The Forum > Article Comments > Tribal warfare and Australian politics > Comments
Tribal warfare and Australian politics : Comments
By Peter Bowden, published 2/3/2018A Yale University professor has unwittingly given us an insight into why Australians are fed up with their politicians.
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Just found out about tribalism, have we? It's nothing new, and most people don't need some obscure academic to tell them that. Tribalism is a basic human instinct. That's what makes enforced multiculturalism so stupid - it has added even more tribes, each pushing its interests and to hell with all the other tribes. The politicians love it; the fractured tribes are played off against each other for ease of control. Of course they don't do anything for the country. They don't have to, as long as they throw crumbs to the tribes every now and again. Western nation states were successful in the past because they were homogeneous. In Australia's case Anglo-Saxon - one big tribe. Now we have the dying old tribe that created and preserved, an Indian tribe (itself broken up into Hindu and Sikh), Arab tribes, Sudanese tribes, Ethiopian tribes, Vietnamese tribes, Chinese tribes and probably more minor odds and sods the politicians have slipped in without our permission. Australia because of self-inflicted, multi-tribalism, is rooted.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 2 March 2018 9:36:56 AM
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Good call Peter or rather the quoted Professor!
How can we do it better? Well we need to restore integrity to the electoral contest, even if that requires the covert placement of unbeatable space age lie detectors at the pre election debates and in OUR houses of parliament. OURS, BECAUSE WE TAXPAYERS BUILT AND PAID FOR THEM AND INDEED THE SALARIES, EXPENSE ACCOUNTS AND SELF REWARDED ENTITLEMENTS THESE TRIBAL WARRIORS (OUR ALLEGED SERVANTS) HAVE BLESSED THEMSELVES WITH! We need to eliminate/outlaw non core or unaffordable promises (blatant pork pies) both sides of politics use to buy votes! And only doable by the roll out of integrity guaranteeing covertly deployed, unbeatable space age lie detection equipment! Arguably and sadly, the only way anyone can guarantee the (unscrupulous) motor mouth laying out a case for election/reelection isn't being too economical with the truth! Apart from the restoration of integrity and honour, plus the visionary quality candidates that would force the major parties to find and promote! We also need to restore respect! A good start would be to outlaw the self promoting Dorothea Dix's and replace them with a repectfulling listening and relevance when asked to account for spending or decisions! Een if that requires far more question placed on notice with the requested information supplied verbally and on accompanying paper! Pork barreling for electoral support must be also eliminated/outlawed, or if not, then the type of candidate who thinks this rubbish and waste of taxpayer funds, ought be acceptable on the part of taxpayer servants/employees! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 2 March 2018 9:45:45 AM
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> How can we get politicians to sit down together and collectively decide what is in the best interests of the people of this country?
By having more crossbenchers so that the tribes can't do anything by themselves. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ttbn, Footy trumps ethnicity. GO CROWS! Posted by Aidan, Friday, 2 March 2018 9:53:54 AM
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Further comment. Our adversarial politics, courtrooms and institutions create much of this TRIBALISM and the (control freak) advocates that agree with it!
Imagine the political contest was a winner take all contest of ideas that entirely eliminated the loser for the entirety of the next term! Meaning, our houses of parliament would be populated for a fixed term by only the winners, who'd have unfettered ability to implement their entire policy paradigm!? Doable, given the diversity of passionately held opinion/genuine opposiion in every party room! And a senate or higher house with the power of veto! Even so, much of the roadblocks in the path of progress and or visionary outcomes, would be removed and quality candidates with the power of compelling, rational, logical oratory, would carry the day! Then live or die electorally by how well those outcomes were accepted by their employer, the voting public/taxpers. And kept honest by a press with guaranteed whistleblower protection and absolute, protected in law, freedom to investigate and report. Moreover, supported in that endeavour by covertly deployed space age lie detection equipment! Which would also serve to out the fifth column and seventh enemies, hiding in plain sight amongst us! Who wouldn't want that? Arguably, the briefly aforementioned fifth column or progress destroying seventh enemies? All of who, would self identify by being the most vociferous in their opposition to or condemnation of the proposed progressive massive money saving (35 plus annual billions) change? Better spent elsewhere! And plenty of currently unfundable options! Affordable housing, rapid rail, overdue decentralization, affordable carbon free energy, deionization dialysis desalination, deserts made to bloom etc/etc/etc. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 2 March 2018 10:29:00 AM
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But politics has always been driven by competing tribalisms both here in Australia and all over the world.
And those on the "conservative" or right-wing side of the culture wars divide, including ALL of the usual "religious" suspects are very much into playing and aggravating that "game" too The words tribe and tribalism are featured in the Title and the references numbers: 1-3, 1-6, 1-7, 1-18, 1-20, 1-31, 1-33, 1-40, 1-53, 2-2, 2-11, 2-37, 2-38, 2-39, 3-8, 4-22, 4-35, 5-7, 6-1, 6-3, 7-7, 7-9 on this site: Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 2 March 2018 10:58:30 AM
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Imagine if we had laws that outlawed invective and aggressive behavior in all public discourse And where the most abusive thing you could say to an ideological aversary was you're a simpleton Moriarty?
This would trim the tail feathers of the control freak element that tend to dominate inside closed shop debates and allow those with the progressive ideas to put them, without being howled down by the usual (regression personified) control freaks and liars!? Not for nothing is it writ large know the truth and the truth will set you free! Imagine our courtrooms and places of public debate equipped with covertly deployed space age lie detectors and a climate where only the verifiable facts (TRUTH) mattered? Rather than simply winning! It would change almost every institution and force those who live on their wits/deception to go do something else and somewhere else! Who needs them and the mountains of BS they create and the damage they and their habits, leave in their wake and in every facet of life, be it on a footy field, construction site, boardroom, courtroom or legislature! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 2 March 2018 11:06:04 AM