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I have a dream... : Comments

By Russell Grenning, published 13/7/2018

UCLA's brother/sister campus, the University of California, Berkley, already not only has segregated housing for black students but for other racial minorities such as Asians and Hispanics.

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Loudmouth (Monday, 16 July 2018 9:12:51 AM) said-

(1) "CM, You think this hasn't been thought of before ?"

Answer1- I'm sure many things have been thought of before but there are still significant issues so perhaps something needs to be done.

(2) "You've heard of a country called Liberia ?"

Answer2- Some.

(3) "African-Americans are all over the US, just as Indigenous people are here in Australia,"

Answer3- I agree African-Americans are all over most of the US, but they are not indigenous and are not the same as Australian indigenous. Indigenous Australians are more similar to US indians. There are significant proportions of African-Americans that are significantly different in mindset and appearance than the majority and founding white culture of the US so that they will never get "fair" treatment. If you let them have their own country then at least they have the same freedom to form their own country as the US founders did. It could be a bit of a stretch to say that it would become a country like Liberia.

(4) "so such adoption - apart from being quite racist,"

Answer4- If protecting our own culture is racist then thats fine. What should we call people that want to destroy our culture- can we call them racist too?

(5) "if you gave it a moment's thought - are impossible. Those touting 'sovereignty' here will realise that one day."

Answer5- There are probabilities but nothing is certain except that we all should act to solve the problems we see in the world. Anyway the US until recently has had more racial issues than Australia
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 17 July 2018 2:28:59 AM
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(6) "And are you implying that some sort of compulsion should be employed ? A new form of Apartheid - that's your option ?"

Answer6- Generally I feel wise management is creating a system that encourages people in a certain direction for their own self interest- rather than "compulsion" (but compulsion is a fairly general term). But at the end of the day there are winners and losers in every political decision (at the moment the white culture seems to be losing). I suggest that white culture cuts their loses to maintain their self determination. I would suggest similar to African- Americans that the only way to truly have freedom is to cut their own. I would favour a split that disadvantages both sides fairly equally. Desmond Tutu had to make a similar painful compromise in South Africa. Generally people prefer to be around their own kind which is why enclaves of ethnicities have developed in the twenteith century in major western cities. If people prefer their own kind let them live with their own kind. But you can't have it both ways. You have to take responsibility for your own communities- you have to be productive in order to sustain it- you need to have law- etc. If an organisation can't control externalities then it's vulnerable. Sun Tzu says you know whether an army will be victorious based on their attributes. A country is in some ways similar to an army. And the leader of the Army or of a people (or business) is ultimately a capable servant of the people. Apartheid in South Africa appeared to be unnecessarily violent and desperate. Change is always hard on all sides. There are those resisting change and those creating change- fighting a battle to the death- what is the objective right ...

(7) "Back to the drawing-board, little boy. Joe"

Answer7- That's what us "little boy's" do when we see a problem Joe- we may be small but we get our hands dirty. What do you do when you see a problem?

Thanks for your feedback
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 17 July 2018 2:29:57 AM
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Two simple rules to go by that could reshape the landscape of politics and causes.

1) Love your neighbor as yourself.

If we have this then we would not be striving to separate and divide each other up. We would try to take up eachother's burdens and strengthen each other in each of our struggles. Even in our fights, and arguments with each other there can still be love and generousity even though you back a different solution and different philosophy then the person you are near. The one weakness to this approach is being conned by leading heart stories and concerns. And to support solutions that really just cause more problems. Loving alone will not make you wise, or will garentee away from mistakes. But even with those weaknesses it is the motivation to keep on striving and being a brother or a sister to a stranger and a neighbor.

2). Respect and listen to your elders and the older generation.

While love your neighbor holds a lack of foresight, the rule to listen and respect your elders holds lessons and wisdom bought by experience. Modern day doesn't have to throw away the struggles and accomplishments of history that a few generations ago fought hard for, and struggled to get out of the problems of the past.

Do this two rules and they will balance eachother so that universities with young minds and no experience don't wreck everything their fathers and mothers fought to build. And it also keeps the perspective to help a broken and breaking world, instead of cruelly letting it tear itself apart even more.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 17 July 2018 3:25:13 AM
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If only people could just be themselves instead of letting themselves be led by the nose their whole life long.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 6:24:24 PM
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