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The Forum > Article Comments > The ABCs of Trump's political demise > Comments

The ABCs of Trump's political demise : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 29/12/2017

As we approach the end of Trump's first year in office, it seems appropriate to survey his performance and his outlook for the future.

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Alan B, John McCain is not, nor ever was a 'war hero'.

Don't always believe what you read, in this case it is utter rubbish.

The same old lies like Putin hacked the election and also invaded Ukraine abound, yet people refuse to want to know the real truth.

I hate Trump, but thank heavens Hillary didn't win, we would already be at war with Russia and NK based on more neocon lies.
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Saturday, 30 December 2017 12:18:52 AM
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Re: John McCain; aka Johhny Wetstart; aka Songbird (of Tokyo Rose infamy)

I told you all some time ago that there's a bigger story behind missing POW's in Vietnam and the cover up involved John McCain.
A while back I listened to a more recent video that discussed this topic.
It's a very good video and contains lots of little known facts, I figure now is as good a time as any to share it.

Hudson Report - Naming Names: John McCain


John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 30 December 2017 1:06:51 AM
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Armchair Critic,
I might observe that recent elections in the various states have not gone too well for the GOP, so where is your evidence that Trump will be reelected.
Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 30 December 2017 4:57:16 AM
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Trump's political demise can be effectively prevented by (racial/gender) conflict and confrontation?

And stuff that takes attention off the investigation into the alleged Russian collusion during the election campaign?

The latest being the shifting of an embassy Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

And hasn't the, on again off again, confrontation with North Korea and their principal ally China, been Donald's political Godsend?

Hopefully, his political enemies will be encouraged to take the eye off the ball long enough, until his position and power is more thoroughly entrenched? Perhaps ably assisted by the declaration of a state of emergency or war!? [Yes, a power junkie could go that far! (Jawohl)]

His political enemies are pussy cats, poddles or toothless tigers, more likely to roll over and beg for a tummy rub, or its (furry nice) appendage? Than become a united determined implacable opposition.

The man has much too much money, power and influence to enable any real opposition to stand against him!

Why he probably could drum up a couple of nuclear capable russian bombers to compel his opposition to understand they have no effective allies and for those allies to understand the Nuclear umbrella defence treaty, is probably not worth the paper it is written on, or Putin's promises?

And if those two nuclear capable Russian bombers performing maneuvers to our immediate north very recently! Hasn't informed us our signature on an asinine anti proliferation document, is less protective than a paper umbrella during a golf/cricket ball sized hail storm, nothing will!

As I remarked to a dear relative just a few days ago, reverse is the only way I've ever gone backwards! And we should be reversing away from that demonstrably asinine policy, at a considerable rate of knots!

Unless wise heads prevail, ASAP, well might we say, Welcome to Trump's, opps, Putin's America?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 30 December 2017 9:31:49 AM
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Donald Trump might well be a “weird and wild president” as described by this extreme Leftist, but he is a joy to those of us who appreciate freedom of speech and democracy, which he alone is championing among a bunch of sad and sorry Western leaders who are selling us out to the likes of China, Russia and Islam.

The best thing about Trump is that he is totally immune to the lunatic left. And he doesn't back down, even though he is getting no support from the people who should be supporting him – those people still being referred to as 'conservatives' by the far Left. Those ex-conservatives don't want to be seen at Trump's side because they have gone to water and don't have the will to do what they were elected to do.

Donald Trump, no matter what his personal idiosyncrasies, is the only politician who can save the West; and that is why he is hated so much by the cultural Marxists who want to bring down the West.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 December 2017 10:35:38 AM
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Hi Ttbn,

Trump may be totally immune, not just to the 'lunatic left'but to many other thing as well, such as intelligence, humility, modesty, respect for women and human decency. His obsession with denying any collusion with the Russians is child-like in his insistent denials: if Trump were innocent of any such collusion, and if he had average intelligence, he would obviously encourage the Mueller investigation to continue and come to that satisfactory conclusion.

The real world is like a road with cross-roads pointing in a multitude of directions: Trump may be opposed to cultural Marxism, like many others of us, but that doesn't guarantee that he will take the best course, he has been just as likely to take one of the many other wrong turns.

Still, like Mr Magoo, so far he has seemed to land on his feet, and to have avoided major catastrophes. Maybe 2018 will be very different when, to mix metaphors, the chickens will come home to wake up America before the bull in the china shop does much more damage.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 30 December 2017 10:53:43 AM
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