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United Nations weaponizes Hamas as Trump, EU and Israel reel : Comments

By David Singer, published 13/12/2018

106 UN members had weaponized Hamas, abandoned the civilian population of a fellow member state and set a procedural precedent that the Islamic bloc will exploit again.

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"Through a recorded vote of 156 in favour to 6 against (Australia, Israel, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, United States), with 12 abstentions, the Assembly adopted a draft resolution titled “Comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East” (document A/73/L.49).

Through the draft, the Assembly reiterates its call for the achievement, without delay, of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East based on relevant United Nations resolutions. It also reiterates its call for an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967, including of East Jerusalem, and reaffirms its unwavering support for the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders."

So what are you trying to say here David?
That every single country except Australia, Israel, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, United States are terrorist nations?

I think that maybe we are supporting the real terrorist nation.
After all Jews committed the false flag bombing of the King David Hotel and Israel committed the false flag attack on the USS liberty.

I'm glad the way it turned out and our bought and paid for leaders are traitors to our country.
How is opposing the 2 state solution in our interests?
Which Australia citizens will suffer the eventual Islamic backlash?

Israel sucks David.
They promote freedom of religion and freedom of movement because its a benefit they enjoy in every one else's countries, but also has the negative effect of also supporting Muslims in our countries.
Israel gets a benefit from every one else's country but hypocritically it changes the rules for itself and says non-Jews can be banned in Israeli settlements.

Until Israel says all countries have the right to resist Islam if they choose, I don't see why they should tell us we should live one way whist they hypocritically have separate rules for themselves.

If Israel can't mind it's business in other peoples countries then it shouldn't complain when other countries poke their nose into its business.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 13 December 2018 10:22:57 AM
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Oh Armchair, I think your criticism is a bit harsh, what it does seem
to me to mean is that those countries were not so much terrorists but
what the Islamists call "Useful Idiots".
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 13 December 2018 3:30:55 PM
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A difficult situation in a tragic geography, with Israel being the only genuine <a href="">democracy</a>
in the Middle East.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 13 December 2018 4:37:37 PM
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A difficult situation, in a tragic geography, with Israel being the only genuine democracy in the Middle East.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 13 December 2018 4:44:02 PM
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Hey Bazz,
You got me, nice one.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 13 December 2018 7:30:16 PM
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To be A democracy requires that ALL citizens are treated equally before the LAW.

Israel does not even pretend to treat all its citizens equally.
Posted by petere, Thursday, 13 December 2018 8:00:38 PM
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List of Arab members of the Knesset
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 13 December 2018 11:30:56 PM
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I'm always suprised when people voice support for Palistianian governments. Both the PLO and Hamas have shown their hand to be terrorist entries that have no concern for the citizens they are charged with governing and looking after. But instead use all their resources to either fill their own pockets (instead of giving the aid funds to better the citizens) or to continue a war with Israel (instead of using the aid for development projects they pay for the families of suicide bombers and keep their people in poverty for incentive).

The only 2 rational viewpoints are to side with Israel if you have to pick a side,or to focus on other world events because there are many conflicts ignored as a whole by the world. Choosing to side with a Palistian government is to side with terrorism. Not that Israel is always doing right, but it at least cares about it's citizens and tries to keep them safe. At least from that point the government is doing it's job and fulfilling it's task, regardless how it acts in international politics. PLO and Hamas keep their people in poverty and pay sucide bombers families for the service of the bomber. What else needs to be said? For those who have a stake in choosing Isreal or the Palistian governments, the choice should be Israel.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Friday, 14 December 2018 2:52:13 AM
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Not Now.Soon, Could not agree more. As the UN charter states “maintaining international peace and security”. Tell me, how does this latest resolution sqare with this charter?. Other than ‘bleeding obvious’ (effective) security measures, Isreal is a free society. Armchair Critic, you support Hamas and its methods/actions or you support the Palestinian people?, these is a difference. Read again comments by Not Now.soon.
Posted by Prompete, Friday, 14 December 2018 6:33:33 AM
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//Both the PLO and Hamas have shown their hand to be terrorist entries//

Stop making up stories, NNS. We've been through this before: the PLO are not a terrorist organisation, and it isn't reasonable to declare them one just because of you're not that fond of Arabs. You're entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 14 December 2018 7:50:48 AM
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Compared to

I wonder how many Jewish members are allowed to stand in Arab Parliaments, Royal Courts or other Dictatorships?

Or were Jews who had lived in Arab-Persian lands (eg. Egypt, Iran, Syria etc) for centuries forced to flee in the mid 20th century?

About the Jewish population in Egypt, forced out in 1948
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 14 December 2018 10:15:00 AM
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"Choosing to side with a Palestinian government is to side with terrorism."

The same could be said for Israel.
Do I have to mention the King David Hotel bombing and the attack on the USS Liberty not once, but twice?

Choosing to side with a Israeli government is to support the notion you can build a country wherever you want and be damned with the existing population living there.

How many here support wiping out the Australian Aboriginals?
- Not much Difference -

How many were slaughtered just this year for choosing to stand up for a right of return - a provision of UN resolution 194 in Dec 1948 and also detailed somewhat in the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

- legalising terrorism and land theft for 70 years
- meddling in others countries - forever
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 14 December 2018 8:10:06 PM
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To Armchair Critic.

If the Palestinian governments showed any resolve to help their citizens then I'd consider calling them something else then just a terrorist orginization. However their citizens for 70 years held the status of refugees living in poverty. Even with all the aid given and wasted. 70 years.

As for Israel showing aggression to other nations, at least it looks after it's citizens. I wouldn't call the Russian government a terrorist orginization even though it has supported reclaiming terroritory that gained it's in dependance, nor does it's other aggressive actions (or other nations aggression like China) make them terrorists. What's the difference? If a country actually looks after it's citizens then it has fufilled at least some of the roles and responsibilities that the government is responsible for.

Look at it this way, if Israel held all the land given to Palistine, what should be the result? They wouldn't be improvised camps anymore. What would the result be if Israel was gone and the Palistian governments held the land? The whole land would be a breeding ground for terrorists and be kept in poverty to give the incentive to join the terrorist orginizations.

I do hope you see the difference.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Saturday, 15 December 2018 4:30:02 AM
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"If the Palestinian governments showed any resolve to help their citizens then I'd consider calling them something else then just a terrorist orginization."

Let's say that every single last one of them IS a terrorist.
When asked "Are there any terrorists here?"
Every single one of them sticks up their hands and freely admits it.
"I'm a terrorist"
"I'm a terrorist"
I'm a terrorist too"
"And me"
"me too, I'm a terrorist"....
Every man, every woman and every child, even the elderly totally consumed with hatred and revenge;
Hell bent on death, carnage and total annihilation.
- And willing to meter it out at the first opportunity they get.

So bloody what?
Israel created this mess in the way it went about establishing itself from Day 1.

What if we decided to put all the aboriginals in small caged reservations, and they decided screw this and revolted?
Started murdering and killing whitey wherever they found them?
And what if the war was so bad that we just couldn't go back to living together anymore?
And they were all enraged terrorists hell bent on our destruction?
Would that be the aboriginals fault, or ours?

One part of me thinks people have a right to resist occupation.
That if anything the right thing to do is arm the Palestinians and give em a half decent chance.
Otherwise just nuke the lot and be done with it.

Why do I feel this way?
Because the second some enraged Palestinian decides they disagree with our government of the day's policies and straps a bomb to himself and theres body bits all over the place in one of our cities, the victims will be innocent Aussies who probably didn't even support those policies who'll pay the price.

I don't care about any foreigner or their interests above the welfare of my own nations people.

And Russia, come on;
"reclaiming territory that gained it's independance, nor does it's other aggressive actions"

- Oh please -
Tell me the lies you heard and then I'll correct you and tell you the real story whatever it is
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 15 December 2018 11:56:06 AM
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Well said Not_Now.Soon
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 15 December 2018 1:24:15 PM
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To Armchair Critic.

You quoted me, but did you read what I said in that quote?

Here it is again before moving on.

"If the Palestinian governments showed any resolve to help their citizens then I'd consider calling them something else then just a terrorist organization."

For a reference of terms there are three subjects in this sentence. 2 are the Palestinian governments, and the other one is the citizens of those governments. I am calling out the government's as terrorist organizations. If they actually did anything to help their citizens then I might lift them up to being a hostile and aggressive nation instead of a terrorist organization. The other subject is the citizens of Palestine. Many are probably just trying to get by, and are not terrorists. Many others though are committed to the Hamas and PLO organizations. I would call them terrorists, however they are not terrorist organizations. If there was any confusion before that should clear it up.

As to your hypothetical. If every citizen of Palestine raised their hand and said they are a terrorist, then each and every one of them should be arrested. Given whatever justice would give them by the only governing body left in that area being Israel. (Again given the hypothetical situation of everyone saying they are terrorists). The hypothetical is ridiculous though and holds no merit in reality.

Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 16 December 2018 8:05:04 AM
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The situation in Israel right now is a UN sponsored civil unrest and civil war. But the two sides doing the fighting, only one cares to look after their citizens. If you justify the terrorist factions to just kill off Israeli population, then you only invite an even worse situation then the one they are in. They will not start caring about their civilians now that they have more power and Israel is gone. Best case situation they spread their terrorist activities and fill their neighbor's with just as much murder and blood lust that they only know how to deal. Worser then that but more likely is that they will still spread terrorism to neighboring countries, but will also be in a civil war at the same time, with both leaders of Hamas and PLO unwilling to share power with each other.

Making up rationale like it'd be ok if aboriginals started a war with everyone else in Australia, and that it'd be Australia's fault doesn't give to crap loads about consequences or what would be the resulting aftermath. At this point it doesn't matter who is at fault for the conditions the word is in. What matters is "what we do now." At least for me the answer isn't half ass rationale for those identifying as victims to start a murder rampage. Honestly that shouldn't be your answer either. It shouldn't be anyone's answer.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 16 December 2018 8:05:38 AM
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To Armchair Critic.

You asked about the lies I've been told on Russian aggression. Try to correct the "lies" of Russian aggression towards Ukriaine.


To Plantagenet.

Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 16 December 2018 8:45:23 AM
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Dear Not_Now.Soon,

"If the Palestinian governments showed any resolve to help their citizens then I'd consider calling them something else then just a terrorist organization."

The proof old boy is in the pudding.

By fiercely resisting the occupation Hamas has managed to keep Gaza as a contiguous area for the Palestinian people. The more compliant Fatah has seen the West Bank invaded with over a hundred thousand illegal settlers and constant harassment of Palestinians by occupation forces. The land is divided into virtual ghettos and a myriad of roadblocks and unlikely to ever be whole again.

So who do you think has look after their people better? Hamas or Fatah? And why do you want to deny and occupied people the right to resist?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 16 December 2018 11:39:51 AM
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Hey Not_Now.Soon,
Ok here's what I think:
I think that given the potential confusion over who are and who aren't terrorists, I think that what you need to do is take a closer look at things.
And probably the first thing to do if you were to take a closer look is to see what the facts and statistics say.

- Real Basic Stuff -

1. Which side is under occupation?
2. What do the maps say?
3. What story do the numbers of dead / injured on each side say?

Those 3 questions might be a good place for you to start to look at the bigger picture.
I could go on a bigger rant, but I'll let it go.

QUOTE>>You asked about the lies I've been told on Russian aggression. Try to correct the "lies" of Russian aggression towards Ukraine.<<

Well I should probably ask if you're absolutely certain you want to go down this path? Lol

1. There were no lies in the article that I could tell, it was rather skillful writing honestly.
(However, there were lies contained in other NYT articles that this article linked to.)
2. Exactly which Russian aggression were you referring to exactly?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 16 December 2018 9:41:33 PM
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In a search for what Palistian aid has been used for I came across this link.

This is obviously a Jewish narrative, but it has documented sources to back up the figures. And without any other narrative from Palestine accounts for how they use the aid they receive it only adds credence to the figures given. I am still looking for a Palestinian article on how they use the aid money they receive. If there are any sources to confirm the aid is used to develop Palestine territories instead of for criminal activities then I will consider that in my assessment of PLO and Hamas. As of now though the US has stopped giving aid to Palestine due to their use to pay suicide bombers and other terrorist activities.

As for the death toll. I will look into that more as well. I do not think that murder is justifiable under the cause of resistance. The death toll on Israel from what I understand is basically Palestinian fighters finding easy targets to kill off. Sometimes they are successful other times they are killed with Israeli people only injured. That said I will look into the deaths and the causes more.

There is a definite divide between The narrative told by Palestine and the one told by Israel. I use to trust the narrative from Palestine, and try to consider both. Nowadays you have to look past the arguments and look at what they are doing. See if they show any truth or reliability behind them.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Monday, 17 December 2018 4:13:28 AM
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Dear  Not_Now.Soon,

You wrote;

“As of now though the US has stopped giving aid to Palestine due to their use to pay suicide bombers and other terrorist activities.”

Aid money going to suicide bombers? Hardly.

In the 2000s there were 147 suicide attacks, since 2008 there have only been two.

The vast majority of attacks by Palestinians in the West Bank are upon uniformed members of the occupation forces not soft targets.

In the last Gaza war the UN HRC after a detailed inquiry found that 65% of those killed were civilians. Israel says the figure was 36%. During the campaign the IDF targeted Gazan policemen in their family homes.

So the question becomes whether by Israeli standards are Israeli police serving within the occupied territories legitimate targets? By virtue of most Israelis, through compulsory military service, having been trained to kill Palestinians does this make fighting age settlers legitimate targets within the occupied territories?

You see to profess any degree of even handedness when contemplating this issue you must be prepared to judge both sides in the same manner.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 17 December 2018 9:43:11 AM
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//But the two sides doing the fighting, only one cares to look after their citizens.//

What of a load of bollocks. Have you ever considered doing any fact checking for yourself, instead of just blindly swallowing and then regurgitating such obviously fantastical propaganda?

The Palestinian governments have provided schools:

And hospitals:

And they do their best to provide clean drinking water, although that swell bunch of humanitarians in Israel do their best to try to prevent them having access to one of the basic necessities of life:

It's pretty clear to me that you think 'looking after their citizens' means rolling over and capitulating to Israel. Basically, the Palestinians only have themselves to blame for the poor quality of their water even though it's controlled by Israel. If only they'd see sense and cede their territory to Israel without a fuss, then they could have all the clean drinking water they want.

//What would the result be if Israel was gone and the Palistian governments held the land? The whole land would be a breeding ground for terrorists and be kept in poverty to give the incentive to join the terrorist orginizations.//

Yeah, because that's how these things work. If Britain were have to been visited in the night by three Republican spirits and handed Northern Ireland back to the Republic without a fuss, do you think that would have stopped the IRA from expanding? Of course not: the whole of Ireland would have become a breeding ground for terrorists, and the Irish government would have kept them in a perpetual state of Potato Famine to incentivise the otherwise peaceful Irishmen into taking up arms for a cause that no longer existed. Because basically, the Irish (or at least, the Republican ones) are just pure evil.

Hmmm… on reflection it sounds a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 17 December 2018 8:06:14 PM
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•Regarding water responsibilities and the Palestinians responsibilities for their own water. (Even includes numbers of aid donations specified for water facilities that are unused).

•Regarding Israeli deaths due to Palestinian terror attacks. Doesn't look like they are just protecting their settlement or are any way rationalized. And is one reason I say to not just listen to the arguments but look at the details of the facts. Number don't lie (if they are truthful in the first place) but only conmen give numbers with no context to where they came from.

•Regarding Palestine's use of Aid money towards terrorists activities. (Sorry if anyone focused on suicide bombers. The fact that they EVER used that kind of method is a special kind of evil in my opinion. I count any of their terror payment based on aid money as a fraud and a sham that should be shut down, and shut down now.

•Regarding any other uses of Palestinian use of aid. Seriously, these things have been in the media every so often for years. The only way to trust the leaders of Palestine are to ignore everything that is reported about them, and ignore what they are actually doing. They are scum.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 18 December 2018 3:36:43 AM
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- I think its about time EVERYONE looked at the facts. -

Israel Went About Things the Wrong way from Day Dot.

The Maps Tell The REAL STORY.

Zionist Terrorism (what you need to know)

Compare these numbers you fool

And seriously, you don't want to mess with me over Russia or Ukraine.
- Learn the facts -
WAR ALERT - Russia & Ukraine Preparing for Full Scale Conflict

Come back to me when you've learned more.

This is what you support
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 18 December 2018 5:36:57 AM
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//•Regarding water responsibilities and the Palestinians responsibilities for their own water. (Even includes numbers of aid donations specified for water facilities that are unused).


I didn't bother reading your article, NNS. I took the liberty of checking out the source first:

You must think we're really gullible down here in the antipodes.

I'm going to mark that as a 'non-serious attempt' and allow to have another try.

But I would ask you to reflect on the fact the sources I used were not pro-Palestinian propaganda rags with a dog in the fight, and to show the same level of respect for your opponents.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 18 December 2018 6:58:18 AM
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Dear Not_Now.Soon,

You still haven't answered my question, is a uniformed member of the occupation forces, within the occupied territories, a legitimate target of those resisting that occupation?

Following on from that do you deem an attack on a uniformed member of the occupation forces, within the occupied territories, an act of terror? If so why?

Secondly just to explore how even handed you are over 30 billion of the aid that went to Israel from the US over the last 10 years was spent by the Israelis on military hardware, much of it used to suppress those resisting the occupation of their land.

Do you see this as a legitimate use of that aid money? If so why?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 18 December 2018 9:31:50 AM
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To SteeleRedux,

With your question on the aid money given to Israel and it's use, I googled it with the question "how is aid money used in Israel?"

This is one online discussion of answers to a similar question which I think gives several answers that answers your question on US aid to Israel. Check it out. It's not the most encouraging answers to consider when thinking on world interests in international affairs, and most while giving a rational response don't give the reasons to be humanitarian in nature as the aid was suppose to be for Palestine. But they give good reasons that open the eyes of international affairs.

Two answers of note. One spoke of the six day war that Israel fought and won before any nation took notice of them (including the US). Israel won and then the US saw reason to get closer to Israel. A second answer was repeated among many of those answers. The aid is a direct result of a peace deal brokered by the US between Israel and Egypt. Similar aid goes to Egypt for a similar purpose.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 4:00:51 AM
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Also to SteeleRedux

Regarding your question on Israel targets, it's my understanding that since Israel is on all it's borders chanted with the same line to "destroy Israel," that as a consequence Israel is highly militarized in the population requiring to serve in the military for at least a few years. This understanding of a necessary arrangement for the well being of its citizens also make the targets of Israel essentially anyone and everyone who is Israeli. This includes uninformed targets and pregnant women. As well as anyone who is near a uniformed target. The point you have on soft targets essentially make all of Israeli citizens as fair game to kill. Not a point I agree with or will support.

However if it's a questions game, I have a counter question for you.

Why should anyone trust Palestine leaders? I mean it. Over the years of watching the conflict in Israel and Palestine, I have seen images and articles that voice the plight of Palestinians that tug on anyone's heart. Then just weeks later or months later Palestine leaders, protesters, or terrorists in civilian clothes do an act of terror. If that doesn't rob any credibility towards PLO and Hamas, then the articles I've posted regarding how Palestine uses aid money or even is engrossed in drug trafficking to fund it's leaders lifestyles and it's war on Israel.

The question again. How and why do you trust Palestine leaders at all to trust their narrative? If you have reasons let me know. Better reasons then hating Israel. With reasons like that it would be easier to say to not support Israel or Palestine. Instead the three of you all supportable believe Palestine stories in the wakes of their corruptions and lies continually found more and more. Why?

To Toni and Armchair Critic. Same question above. Why do you trust Palestine leaders or trust the narrative that comes from those leaders? (Again lack of support for Israel is not a good enough reason, when you actively support PLO and Hamas. You could just say you don't support either side.)
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 4:05:52 AM
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Also to Armchair Critic.

You gave a lot of information which I am considering. I'll have to get back to you later regarding it for a response, but I wanted to say thanks for providing it. As for Russia. That's not a focus I have for this conversation. I used Russia as an example of an aggressive state as opposed to a terrorist state. If that was a bad example then consider the point without that example. For instance consider the other example given that was China as an aggressive state. If Palestine took the measures to look after it's population then That would change my evaluation a little bit of how I see PLO and Hamas. As of now they recieve enough aid internationally to do some advancement in the lives of the Palestinians or the developement and infrastructure of their land. I have seen no evidance that they do this, but instead con the international community for aid on one purpose and use the aid for another. They act as terrorists.

However if you want to point yo Israel being terrorists as well, so be it. I still see Israel looking after it's citizens, I don't see that with PLO or Hamas. At best the argument Israel is aggressive to it's neighbor and to Palestine. The counter arguments to that though is that if Israel wasn't standing up for itself it would be destroyed. Israel's neighbor's have all tried to destroy Israel at least once, and most of those neighbors still do, as well as televise threats against Israel. If there was a peaceful solution addressed I'd like to see more details of that interaction.

I will consider your points on Israel aggression.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 4:23:45 AM
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//Again lack of support for Israel is not a good enough reason, when you actively support PLO and Hamas.//

Oh, do I support Hamas then? That's odd; I have no recollection of this. And you'd think it'd be something I'd remember. Maybe I'm just getting old.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 6:39:30 AM
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Dear Not_Now.Soon,

You wrote;

“Regarding your question on Israel targets, it's my understanding that since Israel is on all it's borders chanted with the same line to "destroy Israel," that as a consequence Israel is highly militarized in the population requiring to serve in the military for at least a few years. This understanding of a necessary arrangement for the well being of its citizens also make the targets of Israel essentially anyone and everyone who is Israeli. This includes uninformed targets and pregnant women. As well as anyone who is near a uniformed target. The point you have on soft targets essentially make all of Israeli citizens as fair game to kill. Not a point I agree with or will support.”

Can we rephrase this by switching sides and see if it still works.

“Regarding your question on Palestinian targets, it's my understanding that since Gaza is on all it's borders chanted with the same line to "mow the grass" that as a consequence Gaza is highly militarized in the population requiring to serve to defend Palestinian land. This understanding of a necessary arrangement for the well being of its citizens also make the targets of Gazans essentially anyone and everyone who is Palestinian. This includes uninformed targets and women and children. As well as anyone who is near a uniformed target. The point you have on soft targets essentially make all of Palestinian citizens as fair game to kill. Not a point I agree with or will support.”

“The target was the Gaza police chief. He survived the Israeli airstrike on a cousin’s home with critical injuries, but 18 family members were killed, including five children and teens.”

The rephrasing seems to fit perfectly,

So when you say “Not a point I agree with or will support.” are you prepared to be consistent or do you blindly deem one side 'terrorists' and the others 'defenders of their country' thus making such a statement impossible for you.

As to trusting Palestinian leaders no, but I have far less trust in Benjamin Netanyahu.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 10:55:31 AM
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Hey Not_Now.Soon,

"You gave a lot of information which I am considering. I'll have to get back to you later regarding it for a response, but I wanted to say thanks for providing it. "

You're welcome.

"As for Russia. That's not a focus I have for this conversation. I used Russia as an example of an aggressive state as opposed to a terrorist state. If that was a bad example then consider the point without that example."

Fair enough.
My point was simply this:
- Where's the Russian aggression? It's a myth -
But you'd have to spend some time with those links to catch up.

If I can leave you with anything, just consider that there's always more to the story.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 1:19:12 PM
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Your argument that uniformed Israel police and army units are legitimate targets. This would only be valid if there was a state of armed conflict. This would also legitimize the shooting of potential insurgents trying to infiltrate internationally recognized Israel.

Secondly there have been plenty of suicidal attacks on civilians inside Israel which also legitimizes lethal force in protecting the borders.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 2:06:57 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Oh bollocks.

So by your definition the French partisans during WW2 were all terrorists because they targeted German army and police units in occupied France?

You wrote;

“This would also legitimize the shooting of potential insurgents trying to infiltrate internationally recognized Israel.”

I hope you aren't talking about the Right of Return marches. This is the Oxford definition of infiltrate “Enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.”

There is nothing 'surreptitious' about the protests on the border but for you to put this kind of slant on something like this is typical.

There is far more infiltration of Israeli forces across the border of Gaza than the other way around.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 4:39:38 PM
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Hey SteeleRedux,
- I thought your questions held merit, your logic perfectly valid and on target.
I'm not necessarily saying I support a free-for-all by Palestinians on Israeli Occupation Forces;
(I don't know the answers to the Israel / Palestine mess)

- I'm just saying your questions hold merit, and the argument deserves consideration.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 10:35:53 PM
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Firstly the comparison between the Palestinians and French Partisans is laughable firstly as many of the attacks are directed on internationally recognized Israeli soil, and many of them if not most are directed at civilians. For example, the Gazans were/are trying to get into what is internationally recognized as Israel, not occupied territory. That the West bank was captured after a failed attack by Jordan makes the occupation more like the allied occupation of Germany than the German occupation of France.

Secondly the attacks on uniformed officers legitimizes any security actions taken to prevent or hunt down the perpetrators, etc.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 20 December 2018 8:29:23 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Here is a list of attacks stabbing, ramming and shooting attacks on uniformed members of the occupation forces within the West Bank over 2 week period in 2016. There were of course other attacks including at least 9 incidents which seem to have targeted only those identified as civilians but the majority were toward occupation forces within the Palestinian territories.

7 October – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Kiryat Gat in which assailant stole the soldier's weapon and was shot on site in a civilian's apartment.

7 October – A Palestinian stabbed an IDF soldier, after which he was shot dead by special forces.

9 October – Israeli police officer injured in stabbing attack in Kiryat Arba. Assailant shot on site.

10 October – IDF soldier injured by gunshot in Kiryat Arba.

10 October – Three Israeli police officers injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem.

11 October – Police officer injured by detonation of gas canister by female Palestinian driver near Ma'ale Adumim. Assailant apprehended on site.

11 October – Three Israeli civilians and an IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Gan Shmuel near Hadera.

12 October – Female assailant shot after stabbing a border police officer.

12 October – Palestinian man stabbed an IDF soldier on a bus after which he was shot dead by police.

14 October – Assailant shot dead after attempting to stab police officer near Damascus Gate, Jerusalem.

16 October – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack by assailant disguised as news photographer in Kiryat Arba. Assailant shot on site.

17 October – Israeli Border Policewoman injured in stabbing attack at Cave of Patriarchs in Hebron. Assailant shot on site.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 20 December 2018 3:13:46 PM
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17 October – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Hebron. Assailant shot on site.
17 October – Israeli Border Policeman stabbed at Kalandia Crossing. Assailant shot on site.

20 October – IDF officer injured in stabbing attack during violent riot near Hebron. Assailant shot on site.

20 October – IDF soldier and Israeli civilian injured in car ramming attack at Gush Etzion Junction.

20 October – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Hebron. Two assailants shot on site.

21 October – Five IDF soldiers injured in car ramming attack near Bethlehem. Assailant shot on site.

21 October – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack near Jerusalem. Assailant shot on site.

This sure looks like a resistance to a military occupation to me.

Do you have evidence to support your contrary position or is it made up for blind hatred
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 20 December 2018 3:14:54 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

By the way given the movement of Israelis into illegal settlements within occupied Palestinian territory the best example from WW2 must surely be Germany's takeover of Czechoslovakia.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 20 December 2018 5:06:42 PM
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That the Palestinian terrorists also attack soldiers is not under debate, the fact that they also frequently deliberately attack civilians strips them of any "freedom fighter" status.


The 1000s of rockets fired by Hamas were aimed at who?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 31 December 2018 4:58:55 PM
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