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What's going wrong with our boys? : Comments

By Peter West, published 20/12/2018

It may puzzle parents to read that many academics seem to think that it just doesn't matter.

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VoxUnius, Rotorway are still going strong.
What is typically pathetic about this country and it's people is that at the time aircraft needed import permits, then sometime later they didn't then sometime later again they did.
This is the work of a stupid childish petulant people.
You can't plan with this type of mentality, it stagnates progress and advancement.
Therefore a 'regressive' country.
Any innovation and new developments are a direct result of cross-border co-operation, and not as we are continually BS'ed about that an Australian has invented this or has created that.
BS, in every case, there are others, not Aussies who are the main drivers behind these new discoveries, and not what we are led to believe.
And so it is that we are headed for financial, shall we say, discomfort, in both the short and long term.
There is a, or several forces, at work bringing Australia down.
Just look back a few decades and see our journey through the collapse of our manufacturing industries, which have in essence been completely annihilated.
Why, because of greed, averace, ignorance, arrogance, I think you can see the pattern here, it is a 'self fulfilling prophecy'.
Where the heck did everyone think we were going with such disastrous negative beliefs.
If we don't get rid of these unrealistic air-headed nobody's, like the greens, AND uni students, they know 3/5 of f@ck-all and yet they espouse such excrement that is driven by childish petulance and not through experience and true knowledge.
They are affecting such changes to our lives that are untenable, un-acceptable and just plain wrong.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 9:04:50 PM
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CM, good to see someone seems to get where I'm coming from.
I do believe that as a country we have lost a lot of ground.
Look at what was announced over here on Sunday; they're going to 'trial', 'cross-dressing' in some schools beginning as far down as year 3 and 4.
The BS they are using to sell the idea is to teach (groom boys) from a young age to be more effeminate, (queers) so that, as they put it, it will instill a higher respect and understanding towards women as they grow up and into manhood.
This must be stopped, if you think pedophilia was a problem in religious schools, well get this, at least the child was too young to care and the incident was mostly forgotten.
But this is serious grooming which will go on well into their adult life.
I can predict that the amount of come-backs, decades into the future will be a major hit on the govt and the system, by comparison to the pedophile thing of today, which is nothing.
This is the kind of BS that's affecting our boys today.
There are things that the govt must never interfere with and this is one such thing.
If a person, male or female have a propensity for abuse or harming others, they will be dealt with by the law.
We ALL know the difference between good behaviour and bad, so trying to groom someone will not remove that which enables him/her to harm another.
And so it should be.
For ages it has been said, if you don't like what someone is doing/saying to you, leave.
If they are such monsters, it won't be long, they will be outcasts and the problem resolves itself.
Now a person with even a modicum of intelligence and common sense, will tell you that if a person is one who is abusive, and they are from birth, no amount of grooming is going to change that.
It may be suppressed until one day the right buttons are pressed and a much worse outcome will result.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 10:48:51 PM
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voxUnius- Good posts.

AC - As always good posts.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 3 January 2019 2:07:51 AM
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Back again.

@ Waverley, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 2:25:27 PM
"Students from Chinese, Korean and Sri Lankan backgrounds are the highest performers..." Well picked up Waverley. I might proffer an opinion about that - these nationalities have strong traditional families (patriarchy), which I would suggest are conducive for happy stable kids with support structures for the kids to succeed. Unlike the single/divorced mothers of Aussie kids. All they get is mayhem and madness.

In fact if you haven't already seen it, check this out -
'Blatantly sexist': backlash against South Korea's sex education

Now that's a nation who's got their act together in my view.

@ ALTRAV, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 3:52:11 PM
"If you want to know what's going wrong with our boys, it's idiots and unrealistic halfwits who can't leave well enough alone..." Partly correct mate, but it's worse than that. It's not that they "can't leave well enough alone", they (public school teachers and administrators) are intentionally ignoring and treating boys poorly at school in promoting girls to do well. That's part of the Marxist insurgency to destroy capitalism (they openly declare that). Many of them, open lesbians and extremist feminists hate men and boys. They revel in the fact that boys are doing poorly. That's their objective.

I came across a blog (about a decade ago) of a young lesbian who used it to chat with her friends (Facebook wasn't really big back then). She had just finished her teacher training (Aust) and was awaiting her first assignment. I don't suppose she expected anybody else would view it. In it she expressed her disdain of masculinity generally and posted specific entries to her cronies that she just couldn't wait to get to teaching so she could harass and humiliate boys. She was gloating. I posted a link to her blog on a forum expressing what I just wrote, but she must have got wind of the link and that file was removed pronto. That's a fact, I don't lie. That's the sort of teachers who are schooling our boys.

More about this tomorrow.
Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 3 January 2019 5:39:06 PM
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In one hand I am pleased/relieved this matter has finally raised it's ugly head.
I have for decades had this heavy feeling that this women's lib thing, or whatever the heck they're calling it today, has been a festering boil waiting to be lanced.
To over simplify, the point of no return was passed years ago, but because guys are too slack and don't want to risk being cut off from sexual favours from their female sex providers, they have simply sat back and facilitated these maggots into creating a hell on earth for EVERYONE, including women.
These same idiots are too stupid to realise that the sex has been stopped anyway, by the maggots, so they were doubly conned.
I have been warning of this disease for some years, feminists, lesbians and other scum.
The time has well passed to stop being nice and begin concerted and focused attacks on these sick people who promote un-natural behaviour and ideas.
There is no reasoning with such vermin so they must be treated with contempt and extreme derision, and it must be continuous, so any attempt at rebuttals will render the authors irrelevant and their comments moot.
I have crushed any attempts at being criticised and labelled by these sick and puerile irrelevants, to the point that they are to be ignored or if not then ridiculed into extinction.
For my part, I will keep the pressure on any attempt to promote PC and all that this vial language stands for.
I will continue to demonise and denigrate those who attempt to promote unreasonable and unrealistic agenda which are at odds with the ethos of a christian based, morally committed, ethical, mature and responsible people.
Any attempt by ANYONE to de-rail these long established and cherished values and beliefs, will be met with 'extreme' prejudice, and if the offenders refuse to abate, the resistance will intensify, and gather momentum, till they get it through their stupid, childish and unrealistic mindsets or dogma, to grow up or GET OUT!
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 3 January 2019 7:03:20 PM
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Hi, back again, again. I've been a bit busy lately.

Anyway, carrying on from previous, I then began investigating my own son's school and his workbooks. I discovered that the female teacher described above was no exception, but was pretty much on par with the the teachers there. In English classes especially. So, I pulled my son out of the school after School Certificate and we went motor racing full-time for the next six years.

@-Canem Malum, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 10:03:22 PM
"Home schooling is the answer for our boys." Yes CM you're correct. If there's anybody reading this who has boys attending Aust public schools I strongly advise that you get them out of there as soon as possible. Do home schooling or better put them into a private boys' school. The latter is very expensive, but if you care about your boys, bite the bullet and just do it. Even if you have to take a bigger mortgage or downsize your house. You owe them a good start in life. Leaving them in public schools will do boys no end of harm. Home schooling didn't work out for us because we were too busy tinkering with racing cars to be bothered to do the school work. The son probably learnt more about life and reality than any girly school curriculum would ever have done.

@ Waverley, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 5:31:48 PM
"Home Schooling won't help boys who need active strong young men to test them out and play all kinds of games from chess to footy etc with them." I'm not sure that this is a good call Waverley. Yes they need male companionship and senior guidance - that's what fathers are for. In our case, motor racing presented my son with an introduction to the real world of men and good sportsmanship. It cost a lot of money but he's grown up just fine. He's now a director of his own company (IT) and doing well.

Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 5 January 2019 4:14:53 PM
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