The Forum > Article Comments > The ABCs of Trump's political demise > Comments
The ABCs of Trump's political demise : Comments
By Alon Ben-Meir, published 29/12/2017As we approach the end of Trump's first year in office, it seems appropriate to survey his performance and his outlook for the future.
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Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 29 December 2017 8:39:02 AM
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Hatred certainly makes one bitter. Alan has demonstrated that clearly. Trump is certainly a breath of fresh air. Finally a pollie doing what he was elected to do and don't the regressives hate it. Keep up the hate Alan or at least open your eyes. Your lot all but destroyed America.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 December 2017 9:33:53 AM
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This bloke is so far off the planet, he almost makes our academic lefties look rational. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 29 December 2017 9:52:12 AM
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Go and live there if he is so wonderful, runner.
Posted by ateday, Friday, 29 December 2017 9:52:41 AM
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Hi Ateday have all the Hollywood perverts who said they were going to leave if Trump was elected gone? I thought not.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 December 2017 10:30:47 AM
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In regards to the muppets understanding of the facts surrounding Trump:
- I think he's a narrow-minded, ignorant moron who bought into establishment and media lies / talking points ans is unqualified to hold an unbiased opinion based on his distorted understanding of the facts. In regards to Anti-Trump bias / Ignorance of facts / The Bigger Picture: I actually feel sorry for him; You'd have to be real messed up to dwell and itemise these burned out talking points, and even moreso to put together such a long and angry rant that details these supposed Trump 'crimes against humanity'. For an less-biased point of view anyone only needs you go and watch Hannity on YouTube. Garbage like this can be reduced to the dustbin in mere minutes by anyone who actually wanted unbiased facts. This means the author is not only an ignorant and narrow-fool who believes what the MSM tells him without question, but is also living in the past; thinks we're living in the past, and that we aren't able to get an alternative unbiased point of view in mere seconds; It's insulting our intelligence and is only advertising his idiocy. I am insulted that I wasted my time and my life reading this crap, to be honest. It's like I willingly chose to eat someones excrement. Why would I waste my time and my life doing that? To try and put it all this into a bigger perspective, I think it's worthy to consider the very likely possibility that many of the batshit crazy Hillary supporters are now so mentally screwed up by the Trump Presidency that they actually need some really serious mental help. Why would I care about the opinion of an ignorant skirt-wearing soy-boy anyway? The weak-minded victims of the leftist-conditioning / mind control? We know they're now all certified mentally ill, prone to irrational thoughts and actions. Go to your safe-space and squeeze some play-doh if you have to, or seek help for your anxiety / inability to accept democracy because you've yourself been conditioned to be intolerant and mentally retarded. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 29 December 2017 11:20:52 AM
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Wow. Three pages of it. I mean Wow!
Only had to scan the first and last few words of each paragraph. So easy to interpret. I'd call that a ringing endorsement of Trump. I expect if he stands for a second term he'll be returned with even more support. Posted by jamo, Friday, 29 December 2017 11:21:13 AM
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Great stuff.
Trump is now the in-your-face epitome of the Ugly American. Trump appeals to and has energized all of the worst aspects of American culture and behavior, or what remained of it prior to his election. Everything described in the book Ill Fares The Land by the truly cultured Tony Judt. Everything pointed to in these paragraphs. The human world of nowtime is a lunatic asylum, a soap opera of benighted mummers. That absurd soap opera actually controls the destiny and experience of the total world of human beings - and that world-mummery is, in its root disposition, totally indifferent to human life, and to the world altogether. Everyone's daily life has become something like an insane sporting event - that is played to the death. The human world of nowtime is like a colossal REALITY-TV - a dreadful mini-series, a few weeks until death of all but one of the participants (the "winner"). The common world of nowtime is mere insanity. Everyone and everything is mad now - mad with ego, mad with Narcissus. Everybody at war with everybody, to the death. If this mad world-mummery continues unchecked, the present time of human his-story IS the END of humantime. The Donald was/is of course a REALITY-TV "star", or more correctly a 100% demonic personality. Remember too that the personality of the leader of any state imprints itself on to the collective behavior, and thus the future too of the country or state of which he/she is the leader. Meanwhile check out what Charlie Sykes has to say about the Donald and the GOP. Sykes is one of the new remaining principled conservatives Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 29 December 2017 1:13:46 PM
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Daffy Duck.
Looks like we are in the minority chum. Time will tell who is right, but I wouldn't bet on him getting a second term, the poor and the sick will have enough time to wake up to reality. David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 29 December 2017 1:18:59 PM
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Yes, this is the case - but what else could a voter do for whom policy is more important than personalities?
Some of Trump's policies are really good while others are really bad: the failure is that no other politician could be believed to seriously carry out what they promise. Trump is indeed ugly, but he does. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 29 December 2017 1:26:13 PM
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I can sense the spittle on the screen.
Alon has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Trump. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 29 December 2017 2:09:16 PM
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Everything featured in this truth-telling essay is on the public record.
None of the facts presented are disputable. It seems as though those that have defended him on this site prefer post-"truth" fake news. Isnt it obvious that the Donald has no redeeming human or moral qualities. He is a barbarian all the way down. And in fact manifests all the negative immoral characteristics in both his personal and public life that "conservative" christians rail against (at least when it suits their political purposes) Meanwhile read the essay by Chris Hedges titled American Psychosis. Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 29 December 2017 3:30:51 PM
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Thank god for the barbarians then.
Without them we are lost. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 29 December 2017 4:08:55 PM
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Hear, hear and well said! A good call and sure to bring the Dinosaurs, troglodytes, white supremacists and the morbidly moribund out of the woodwork.
Like white ants and weevils, defending their, I believe, fraudulent, racist, misogynist champion? Who needs to be gone ASAP! If only to ensure he doesn't ever get to use that itchy trigger finger? No Problem replacing him with a genuine republican like War Hero McCain! Where repeal and remove, would be better replaced with restore and reinvigorate! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 29 December 2017 4:36:55 PM
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whao, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is strong in this one.
An alphabet soup of reasons why the the author doesn't like Trump and by extension the sixty odd million that voted for him and would again if the polls are to be believed. Hilariously, while the author decries the 'fact' that Trump is "devoid of any civility ", the author proceeds to label Trump a moron, egomaniac and a few other choice adjectives which proves nothing other than that the author owns a thesaurus. Strange that in this ABC run down of Trump's first year the word 'economy' isn't used even once. Someone once said "It's the economy, stupid" and given that the person who said its was a Democrat and the author's leanings, you'd imagine he - the author - would accept that as axiomatic. But no mention of the economy at all. I wonder why. Oh and no mention of the stock-market, the the unemployment rate, or consumer confidence or the recent spat of bonuses. Its almost as though the author has just ignored all the Trump positives - or maybe there'll be a part 2 to this rant. Oh and no mention of Syria and the way Trump put an end to their use of chemical weapons. Part 2 again? Or ISIS which is now WASWAS. The previous president (what was his name again?) thought it'd take years to defeat the Junior Varsity terrorists, but Trump has done it in 6 months. But I'm sure the TDS crowd will have reasons for not crediting Trump, even a little, for that and the fact that Yazidi and Christians are starting to return to their traditional homelands. Nothing to do with Trump because..shut up. I well remember the Reagan years when similar ranting and tantrums occurred even while the nation was rejuvenated and its enemies humbled. Seems the left never learns - but that's one of the definitions of being of the left. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 29 December 2017 6:06:36 PM
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I came across another truth-telling book it is titled: Trump Anatomy of a Monstrosity by Nathan Robinson.
I rest my case! Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 29 December 2017 7:18:26 PM
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I cannot imagine any political candidate succeeding in Australia if, in the previous 15 years, the candidate had sought bankruptcy four times.
A person with such a record is hardly competent of making any sensible decision in regard to the well-being of any society. Posted by Foyle, Friday, 29 December 2017 7:38:07 PM
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Well guess what suckers?
Trump and his supporters have the mandate, earned democratically from the will of the US citizens, so who gives a crap what you naysayers say. And you know what else? The more you kick and scream and carry on like deranged adults, the more the rest of the general public see your childish antics and attempts to unfairly undermine Trump which only gives him more support. So I say keep kicking and screaming, you're only making things worse on yourselves!! Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 29 December 2017 9:24:49 PM
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Alan B, John McCain is not, nor ever was a 'war hero'.
Don't always believe what you read, in this case it is utter rubbish. The same old lies like Putin hacked the election and also invaded Ukraine abound, yet people refuse to want to know the real truth. I hate Trump, but thank heavens Hillary didn't win, we would already be at war with Russia and NK based on more neocon lies. Posted by Geoff of Perth, Saturday, 30 December 2017 12:18:52 AM
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Re: John McCain; aka Johhny Wetstart; aka Songbird (of Tokyo Rose infamy)
I told you all some time ago that there's a bigger story behind missing POW's in Vietnam and the cover up involved John McCain. A while back I listened to a more recent video that discussed this topic. It's a very good video and contains lots of little known facts, I figure now is as good a time as any to share it. Hudson Report - Naming Names: John McCain Also: John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 30 December 2017 1:06:51 AM
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Armchair Critic,
I might observe that recent elections in the various states have not gone too well for the GOP, so where is your evidence that Trump will be reelected. David Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 30 December 2017 4:57:16 AM
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Trump's political demise can be effectively prevented by (racial/gender) conflict and confrontation?
And stuff that takes attention off the investigation into the alleged Russian collusion during the election campaign? The latest being the shifting of an embassy Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? And hasn't the, on again off again, confrontation with North Korea and their principal ally China, been Donald's political Godsend? Hopefully, his political enemies will be encouraged to take the eye off the ball long enough, until his position and power is more thoroughly entrenched? Perhaps ably assisted by the declaration of a state of emergency or war!? [Yes, a power junkie could go that far! (Jawohl)] His political enemies are pussy cats, poddles or toothless tigers, more likely to roll over and beg for a tummy rub, or its (furry nice) appendage? Than become a united determined implacable opposition. The man has much too much money, power and influence to enable any real opposition to stand against him! Why he probably could drum up a couple of nuclear capable russian bombers to compel his opposition to understand they have no effective allies and for those allies to understand the Nuclear umbrella defence treaty, is probably not worth the paper it is written on, or Putin's promises? And if those two nuclear capable Russian bombers performing maneuvers to our immediate north very recently! Hasn't informed us our signature on an asinine anti proliferation document, is less protective than a paper umbrella during a golf/cricket ball sized hail storm, nothing will! As I remarked to a dear relative just a few days ago, reverse is the only way I've ever gone backwards! And we should be reversing away from that demonstrably asinine policy, at a considerable rate of knots! Unless wise heads prevail, ASAP, well might we say, Welcome to Trump's, opps, Putin's America? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 30 December 2017 9:31:49 AM
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Donald Trump might well be a “weird and wild president” as described by this extreme Leftist, but he is a joy to those of us who appreciate freedom of speech and democracy, which he alone is championing among a bunch of sad and sorry Western leaders who are selling us out to the likes of China, Russia and Islam.
The best thing about Trump is that he is totally immune to the lunatic left. And he doesn't back down, even though he is getting no support from the people who should be supporting him – those people still being referred to as 'conservatives' by the far Left. Those ex-conservatives don't want to be seen at Trump's side because they have gone to water and don't have the will to do what they were elected to do. Donald Trump, no matter what his personal idiosyncrasies, is the only politician who can save the West; and that is why he is hated so much by the cultural Marxists who want to bring down the West. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 December 2017 10:35:38 AM
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Hi Ttbn,
Trump may be totally immune, not just to the 'lunatic left'but to many other thing as well, such as intelligence, humility, modesty, respect for women and human decency. His obsession with denying any collusion with the Russians is child-like in his insistent denials: if Trump were innocent of any such collusion, and if he had average intelligence, he would obviously encourage the Mueller investigation to continue and come to that satisfactory conclusion. The real world is like a road with cross-roads pointing in a multitude of directions: Trump may be opposed to cultural Marxism, like many others of us, but that doesn't guarantee that he will take the best course, he has been just as likely to take one of the many other wrong turns. Still, like Mr Magoo, so far he has seemed to land on his feet, and to have avoided major catastrophes. Maybe 2018 will be very different when, to mix metaphors, the chickens will come home to wake up America before the bull in the china shop does much more damage. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 30 December 2017 10:53:43 AM
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88 year old drunk, Bob Hawke, pictured sucking on a beer can, today put Trump in the same 'lunatic' category as Kim Jong-un. That's what the grog does to you, folks. I wonder how many stupid decisions are made by politicians under the influence of booze. Fortunately for the Free World, Trump is a teetotaller.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 December 2017 10:57:39 AM
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Good to see Donald calling out the gw fraud and rightly pointing out the obvious when it comes to Israel. By far the most sensible world leader at the moment as well as a breath of fresh air.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 30 December 2017 12:20:38 PM
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Reuters reports that Trump will not reinstate an immigration program that he quashed unless the Democrats commit to a wall to keep out Mexican illegals, and a merit-based assessment of visas.
The policy stopped by Trump “protected young people from deportation” if they had been brought in illegally as children. However, the thick-headed Democrats say that they will not negotiate. Just like the Leftists here, they will not compromise, even though it would help people they purport to care about. It's all bullshite and politics from the Left – nothing to do with being virtuous. Go Trump! Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 December 2017 3:07:28 PM
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Joe, the Mueller investigation is a sham. Sour grapes and the only fake way the democrats have come up with to attempt to sideline Trump. 17 intel agencies, well over a year and no evidence. Says a lot doesn't it?
And to add insult to injury there is this little gem: "James Clapper as Director of National Intelligence, John Brennan as CIA head and James Comey from the FBI "assessed" that Russia influenced the U.S. presidential election. Annex B of their report, which hardly any report bothered to mention, read: Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation and precedents." Sounds convincing to me, not. Posted by Geoff of Perth, Sunday, 31 December 2017 1:00:40 AM
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It's only right that the US has Trump.....
after all what choice was there? death by rope or death by knife....either way was bound to be painful, the fact that they were what was chosen to to choose from is the frightening part. I would save 'hail the conquering hero' just yet 'cos the Trump agenda, nor any other, is for altruistic reasons, and nor is it to make America great again 'cos those days are over. The 'merican masses put paid to that long ago Posted by ilmessaggio, Sunday, 31 December 2017 2:07:40 PM
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As one astute American commentator stated
prior to the election of Trump. "Nah, he won't win. There's not that many morons in America!" Obviously, he was wrong! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 December 2017 4:20:29 PM
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That commentator can't be too astute Foxy or he would have realised there were not enough morons in America to elect Hillary.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 31 December 2017 6:38:03 PM
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I can't understand why females support Rape Culture; all the Leftie industries such as fake News, Hollywood, Unis Arts Departments and SJWs. Only Libertarian or Conservative people are safe to be around, people are individuals not something to be used and disposed of (often as Kleenex by "caring" types).
Posted by McCackie, Monday, 1 January 2018 7:40:43 AM
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Whenever someone like FOXY provides a quote without links or even a name, you can take it to the bank that they're hiding something.
It turns out that Foxy's " astute American commentator" is some bloke (Bill James) who blogs about baseball statistics. Now he might be astute about the batting averages of the various MVP hopefuls, but about politics...not so much. What's next, the 'astute' observations of some astrologer? "Trump can't win because Aquarius is in a waning phase". But this is a good learning moment. Why does Foxy think this guy's astute? Well because she agrees with him and he says things she wants to be true. The thinking goes..I'm smart and he agrees with me, therefore he's smart. Those people over there don't agree with me (or him) therefore they're morons. People like Foxy assert they have tolerance for other views but in fact are utterly intolerant of what they see as dissent from the only truth. /tbc Posted by mhaze, Monday, 1 January 2018 8:46:17 AM
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Its these attitudes that gave the US candidate Trump. Enough of those who the 'elite' thought of a morons and deplorables had finally had enough of being told they should just shut up because they didn't understand. Lost your job and your town gutted because of the war on coal? Tough luck. But its being done for your own good - you're just too moronic to understand. So shut up, vote the way we tell you and we might give you a bit more welfare payments. Well, enough got sick of being told it was tough luck that their lives had to be sacrificed to what the elites asserted was the greater good. Enough got sick of being told to shut up and do as they were told. Trump became their voice. The more he succeeds the more it is obvious to all but the Foxy's of the world, which side truly didn't understand. Remember how the non-deplorables told us Trump and his supporters were moronic to think he could bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. You don't hearthat so much now! They told the deplorables that the stock market would crash. That unemployment rise. That coal was indeed dead. That ISIS would take years to defeat. That Obama's Syrian red line couldn't be defended. The non-deplorables aren't moronic, but they are/were wrong. They just don't know it. I suspect the Foxy's and Bill James of this world never will. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 1 January 2018 8:46:29 AM
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Who'd a thunk it that Plummy Alex would emerge as a 'hero' ? Now I bet the Neo-Con Clinton camp will be in damage control mode over the assertion that Hilary's emails may yet hoist her on her own petard. Only time will tell, but Donald's silence is damning in itself. Spose we'll be hearing more of that: "I don't recall" being said on the newsfeeds and the squawking of the electronic whorehouses. Nothing like having Uncle Rupert and Co in your payroll though.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 1 January 2018 10:18:14 AM
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Ever been to Kansas, Kansas city here I come?
Not to long ago the state of Kansas tried, six times bankrupt, Donald Trump's proposed low tax economic model. And predictably went in just 3 short years, from being among one of the wealthier states, to very nearly bankrupt! It's only a question of time before the same happens to the rest of America? A very fair minded Foxy, is indubitably right! Because only 30% of that population understand politics, with another 30% understanding very basic economics! And all elections invariably decided by the remaining 40% who understand neither! In any event, the following paradigm, inevitably prevails. You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Even morons get toothache, hungry and or homeless and when enough find they can no longer afford the most essential basics! They who elected Trump, will revolt enmasse and queue at the ballot box; to throw this alleged man, out! Even as the die hard morons berat all and any who think he stinks, as lefties or some such drivel! It may come as some surprise? But an impoverished Communist Cuba has better more affordable public health and universal dental care, than the, wealthiest economy in the world, [made wealthier by (how to make squadrilllins, without really trying) pass the parcel, bitcoin, just don't get caught being they last pair of hands with no new, cashed up mug, to pass it to,] USA! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 1 January 2018 10:34:01 AM
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Dear mhaze,
I would like to correct an error that you've made. The person who made the comment about Donald Trump that I cited earlier was actually a she, not a he. My typo. And she is more than qualified to have made that comment. It was American Humorist and New York treasure - Fran Lebowitz. My apologies for being in a hurry that day in my posting - hence my error. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 January 2018 12:11:07 PM
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cont'd ...
It appears that I am intolerant? Who knew! I know that I have good people skills - I've got references to prove it. But, I have to admit - it is dealing with idiots that needs more work. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 January 2018 12:17:33 PM
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Well the words you put in quotes, even though it seems no-one actually said those exact words, were sort of said by both James and Lebowitz. James' wording was closer to what you claimed which is how I found it. Also James said it months before Lebowitz so it seems she is more of an astute copier than an astute commentator. Still I'm not sure Lebowitz being a comedian makes your 'astute' assertion more believable. Either way both they and you were wrong. " But, I have to admit - it is dealing with idiots that needs more work." Maybe you could start by trying to not just assume that those who see things differently to you are idiots. Perhaps they are just see things differently and, sometimes, more correctly..see above. I know its a concept that is probably alien to your thinking but it might be worth a try. ________________________________ Alan B, Good to see your regurgitation skills are so well honed. Also nice to see that some people are determined to continue the totally discredited meme about Cuban health systems. There are innumerable places where the truth is covered but this is as good as any... As to Kansas, well the least said about your failure to understand the better. BTW after the tax cuts the Kansas unemployment rate fell to 3.7%. Are you in favour of more jobs? Posted by mhaze, Monday, 1 January 2018 2:12:49 PM
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Dear mhaze,
Practice what you preach - then I shall take you seriously. Until then - you're merely proving my point brilliantly. Thank You. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 January 2018 4:45:34 PM
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"Practice what you preach"
The only possible interpretation of that is that you see me also serially labelling groups of 'others' as morons simply because they hold views different to mine. I look forward to you providing evidence or examples of that. I won't be holding my breathe. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 3:42:50 PM
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Dear mhaze,
Kindly read your attacks on me over two posts on page 6. In response to my short post on page 5. I rest my case. My comments stand. When you show that you are capable of having a civil well reasoned discussion with someone whose views do not agree with yours - then I shall take you seriously. So far you have not proven that you are capable of doing precisely that. Therefore my comments stand. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 4:44:04 PM
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You said practice what you preach. I was preaching that you shouldn't call those who merely hold different opinions to you, morons and idiots. But your beef is that I pointed this out in an uncivil manner. See how the logic doesn't follow. You're accusing me of not practicing what I preach by pointing to I'm practicing something I didn't preach!! For someone who (in her own mind) is so much smarter than those Trump-loving morons, you seem to struggle to follow a logical thread. As to my alleged incivility I plead guilty. But there is no civil way to tell someone they aren't as smart or tolerant as they self-perceive. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 12:45:57 PM
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Dear mhaze,
I believe that this debate at its core is about fairness. We should treat others the way we want to be treated. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 1:10:33 PM
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cont'd ...
BTW: Just a small correction again. I do not have the answers to the big questions in life. I do not think that I am smarter than anybody else. I'm still on my own road to discovery. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 1:14:24 PM
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In Trump*Yr2, he starts off slagging Pakistan (fair enough), Australia and the entire Middle East except Israel. He still faces the tasks of appointing his full administration, and staffing diplomatic posts around the world - tasks that are usually completed within a few weeks and months of a new administration. He faces the denouement of the Mueller investigation. He still hasn't revealed his tax returns. He has had something of a success (to the detriment of other economies) of getting corporate tax reductions passed by Congress. Not a particularly difficult job, with majority Republican control of the Houses. That may cause some chaos in other economies as potential investment is sucked out into the US economy. Tit for tat can be expected. So what else ? After a year, who are Trump's allies ? Israel, yes, but any other country ? Anywhere ? Latin America ? South Korea ? India ? The Philippines ? If Trump called a summit, who would attend ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 1:31:43 PM
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"We should treat others
the way we want to be treated." So calling them morons is definitely the way to go. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 7:43:07 PM
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Politics isn't a popularity contest and people don't attend summits because the host is popular. Trump's allies incl the US's allies irrespective of the man in the seat and to be fair the entire middle east excl Israel is a collection of unelected dictators. Trump's popularity stems from his unfiltered talk and while much of it is OTT, much of it is the harsh reality that political correctness keeps silent. As for his tax returns, he is not obligated in any way to reveal them, and the glacial state of the Mueller investigation gives no one any confidence that it will provide any meaningful outcomes before the next presidential election. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 4 January 2018 7:02:44 AM
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Actually Shadow Minister, Trump must be about the cleanest president ever, or at least since Reagan. The left & almost the entire media have been throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him for a couple of years, & are yet to come up with anything more than a bit of locker room chat.
Hillary had a cast of thousands, & a budget of millions, trying to find some way of smearing him, also with no result. The fact is that he has done more to get the US out of the mess that clown Obama had both accidently & intentionally got the country into in just his first year, than most have done in a term or two. In fact he single handedly may have given western civilisation another decade or 2 to prosper. I don't think anyone can save us now. We are sitting in the "mobs of Roam" stage of our democracies, but Trump may prolong the agony of our collapse for a while. Lets face it, any society that could elect a Rudd, Gillard or Turnbull to PM, or the traitorous clown like Obama to president, can not have long to survive, & it will be our own that have killed the best that man has produced. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 4 January 2018 8:58:34 AM
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Dear mhaze,
Neither is demeaning someone, with personal attacks, and calling them intolerant or maKing false assumptions about them - et cetera, is the way to go. I'm sure you'll agree. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 January 2018 10:00:51 AM
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Hi SM,
"Politics isn't a popularity contest and people don't attend summits because the host is popular. " No, indeed, countries send representatives to summits, depending if and how they find them useful to their own agendas. My point is that not too many countries find it useful to give the US the time of day with Trump in power. My bet is that many countries will organise summits, but perhaps neglect to invite the US. As well, that there will be many more bilateral agreements, regional agreements, or agreements between small numbers of countries, that by-pass the US. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 6 January 2018 1:21:49 PM
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Luckily, we are now confident that Trump is a stable genius. Not too many geniuses proclaim that they are geniuses, except in a sort of self-deprectatory way, having a go at themselves. Clearly, they're not all that stable. So at last, we have a stable genius in charge of the US. And to a large extent, of the world.
CHU. Christ help us. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 7 January 2018 3:41:37 PM
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Come on Joe.
The alternative was Hillary. Surely you must admit the world has had a lucky escape with Trump, rather than Hillary. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 7 January 2018 7:21:57 PM
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Has been,
Neither of the above. Both are/were crap. There's a hell of a lot of it around. With three hundred million people, why on earth can't the American people pick better candidates ? This is absurd. Ridiculous. Surely nobody would contemplate that crap Clinton and crap Trump are the only, or best, candidates ? I'm inclined to agree with Yuyutsu and retreat into my cave, living on lichen and bat droppings. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 7 January 2018 8:27:40 PM
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You might as well mate.
That is exactly the idea of the ratbag greens, & the entire reason for the CO2 global warming fraud. If you don't go of your own accord, they will come & get you/us, if we give them the chance. Actually have a look at our parliaments, state & federal. Just how many of the members & leaders in particular, would you rate as superior to Trump? Makes you take a deep breath when you think about it like that, doesn't it? I'm still struggling to get past 3. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 7 January 2018 9:23:46 PM
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Has been,
My point was, obviously overlooked, that there are always alternatives to Clinton, Trump AND the Greens. One of the duties of a democratic society is to find them. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 7 January 2018 10:17:50 PM
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Hasbeen. You left Tony Abbott off your list of unworthy candidates for the top job.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 8 January 2018 8:24:11 AM
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Summit meetings are generally held between heads of government to finalize international agreements. While some agreements don't involve the US, (e.g. EU summits and bilateral agreements) but considering that the US has trade and other agreements with most countries, excluding the US will render many agreements irrelevant. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 8 January 2018 9:59:49 AM
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VK3AUU, who stopped the boats.
No matter what else, that puts Abbott about 5 stages above the rest of them. Trump will join him, if he manages to stop the flood of useless illegal immigrants pouring into the US. Now if anyone could put our & the US racial & religious & political mix back to about 1955, the world & our countries would be much better places. If these people want a share of the world of milk & honey, it is up to them to build their own, not trample the one we built into the dirt, in their rush to grab what is not theirs. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 8 January 2018 11:02:12 AM