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What's going wrong with our boys? : Comments

By Peter West, published 20/12/2018

It may puzzle parents to read that many academics seem to think that it just doesn't matter.

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Dear Joe,

Here's another link - on the indigenous and urban cities.
What's your take on it?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 December 2018 7:38:17 PM
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Foxy, I always look at your links, in case I might find something I have not heard before.
As usual though, I have heard it all before.
I may seem like a broken record to you but you are like the little boy who cried 'wolf' once too often.
The links you keep promoting are all bias and self serving as to make the point the author is trying to convey.
There is never any real and credible information in them, only partial truths and personal views.
On the other hand the real truth is that the abo's don't want to assimilate or integrate because if they did they would lose their benefits and would have to work and survive without hand-outs like the rest of us.
How do you think we feel knowing, in one hand they are getting govt assistance, and in the other they are attacking and/or abusing us, and the privileges afforded them by US.
They are ungrateful and arrogant.
Enough is enough, if you like them and their carry on, then I'll tell you what.
Why don't you join them and go live in the bush they so much love because we have apparently pushed them out into the cities.
If you believe that living and acting like animals is your idea of the way we should live, then I for one will not stop you.
Until then, if you want to live in the city, then act civilised, and not burn down the houses given to you, if not free, then as good as.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 1:12:41 AM
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Are there any happy people out there?
Oh yes, they're the ones who get to join the Public Service & get a new pair of rose-coloured glasses every new financial year.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 29 December 2018 7:10:13 AM
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Dear Foxy,

The article - at last ! - notes that barely 20 % of the total Australian Indigenous population live outside urban areas. Even in the NT, a slight majority live in urban areas. At last, something which gets away from the pig-ignorant belief that most Indigenous people live out in the sticks, sitting around camp-fires.

But the article didn't point out that there is great diversity across the urban Indigenous population: there is, after all, a clear differentiation between an educated, working population (perhaps a majority) and a welfare-oriented population, for a start. These days, I suspect that there is little drift from the welfare-oriented population into the education- and work-oriented population. And that's how it might be for some generations yet, especially with the collapse of 'community', and the drift from very remote to remote, and remote to rural, and from rural to urban areas, of poor, illiterate people with little English. So the poor will still be with us for a long time to come.

As if to replicate the fragmentation of Indigenous society over sixty thousand years, into hundreds of 'tribes' and thousands of clans, each jealously guarding its own foraging area, the welfare-oriented population is also fragmented, according to geographical and family origins. The elites are far more integrated, since they have so much to gain in salary and power by overcoming those family-based differences and working together, setting up their patron-client systems.

In the cities, Indigenous people live in every suburb, and as inner-city low-cost housing areas become gentrified, they are displaced by relatively-well-paid professionals, ironically likely to vote Green. So Indigenous people are being displaced by professionals. Intersectionality be damned !

Another problem that the Indigenous 'leaders' haven't a clue what to do with.


Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 29 December 2018 9:13:45 AM
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Dear Joe,

Thank You for your response.

I was hoping that you'd find the link useful.
It certainly points to the complexity of the
differences in cultural backgrounds, exacerbated
by economic hardship, tribal differences, ineffective
programs that lack co-ordination because they're
designed for the Indigenous - not with them.
It does appear that the problems will be with us for
quite some time to come. Why are other nations so
much better at solving the problems of their native
people than we are? New Zealand, Canada?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 December 2018 10:12:54 AM
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I find it increasingly difficult feeling sorry for people who passionately express a desire for something, then when it is given to them, they actively and aggressively set about condemning those helping them.
Instead of accepting 'anything' with a greatful demeanor, we get continual abuse and outright vilification.
The abuse is ever present especially if you happen across an area dominated by the abo's.
Any problems theabo's may try to convey are of their own doing and I for one am sick of hearing about 'the poor down-trodden abo'.
Anyone else having been given the assistance, hand outs, grants and so on and so forth, would have been so grateful, as though having won Lotto.
But NO, not the abo.
My message is simple even the most educated of them will understand it, and that is, SHUT UP!
You've had it good, very good, so much better than other Aussies who were/are worse off than you lot.
It's really simple to fix, if you don't like the handouts and assistance, in goods, services and money you're getting, undeservedly, stop accepting them and piss off back to the bush you all keep bleating on that you love so much and have been 'forced' out of, my arse.
God if only you had even half a clue, you would realise that the rest of the country, like me, is fed up with your stupid greedy, selfish and juvenile attitudes.
Let's see, you happily accept a 'hand up/out', you destroy and abuse any physical item given to you, from cars to houses, then you systematically and continually abuse us either to our faces or by whatever means you have at your disposal, mostly given to you by us.
We bitch about Muslims not assimilating, boy, they've got nothing on the abo's.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves, we are trying to help in the best way WE know how, because you have made it abundantly clear, you are a useless unworthy lot.
Your lack of achievements are well and truly part of history and on the record.
So get off your arses.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 December 2018 1:29:16 PM
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