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Inequality : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 10/1/2019

Echoing the rhetoric of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, Bill Shorten recently claimed in a speech that rising inequality was the single biggest threat to Australia's social cohesion and the economy.

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runner This will interest you.

The whole thing was planned.

Sydney women's rights group that helped a Saudi refugee escape 'filthy male kingdom' are 'heartbroken' that she snubbed Australia as she travels to Canada to start her new life

A Sydney women's rights group are said to be devastated that a Saudi refugee who they helped escape has decided to begin her new life in Canada.

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, 18, feared her family would kill her after she renounced Islam, and allegedly enlisted the help of the covert network of Australian women to escape her native country.

The group believed she was bound for Australia up until last night, when it was confirmed that Canada had granted her asylum.

The teen took a flight to Seoul, South Korea, before boarding the flight to Toronto overnight, despite initial hints she was bound for Australia.

Her case was expedited after it garnered an unprecedented amount of media attention. For refugees seeking asylum in Australia, the general wait time is in excess of 15 months.

'Canada has been unequivocal that we'll stand up for human rights and women's rights around the world,' Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.

But the underground network of Australian women who allegedly helped the teen are devastated that she will not be joining them in Sydney.

The group, which includes other ex-Muslim women who have given up Islam, are said to be holed up in a Sydney safe house.

One of the group's members told The Australian 'everyone here is in tears,' after they learned of Ms al-Qunun's fate.

Another member of the group, known as Nourah, escaped from Saudi Arabia in October 2018, describing her former home as a 'filthy male kingdom'.

The group is comprised of women from many different backgrounds, some of which have escaped from Saudi and converted from Islam as well as other Australian women who are passionate about human rights.

In addition to Ms al-Qunun, the group are currently helping two other women who attempted to escape the region and have been stuck in Hong Kong en route to Australia.
Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 13 January 2019 11:36:21 AM
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Personally I hate Islam and all it represents.
I personally don't hate anyone or anything but I openly admit that I have a severe dislike of those who call themselves Australian but do everthing they can to destroy this Nation in the name of Democracy. From my perspective they're largely but not exclusively Leftist ALP & Green supporters & a handful of insipid LNP. If Only the charge of treason were introduced again.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 13 January 2019 2:39:44 PM
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One thing I am glad to hear from this topic, and that is a strong consensus against the major parties.
I have stated before that I have for some time, favoured independents, but mainly in the hope that we end up with a hung parliament, thereby arresting the creation of any more stupid laws, which incidentally seem to be created to our detriment.
The suggestion about inequality is another of the left, marxist, feminist movement's creations with a total lack of substance or merit.
It's just as Ben Shapiro said; the wealthy did not get rich by stealing from the poor. The poor are poor so they have no money to steal.
It is a product of the individuals and their mindset.
I recently had a verbal joust with someone who claimed that, as a country, we were guilty of abusing and leaving behind our less fortunate, namely our homeless.
I retorted, with prejudice, that there were few countries in the world that would match our social system of taking care of our less fortunate.
I explained that between the local, state and federal govt's we have the best support system for the homeless as good as if not better than other countries.
We have food vans who go to them and supply them with three hot meals a day.
Then we have just begun a mobile bathroom and laundry van, again goes to them.
Then there are the many other govt support schemes, so as far as trying to make those better off feel bad about the so called inequality and the poor homeless, sorry, you won't get a look in here.
The sooner the bleeding hearts get off their unrealistic, fanciful, immature buts and have a good reality check, they will find that just like un-employment, you can never achieve 100%.
Get used to it, grow up, stop dreaming and have good long look around you with your eyes and mind wide open.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 14 January 2019 12:48:10 AM
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In Australia the Unions have contributed to this inequality by fighting for equality for those who kept them in comfort in return. I have yet to hear of unions who fight for those who really need help. Unionism began by helping exploited workers but when the unions realised that there's more in it for themselves the game changed. Those who already get more than above average receive even more. Those who don't have a union representing them have to rely on the Smith family & the red Cross etc. Those on on immoral salaries should be made to contribute more.
Those who constantly demand that we give more should be made to give. Cut public Service salaries & benefits by 10% & Introduce a National Service in Australia & poverty will be a thing of the past.
Incentive is the driver that Govt has killed off. This year is handing us the silver platter of opportunity to get the two majors to wake up by voting more independent for some real balance.
Posted by individual, Monday, 14 January 2019 8:02:58 AM
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Steele Redux, Belly & Paul1405,
Where are you ? Aren't you interested in equality ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 16 January 2019 11:22:43 AM
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Gee, this inequality business is really stirring the emotions of OLO'ers. If this is not a perfect example of "Don't rock the Boat" then I don't know what is.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 17 January 2019 5:06:43 PM
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