to the mountains to escape warplanes, mothers carrying their dead children in their hands. Their villages and homes turned to rubble. Try to imagine the ruthless politics of a cruel and unjust indefinite imprisonment.

Err... Foxy.... That was Saddam Hussain, Al quidia , ISIS & some other Islamic Rebels. Not the Coalition. The Coalition came in to stop these bad people killing the innocent Civilians. Where have you been hiding your head.

It's like I said previously. These people have been fighting & killing each other for 4000 years. When you try to help them they then have someone to blame for everything.

\ets not forget it was Saddam the forced the first lot of people to flee. Gassing yardis & the Swamp people. Disappearing people in torcher Chambers etc. Then Al Quidis cam in & attacked the new Government & the coalition because they were not Sunni. Then ISIS came in & attacked everybody because they wanted to set up the Caliphate.

Just like the moslims want to set up the "Great Southern Caliphate" in Australia. That's why they are here. Ruhollah Khomeini ordered them to come & convert us because, "Australia is a Religious Desert & ripe for conversion"

I would close the Borders send all moslims back to whence they came, Withdraw all foreign troops & let them sort it out to the last mperson.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 23 March 2019 3:36:39 PM
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Read what I actually said in response to Hasbeen's

The demonisation of any group has consequences.
Our actions have consequences. What we say and do
matters - especially if you're on the receiving end.

The following link may also help put things into
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 March 2019 4:26:41 PM
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Foxy knows the reason why Islamic terrorism exists in western countries, it is all the fault of the westerners.

Thank you, thank you, Foxy. I was once an anti apartheid demonstrator, but it was logic like that, which reflexively blamed my race for the dysfunctions of every crime and welfare dependent race, that got me thinking straight. And this from a chick with a degree? In what, Foxy, Gender Studies?

90% of the "refugees" fleeing to Europe are men, not women clutching babies running away from the US Air force. It's like the American Revolution where George Washington and his Continentals seeking asylum in Mexico, and leaving Martha and the girls to fight the British. And they are not just coming from the blessed Caliphates of Islam, they are coming from damn near every hideously overpopulated third world cesspit in Africa.

What happened next is a matter of record. Rapes and other acts of extreme violence towards Europeans, especially European women, terrorism everywhere, usually by the very asylum seekers who Foxy wants to simply allow to walk in anywhere they want. Serious social division. Muslim "police" patrols in "Muslim areas" intimidating European citizens. The ghettoisation of Europe, and finally, even Europeans who think like Foxy, finally figuring out that their humanitarian beliefs are destroying their own society, and they are responding by voting for anti immigration parties. But they left it too late.

Now, the only person who could save Europe is Der Fuhrer, and he is dead.

You know, Foxy, Australia has an advantage by looking at Europe and figuring out that we can avoid most of that by cracking down on any Muslim and third world immigration, right now.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 24 March 2019 5:12:48 AM
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Foxy: Just as a balance try to imagine people running to the mountains to escape warplanes, mothers carrying their dead children in their hands. Their villages and homes turned to rubble. Try to imagine the ruthless politics of a cruel and unjust indefinite imprisonment.

The Yardzie's were escaping the ISIS & Syrian Rebels. That happened long, long before the Coalition got involved. Typical Lefty, you want to put the blame on the Coalition well after the fact.

The Conversation is a well known Socialist/Marxist/Greenie Site with as much, or even less credibility as breitbart. I'm linked to their site & believe me if you don't agree wholeheartedly with their sentiments you get threatened with expulsion.
Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 24 March 2019 8:45:29 AM
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Dear individual,


You ask (somewhat facetiously) :

« An even greater torture is being a victim ! Should they therefore be humanely euthanised ? »

If I were to reply in the same vein, I should say yes, of course they should !

However, more seriously, let us presume, for the sake of the argument, that Brendon Tarrant is, indeed, found guilty of the Christchurch mass murders and that the majority of New Zealanders considers that, by his denial and non-respect of the inalienable right to life of his victims, he has forfeited his own.

Mass murder is an act of barbarism characterised by extreme cruelty and brutality. In New Zealand, “capital punishment” was carried out by hanging – as it was in Australia. Hanging was replaced in both countries by life imprisonment which is a different form of torture. Whereas legal euthanasia, which I advocate for particularly atrocious crimes, is a painless and peaceful means of terminating life – a more civilised means.

According to the New Zealand Sentencing Act 2002, most people sentenced to life imprisonment can apply for parole after a minimum non-parole period set by the sentencing judge; no person in New Zealand has yet been sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The default minimum non-parole period for murder is 10 years, increasing to 17 years for aggravated murders (Wikipedia).

Personally, I find it difficult to imagine the perpetrator of the mass murders at the Christchurch mosques being allowed out on parole.

The current population of New Zealand is roughly 2.8 million and the latest estimated murder rate was only 7 per million of population for 2017 :

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 24 March 2019 9:01:40 AM
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JayB and LEGO,

I find it truly staggering that after the massacres
in Christchurch you are still able to continue with
your tearing people apart, dividing people, setting
them against each other, demonising groups and still
being unable to see that all that has consequences
even if you're not the ones with your fingers on
the trigger.

I'm not blaming the West for what's happening in
the middle east. The link I gave earlier clearly
explains the complexities involved in that region.
What I am saying is that we need to take responsibility
for what we say. Especially when it harms others.

However I am tired of having to coninuously
explain my position. If you think that I'm a "Leftie,"
well that's something I shall have to learn to live with.

This discussion for me has now run its course.
I don't see the point in continuing and being repetitive.
I prefer not to argue but simply explain why I'm right.

Have a nice day.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 March 2019 10:26:39 AM
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legal euthanasia, which I advocate for particularly atrocious crimes, is a painless and peaceful means of terminating life – a more civilised means.
Banjo Paterson,
I agree ! But, euthanising them would negate punishment. By all means put them away for good if proven guilty but not until they'e been punished for ten years. They must get the opportunity to reflect on their deed.
Alternatively, have a cyanide capsule in the cell which they can access by smashing a glass & put themselves away ! No-one else is guilty of taking a life then !
All the proven guilty lifers should have that opportunity ! I'm sure I'd choose that option in preference to spending the rest of my life in prison were I guilty of a heinous crime.
It'd free up much needed felon accommodation.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 24 March 2019 11:28:33 AM
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Foxy, it was the left who invented identity politics. They are the ones "tearing people apart." They wish to stir up resentments against white people in our own countries and blame the dysfunctions of every notoriously dysfunctional minority group on white civilisation, which most minorities broke their necks to become a part of.

I blame at least part of Islamic terrorism on people with your viewpoint. You go around telling young Muslims how western culture is unfair, discriminatory, bigoted, racist, intolerant, and Islamophobic, and then you wonder why they agree with you, and want to destroy our culture the traditional Muslim way. How about "taking responsibility" for that?

Throughout the western world, anti immigration forces are building and there is good reason for that. Europeans are starting to realise that if they don't stop third world immigration right now, they will become a minority in their own countries in the not too far distant future. And if you think that is no big deal, you must be insane. You lefties have simply lost the debate. So all you can do to salvage your tottering ideology is to try to shut down the debate. That is not the behaviour of far seeing liberal progressives. It is the behaviour of wild eyed totalitarian zealots who wish to use force to prevent opposition to their failing ideology.

Left wing people were once the champions of free speech against the right wing establishment and the clergy, who defended their privileges and attitudes from public debate using force.

Congratulations, Foxy. You have finally morphed into the very sort of person you once so passionately denounced in your younger years
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 24 March 2019 1:26:13 PM
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Foxy: I'm not blaming the West for what's happening in
the middle east.

Let me remind you.

Foxy: Just as a balance try to imagine people running to the mountains to escape warplanes, mothers carrying their dead children in their hands. Their villages and homes turned to rubble.

You implied here that it was the Coalition that caused this. All I did was explain that it was the various Rebel Armies & ISIS. America & the Coalition didn't come into the fray for a couple of years after the scene you have described.

Then to put the guilt trip on us about Christchurch. Do yo realize that over 100 Christians have been killed by moslims in the passed week. Where is their outrage. Not even a sound from you. By your remission you have implied that killing Christians by moslims is Ok by you.
Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 24 March 2019 4:25:27 PM
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Dear Individual,


You wrote :

« … euthanising them would negate punishment. By all means put them away for good if proven guilty but not until they'e been punished for ten years. They must get the opportunity to reflect on their deed. Alternatively, have a cyanide capsule in the cell which they can access … & put themselves away ! No-one else is guilty of taking a life then ! »

Those are interesting reflexions, Individual. I appreciate your input.

To tell you the truth, I think the best outcome is that which seems to be the most common, i.e., for them to be killed on the spot during the attack or whenever and wherever they are identified and located by the armed forces.

I don’t have any confidence in society’s ability to rewire their brains or change their mentality – even less in their own capacity to rehabilitate themselves by simply reflecting on their acts while serving-out their theoretical life sentence in prison.

If they are captured alive, naturally, their ideas, opinions, ideology and grievances should be carefully recorded and studied by the judicial authorities and made available to interested parties. But they should not be allowed to reap the benefit of their sudden notoriety in order to spread their poisonous propaganda around the world via the media.

Whatever revolutionary ideas they might have should be expressed peacefully. Not by mowing down innocent unwarned and unarmed men women and children, peacefully attending a religious ceremony, with semi-automatic military rifles.

Depriving the victims of their lives is irreparable. Justice means fairness. It hardly seems fair to allow the killer to conserve his own life having deprived his victims of theirs. That is a privilege that is contrary to all notions of justice. Even allowing him the privilege of deciding to die himself or not is unjust. That is a matter for justice to decide.

Justice executes the will of the sovereign people. There is no “guilt” attached to its decisions. It does not seek vengeance. It simply carries-out its duty.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 25 March 2019 12:50:21 AM
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Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or
refuse to pay Jizya tax. (9:29)
and many others
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 26 March 2019 9:15:39 PM
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