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What's going wrong with our boys? : Comments

By Peter West, published 20/12/2018

It may puzzle parents to read that many academics seem to think that it just doesn't matter.

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"the victims we had to have"?

Watching the TV news esp. on ABC and SBS, I thought only females were victims.......

Someone said

In an ideal world, all boys would be in co-ed schools. And all girls in single-sex schools".

A bit like:

"In a perfect world, all the women would be married. And all the men would be single"
Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 1:01:22 PM
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Not being one to 'let one through to the keeper', I can't stand by and allow mis-information.
I am referring to a earlier poster who slipped in another opportunity to promote untruths about our indigenous co-inhabitants, better described as Australians with SOME aboriginal blood in their family history.
What I will not allow is the convenient lie that we have;
A; 50 odd thousand abo's, and that 'all' attend uni.
B; that there are any more than 'handful' of real and genetically confirmed abo's left on the ground.
So given a few more years, we will bare witness to the extinction of a race.
Other than those few 'full blood' abo's who want to keep their race alive, there is no doubt that the abo race will end and all that will be left will be enshrined in history.
Despite the obvious attempt by some to keep this farcical idea afloat, for personal gain I might add, it is not an idea based on fact but one based on fiction.
The Aussie's with some abo ancestry who have or have had anything to with uni, can attribute that fact and correlate it directly to their European influence.
It's as simple as that.
Just go back through the history of the so-called abo enrollments and the dates respectively.
So, this arrogant attempt at trying to gain benefits, whatever the kind, by attempting to 'latch' on to the abo myth, because some idiot says you came from this mob or that mob is an absolute joke, completely devoid of reason and common sense.
So, I believe it is absolutely critical to stop this kind of thing before too many 'soft cocks' and naive and air headed fools get sucked in to the con.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 2:19:16 PM
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I'm sure many men have "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" too. Whether it's men or women it's always about perceived power. While we fight the war of the sexes the world burns- who will join the army to fight the fire? But women are happy to let it burn as long as they win. Good for them. For me I prefer doers over talkers. When there is a job to be done the men are there to help- they pull up their sleeves and get to work. It's not that men have to be that way but it's the way it seems to be. Maybe it's just that men are there for me. If women aren't there for me why should I help them. I will promote a woman that is willing to do the work otherwise not. Equality of opportunity not outcome.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 2:49:43 PM
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//"In a perfect world, all the women would be married. And all the men would be single"//

And the men who enjoy the company of womenfolk will be sent away for re-education.

I dunno... sounds a bit queer to me (in the archaic sense, meaning queer. But it also sounds quite homosexual). No wonder Waverley is such a big fan of sports (nudge nudge, wink wink).
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 4:52:58 PM
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//A; 50 odd thousand abo's, and that 'all' attend uni.
B; that there are any more than 'handful' of real and genetically confirmed abo's left on the ground.
So given a few more years, we will bare witness to the extinction of a race.
Other than those few 'full blood' abo's who want to keep their race alive, there is no doubt that the abo race will end and all that will be left will be enshrined in history.
Despite the obvious attempt by some to keep this farcical idea afloat, for personal gain I might add, it is not an idea based on fact but one based on fiction.
The Aussie's with some abo ancestry who have or have had anything to with uni, can attribute that fact and correlate it directly to their European influence.//

Hey ALTRAV, if you're so obsessed with 'blood purity', what is the correct incantation to summon the Dark Mark?

Yeah, I thought so. Bloody Death Eater wannabe.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 5:29:08 PM
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I've written this many times before, but you don't take any notice. Never mind, hope springs eternal:

Yes, there are many people in Australia with Indigenous ancestry, perhaps seven hundred thousand. The last couple of generations may be much more mixed than before, but most Indigenous people - people with some Indigenous ancestry - aged over, say, fifty, would have known only their Indigenous (as above) relations, especially their Indigenous (as above) mother, and probably their Indigenous (as above) father too. Their non-Indigenous ancestry would be far back in the past: in my late wife's case, it was back in the 1840s to the 1870s, apart from her Italian father. So yes, she was of Indigenous and Italian ancestry.

Their brothers and sisters would have been similarly Indigenous (see above). They would have been considered by other Indigenous (see above) people as Indigenous (see above). The non-Indigenous population around them, in towns and at school, would have considered them as Indigenous. So that's how they honestly saw themselves, and how they were seen by others. How else ?

Surely you can relate to that, if you simply substitute the word "Italian" for "Indigenous" ? Surely you can understand that Australians with Italian ancestry - certainly a couple of generations ago - would have been considered Italian, and called all sorts of insulting names, as you now do with Indigenous people (see above). Utter bastards, all of them. Both Italian-Australians and Indigenous-Australians (see above) have contributed to the development of Australia, and I look forward to them continuing to do so. Including all those Indigenous people (see above) who have married Italian-Australians (see above).

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 6:05:40 PM
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