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Tribal warfare and Australian politics : Comments
By Peter Bowden, published 2/3/2018A Yale University professor has unwittingly given us an insight into why Australians are fed up with their politicians.
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He settled on the Jews because they were an easily targeted minority. After that he burnt books and butchered many who wrote them, then eliminated freedom of the press!
And history now repeating itself in Russia, Turkey And Cambodia, just to mention a few examples where history seems to be repeating itself?
The Turkish tyrant has the Kurds and Donald has Muslims and "fake new". And essential to divert public opinion away from the facts/truth.
Hitler wasn't very bright and decided he had enough technological edge to prosecute a war.
He stated with Russia as an ally even though they were poles apart politically! But turned on them before he had fully consolidated his earlier conquests.
Imagine how different the outcome could have been, if he'd been smart enough to wait until after he'd perfected his new super weapons and nuclear technology?
As seems to be the current case for a sabre rattling Putin who could easily threaten/conquer America's allies without going to war with the USA, who would sit on their hands? Thundering mightily at the dispatch box, how mighty they were, all while throwing former allies under a Russian bus?
And only possible because those allies were/would be caught with their proverbial trousers down around their ankles, in terms of defense preparedness! The russian fleet has already practised in the Indian ocean while we thundered at the dispatch box!
Putin has it would seem, singled out Muslims and homosexuals for special treatment And silenced the press and any sign of internal dissent? The west has financed most of this through their purchase of energy products from Russia!
And even now at 12 minutes to midnight, resolutely resists alternative, self sufficient energy and subsequent released billions able to be deployed into defense prepared readiness!
Why? Because Patriotism if not complete dead in this diabolically divided country, is comatose and teetering on the brink! But particularly, at the top!
Alan B.