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What's going wrong with our boys? : Comments
By Peter West, published 20/12/2018It may puzzle parents to read that many academics seem to think that it just doesn't matter.
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Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 20 December 2018 10:12:08 AM
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We are constantly told that the the 'future is female'. For years in other cultures men have sat back and let the women do everything. Given the attitudes to men these days, there is no reason why Western culture can't or won't be the same.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 20 December 2018 10:31:58 AM
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The education system is now dominated by feminists. They are not interested in educating our kids, but uplifting women.
They have totally destroyed the math/science syllabus to make it easier for girls to handle what is for them a tough subject. About 15 years ago now, my son brought home a photocopy of a year 12 math B exam paper. It was a copy he had managed to take before having to hand back the paper after the exam. It transpired that they had been using the same paper for 4 years, to avoid the task of writing new exams each year. Lazy buggers. He was very indignant that the first question was one requiring the kids to describe a number. He hated essay writing, & considered it had no place in an exam to see if the kids could handle numbers & formulae. This introduction of essay writing into a math exam is only to help girls avoid number work as much as possible. I only recently realised that my kids had no electricity in their physics. I guess electricity theory is a bit too close to math for the girls. We had a whole segment back in the 50s. So the average citizen today must believe electricity is magic, rather than the simple system it is, having no knowledge from school. Just more dumbing down of the population to make us more easily controlled. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 20 December 2018 10:42:55 AM
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IS it ONLY the fault of the feminists?
What are all the others doing: parents? Teacher unions? All the academics and experts? Worth checking it out I reckon..... Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 20 December 2018 11:03:46 AM
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There's a loophole in the system where young dysfunctional boys are being given a free pass by socialist aligned governments.
If you want to be 13 and run around the streets with a machete, the police just ignore it, that's whats happening. I know, it happened to some friends I know just this week. DOCS ignored the issues until the kid was too far gone. Then they blamed the parents, who for years have been ignored trying to get help. Kid is placed in special needs school, full of other criminal special needs kids. Kid absconds to smoke ice with other kids. Kid attacks mother and sister placing them at constant risk of harm. Kid is placed in temporary care, but won't stay so is instead running the streets. Kid turns up with machete asks adult to mind it. Adult calls police and hands it in. Kids threatens adult and asks police for machete back. Police say "you can have it, if you come down here and get it." Mother can't do anything except sign him over to DOCS. They leave him on the streets and refuse to help, even when he's supposed to be in their care. Caught on the streets, police just let him go. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 20 December 2018 1:15:35 PM
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I'll tell you another thing too, all these schools are cashing in on kids with ADD etc, but they do absolutely nothing to help them.
They use the money to build the school, and when ADD kids play-up they just expel them to another school. If you want my opinion the system itself created this mess. - And probably on purpose by leftists that deliberately want the nation to fail so they can pursue socialist aims. Its all about the social revolution. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 20 December 2018 1:21:24 PM
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Maybe you can explain how these things are connected: boys' apparent failure to take part fully in school; boys' falling marks compared to girls, especially in the median range of marks; the troubles of ADD kids; and the socialist left. It sounds random to me- well just a tad, at least
Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 20 December 2018 1:34:18 PM
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So it's all the fault of the leftists, right?
Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 20 December 2018 2:05:41 PM
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"So it's all the fault of the leftists, right?"
Right. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 20 December 2018 2:09:14 PM
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Gender imbalance is consistently strong in Indigenous education: two-thirds off the fifty-eight thousand university graduates are women. Of the 130,000-odd Indigenous people who have commenced university study since 1990, only a third have been male.
A couple of factors: * gender-stereotyping of courses - STEM and business courses are more likely to be perceived to be in the men's domain, while teaching, nursing and social work tend to be perceived as in the women's domain; Indigenous men are that much less likely to enrol in teaching, etc. * Aboriginal boys coming through secondary school still perform worse than girls, and tend to avoid the maths and science courses. Hence, not too many complete secondary school with the opportunity to enrol in male-stereotyped courses. It's likely that Indigenous women are enrolling in STEM courses at least as often men, not that those numbers are particularly strong, certainly not as numerous as they ought to be. Currently, one could say with confidence that Indigenous university students tend to come from urban backgrounds, often with graduate parents urging them on. University 'support' programs seem to have abandoned the earlier outreach programs of the nineties - publicity, course promotion, career workshops, school visits - especially in rural and remote areas. So the 'low-hanging fruit' - the urban kids finishing Year 12 - enrol themselves, socialise and help each other through, and may not even be aware of any supposed Indigenous support services at their university. So how to motivate Indigenous boys to focus on maths and sciences courses, if they aren't enthusiastic about teaching or nursing ? Perhaps dangle medicine and such high-aspiring professions in front of them as they are coming through primary school ? And primary school is where it has to start: when I was involved in career workshops across SA and western NSW, 25 years ago, I was very inspired by the enthusiasm of children in upper primary school. In fact, [TBC] Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 20 December 2018 4:26:20 PM
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In fact, one time, we sort of accidentally ran a career workshop with kids in Grade/Class Four (at Koonibba Community School, far-west SA), nine-year-olds, and their aspirations were amazing - again, especially the girls. Kids are thinking about careers - especially girls - at much younger ages than usually assumed. I remember one girl, one of triplets, runny-nose and all, who was thinking about being a lawyer, or a pilot, or a dancer. Beautiful. I hope she made it. But special efforts have to be made to motivate and inspire boys to something beyond footy-player, pub-owner, station-hand. Or CDEP recipient. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 20 December 2018 4:29:29 PM
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our very best and brightest confined to inferior underfunded education models
Alan B, what exactly is the key factor in funding or rather the lack of it, always being the cause of lowering the standard of education ? How does more funding improve education ? Does a teacher/tutor's competence/mentality magically improve if more money comes their way ? Judging by the evidence at hand I'd say that the cause for the lowering of educational standards is too much pay. the very same is the case throughout the Public service. More pay does not improve delivery, more funding fosters complacency compounded by incompetence. The proof is there for all to see in our bureaucracies & the mismanaging in economics. We must return to value for money ! Posted by individual, Friday, 21 December 2018 6:08:59 AM
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Too much time spent devoted to pointless subjects (PD/H/PE) and not enough on maths and science.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 21 December 2018 6:50:32 AM
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what is pointless depends on your point of view So much obesity- people smoke and get drunk- our population needs to learn how to exercise I reckon Posted by Waverley, Friday, 21 December 2018 8:08:24 AM
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//our population needs to learn how to exercise I reckon//
Stand up. Place one foot in front of the other. Repeat. Increase rate of foot placing for greater results. Hmmm... not exactly rocket science, is it? Maybe we could teach kids simple things like that in primary school, so that when they're in high school they have more time to devote to subjects more interesting and enjoyable than chasing a ball around a paddock for no damn reason. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 21 December 2018 8:23:14 AM
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A national Service is the best start for improving mental & physical fitness.
Posted by individual, Friday, 21 December 2018 8:49:01 AM
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Surely the really vital messages must be transmitted by families. Eat a sensible diet; get sufficient exercise and get your body moving every day; don't fill up your lungs with yucky smoke; drink in moderation and sensibly; have some special friends and family and take care of them; read widely and consider other viewpoints and ideas as well as yours.
This might keep you as strong and healthy and wise as you can manage. School really just fines-tunes what you get at home. Why only yesterday my son told his daughter: "Have good manners please.That means- not tipping food on your head". Mis Bossy-boots is 2. Never too young to learn! Posted by Waverley, Friday, 21 December 2018 12:02:00 PM
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Eat a sensible diet; get sufficient exercise and get your body moving every day;
Waverley, You've obviously never had any exposure to blue collar workers' daily routine. Healthy food is unaffordable for 30% of the population & exercise is something only those overpaid & underworked public servants have the energy to do. What's needed is a cut to public service pays so that at least some equality can be established which then will boost the economy due to a more balanced spending power. Posted by individual, Friday, 21 December 2018 7:33:20 PM
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Exercise. Well hardly anyone walks anymore. Kids don't even walk to school. Some people drive to the gym and then pay to use the gym and get worn out.
And food; surely we have enough fresh fruit and fairly cheap bread and milk? And smoking- well they choose to do it and fill their lungs with smoke; it's not compulsory. A healthy mind in a healthy body is the ideal: could we all try a bit harder? And yes, when younger I served in shops, cleaned toilets, worked milling steel in factories and even worked for guys who installed cigarette machines in people's houses. A fairly broad experience of the world before I did a range of other things. Posted by Waverley, Friday, 21 December 2018 9:24:23 PM
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//A healthy mind in a healthy body is the ideal: could we all try a bit harder?// Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 21 December 2018 9:30:18 PM
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Every time I see people exercising- I'm happy. Healthy people work hard, live longer and pay taxes (unless they belong to those big corporations which happily avoid taxes by using tax havens the Liberals haven't heard about yet).
I thought we were talking about how to encourage boys to achieve :) Posted by Waverley, Saturday, 22 December 2018 2:06:09 PM
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Dr Peter West asks (again), "What's going wrong with our boys?"
Mate take a look in the mirror. You and your academic cronies appear to know nothing about education and boys. This is not surprising when the academic and education systems are viewed from outside looking in. Cultural Marxist (leftist) ideologues the lot of you. And the leftist culture embraces feminism, which promotes misandry, and you ask the question "What's going wrong with our boys?" In the introduction of the article you establish the meme "boys' underachievement", which puts the onus of blame onto the boys themselves. The boys didn't do their best. It's their fault. What about the education system's underachievement? And just to prove my point, you then go on to write "In the words of one boy: 'I will continue to do my best, no matter how pointless the task is'." Obviously, this boy is not underachieving. He's declared that he's doing his best. Do you ever read your own words Dr West? Then you go on with a charming metaphor for boys, "like a chemical sludge". Just who's side are you on Dr West? It would seem that it's not on the side of boys. And then this; "And English tries to develop students' ability to talk about life's problems, relationships, marriage, death and separation. And refine complex understandings, and introduce students to nuances and subtleties. And boys aren't getting most of that." Of course they bloody aren't! This is girly talk. I assume you do expect these boys to grow into men don't you? Next this is a good one, why many boys don't do well; "everywhere boys are confronted by bad models of male behaviour". It's not the fault of the girls school education, oh no. It's the fault of those naughty football players! Who'd have thunk it? You've been hanging around in the feminist staff room with those misandrist teachers again, haven't you? Where else would you get rubbish like that? (TBC) Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 22 December 2018 4:53:23 PM
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This next one's a classic. "Who stands in the way?", you ask. Then you, in your own words provide the very answer from Ms Cook. "(A)ttempts to help boys have been subverted by powerful feminists entrenched in the education system". What part of those words can't you understand Dr West? Do you have problems with comprehension?
"Is this true in Australia, I wonder?", you quiz. The poor man must live in a different Australia to me. Of course this is true in Australia. It's been glaringly obvious for at least the last two decades. Finally you put up a smoke screen of subterfuge about a couple of your own hobby-horses; "It's not fair to support selective schools"; "(M)oney not spent on schools. Underfunding. I ask, what have these issues got to do with boys getting shafted by an education system that is female focused and can't be bothered to engage with innocent 'over-privileged white boys' suffering from 'toxic masculinity'? Now, Dr West calls himself an "expert on men's and boys' issues". If Dr West can't see the rape of boys' education clearly in the light of day as he has described above, after years of working at the coal face, then he must be an idiot. But I don't think he is an idiot. Nope. I think he's cunningly clever. I think he writes these essays on boys' education, as he normally has over the past few years at this time of the year, published on these pages, displaying a concocted outrage to appear concerned and to present the hopelessness of the “chemical sludge” and allay people's fears that this matter is in the hands of an 'expert', and gosh, there's just nothing we can do about it. I think Dr West is playing us for idiots. (TBC) Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 22 December 2018 4:55:40 PM
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Hopefully Dr West might read these comments. I hope so. For his benefit I commend the following link:
The trouble with boys (Note: after clicking the above link you may have to click another link at the Pandora site to access the document). The article is over 15 years old and still applicable today, except the situation today is probably worse. It's a truthful and factual article. I know because I wrote it. Dr West, how come after over 15 years of close up and personal expert affiliation with boys' education are you still asking the idiotic question, "What's going wrong with our boys?". Frankly, I don't think Dr West is sailing under his true colours. END Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 22 December 2018 4:59:31 PM
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Wot Waverly said!
A sense of purpose is what is missing...a sense of purpose with passion Too much time, and even less to do with it! To those of us who had little time to pontificate about tomorrow, because we were too busy doing what was needed today.....where did the time go? Posted by Special Delivery, Saturday, 22 December 2018 6:52:18 PM
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//I thought we were talking about how to encourage boys to achieve//
Yeah, but it seems some people just don't think maths and science are worth the effort :( Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 22 December 2018 8:07:57 PM
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Well we might as well know what most of those pesky academics say that West talks about.
Think it goes like this: Yes,we know that boys' results are bad, and that if you go to school speech days you'll see parade of girls, with a few geeky kids and maybe various migrant kids . Maybe a few Aussie kids getting sport awards . Yes, boys are being suspended and expelled in large numbers , working class and even middle class Aussie boys are being beaten everywhere by girls and sometimes Chinese and Indians.....and when interviewed, they will say school is a complete waste of time. BUT This isn't really important because we all know that girls are disadvantaged everywhere you look, Males are nasty, mean and sex-driven and look after their mates really well . Look at who runs all the boards, look at Cabinet Ministers, look at who's on the major companies etc. SO this must be seen as the backlash against feminism's advances and we shouldn't punish girls by doing anything to benefit boys. OK? Asking "What about the boys?" is a bad thing, shouldn't be said - and is unfair to girls. To even say those words means you are a nasty Tony Abbott type troglodyte cave-dweller and worthy only of contempt. Posted by Waverley, Sunday, 23 December 2018 8:51:45 AM
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I notice ABC has a long segment on domestic violence again tonight. Again!
What's this- some feminist agenda being shoved down our throats? You'd expect some cheerful messages, at least............ Posted by Waverley, Sunday, 23 December 2018 6:38:20 PM
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//You'd expect some cheerful messages, at least............//
I think you're watching the wrong programs: Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 23 December 2018 8:55:12 PM
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Irregardless, feminism is alive and well at the ABC
Posted by Waverley, Monday, 24 December 2018 7:54:15 AM
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@Waverley, Sunday, 23 December 2018 8:51:45 AM
Yep, Waverley, you're correct! Spot on the money. That proves my point. You know what's wrong, I know what's wrong, most of the posters above know some of what's wrong, so how come this clown West keeps asking the same idiotic question year after year? As Waverley expressed in her post (I assume female, sincere apologies if I'm wrong) exactly the status quo of the intentional sabotage of boys' education. Waverley, instead of West, should have written this article to express the parlous state of affairs. Waverley knows. Waverley simply stated the facts succinctly. Why is Dr West not stating the facts as Waverley can? Two possible extremes; he's an idiot; or he's a fraud. It's possible that maybe he's somewhere in between. Or is it because he likes to drum up business for himself ? - Boys' Education, Services After all, if people knew what caused the boys' education problem, then they'd have a good chance of solving it for themselves. It's not complicated. Sometimes, professionals in this sort of consultancy service, never want the problem solved because then they'd be out of work. They'd have to find another problem - or create one - to take it's place. And as so far as Dr West being "an expert on men's and boys' issues" is concerned, in my opinion, you could write what he knows about men and boys on the head of a pin. He probably knows a lot about how to persuade and manoeuvre people into his PC feminised and socialised world. My guess is that he likes teaching men and boys how not to be men and boys, but simpering social slaves of the state. Anyway, very good call Waverley. Now we can all look forward to Dr West's article next year when he asks the same idiotic question. Posted by voxUnius, Monday, 24 December 2018 10:06:30 AM
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I think most of us have more to do every Christmas than to watch Baldrick and Blackadder. They had their day, mmmm ......about 1968 or so, yes? Give or take a decade or two. A bit like Monty Python, despite all attempts to resurrect them.
And life would improve if I never again saw that tedious Stephen Fry pontificating about everything. "who's a clever boy, then?" seems to sum up his every utterance. Luckily the ABC isn't running his funny ( ?) antics seven days a week but some other Pommy claptrap instead. Meanwhile, are we allowed to ask: what's happening with boys worldwide? Posted by Waverley, Monday, 24 December 2018 10:57:12 AM
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//I think most of us have more to do every Christmas than to watch Baldrick and Blackadder.//
Well duh... doesn't mean we can't enjoy a quiet hour or so in front of the telly of an evening in the lead up to Christmas. No wonder you're such a cranky old Grinch if you're so worked to the bone you haven't got time to chill out over Christmas. //They had their day, mmmm ......about 1968 or so, yes? Give or take a decade or two. A bit like Monty Python, despite all attempts to resurrect them. And life would improve if I never again saw that tedious Stephen Fry pontificating about everything. "who's a clever boy, then?" seems to sum up his every utterance. Luckily the ABC isn't running his funny ( ?) antics seven days a week but some other Pommy claptrap instead.// Have you ever thought about just not watching shows you don't enjoy, instead of making a big song and dance about how awful they are in order to demonstrate how much better your taste is than the tastes of the great unwashed? Pretentious twat. //Meanwhile, are we allowed to ask: what's happening with boys worldwide?// Oh do cheer up, Mr. Scrooge. 'Tis Christmas eve. Can't we call a Christmas truce to the culture wars, come up out of our trenches, and kick a football around with the wicked feminazis? You can go back to being a miserable bastard the other 51 weeks of the year. Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 24 December 2018 3:45:30 PM
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Oh dear and I was hoping someone would pick up my misspellings and grammatical mistakes heh heh
Posted by Waverley, Monday, 24 December 2018 4:32:56 PM
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//Oh dear and I was hoping someone would pick up my misspellings and grammatical mistakes//
Yeah, but it's not your literacy that's the problem, is it? I mean, I don't know exactly what your problem is, because I'm not qualified to make that sort of diagnosis. But I do know that your literacy is fine (for a given value of 'fine'). Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 24 December 2018 6:12:52 PM
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It appears that there has been a change in the educational outcomes for boys probably due to the changes in the educational system and due to wider recent social libertarian policies.
I guess that boys are "the victims we had to have"- in order to "improve" our society along social liberty lines. Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 25 December 2018 1:45:25 PM
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"the victims we had to have"?
Really? Hmmm. Watching the TV news esp. on ABC and SBS, I thought only females were victims....... Someone said In an ideal world, all boys would be in co-ed schools. And all girls in single-sex schools". A bit like: "In a perfect world, all the women would be married. And all the men would be single" Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 1:01:22 PM
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Not being one to 'let one through to the keeper', I can't stand by and allow mis-information.
I am referring to a earlier poster who slipped in another opportunity to promote untruths about our indigenous co-inhabitants, better described as Australians with SOME aboriginal blood in their family history. What I will not allow is the convenient lie that we have; A; 50 odd thousand abo's, and that 'all' attend uni. B; that there are any more than 'handful' of real and genetically confirmed abo's left on the ground. So given a few more years, we will bare witness to the extinction of a race. Other than those few 'full blood' abo's who want to keep their race alive, there is no doubt that the abo race will end and all that will be left will be enshrined in history. Despite the obvious attempt by some to keep this farcical idea afloat, for personal gain I might add, it is not an idea based on fact but one based on fiction. The Aussie's with some abo ancestry who have or have had anything to with uni, can attribute that fact and correlate it directly to their European influence. It's as simple as that. Just go back through the history of the so-called abo enrollments and the dates respectively. So, this arrogant attempt at trying to gain benefits, whatever the kind, by attempting to 'latch' on to the abo myth, because some idiot says you came from this mob or that mob is an absolute joke, completely devoid of reason and common sense. So, I believe it is absolutely critical to stop this kind of thing before too many 'soft cocks' and naive and air headed fools get sucked in to the con. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 2:19:16 PM
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I'm sure many men have "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" too. Whether it's men or women it's always about perceived power. While we fight the war of the sexes the world burns- who will join the army to fight the fire? But women are happy to let it burn as long as they win. Good for them. For me I prefer doers over talkers. When there is a job to be done the men are there to help- they pull up their sleeves and get to work. It's not that men have to be that way but it's the way it seems to be. Maybe it's just that men are there for me. If women aren't there for me why should I help them. I will promote a woman that is willing to do the work otherwise not. Equality of opportunity not outcome.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 2:49:43 PM
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//"In a perfect world, all the women would be married. And all the men would be single"//
And the men who enjoy the company of womenfolk will be sent away for re-education. I dunno... sounds a bit queer to me (in the archaic sense, meaning queer. But it also sounds quite homosexual). No wonder Waverley is such a big fan of sports (nudge nudge, wink wink). Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 4:52:58 PM
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//A; 50 odd thousand abo's, and that 'all' attend uni.
B; that there are any more than 'handful' of real and genetically confirmed abo's left on the ground. So given a few more years, we will bare witness to the extinction of a race. Other than those few 'full blood' abo's who want to keep their race alive, there is no doubt that the abo race will end and all that will be left will be enshrined in history. Despite the obvious attempt by some to keep this farcical idea afloat, for personal gain I might add, it is not an idea based on fact but one based on fiction. The Aussie's with some abo ancestry who have or have had anything to with uni, can attribute that fact and correlate it directly to their European influence.// Hey ALTRAV, if you're so obsessed with 'blood purity', what is the correct incantation to summon the Dark Mark? Yeah, I thought so. Bloody Death Eater wannabe. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 5:29:08 PM
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I've written this many times before, but you don't take any notice. Never mind, hope springs eternal: Yes, there are many people in Australia with Indigenous ancestry, perhaps seven hundred thousand. The last couple of generations may be much more mixed than before, but most Indigenous people - people with some Indigenous ancestry - aged over, say, fifty, would have known only their Indigenous (as above) relations, especially their Indigenous (as above) mother, and probably their Indigenous (as above) father too. Their non-Indigenous ancestry would be far back in the past: in my late wife's case, it was back in the 1840s to the 1870s, apart from her Italian father. So yes, she was of Indigenous and Italian ancestry. Their brothers and sisters would have been similarly Indigenous (see above). They would have been considered by other Indigenous (see above) people as Indigenous (see above). The non-Indigenous population around them, in towns and at school, would have considered them as Indigenous. So that's how they honestly saw themselves, and how they were seen by others. How else ? Surely you can relate to that, if you simply substitute the word "Italian" for "Indigenous" ? Surely you can understand that Australians with Italian ancestry - certainly a couple of generations ago - would have been considered Italian, and called all sorts of insulting names, as you now do with Indigenous people (see above). Utter bastards, all of them. Both Italian-Australians and Indigenous-Australians (see above) have contributed to the development of Australia, and I look forward to them continuing to do so. Including all those Indigenous people (see above) who have married Italian-Australians (see above). Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 6:05:40 PM
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Toni, WTF, if you don't have a real and tangible response or argument to contra my comments, sorry, your not contributing, therefore you must be talking to yourself.
If you take a moment to gather your thoughts, throw away any emotion, then come back with clear, reasonable and factual comments in response, and not like some who come back with this crap about 'I feel aboriginal' or 'I relate to being aboriginal', and they keep coming up with more. DON'T CARE! Irrelevant what some moron 'thinks' they are and 'where' they think they come from. Bloody con-men the lot of em'. As I said before and I will say again and again, nobody cares who 'you think you are'. To all those self indulgent morons, abusing the system, I say grow up and stop rorting the system at the expense of the rest of us Aussies. The amount of money and aid, grants, you name it, that they are getting, is absolutely disgusting. And all in the knowledge that they are not entitled to anywhere near the benefits they enjoy, and all because of the moronic simple minded people and also the mentally deficient greedy politicians. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 6:17:54 PM
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Loudmouth, yes we have been through this before, and I'll say it again, because 'both' my parents were Italian, and the blood line was never broken from as far back as the records allow, I have always called myself Australian, by law and by personal belief, because even though I am Italian by blood, I adopted a title given me by a foreign newspaper when I lived abroad, and that was; I was tagged 'an Australian born Italian Designer'.
Now out of respect, I did not say anything and I did not benefit from it anyway. But whether here in Australia or abroad, when asked, I have always answered 'AUSTRALIAN'. Now that, by my own admission is incorrect, but for the sake of PC and expediency I choose to go with 'Aussie'. If pushed I explain that, yes I am Italian by blood, but just happen to be born in Australia. Why I am not a good example is unlike abo's, I am a pure blood, so we cannot use me as a typical comparison. So I hope you see my point through logical and emotion free eyes and not by way of the examples you have given in the past. They are too abstract and prone to abusive forms of interpretations, of which we have already seen, there are many. No, one of my traits is that I am a pragmatist. The other is, I am a realist. Together with my ever searching quest for truth and not bloody PC crap, does not allow me to accept that which is not real or truthful. I'm afraid the abo plight negatively displays too many of these traits I speak of. So to finish with the point of this article; I have given my reasons already why, those who are not full blood abo's, must not call themselves, abo's. They are lying, or at the very least, being untruthful or dishonest, irrespective of the attempted arguments presented in mitigation. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 6:49:32 PM
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So here's how it works in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter:
Either you can do magic (in which case you're a Witch or Wizard) or you can't, in which case you're a Muggle or a Squib. Sensible people don't care about the ancestry of a Wizard/Witch. Ron Weasley is pure-blood, born of a Witch and Wizard, from a wizarding family, and is a bit crap when it comes to actual magic. Hermione is Muggle-born - both parents dentists - and outshines Ron and Harry when it comes to magic. Harry is descended from a long line of magic on the paternal side, but his mother was Muggle-born like Hermione. But all that really matters is whether you can do magic, or you can't. Lord Voldemort and his Death Eater followers adhere to a different philosophy: they believe ancestry is important. They believe that unless you are born of a Witch and Wizard, you don't really count, regardless of your ability. Half-bloods and Muggle-borns have their wands snapped in half and are banished (or worse) under the rule of the Dark Lord. Voldemort and the Death Eaters are basically allegories for Nazis, complete with their own version of the Nuremberg Laws. ALTRAV is obsessed with the idea of blood purity - Pure-bloods only, and the rest can f&*k off. He's a Death Eater, through and through. Those of us who have read Harry Potter - and by crikey, there's a lot of us - know better: we know that Harry isn't pure-blood thanks to his Muggle-containing maternal ancestry. And we also know that he defeats the most powerful Dark Wizard ever in spite of that: ancestry doesn't matter. The only pricks that do think it matters are those will happily murder, torture and enslave those who have the temerity to disagree. I like to think of ALTRAV as a Crabbe or Goyle.... one of the stupider goon-type Death Eaters, without the curiosity or widsom to question their Dark Lord. But still a wrong'un, without question. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 6:50:30 PM
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//If you take a moment to gather your thoughts, throw away any emotion, then come back with clear, reasonable and factual comments in response//
OK, you're clearly not a Harry Potter fan: Now, you tell me what is different between your criteria for determining the 'blood status' of Aboriginals, and the Nazi's criteria for determining the 'blood status' of a Reich citizen. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 6:58:50 PM
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I was expecting some intelligent, emotionless response, so imagine my surprise when I read this meaningless drivel. No seriously, I thought you were having a stroke when you wrote it. Or is it that you're about to have a stroke, no I think it goes something like; You feel the urge to do a poo, and that's why so many people die on the toilet. Did you feel the need to go to the toilet, before you wrote your second last posting? Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 26 December 2018 7:18:49 PM
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Are there any happy people out there?
Just wondering..... Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 27 December 2018 11:47:46 AM
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Yes Waverley. I just had a good laugh at reading your comment. I'm happy, I'm laughing.
Thanks for your concern. And dare I write it? Yes, God bless. Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 27 December 2018 12:49:39 PM
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Dear Waverley,
Yes of course there are happy people on the forum. They're the ones with a sense of humour. They're also the ones that try to avoid pointless arguments when they see that presenting facts to small-minded people won't achieve anything. How on earth can you argue with - people who are convinced of their "truth" of the "free rides" that they think Australian Indigenous people get. And who will tell you - exactly who is Aboriginal. They know all about Aboriginal identity. Serious arguing - is pointless. However, having a sense of humour is the best antidote. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 27 December 2018 1:00:05 PM
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Waverley, yes of course there are happy people out there.
They're the ones with a sense of humour, BUT, some of them walk around with their head in the clouds, refusing to see the 'real' world. There are those who use reason and common sense, who are not happy with others who walk around with their head in the clouds and use fantasy and wishful thinking in that the world is a wonderful place and want to force their perception of the fanciful as the truth on those who disagree with them, so they say, anyone who does not agree with their view of the world is small minded. It is quite the opposite, those who dream are completely consumed with their fantasy and a totally unrealistic and 'very' narrow view on life. It is ironic but it is they who are small minded, and will never concede that their assertions are a product of fantasy and emotion, both have been rejected by any and all scholars and academics, as irrelevant in any factual debate or discussion. Their beliefs are best described as 'machinations', and we know where they belong. Where-as those of us, with open minds, open to all there is to learn and discover, in the 'real' world, actually have 'real' facts and truths to pass on to anyone who also has an open mind and the ability to reason and a modicum of common sense, know the difference. The other side have put their faith in fairy tales and emotions. Two things that are the antithesis of maturity, common sense and reason. And in an effort to keep on topic, these factors and these type of attitudes are also a root cause of and evil elements re; What's going wrong with our boys', today. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 27 December 2018 7:06:18 PM
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"There's no fate but what we make for ourselves." Sarah Connor- Terminator
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 27 December 2018 7:59:41 PM
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Before making certain assertions some people should
actually research their information so that they know what they are talking about otherwise their comments have no credible whatsoever. Repeating misinformation does not add any credibility to their statements. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 December 2018 10:05:23 AM
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cont'd ...
My apologies for the typo. Here's the link again: It's not easy trying to control your own fate when other people make the decisions for you and force you to abide by what they see as "the rules" and your place in society. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 December 2018 10:13:22 AM
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Here's another link that may break through
the stereotyping of our Indigenous people: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 December 2018 10:52:35 AM
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The SBS and also the ABC should be defunded.
Foxy said -"It's not easy trying to control your own fate when other people make the decisions for you and force you to abide by what they see as "the rules" and your place in society." Answer- I agree- and think the UN, the socialists, the free traders, the globalists shouldn't force Australians into a world dictatorship. Government should be "bottom up" not "top down". ___________ Much money has been spent on indigenous Australians- most of the blame for the destruction of the assets has been placed on the British Australian Government- even though the destruction appears to have been carried out by the indigenous people (they have exercised their control to cause their fate). I haven't seen much to indicate that we should continue to throw more money at the problem of indigenous poverty. There are also indigenous reserves- they have their own land- that's more than many British Australian's have. At some stage we need to leave them to their fate- they have the right to their own self determination as a culture just as we do as British Australian's. I suggest we reduce funding for indigenous programs to "maintenance levels". Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 28 December 2018 12:43:42 PM
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Just to clarify your assertions: "There are also indigenous reserves- they have their own land- that's more than many British Australians have. At some stage we need to leave them to their fate- they have the right to their own self determination as a culture just as we do as British Australians. " Most land in Australia would be held by 'British Australians'. British common law now, after Mabo, recognises the rights of Indigenous people to the land they possessed (or used) as at 26.1.1788. But there is some turmoil in 'communities', with people moving from small 'communities' to larger ones, and from there to the towns, and from there to the cities. Why ? Because the policy of 'self-determination' is falling apart, with very little economic activity in 'communities', and little likelihood, after nearly fifty years, of any ever getting off the ground: given that Aboriginal people weren't farmers, any projects which presume that they can easily become farmers is doomed to utter failure, so land-oriented projects are out: ask anybody who has tried, over the past fifty years, to set up vegetable gardens. So the situation in 'communities' has reached a crisis point. I see Aboriginal people from way up north in the streets of Adelaide - and not just from the SA North-West, but from the NT. In a sense, they are refugees from the Coombsian policies of 'self-determination', with very few skills to operate in small towns, let alone in the booming, buzzing cities. I suspect that, in the next ten years, larger 'communities' in the north will be abandoned (or severely de-populated), just as out-stations there have been. Even here in southern SA, this is happening now. But those poor buggers are totally unprepared for city life, often illiterate and innumerate, with very poor English, and no employable skills. Policy has dealt them a dreadful hand over forty or fifty years, and the leaders of the Indigenous Industry don't have a clue what to do about it. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 28 December 2018 1:21:34 PM
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Loudmouth- I used to have sympathy with the indigenous situation. I have had some contact with Aboriginals in various places so I believe I know more than most. Though perhaps not as much as yourself. I can't claim to be an expert on the issue. But I've formed from experience an opinion that would need extra-ordinary evidence to shift.
I have some experience in the army and feel that given land it's possible for people to form a community with limited resources- if there is a will. In basic training they teach you to live under a sheet of plastic and hunt your own food. I understand that perhaps there have been some disruptive influences, there is the complication of the mixing up of tribes, there is the substance abuse issue. Any community has a version of Maslow's Hierarchy. Communities need to encourage virtue- a community starts with one family, becomes an extended family, a town. Yes aboriginals are not farmers but not all food plants need regular management. There appears to be significant corruption within Aboriginal communities at all levels. Even Aboriginals don't want to participate in disfunctional Aboriginal communities. Aboriginals that manage to function in British Australian society are often dragged down by the rest of the community- they are often obliged to pass on their profits to other members of the community. I've seen other poor British Australian communities function in similar ways. Most functional people in these communities eventually learn that the only way to survive and prosper is to leave. Since the 1500's all landed people have become destabilized as a matter of policy of Liberalism- justified by appeals to efficient use of land to create capital. I'm not sure that this is what is happening with indigenous peoples on reservations. Generally I work on the principle that every sufficiently large piece of land should be able to support those living on it if they manage it correctly. Though I believe you have more knowledge about farming than myself. The Aboriginal situation reminds me of the situation that led to the Opium Wars. Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 28 December 2018 2:07:16 PM
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CM, one thing has flashed past these postings time after time.
By way of sarcasm, I have previously suggested that if the abo's are in fact bush people and are one with the bush, then why did white man get involved in trying to improve their lot, and leave well enough alone when we only receive negative attitudes of hate and derision. Right on cue one poster presents us with links to stories which at best are an attempt at 'trying' to debunk historical and recorded facts and truths about the benefits and money, goods and services that have been, and are still being thrown, at the abo's. I have lived through it, with actual visible and tactile contact, and not some fanciful, dreamers bloody mindset. I aggressively reject any attempt by any air-headed dreamer to play down the benefits the abo's have enjoyed, and still do. As for the presumptuous idiots who condemn those responsible for the pathetic mantra 'the stolen generation'. They totally ignore the fact that these same children now are better off and better people for having been removed from the sh!tholes they were in and still exist today. No I tell you what, I've changed my mind, let's enforce the belief that the abo's don't get anything from the govt, and let them fend for themselves like all the rest of Australians, because by their own admission, they are no more entitled than the rest of us, and if they choose to, go back to live in the bush exactly as they once did so we can never be accused of causing them suffering and pain for trying to improve their lot in life. It might be a start, at least for the thousands of kids who are 'drunk' sniffing petrol fumes and God knows what else. Furthermore, one should never listen to someone who believes they have ALL the answers by pontificating and preaching their superiority over others who disagree with them by posturing links and contrived views or beliefs, over actual experience, exposure and contact with a topic. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 28 December 2018 3:33:37 PM
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Well irregardless of who you are or what you say about boys, Aborigines or White Australia - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Posted by Waverley, Friday, 28 December 2018 4:20:18 PM
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Dear Joe,
Here's another link - on the indigenous and urban cities. What's your take on it? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 December 2018 7:38:17 PM
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Foxy, I always look at your links, in case I might find something I have not heard before.
As usual though, I have heard it all before. I may seem like a broken record to you but you are like the little boy who cried 'wolf' once too often. The links you keep promoting are all bias and self serving as to make the point the author is trying to convey. There is never any real and credible information in them, only partial truths and personal views. On the other hand the real truth is that the abo's don't want to assimilate or integrate because if they did they would lose their benefits and would have to work and survive without hand-outs like the rest of us. How do you think we feel knowing, in one hand they are getting govt assistance, and in the other they are attacking and/or abusing us, and the privileges afforded them by US. They are ungrateful and arrogant. Enough is enough, if you like them and their carry on, then I'll tell you what. Why don't you join them and go live in the bush they so much love because we have apparently pushed them out into the cities. If you believe that living and acting like animals is your idea of the way we should live, then I for one will not stop you. Until then, if you want to live in the city, then act civilised, and not burn down the houses given to you, if not free, then as good as. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 1:12:41 AM
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Are there any happy people out there?
Waverley, Oh yes, they're the ones who get to join the Public Service & get a new pair of rose-coloured glasses every new financial year. Posted by individual, Saturday, 29 December 2018 7:10:13 AM
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Dear Foxy,
The article - at last ! - notes that barely 20 % of the total Australian Indigenous population live outside urban areas. Even in the NT, a slight majority live in urban areas. At last, something which gets away from the pig-ignorant belief that most Indigenous people live out in the sticks, sitting around camp-fires. But the article didn't point out that there is great diversity across the urban Indigenous population: there is, after all, a clear differentiation between an educated, working population (perhaps a majority) and a welfare-oriented population, for a start. These days, I suspect that there is little drift from the welfare-oriented population into the education- and work-oriented population. And that's how it might be for some generations yet, especially with the collapse of 'community', and the drift from very remote to remote, and remote to rural, and from rural to urban areas, of poor, illiterate people with little English. So the poor will still be with us for a long time to come. As if to replicate the fragmentation of Indigenous society over sixty thousand years, into hundreds of 'tribes' and thousands of clans, each jealously guarding its own foraging area, the welfare-oriented population is also fragmented, according to geographical and family origins. The elites are far more integrated, since they have so much to gain in salary and power by overcoming those family-based differences and working together, setting up their patron-client systems. In the cities, Indigenous people live in every suburb, and as inner-city low-cost housing areas become gentrified, they are displaced by relatively-well-paid professionals, ironically likely to vote Green. So Indigenous people are being displaced by professionals. Intersectionality be damned ! Another problem that the Indigenous 'leaders' haven't a clue what to do with. Love, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 29 December 2018 9:13:45 AM
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Dear Joe,
Thank You for your response. I was hoping that you'd find the link useful. It certainly points to the complexity of the differences in cultural backgrounds, exacerbated by economic hardship, tribal differences, ineffective programs that lack co-ordination because they're designed for the Indigenous - not with them. It does appear that the problems will be with us for quite some time to come. Why are other nations so much better at solving the problems of their native people than we are? New Zealand, Canada? Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 December 2018 10:12:54 AM
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I find it increasingly difficult feeling sorry for people who passionately express a desire for something, then when it is given to them, they actively and aggressively set about condemning those helping them.
Instead of accepting 'anything' with a greatful demeanor, we get continual abuse and outright vilification. The abuse is ever present especially if you happen across an area dominated by the abo's. Any problems theabo's may try to convey are of their own doing and I for one am sick of hearing about 'the poor down-trodden abo'. Anyone else having been given the assistance, hand outs, grants and so on and so forth, would have been so grateful, as though having won Lotto. But NO, not the abo. My message is simple even the most educated of them will understand it, and that is, SHUT UP! You've had it good, very good, so much better than other Aussies who were/are worse off than you lot. It's really simple to fix, if you don't like the handouts and assistance, in goods, services and money you're getting, undeservedly, stop accepting them and piss off back to the bush you all keep bleating on that you love so much and have been 'forced' out of, my arse. God if only you had even half a clue, you would realise that the rest of the country, like me, is fed up with your stupid greedy, selfish and juvenile attitudes. Let's see, you happily accept a 'hand up/out', you destroy and abuse any physical item given to you, from cars to houses, then you systematically and continually abuse us either to our faces or by whatever means you have at your disposal, mostly given to you by us. We bitch about Muslims not assimilating, boy, they've got nothing on the abo's. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, we are trying to help in the best way WE know how, because you have made it abundantly clear, you are a useless unworthy lot. Your lack of achievements are well and truly part of history and on the record. So get off your arses. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 1:29:16 PM
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Here's a few links that may set the record straight: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 December 2018 3:03:48 PM
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cont'd ...
My apologies for the typo. Here's the link again: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 December 2018 3:08:56 PM
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I've just realised why we are continually bombarded with fanciful and untrue comments along with all the posturing.
It's because this Forum is called OLO, or to be more precise, 'On Line OPINION'. Thank God I can now finally accept all the comments made on OLO, because they are merely opinions. This means the comments must not be factual but merely opinions, otherwise you are not following the prescribed format. I must appologise for commenting with factually based comments. I do not understand the concept of 'opinion'. Just so you can all judge for yourselves, the definition of 'opinion' is as follows; A VIEW OR JUDGEMENT FORMED ABOUT SOMETHING, NOT NECESSARILY BASED ON FACT OR KNOWLEDGE. HAH! Now will those of you carrying on like know-it-all experts please stop and take stock. Seeing as how I have been talking facts, and others keep coming up with links and other sources as facts when they are clearly opinions, I will take the trophy and the victory on all counts. So basically you can shove your links, they mean nothing, they are not based on facts, but merely opinions, and as opinions are not fact then fact will always win over fiction or fantasy, especially when the authors are trying to make a pre-concieved point, in all these links. It has always concerned me that surveys and material announcing something new has a bias rationale and lean, favoring the authors point he's attempting to make. So it appears that I too must join the land of the dreamers and fantasists and come down a few clicks to be able to comment on OLO. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 4:27:15 PM
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Dear Foxy,
I just saw a car here in SA with the plate "FOXY", Toyota Corolla, very zippy. What are you doing over here, and why didn't you drop in ? I'm sceptical about your comment: " .... ineffective programs that lack co-ordination because they're designed for the Indigenous - not with them." I'm not so sure: I think Indigenous people have a lot of input into policies, but (my god, this sounds arrogant) they may not have much understanding of their own problems, AND are almost bound to see problems in simplistic terms of more funding. In other words, I don't think that Indigenous people alone can understand and resolve their own problems. They don't seem to have done so after forty or fifty years. Solutions may need expertise, not just being there. I recall a council decision up on the 'community' where we had lived, eight thousand acres, unlimited water licence: a small problem with the 100 acres of grapes, so the council decided to rip them all out (eight thousand acres minus one hundred = 7,900 acres available). So much of their economic base was destroyed in one lazy, dumb-arse decision - why was it not possible to have BOTH grapes (and Lucerne, stone fruit, citrus, sheep, wheat) AND some other crop (as it turned out, almonds) ? Why not do it all ? Actually it was ideal country for pecans, pistachios, peanuts, as well as almonds (and maybe macadamia too), as well as god-knows what-else to soak up the eight thousand acres - say three hundred acres each of dozens of crops ? Blockies in the area grew apricots, peaches, plums, citrus, and now avocados and olives. Up to 1973, when communities got self-government, the responsible government department here in SA built up the economic bases of Aboriginal communities. So the inheritance from the government had fizzled away by about 1982, with continuing enormous funding allocations to desperately keep things going. All to no avail: by 2010, nothing left. Not one almond tree. Not a grape, not an orange, not a sheep or ear of [TBC] Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 29 December 2018 4:38:22 PM
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wheat. Nothing. Did the community council have any input into decisions about all that ? Of course. All the input. All the decisions. Governments had little or nothing to do with any of it, although they seemed to desperately try to keep things going financially, with millions and millions of dollars to prop up enterprises, eventually for nothing. So tell me about 'community consultation'. The people can, after all, bugger themselves up without much outside help. Running any major enterprise needs expertise, and almost by definition, Aboriginal people in the rural areas don't have such expertise. And surely government departments knew that from the word go ? Although it's easy to be wise after the event. One problem at that community was that nobody who worked for the council could be elected to the council: so only old people, usually old grandmothers. Who thereby had decision-making powers over areas they knew nothing about, while the workers themselves had no such rights. I recall one old council lady saying, about a Canberra housing allocation of $ 120,000, 'That's about $ 1200, isn't it ?' So 'self-determination' must have been a sort of joke, giving comparatively enormous power to people who had not the slightest ability to handle it, and no expertise at all in fields that were vital for their communities. When will people realise that you need a wide range of high-level skills to get economic enterprises going in rural and remote areas ? Too bloody late now, the 'communities' are falling apart. So much for 'self-determination'. Love, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 29 December 2018 4:47:58 PM
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Well seems to me something in this article has touched a raw nerve. Not sure what it is. I suppose differences between the sexes is a hot topic in many places though :)
Posted by Waverley, Saturday, 29 December 2018 5:10:25 PM
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Thanks girls, for hijacking the thread on boys' education.
Meanwhile, back on topic, the following links provide examples of what life for boys was like back in my day. All this stuff's from 1963. I was in 2nd year highschool and I literally did have all the issues shown in the list below. I was a big man back then. I was in Army Cadet uniform on Mondays and carried a genuine Lee Enfield .303 rifle, on the bus, on the train and walking in the street. People didn't look twice. It was not unusual for boys to be toting weapons in uniform, before the feminist nancy-boys took over. Life was a lot of fun for us boys back then. We learnt how to become men with serious sexist toxic masculinity. Luckily, I've still proudly got it. The following publications were usually studied in class under the desk during French, Music or English. These subjects were always easy, except French which I failed at the School Certificate. Gosh, too bad, eh? Enjoy - Air Ace comics RAF Flying Review Judi Monterey This next book is listed as an example of what sort of texts boys should be reading in schools today. Not the touchy-feely-girly stuff. These sorts of technical books give boys motivation. That's what's missing in the public girls' schools they attend at the moment. No wonder boys don't do well. The only thing that boys are underachieving at today is becoming girls. That's what the public girls' schools are for - to turn boys into girls. Great book - Mechanics Of Flight Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 29 December 2018 5:12:58 PM
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Hi VoxUnius,
And probably, the girls would grasp the essentials of the mechanics of flight with both hands these days. There's no such thing as a male-only or a female-only subject or topic, they're all equally possible. Men can be midwives, women can be pilots. Back to your Biggles books, boyo :) Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 29 December 2018 5:52:22 PM
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Vox, good to get your input, brings back memories of my time in the air cadets as a boy, quite right, good times.
I had forgotten the days of, as you put it, catching public transport, casually sporting a rifle or firearm, whatever the current jargon is. Others wonder why I am so angry with people and Australia, today. These nancys are sooooo far out of touch with reality, they have begun to create their own reality, and of course, by definition, they are living in an unrealistic world, and as if that isn't bad enough they keep trying to bring the rest of us down to their mentally deranged level. The only way I can see to combat this PC disease is to attack it's very existence and equally those who try to promote it. It's damage is visible all around us and has been so for many years, so we must be vigilant and act accordingly as and when required. I am not concerned about backlashes as much of those promoting PC are straw-men and all they do is talk, so it is easy to shut them down or realise their comments are moot or at best meaningless, and only the shallow and those lacking depth of thought, common sense or reason will take notice Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 5:56:22 PM
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When making judgements and drawing conclusions it is
important to know the difference between facts and opinions. A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is an expression of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Sometimes an author lets the facts speak for themselves. It is then up to us to make reasonable judgements about the material we are reading and to draw our own conclusions. Therefore, when we read, it is important to be able to judge facts and opinions carefully in order to come to the right conclusions. We need to ask - are the opinions we are reading based on facts? Are the facts from reliable, reputable sources? Once we answer these questions we may be on the right track for finding and sticking to the facts. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they're meant to deliberately mislead others. Therefore it is important to be aware of the author's purpose and choice of language. Especially on a public discussion forum such as this one. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 December 2018 9:54:09 PM
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The only way I can see to combat this PC disease is to attack it's very existence and equally those who try to promote it.
Yep, I agree. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 30 December 2018 3:31:37 AM
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A fact can only be a fact if it is true.
Unless one has witnessed something personally, it is assumed to be fact if reported by another. Unfortunately, because there are too many factors influencing a report or the reporting of an incident, that we must NEVER take anything we have not personally experienced as fact, but merely always assume it to be an opinion. All too often we find that some historical event was recorded incorrectly for one reason or another. It comes as a sad realisation that this forum is actually promoted to be based on 'opinions'. I must insist that opinions are not facts, nor can you derive a fact from an opinion without first hand knowledge of the thing in question. To once more clarify the meaning of the word, 'opinion'; "A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on 'fact' or 'knowledge'". So it is that I say anyone giving an 'opinion' is like someone unfamiliar with a situation who always gives advice even though he is never called upon to do so. It is of absolutely no use asking questions as to the veracity of a scripture or document without knowing firstly the accuracy and honesty of the author and if any hidden motive underscores the message of the writer. So, there is no way of testing whether something is truth or not, and no way then to assess it without having first hand contact with the matter in question. Opinions therefore, by definition and conclusion, are pointless, as they convey NO useful message and are not necessarily, (or more than likely) based on truths or facts, so therefore a total waste of time. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 30 December 2018 9:40:11 AM
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We live in a culture where people's opinions,
views, and assessments of situations spill across social media - a lot of it anonymously, much of it as we can see from forums such as this one, is often shaped by the chaos of superstition, misinformation, narrow-mindedness, ignorance, and prejudice. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 December 2018 10:25:25 AM
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Wow, do you ever read your own posts, and ever wonder if, in some way, what you criticise in others could equally be applied to yourself ? Yes, indeed, facts require some evidence; opinions don't. But as Moynihan noted, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts: facts are what they are. Yes, they can be 'interpreted' differently, but that's where the discussion starts. Thanks for raising this fundamentally important issue. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 30 December 2018 10:57:17 AM
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Nancys? Nancies? What's that?
Posted by Waverley, Sunday, 30 December 2018 1:00:08 PM
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Nancy, nancy noun - informal, offensive An effeminate or homosexual man. Nancys, Nancies - plural form Also of greater importance, Nancy was/is a star character of her own cartoon comics. Comics and cartoons are great entertainment. In fact I even make my own as a hobby, animated of course. I use a very old version of Macromedia Flash. I have no end of laughs creating and using characters. They're almost like children in so far as they're always surprising you as you draw and animate them with expressions and behaviours. Gotta love comics and cartoon cultures. Posted by voxUnius, Sunday, 30 December 2018 3:05:23 PM
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Waverley, a 'NANCY', comes from the term, 'nancy boy'.
It refers to a person, male or female, with somewhat delicate emotional tendencies and a need to be sheltered and protected against the 'evils' of society, and this can also be extended to the written or verbal forms. Loudmouth, opinions are irrelevant. I suggest you look within and stop trying to be obtuse, it is likely you need to 'proof read your comments' prior to posting. If something is derived from a fact, then it is a fact, only if you witnessed the evnt or thing in question. I can subordinate semantics as it is a useful tool to better understand words and their meanings. But I will not tolerate, presumptions. Too much license is given to opinions, in that it is taken as means to communicate something which has been garnered off another person or publication and because they happen to like, therefore, agree with this information, it is presented or passed on as 'fact'. It is not! The other side of this example is that if the reader/listener does not favour the information they have received, they will not promote it as they have taken a personal and emotional dislike or view about the information. Nothing written or spoken, can be taken as fact unless it is verified. THAT'S A FACT! Foxy, your last comment is an iteration of your well worn stance. In all that you have said, I grant you that you have demonstrated a most apt posting, but in doing so you have done a sterling job of demonstrating and promoting the cause for opinions, not 'facts'. Let me clarify. When I say, 'I am a pragmatist', or 'a realist', or 'I do not suffer fools', 'I do not engage or acknowledge emotion, other than to convey a point, they're FACTS. I am stating a fact, why? Because 'I' said it and I am the author and the comments are mine. So if you all don't mind I will keep talking facts, and you all can keep giving 'opinions', only now, no facts, no-one will care Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 30 December 2018 3:06:14 PM
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I didn't mean to push all your buttons. I was just looking for the mute button. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 December 2018 3:40:50 PM
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Hi Loudmouth,
I only once read a Biggles book. Back in primary school, I borrowed it from the school library. I bet they're verboten in schools now. Not PC enough. Maybe I'm wrong. Notwithstanding, Air Ace, Biggles, whatever, it's the motivation I'm talking about. I looked into my son's English course many years back and realised that there was nothing motivational for a boy in that entire year. In fact the books studied presented boys as idiots and buffoons - yeah, I know, a lot of them are, but motivation in learning is a prime requirement for successful outcomes. And let me assure you there is little if any motivation for boys in girls' schools. You write, "girls would grasp the essentials of the mechanics of flight with both hands these days." Yeah, you're probably correct. It is a heavy sort of book and we know that girls aren't all that strong. I think they would need two hands. You also point out that, "Men can be midwives". Yeah I know mate, and pilots too. I had a student pilot who was one. He was a fabulous sort of fellow and he had a great feel for flying aeroplanes. I don't know what happened to him. A lot of people give up flying training because they get too busy or mostly because it becomes too expensive. Also "women can be pilots". Yes I know that too. I've flown with plenty of them when training, checking and flight testing them. Probably not a hundred, but not too far off. In fact my first aviation job boss was a woman. Aviation tends to be very female supportive. It always has been. Later when I owned my own aviation company I employed female pilots when I could. I like women and strangely enough they seem to like me too. TBC Posted by voxUnius, Sunday, 30 December 2018 4:27:57 PM
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I've got no problem with female pilots, but there just aren't many of them. It's not because of discrimination, it's like STEM subjects, in fact it is a STEM occupation, it doesn't attract many female starters. I can tell you from considerable expert experience, that some females can match any man in normal flight. Others are absolutely shocking - one almost killed us both when doing a flight test. Taking-over controls saved the day - just. The most dangerous flight of my career, I'll never forget it. The funny part about female pilots is that there doesn't seem to be much middle ground between very good and frightening.
An interesting observation is that the female pilots who are excellent tend to be brunettes, with a tad more dark hair on their upper lip than they'd probably like. It's just an observation. Maybe a bit more testosterone than other females. But they're damn good - almost as good as me even. FIGJAM, that's a basic required attribute for pilots. If you want to talk aviation training and correct principles of teaching, both men and women, motivation is the number one ingredient and you've come to the right place. I made a successful career out of it and whilst not actively flight crew anymore (I retired some years back) I'm still in active related work with Defence. In this case the motivation is money. END Posted by voxUnius, Sunday, 30 December 2018 4:30:30 PM
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@ ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 5:56:22 PM
Thank you for the encouragement mate. I appreciate the sentiment of your post and concur. I too have been combating the disease (Marxism) for a long time now. Attempting to open people's eyes to what's going on and the misery and disharmony they create. I haven't been very active for a while now, but I see presently a ray of hope beginning to emerge, so I believe it's time to start to push. The ray of hope is that a slow but growing consensus of anti-leftist attitudes are developing amongst online users these days. Also, by their actions, the extremists of the left are starting to display cracks (no I'm not being dirty) in their structures and arguments. They're starting to display overt aggression. The world, mostly decent people are starting to see them for what they are - hateful vicious bullies. The more we tease and push, the angrier they'll get and display more aggression. That's good. People will see them for what they are. So now is a good time to push. What they can't stand is decent honest strength. All they have in their arsenal is aggression and lies. Thy don't stand a chance once the light of decency is shone upon them. They're cracking. Watch the signs, increased abuse, increased violence and increased activity. They have a hard time believing that people aren’t listening to them anymore. The battle is a long way from won, but it's great to see them struggling for a change. Anyway, to sort out the rifle jargon - in civil circumstances firearm is used; in military doctrine it's called a weapon. The two are not transferable although they are the same thing. It's just a matter of protocols. Cheers. Posted by voxUnius, Sunday, 30 December 2018 5:23:07 PM
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Foxy, Oh I'm sorry, did I not mention, I have a lot of buttons, nearly all good, but I don't have a mute button.
Tell you what, my love, keep pushing those buttons, you never know, you just might get lucky. And that's a fact. HAH, LOL. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 30 December 2018 7:29:32 PM
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VoxUnius, I am going off topic for a moment, because I too was into flying, not commercially like you but domestic.
My story is very typical (and a little boring but) I bought my first plane, a Cessna 150 straight back, never even been in a plane before, but I wanted to fly. Bought it then told the salesman to take me up, after I bought it so I couldn't chicken out. Did the training full time in my own plane. After, I think, a couple of years sold it then got a 150 Omni. Had that for awhile then went on to a 172 straight back (back to manual flaps) I somehow preferred the feel of manual. Got bored with that then imported the first Rotorway Scorpion 133, with all the grief this stinking country could dish out, never flew it, it's now a display at our local air-force museum. Then I thought we had progressed, so I bought a New Rotorway Exec. Again NOPE! This country was still a sh!thole, could not get anywhere with that one either, and this time it was brand new. And so again I sold it. Totally disgusted with this country and the pricks everywhere and all around, I simply did not renew my pilots license and vowed to show up this country, it's govt and of course the stupid public that bolster these pricks in the first place, for what they are, useless. I'm pleased to say these people do not waver from being amongst the most regressive people in the world, and consistent failures at everything they attempt. The govt keeps the BS flowing that we employ worlds best practices, HAH, I doubt they can even read the definition, because what I've seen all my life is; 'WORLD'S WORST PRACTICES'! Sorry, I could wait no longer as I know no-one will be interested in sh!t canning or bagging Australia or Aussies, so I thought I would get it out there. OK, back to topic. VoxUnius, I agree with your sentiments completely. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 30 December 2018 8:02:09 PM
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Altrav- Your story reminds me of the following... the winner apparently commented that the US Government regulations only required one form... couldn't happen in Oz.
"In reading the book, The Spirit of St. Louis during 1994, Peter Diamandis realized that "such a prize (the space X-Prize), updated and offered ... as a space prize, might be just what was needed to bring space travel to the general public, to jump-start a commercial space industry." Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 30 December 2018 8:20:12 PM
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One form to launch a rocket into space.... amazing. But not in Oz. Historically Oz has had great innovators ... but they often need to go overseas for financing... suicidal.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 31 December 2018 5:06:42 AM
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From an article in The Conversation:
The proportion of top performers was higher for foreign-born (14%) and first-generation students (15%) than for Australian-born students (10%). Students from Chinese, Korean and Sri Lankan backgrounds are the highest performers in the NSW HSC. The top performing selective secondary schools in NSW now have more than 80% of students coming from non-English speaking backgrounds. These are exactly the kids being coached remorselessly so they will get into selective and private schools. Is that fair to Aussie working class kids? I doubt it . But I don't expect things will change. Posted by Waverley, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 2:25:27 PM
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It's a cultural thing. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 2:57:09 PM
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CM, my story is a variation but still on theme.
My success here in Aus was good, but not good enough, certainly not by my standards. It took going overseas and setting up business from scratch, for me to get the 'leg up' I needed. The paperwork was still there but NOWHERE near the rubbish this sh!thole demands of anyone wanting to get ahead or create, design, or promote anything new. One of my experiences with this hicksville backward govt, was in fact a simple personallity issue, that one denied me the equivalent of several hundred thousand dollars, conservatively. Another, also involving the govt indirectly, saw me get physically manhandled with the added bonus of being refused payment for the project of again approx, $300,000 plus. Legal action was not an option, because, again, the legal system in this country favours the thieves and miscreants. One meant taking the minister for transport to court, it was winnable, unfortunately the legal system and the judiciary are also complicit in these matters so therefore, advise saw better judgement to leave well enough alone and that one day I might see him walking and my car has brake failure. The other was similar, the company involved had a reputation of being thieves and con-men. They were trading insolvent, even though it is illegal to do so, but when your in bed with the govt, anything goes I guess. Oh and as a matter of curiosity it was a labour govt involved with this company. So yes if we don't get our sh!t together and fast, we are already waaaay behind the rest of the world. What's going wrong with our boys? They're getting the wrong messages, for starters. Yesterdays Sunday Times, had a front page teaser about the schools introducing some moronic thing about year 3's and so on, cross dressing, teaching them to, f@ck knows what. If you want to know what's going wrong with our boys, it's idiots and unrealistic halfwits who can't leave well enough alone. We did just fine the past several hundred years, yet suddenly, 'experts' know better. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 3:52:11 PM
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Continuing on from my previous posting, the last thing I touched on was an article in our Sunday paper announcing the govt's intention to introduce, something to do with cross-dressing from around year 3 or 4.
Who are these morons and why do they continually sabotage the system. Instead of this absolute tripe and bile, why aren't those entrusted with the job of creating the curriculum, actually do their job, because if this is the best they can do, we have the answer to this topics question. We live near a school and I am forever frustrated to see a daily routine and menu of bloody sports. If you want further reasons what's wrong with our boys, well for starters, shove your sports, they can do that after and out of school. Get the focus back on the three leading subjects, instead of bloody sports. We can go on about cherry picking faults with everything Australian, you know what, the questions all lead back to one common denominator. The Australian public. Whilst you women go about dumping your children at school, but all the while in a hurry to get to your precious 'carriers', your kids are being 'groomed', forget pedophiles, this is far worse. No one ended up being stupid because they were 'played' with when they were little, and too young to even know or care as to what was going on, but his education goes on for years and by the time these scumbags have finished 'grooming' your kids, it will be too late to reverse the process of induction and indoctrination of many years, their informative years at that. Stop, take stock, regain control over your children and their emotional well being, for their sakes, if nothing else. Tell the mongrels who are trying to introduce these socially undesirable and perverse curriculum to shove it and get back to teaching the basics, and you as parents, especially mothers, get back to being mothers and not selfish career mongering bitches who callously and coldly have abandoned your place in life in favour of some selfish, arrogant pursuit Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 4:49:54 PM
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ALTRAV- I hear your frustration mate. And share it.
Home schooling is the answer for our boys. Male teachers are not as common in schools now as I understand- not really representative of the population- wonder why that is? Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 10:03:22 PM
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I like hearing the stories of your life mate.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 10:05:03 PM
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Male teachers are disappearing worldwide. If a male dislikes school, why would he ever want to stay in school and become a teacher- to become the rooster in the henhouse?
Many solutions have ben suggested- none of them work. Home schooling is a fad promoted by the kind of anti-progressive, narrowly evangelical Christians who support Trump. But kids need to be around a pile of other kids, to learn social awareness and the key skill of getting on with people. Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 9:10:10 AM
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Kids can still have interaction with others in home schooling groups.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 10:16:31 AM
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Hi all,
I don't haunt forums all the time, so I've got a bit of catching up to do. @ ALTRAV, Sunday, 30 December 2018 8:02:09 PM "I bought my first plane, a Cessna 150 straight back..." Yes, a lovely little aeroplane. I like them. It's a good thing you don't have it now. I was told a few years back that CASA issued an AD on them requiring all fuselage skin be removed to inspect for internal corrosion on formers. That would cost an enormous amount of money. Probably made all old C150s hangar queens. "C172 straight back (back to manual flaps) - Got bored with that..." Total agreement. I always preferred manual flaps too. You get much finer control at critical times. I can understand how you could get bored. I always thought that C172s were the most boring aircraft ever built. Hard to believe it's the world's most produced aircraft of all time - 44,000 and still in manufacture. Rotorway helicopters - I'd never heard of them. I had to go Wikipedia for those. What was the problem? Wouldn't CASA give you certification? What were your plans for them? The only helicopter I've been in is ADF Army CH-47D Chinook. Fabulous aircraft. I even got to do the sit on the back ramp ride, with harness of course. If I'd been a younger man I would have enlisted immediately - loved it. "Totally disgusted with this country..." That pretty much sums up my feelings too. Australia is so backward it's not funny. We don't even manufacture cars. Manufacturing of anything apart from basic box forms is non existent. "World's best practice", is a euphemism for regressive left ideology. As soon as you hear those words, run for the hills. Posted by voxUnius, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 5:27:00 PM
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@ Canem Malum, Monday, 31 December 2018 5:06:42 AM
"Historically Oz has had great innovators..." You're not wrong mate. In my own lifetime I've witnessed the disintegration of all that was great in Australia. All the stuff the pioneers built, mostly with hand tools, horses and oxen, and don't forget dynamite. They innovated everything. Now the modern idiots just play with toy telephones and think they're technological wizards. If I was a younger man I wouldn't be staying here. Eastern Europe seems inviting to me. Poland or eastern Ukraine. At least they manufacture things there. A man could have a very good hard working life. And did I mention that the babes are simply gorgeous. The people take a very dim view of feminism and Marxism. They've had a gutful of communism and state slavery. Marx is a filthy four letter word in those places. Boys will be getting a better STEM education over there. Give them time and these people are going to be world beaters - lead by schooling boys into men. That's all I've got time for today, I'll catch up more tomorrow. Posted by voxUnius, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 5:29:12 PM
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Home Schooling won't help boys who need active strong young men to test them out and play all kinds of games from chess to footy etc with them
Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 5:31:48 PM
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VoxUnius, Rotorway are still going strong.
What is typically pathetic about this country and it's people is that at the time aircraft needed import permits, then sometime later they didn't then sometime later again they did. This is the work of a stupid childish petulant people. You can't plan with this type of mentality, it stagnates progress and advancement. Therefore a 'regressive' country. Any innovation and new developments are a direct result of cross-border co-operation, and not as we are continually BS'ed about that an Australian has invented this or has created that. BS, in every case, there are others, not Aussies who are the main drivers behind these new discoveries, and not what we are led to believe. And so it is that we are headed for financial, shall we say, discomfort, in both the short and long term. There is a, or several forces, at work bringing Australia down. Just look back a few decades and see our journey through the collapse of our manufacturing industries, which have in essence been completely annihilated. Why, because of greed, averace, ignorance, arrogance, I think you can see the pattern here, it is a 'self fulfilling prophecy'. Where the heck did everyone think we were going with such disastrous negative beliefs. If we don't get rid of these unrealistic air-headed nobody's, like the greens, AND uni students, they know 3/5 of f@ck-all and yet they espouse such excrement that is driven by childish petulance and not through experience and true knowledge. They are affecting such changes to our lives that are untenable, un-acceptable and just plain wrong. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 9:04:50 PM
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CM, good to see someone seems to get where I'm coming from.
I do believe that as a country we have lost a lot of ground. Look at what was announced over here on Sunday; they're going to 'trial', 'cross-dressing' in some schools beginning as far down as year 3 and 4. The BS they are using to sell the idea is to teach (groom boys) from a young age to be more effeminate, (queers) so that, as they put it, it will instill a higher respect and understanding towards women as they grow up and into manhood. This must be stopped, if you think pedophilia was a problem in religious schools, well get this, at least the child was too young to care and the incident was mostly forgotten. But this is serious grooming which will go on well into their adult life. I can predict that the amount of come-backs, decades into the future will be a major hit on the govt and the system, by comparison to the pedophile thing of today, which is nothing. This is the kind of BS that's affecting our boys today. There are things that the govt must never interfere with and this is one such thing. If a person, male or female have a propensity for abuse or harming others, they will be dealt with by the law. We ALL know the difference between good behaviour and bad, so trying to groom someone will not remove that which enables him/her to harm another. And so it should be. For ages it has been said, if you don't like what someone is doing/saying to you, leave. If they are such monsters, it won't be long, they will be outcasts and the problem resolves itself. Now a person with even a modicum of intelligence and common sense, will tell you that if a person is one who is abusive, and they are from birth, no amount of grooming is going to change that. It may be suppressed until one day the right buttons are pressed and a much worse outcome will result. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 10:48:51 PM
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voxUnius- Good posts.
AC - As always good posts. Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 3 January 2019 2:07:51 AM
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Back again.
@ Waverley, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 2:25:27 PM "Students from Chinese, Korean and Sri Lankan backgrounds are the highest performers..." Well picked up Waverley. I might proffer an opinion about that - these nationalities have strong traditional families (patriarchy), which I would suggest are conducive for happy stable kids with support structures for the kids to succeed. Unlike the single/divorced mothers of Aussie kids. All they get is mayhem and madness. In fact if you haven't already seen it, check this out - 'Blatantly sexist': backlash against South Korea's sex education Now that's a nation who's got their act together in my view. @ ALTRAV, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 3:52:11 PM "If you want to know what's going wrong with our boys, it's idiots and unrealistic halfwits who can't leave well enough alone..." Partly correct mate, but it's worse than that. It's not that they "can't leave well enough alone", they (public school teachers and administrators) are intentionally ignoring and treating boys poorly at school in promoting girls to do well. That's part of the Marxist insurgency to destroy capitalism (they openly declare that). Many of them, open lesbians and extremist feminists hate men and boys. They revel in the fact that boys are doing poorly. That's their objective. I came across a blog (about a decade ago) of a young lesbian who used it to chat with her friends (Facebook wasn't really big back then). She had just finished her teacher training (Aust) and was awaiting her first assignment. I don't suppose she expected anybody else would view it. In it she expressed her disdain of masculinity generally and posted specific entries to her cronies that she just couldn't wait to get to teaching so she could harass and humiliate boys. She was gloating. I posted a link to her blog on a forum expressing what I just wrote, but she must have got wind of the link and that file was removed pronto. That's a fact, I don't lie. That's the sort of teachers who are schooling our boys. More about this tomorrow. Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 3 January 2019 5:39:06 PM
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In one hand I am pleased/relieved this matter has finally raised it's ugly head.
I have for decades had this heavy feeling that this women's lib thing, or whatever the heck they're calling it today, has been a festering boil waiting to be lanced. To over simplify, the point of no return was passed years ago, but because guys are too slack and don't want to risk being cut off from sexual favours from their female sex providers, they have simply sat back and facilitated these maggots into creating a hell on earth for EVERYONE, including women. These same idiots are too stupid to realise that the sex has been stopped anyway, by the maggots, so they were doubly conned. I have been warning of this disease for some years, feminists, lesbians and other scum. The time has well passed to stop being nice and begin concerted and focused attacks on these sick people who promote un-natural behaviour and ideas. There is no reasoning with such vermin so they must be treated with contempt and extreme derision, and it must be continuous, so any attempt at rebuttals will render the authors irrelevant and their comments moot. I have crushed any attempts at being criticised and labelled by these sick and puerile irrelevants, to the point that they are to be ignored or if not then ridiculed into extinction. For my part, I will keep the pressure on any attempt to promote PC and all that this vial language stands for. I will continue to demonise and denigrate those who attempt to promote unreasonable and unrealistic agenda which are at odds with the ethos of a christian based, morally committed, ethical, mature and responsible people. Any attempt by ANYONE to de-rail these long established and cherished values and beliefs, will be met with 'extreme' prejudice, and if the offenders refuse to abate, the resistance will intensify, and gather momentum, till they get it through their stupid, childish and unrealistic mindsets or dogma, to grow up or GET OUT! Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 3 January 2019 7:03:20 PM
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Hi, back again, again. I've been a bit busy lately.
Anyway, carrying on from previous, I then began investigating my own son's school and his workbooks. I discovered that the female teacher described above was no exception, but was pretty much on par with the the teachers there. In English classes especially. So, I pulled my son out of the school after School Certificate and we went motor racing full-time for the next six years. @-Canem Malum, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 10:03:22 PM "Home schooling is the answer for our boys." Yes CM you're correct. If there's anybody reading this who has boys attending Aust public schools I strongly advise that you get them out of there as soon as possible. Do home schooling or better put them into a private boys' school. The latter is very expensive, but if you care about your boys, bite the bullet and just do it. Even if you have to take a bigger mortgage or downsize your house. You owe them a good start in life. Leaving them in public schools will do boys no end of harm. Home schooling didn't work out for us because we were too busy tinkering with racing cars to be bothered to do the school work. The son probably learnt more about life and reality than any girly school curriculum would ever have done. @ Waverley, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 5:31:48 PM "Home Schooling won't help boys who need active strong young men to test them out and play all kinds of games from chess to footy etc with them." I'm not sure that this is a good call Waverley. Yes they need male companionship and senior guidance - that's what fathers are for. In our case, motor racing presented my son with an introduction to the real world of men and good sportsmanship. It cost a lot of money but he's grown up just fine. He's now a director of his own company (IT) and doing well. TBC Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 5 January 2019 4:14:53 PM
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Also, while looking around for related info, I came across these recent sources -
Fifth of 17 to 19-year-old girls self-harm or attempt suicide It looks like the leso-feminists are pushing their girls too hard. The girls are cracking up. Which is another interesting thing. Girls who don't want to do the power-bitch thing or simply can't hack the school work are also left behind. We hear all about girls' glorious achievements over boys, but no one talks about these poor girls left behind. These girls are invisible. Another crime committed by the leftist teachers. 'I felt so worthless': two teenagers on their mental health struggles Looks like the great Marxist-femo school re-engineering experiment is starting to break apart at the seams. About bloody time. And here's another very interest recent development - Man-hating professor slapped with sex discrimination complaint What goes around, comes around. It's interesting watching them be consumed by their own methods. Highly enjoyable too. @ ALTRAV, Tuesday, 1 January 2019 4:49:54 PM "If you want further reasons what's wrong with our boys, well for starters, shove your sports, they can do that after and out of school." Correct. "But the boys need to go outside", they say. Yes to keep them dumbed down and let the girls get on with boring discussions without interruptions. If boys get restless in girls' schools start doing educational activities that motivate boys. Make the girls go outside and play netball if they can't hack boy stuff. Boys need masculine motivated learning to become men, not touchy-feely-girly stuff. Cheers all. END Posted by voxUnius, Saturday, 5 January 2019 4:16:43 PM
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voxUnius, I have to confess, I never liked,and still can't stand 'sports', of any kind.
My comment was made to explain that whilst both boys and girls are outside playing bloody sports, they are not studying the three main subjects they are failing at. I have always insisted that schools are learning institutions not sporting institutions. If you want to take up a sport as a career, fine go to the appropriate schools, there are hundreds of em'. Traditional schools are for academic studies, NOT bloody sports. I will gladly snot the next person who, as in the past, suggests that the children get 'restless' and need to 'get out and do some physical exercise. Bullsh!t! They can do that outside school hours or on weekends. Whilst they are at school they must/will be taught, at least the basic three subjects required to achieve competency in todays working environment. If the modern day parent could grab a brain and stop following these lefty, marxist, maggots for a moment and stopped to realise what they are doing in these schools, we might actually see a ground swell of objection towards these same sick people, before they can truly get their evil claws into our boys. But parents have to 'actually' give a damn. That at present is not happening. I think it's to do with mum and her precious career, prioritized over her children and their well being. As they say, 'Oh they're OK, it'l help toughen em' up'. Whether the 'females' like it or not, it is completely their fault this has come about. The evidence is there, I'm sure some upstart maggot will take up the challenge and hiss and barf all over this comment, but you know what? I don't give a flying fig what some little entitled, arrogant halfwit has to say, unless it is to tell me she has seen the error of her ways and will immediately 'rescue' her child from these filthy scum-bags, before it's too late. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 5 January 2019 5:05:54 PM
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Are all feminists lesbians, or are all lesbians feminists? Just wondering...
Well there have been some thoughtful comments on this piece. I like to have the last word.... maybe the author has stirred up a few sleeping dogs here and there though. Posted by Waverley, Sunday, 6 January 2019 2:32:46 PM
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@ Waverley, Sunday, 6 January 2019 2:32:46 PM
"Are all feminists lesbians, or are all lesbians feminists? Just wondering..." Ah, I'd venture to say that the two are not mutally inclusive. I'm guessing that one could be one or the other without necessarily being both. In the case of both, which way round it would be, is a matter of working out for each individual, which is the noun and then the preceding adjective. Which ever way around that seems appropriate for a given circumstance, I'm guessing. You know, it is possible that two lesbians in a relationship may actually conform to a patriarchal arrangement where one role plays the husband and the other, the wife. From memory I believe it was referred to colloquially as Butch & Bitch. Whatever. Good luck to them. I do know that leso-feminists are definitely well entrenched in the public school system. How many? I don't know. But I'd use the word infested. Lots. Especially in the administration and senior levels. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so. The point is that they don't like men, ergo boys, because they're the competition. Men and boys tend to attract the nice fluff getting around and they miss out. It's an understandable position of penis envy. Anyway here's a couple more stories getting around showing some signs of improvement - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban bans gender studies programmes And - Bolsonaro (Brazil) to abolish human rights ministry in favour of family values Could be the backlash is just getting started. Alas it won't happen here. In Australia the men simply don't have the requisite genitalia - colloquially, no balls. Posted by voxUnius, Sunday, 6 January 2019 5:30:01 PM
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voxUnius, I wholeheartedly agree.
Never-the-less it is starting and the maggots are trying to tie up as many loose ends as they can before the 'men' get up to speed. You know, I am looking forward to this next phase because the maggots have been saying for ever they are as good as any man. Well the gloves are now coming off, and I hope it comes down to a 'face off' at a rally near you, as they say. I fully expect a physical assault of some kind by the maggots, and that will be the trigger. To make the point loud and clear and so emphatic as to make it stick, I expect to see a carpet of bleeding maggots bemoaning their precious rights, while the men used their lefts. All it takes is one good salvo and one by one they are out for the count. With all this rubbish being pushed by these neanderthals, it won't be long before we see what I speak of. As for the neuters who dare to support the maggots, I would reconsider my allies very carefully if I were them. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 7 January 2019 2:33:08 AM
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ALTRAV, if it ever came to a serious fight/rally situation, even if the maggots as you call them, started the action, then only the blokes would be arrested and charged. Police won't arrest women unless they attack police. Even then there would be no harsh penalties. Women in Australia get reduced sentencing and most likely a suspended sentence at worst. The pro-female double standards are something that feminists never want to fight for "equality" over. They enjoy their princess privileges too much.
Anyway, the western world is lost to lefty politics and that's that. I wouldn't be surprised to see Asians surpassing the western world even as soon as ten years from now. And why? They educate their boys in the things that matter. They don't have clown academics writing articles about "What's going wrong with our boys?" Fair dinkum! And this "expert" bloke actually gets paid money. Australia has definitely had it. Like I said before, if I was a younger man I would be getting the heck out of this country. Posted by voxUnius, Monday, 7 January 2019 4:59:49 PM
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vU, I had no inkling of the bias about women, that you mention.
And some would dare challenge me over my criticism of the continual badgering we cop from the feminist movement. Based simply on what you have said about women and the bias in their incarceration compared to men, I am shocked and angered, with justification. Then we have those that dare question men and our attitudes. This one fact alone is enough to justify physical interaction between the sexes, if only to allow the men satisfaction of redress. Typical of this place, again proving to be a most disgraceful country. Funny you should mention 'getting out of this country', I find your comment most comforting, as my wife and friends will attest to my preaching the very same mantra. In fact some 39 years ago whilst in the USA I had a moment where I pondered whether to return home, if not for the fact I was getting married a couple of days after my return. Ah the things we could have/should have done. I know for a fact, had I settled in the US at that time, I would have been much more successful and way ahead of my game, than having the egregious misfortune of trying to succeed in a cesspool like Australia, with excrement for people. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 9:09:50 AM
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ALTRAV, just to finish up on your last point about women and the judiciary, try these links -
Do Women Get Lighter Sentences Than Men? And - SENTENCING FEMALE OFFENDERS IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT And here's one of the luuvies advocating for the elimination of women's prisons altogether bar one, maybe - How can we mitigate the crime that is female over-imprisonment? Written by - Mirko Bagaric Who used to post his stuff up on this site, but now finds The Conversation's audience more agreeable. You see the thing is that it's not official. It's just that judges when sentencing are advised to consider circumstances. Of course in the case of females they all come from a disadvantaged class due to the patriarchy, claim they're victims of family or sexual violence, and naturally some horrid toxic man did something that made them do it. And then they cry in self-pity, which shows the judge they are really, truly remorseful. Leftist style gender equality, it's fabulous stuff isn't it? Anyway, I'm off thread here so I'd better put an end to it. Posted by voxUnius, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 4:18:38 PM
I think boys do need positive male role models and more of them in gender-divided schools. The other thing is the powerful voices of the derogatory feminists in our schools, their scorn reserved almost exclusively for boys and male dominated sports?
I believe boys achieved more in such gender-specific schools. Finally, there is the fundamentally flawed funding model which still supports the most privileged, who among them are those who are tax avoiding leaners?
Yet, think because they may pay significantly more tax than the average single mum, they should enjoy a far-far superior in every way, education model. Much of it paid with the public purse?
The result, often our very best and brightest confined to inferior underfunded education models, meaning, the next generation of Einsteins could see their career choices limited to garbage truck duties and the like.
A huge waste of talent that sees us falling further and further behind the emerging Asian countries, to our ultimate peril both economically and in the growing security stakes. My solution is to make all schools self-funded via a fee system. then grant a means-tested sliding-scale education endowment to the least and lesser well off.
And not as cash but rather, a benefit the parent directs and between competing for their business, models! Then with the funding solved and increased by as much as 30%? By the simplicity of avoiding fee charging state governments, increased and levelled where it creates the best results! At the coal face!
Alan B.