The Forum > Article Comments > United Nations loses the plot in ignoring Israel-Jordan reality > Comments
United Nations loses the plot in ignoring Israel-Jordan reality : Comments
By David Singer, published 4/12/2017November 29, 2017 marked the 70th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution calling for the creation in Western Palestine of independent Arab and Jewish states.
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Posted by Alan B., Monday, 4 December 2017 11:23:31 AM
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Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 4 December 2017 11:36:44 AM
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David, if you are calling for the ratification of an UN resolution, how about you call for this resolution to be honoured by Israel by Manar, R.Raslan, Mazen:
"SANA-UN General Assembly on Thursday called on the Israeli occupation to withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan into the line of June 4th, 1967 in line with UN Security council relevant resolutions. The Assembly adopted a resolution entitled “the Syrian Golan,” submitted to it under the title “the State in the Middle East.” The Assembly condemned Israel’s non-abidance by UNSC resolution No.497 issued in 1981, affirming that Israel’s decision, released on December 14th, 1981, to impose its laws and administration on Golan is null and void. Earlier, Acting Chargé d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation to the UN Munzer Munzer said that Israel still ignores international resolutions and refuses to give back the occupied Syrian Golan to Syria. Munzer added that the Israeli occupation authorities are going on in their repressive policies in the occupied Syrian Golan and are preventing its citizens from building their homes on their lands inherited from their ancestors. “Syria reiterates that its sovereignty on the occupied Golan is not subject to any negotiation or abandonment and does not fall by prescription,” Munzer stressed. He added that the UN General Assembly has, since its 25th session held in 1970 till now, discussed the Situation in the Middle East and demanded Israeli entity to end its occupation of the Arab territories, noting that all Israeli procedures to impose its laws, regulations and authority over Jerusalem and the occupied Syrian Golan are illegitimate, illegal and null. Munzer said that UN General Assembly’s resolutions go in line with UN Security Council resolutions No. 487 (1980) and 497 (1981) on the occupied Syrian Golan declaring the Israeli annexation of the Jerusalem and occupied Syrian Golan as null and void." Posted by Geoff of Perth, Monday, 4 December 2017 12:49:38 PM
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Israel was created and is sustained by the toil and blood of its people - not by some frivolous group of lunatics in Manhattan, nor by lazy Jewish lawyers who view the Middle-East as their playground and prefer to remotely-control the people of Israel, whom they perceive to be their own white-and-blue team of tin soldiers, from the comfort and safety of Australia.
To teach the author that there is no free lunch, Israel must withdraw and hand over the West-Bank to David's Jewish sect, to form a new state there with David Singer as their king. Let's see how well he can defend his kingdom with resolution-numbers and paper-missiles... Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 4 December 2017 1:33:40 PM
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Hey Yuyutsu,
"Israel was created and is sustained by the toil and blood of its people - not by some frivolous group of lunatics in Manhattan" I think the Rothschilds are originally from Frankfurt, but I digress... So your saying that Americans have nothing to do whatsoever with sustaining Isreal, is that right? What's these numbers here all about then? Not much because they are 20years old and I'm sure the US citizens have paid plenty more since them. Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S. Aid to Israel Grand Total $84,854,827,200 Interest Costs Borne by U.S. $49,936,680,000 Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers $134,791,507,200 Total Cost per Israeli $23,240 Imagine if our citizens had to subsidize another nation like that? 134 Billion dollars with 50 Billion in interest... Streuth Don't US citizens get any credit? Not even a mention? And so US citizens subsidise Israel, who is allied with ISIS, even after 9/11? Even despite Israel being a modern nuclear armed nation? It's a funny world we live in. Israel and ISIS are Allies Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 4 December 2017 3:02:55 PM
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US citizens, as Australian citizens, just pay up as requested.
All the politicians have to do is re introduce 'the red under the bed' routine and everyone falls into line with renewed flag waving patriotic fervour. The US citizen, as the Australian, is living under the delusion that their government can do no wrong which is borne by their selection of leaders. Where are their leaders, their statesmen? That's right!...they have no leaders....just band masters twirling the staff for the one eyed masses to follow. Which leader would you follow into battle?....none!....and everyone knows it A man is noticed by what he says, and judged by his actions, and so far all I see is flatulence making a big noise and any action is more from accident than design. Posted by ilmessaggio, Monday, 4 December 2017 3:36:48 PM
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On the off-chance that David Singer might be Somebody who is Somebody I had a look in Wikipedia. The David Singers who made it into Wikipedia were a poker player, a writer of comic mags and a dead professor. Not our bloke, who is a hasbara advocate for the existentially doomed racist state of Israel. His effort in today's OLO is shrill even for him. He's fighting a losing battle.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 4 December 2017 3:37:45 PM
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Dear Critic,
The Americans could have added some fat to Israel, but their "favours" were not unconditional and I wonder whether on the overall balance, Israel gained or lost from its association with America. At its inception, Israel was supported no less by the U.S.S.R and France - the Americans came later and that also caused Israel to be involved as proxies in their own wars, because it resulted with the Soviets arming and training Egypt and Syria. Anyway, the sum you mentioned, $134,791,507,200 (is it Australian or American dollars?), cumulative over 69 years, is a drop in the ocean compared with Israel's GDP of $318.7 billion (U.S.D). The vast majority of current "donations", are not to help Israel, but rather to help the American arms industry by forcing Israel to purchase their inferior products rather than invest more in its own superior arms. --- Dear Ilmessaggio, «All the politicians have to do is re introduce 'the red under the bed' routine and everyone falls into line with renewed flag waving patriotic fervour.» What need have they for patriotism when they can simply put their hands in your pocket and take more taxes? «The US citizen, as the Australian, is living under the delusion that their government can do no wrong which is borne by their selection of leaders.» Why blame the helpless? The weakness is of arms, not of mind! There is no such thing as "leaders", only politicians - and all we are allowed is to select which of them will hit us. --- Dear Julian, «Not our bloke, who is a hasbara advocate for the existentially doomed racist state of Israel.» I would presume that an hasbara bloke would advocate FOR Israel, not against it! Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 4 December 2017 5:08:00 PM
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To Yuyutsu: Yep. Like I wrote.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 4 December 2017 5:23:32 PM
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#Alan B
You state: "Surely, both sides have had enough, blinkered vision, bloodletting by now!? Which can only ever get worse and worse, unless finally resolved, however unpalatable!? A permanent stalemate/impasse resolves nothing!" A fair observation if correct - but consider these facts that render your observation totally false: 1. The Jews accepted - and the Arabs rejected - the division of Palestine in 1922 into 22% for the Jews and 78% for the Arabs. 2. The Jews accepted - and the Arabs rejected - the 1937 Peel Commission decision to partition Palestine between the Jews and Arabs. 3. The 78% of Palestine set aside for the Arabs in 1922 gained its independence in 1946 being named the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan - the first Arab state in Palestine in recorded history 4. The Jews accepted - and the Arabs rejected - the 1947 United Nations decision to create a Jewish State and a second Arab State in the remaining 22% of Palestine. 5. The Arabs did nothing to create a second Arab State in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967 after having driven out all the Jews living there in 1948. 6. The Arabs were offered more than 90% of the West Bank and Gaza by Israel in 2000/1 and 2008 - and rejected those offers. For your further information: 1. Israel's "manifestly illegal settlements" are manifestly legal under article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and Article 80 of the UN Charter 2. You are clearly no friend of the Jews making highly offensive statements like these: " What's next David? God gave you this land after forty years in the wilderness, just after the alleged exodus from Egypt? And that makes what Israel does now, right? Just suppose emerging evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt, there was no such exodus?" No one can make you like Jews or support their entitlement to reconstitute their National Home in their ancient historic and biblical land as legally sanctioned under the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. Just be honest and admit it. Posted by david singer, Monday, 4 December 2017 10:32:46 PM
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Dear Julian,
The 1967 occupation is the worst thing that ever happened to Israel. The arrogance and militarism that it produced erodes Israel's society from within, introduces violence into all walks of life and destroys Israel's own spirit. Israel can only be healed by letting go of that cursed territory. Those who advocate for Israel to keep holding that cursed territory, advocate AGAINST Israel, not for it. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 4 December 2017 11:32:08 PM
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Lord Balfour was a friend of Israel and of David who agrees that Zionism is of profounder import than 700,00 Arabs . People who question David are not friends. Poland was no friend of Adolf Hitler. The Arab borders reached southern France in the west, China in the east, Anatolia in the north, and the Sudan in the south . That's unfriendly too . David's friends will give it to Zion and Lord Balfour . Lord Balfour says Israel failing to live up to 1917 declaration that Israel is friendly for all Arab territory. This probably includes Britain which is legally Israel . David is friends with Britain and Israelia Australia.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 5 December 2017 4:50:31 AM
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#Emperor Julian, #Geoff, #nicknamenick, #Armchair Critic
You continue your consistent pattern of behaviour in making comments under the guise of anonymity intended to denigrate and delegitimise the Jewish people and their right to have their own State as internationally recognised by the League of Nations and the United Nations. In the course of making those comments you often make shrill ad hominem attacks against me personally that only serve to indicate you have nothing constructive to offer in response to my articles. I can only take this to mean that you cannot dispute the facts I rely on to form the opinions I express and the conclusions I draw - nor are you able to offer a contrary view or opinion that you would take based on those same facts. Everything that has happened in the Middle East is - according to your respective versions - due to the Jews returning to their ancient biblical and historical homeland in accordance with that right granted legally to them by the creation of the Mandate for Palestine. The Arabs - according to your respective versions - are totally blameless and are the hapless victims of the greedy, grasping Jews. Perhaps you might take the time to answer this one question: "Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" I know that trying to get you to answer "Yes" or "No" has proved impossible to achieve in the past - but please focus and try to do so on this occasion. Just answer "Yes" or "No" please. Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 5 December 2017 6:55:33 AM
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I'm suing you for slander and making irrelevant , repetitious trolling. Yes. Sieg Heil.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 5 December 2017 7:37:58 AM
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"Yes" or "No" please.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 5 December 2017 8:10:35 AM
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To the Hasbara troll:
No the Arabs are not completely blameless in imposing a religious theocracy. Yes the Arabs are completely blameless in rejecting a foreign enclave plonked by force in the middle of their land. No the troll is thoroughly blameworthy for pedalling racial supremacy anywhere in the world. Racism is a character defect that sets the racist against all the people of the world including all the decent people of his own race. Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 5 December 2017 11:47:36 AM
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I'll denigrate anyone or anything that I think is worthy of denigration. My speech is protected under 18D if its an extension of my true beliefs. There's no law against 'being offended'. How exactly does my legitimate response to another commenters factually incorrect statement amount to denigration? If you believe the numbers I've given are incorrect you can respond and present alternative information, with references. "In the course of making those comments you often make shrill ad hominem attacks against me personally that only serve to indicate you have nothing constructive to offer in response to my articles." Yeah sometimes, but that's because I think you talk a lot of biased BS; and as a response to your biased BS maybe I consider my non-biased BS TO BE CONSTRUCTIVE. - Once again - Extension of my true beliefs. Are you suggesting I have no right to say what I think? Your policy of moving Arabs to Jordan denies people the right to self-determination, goes against International law and that which was outlined in The Balfour Declaration - that which you often cite; and is the equivalent of ethnically cleansing based on race and I find it extremely offensive, and I'm entitled to voice my opinion and respond in an equivalent manner. At the same time the UN has declared Israels building of settlements to have 'no legal validity', a practice which you support by way of defending. In light of yours and Israels contempt for International laws or UN resolutions, and in light of continued Palestinian oppression you're quite worthy of criticism and denigration as well as the question of whether Israel should in fact exist, when it acts this way. Israel seems very much an apartheid state actively engaged in oppression of the lands traditional inhabitants. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 3:08:06 AM
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David , what's your occupation?
Israel News 'We will deepen our roots, build, strengthen and settle,' Netanyahu tells settlers at event marking 50 years to Israel's occupation of the West Bank. Yotam Berger Aug 29, 2017 Remembering the war in New Guinea | The Australian War Memorial - Seventy years ago Australian and American forces launched a major offensive against the Japanese occupying New Guinea. Tens of thousands of Allied troops participated in a series of operations that recovered great areas of occupied New Guinea. Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 4:48:00 AM
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#emperor, #nickname, #Armchair
Your inability to answer "YES" or NO" to the following question is truly amazing: "Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Are the facts wrong? If so point out the errors. Are the three of you too embarrassed to say "YES" because you think I will expose you as intellectual cretins for continuing to push the Arab cause when 19 years of Arab occupation between 1948 and 1967 could have gained them what they now claim in 2017? Enough of the lengthy diatribes you have posted trying to avoid answering this question. "YES" or "NO" please. #Geoff You have not posted your "YES" or "NO" answer. I hope your delay is due to checking out the facts to ensure I am not making them up. Fair enough - but I still expect a "YES" or "NO" from you. #Armchair In your lengthy diatribe to avoid answering "YES" or NO" you make the following comment: "Your policy of moving Arabs to Jordan denies people the right to self-determination, goes against International law and that which was outlined in The Balfour Declaration - that which you often cite; and is the equivalent of ethnically cleansing based on race and I find it extremely offensive, and I'm entitled to voice my opinion and respond in an equivalent manner." I have never suggested this. Indeed my proposed solution would involve no Jew or Arab having to leave his current home. I have said this on countless occasions. I challenge you to point out one occasion where I have said Arabs should be moved to Jordan Propagating preposterous lies coupled with ad hominem attacks on myself destroys your credit or reputation. Withdraw this slanderous comment and apologise. Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 9:50:12 AM
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Mein Fuhrer,
Ich sagte <ja>. Werden Sie erschossen. Das Gesetz befolgen. Salaam. Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 10:17:29 AM
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//Are the three of you too embarrassed to say "YES" because you think I will expose you as intellectual cretins//
I think they're just having more fun watching you expose yourself as a cretin. It is tremendously entertaining. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 1:14:07 PM
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Answer to the Hasbara racist's question to me:
"after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Are the facts wrong? If so point out the errors. Yes the "facts" are wrong (i.e. they are not facts). Arab armies' objective was not to kick out all the Jews, it was to try to block formation of a foreign racist enclave on their land, expulsion by foreigners into refugee camps and the establishment of a racist state designating its relatively few Arab inhabitants as Untermenschen. Their object is now to reverse the above outrage, prevent its further encroachments via illegal settlements, and recover all Palestinian land. They have the support of increasing numbers (hence the racist troll's whining about stances taken in the UN) and the racist enclave will end up being dismantled as public tolerance of it in the world outside its borders continues to be eroded. Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 1:15:46 PM
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David, David !
Toni Lavis hiding in anonymity said "yes" or "no". Point of order , that's not allowed . He can't get away with it and be excluded from the inability of the cretins. Is this the Russian Olympic drugs room? Is he a dual-national Israeli and where does he stand on the West Bank , if he sits in Knesset and can't vote sensibly? I ask you. Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 2:41:38 PM
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//Is he a dual-national Israeli and where does he stand on the West Bank , if he sits in Knesset and can't vote sensibly? I ask you.//
Lies, calumny and slander. The defendant makes to claim to being Israeli by birth or descent, and claims no nationality beyond, in his own words "from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation Kasterborous". Politically, he swears allegiance to the Popular Front of Judea: Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 6:53:50 PM
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Hey David,
"I challenge you to point out one occasion where I have said Arabs should be moved to Jordan" I'm not sure you've ever actually said it, but it seems as though you're constantly implying it. You want the 1922 borders for the Mandate for Palestine, with Israel taking the 23% right? And Jordon as the place for the Palestinians right? And that you want West Bank and Gaza incorporated into Jordan is that right? That to me implies (based on the 1922 maps) that you want Israel free of the current Palestinian inhabitants. Does it not? If I've misunderstand you than feel free to correct me... In fact, until you expressly say otherwise I want you to know that this is what I believe that you are suggesting. Which is why you get the criticism from me that you do. So tell us all them what is your precise plan for the existing Palestinian inhabitants, given you support 1922 borders and the West Bank and Gaza incorporated into Jordan? If you do not expressly say otherwise, then I have no way of knowing you MEAN OTHERWISE. Oh and BTW, you're trying to goad me into saying 'Yes' to your hypothectical question of decades ago. To what end exactly? My answer is 'NO', based on the fact I don't think Israel would've allowed it to happen. If you want my 'extention of my true beliefs' then I'd have to say 'I don't know'. If you want to assert something, go ahead and assert it yourself. [Cont.] Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 7:37:09 PM
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"Ad hominem attacks on myself destroys your credit or reputation" You're only getting fair comment and criticism based upon the articles and viewpoints you publish in a public forum. You're the one who makes accusations against others, frequently trying to bully or silence commenters when they express their opinions. You've done it on this thread and have done it many times before. You frequently attack commenters who post anonymously, and have in the past said you'd like to prosecute members of this forum including myself. You've also demanded members of this forums identities, implying a willingness to further attack members of this forum for their lawful opinions. Opinions which reflect 'true belief' are protected in this country, so your attacks and accusations are often baseless. Why would you automatically assume that a comment is 'Hate Speech' rather than 'An extension of one's true beliefs'? Given that you're a lawyer and should know the law, how else would your actions be seen as other than malicious? Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 7:42:19 PM
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# David . Voted a big "yes", multiple entries , suspended during class-action by electorate of inner West ( Latter Day) non-Roman Semi-Jordan Ragheads.
# Emperor Julian. Ticked all boxes, added extra "No". Electoral rabbi decision pending. # NNN . No name ,spoiled paper ( inability to form an X ). # Toni Lavis. Correct answer first time, group hug from #David, assisting # Geoff of Perth with preferences , statistical distribution curve and Dead Sea Scrolls. # Armchair Critic. Still writing after full-time, ambiguous script and disqualified for arguing the point , whatever it was. - Totals Lord Balfour : 12.67 Khaled Hosseini : 4 2 kg flour (self raising) Trump 31% and falling Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 6 December 2017 8:34:10 PM
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David, given this recent evidence cited below, it makes it even more irrelevant to provide just a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.
"A senior archaeologist at Tel Aviv University has cast doubt on the alleged Jewish heritage of Jerusalem. Israel Finkelstein’s claims have been made in the face of official Israeli and biblical claims to the occupied city. Professor Finkelstein, who is known as “the father of biblical archaeology”, told the Jerusalem Post that Jewish archaeologists have found no historical or archaeological evidence to back the biblical narrative on the Exodus, the Jews’ wandering in Sinai or Joshua’s conquest of Canaan. On the alleged Temple of Solomon, Finkelstein said that there is no archaeological evidence to prove it really existed. According to Finkelstein’s university colleague, archaeology lecturer Rafi Greenberg, Israel is supposed to find something if it digs for a period of six weeks. But, Greenberg told the Jerusalem Post, Israelis have been excavating the so-called City of David in the occupied Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan for two years to no avail. Professor Yoni Mizrahi, an independent archaeologist who has worked with the International Atomic Energy Agency, agreed with Israel Finkelstein. He said that the right-wing Elad Association has not found anything “saying welcome to David’s palace” although that was taken for granted by Elad, as if the group depended on scriptural texts to guide them in their work." Interesting eh? Cheers Geoff Posted by Geoff of Perth, Thursday, 7 December 2017 3:38:30 AM
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#Emperor, #nick,#Armchair, #Geoff
Now that: 1. you #Geoff have posted your 231 word response, 2. you #Emperor your 156 word and 71 word responses, 3. you #nick your 12 word response in German (do you have a German background or worse perhaps a Nazi "Sieg Heil" background?) and 4. you #Armchair your 297 word response - could you all please have one more try to answer just "YES" or "NO" to this question which I am putting to you all for a third time: "Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Answer just "YES" or "NO" please. 12.5 million Australians had no trouble answering "YES" or "NO" to the question asked in the same sex marriage survey (which I am assuming included you four - sorry if I am wrong in this assumption because you did not vote or posted an informal verbose vote). Come on guys and/or gals and/or indeterminates - try and answer my above question with a simple "YES" or "NO" #Toni - glad you find this exchange entertaining. Come on Antonio lead the way and show them you are no cretin by answering "YES" or "NO" to the following question: "Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Posted by david singer, Thursday, 7 December 2017 5:57:44 AM
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I don't understand the question . If you don't tell me where the answer is then take it back to 1917 , that was fun and everyone was on the same page.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 7 December 2017 6:16:52 AM
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Your response in regard to my statement: "I challenge you to point out one occasion where I have said Arabs should be moved to Jordan" - shows you up to be a person who makes false accusations that he cannot substantiate with this abject response: "I'm not sure you've ever actually said it, but it seems as though you're constantly implying it." I expect your apology and withdrawal of your defamatory comment within the next 24 hours. I answer your four questions as follows: 1. You want the 1922 borders for the Mandate for Palestine, with Israel taking the 23% right? WRONG 2. And Jordon as the place for the Palestinians right? WRONG 3. And that you want West Bank and Gaza incorporated into Jordan is that right? WRONG 4. That to me implies (based on the 1922 maps) that you want Israel free of the current Palestinian inhabitants. Does it not? WRONG My position stated repeatedly in my articles published on OLO is that Jordan and Israel - the two successor States currently exercising sovereignty in 95% of the territory of the former Mandate for Palestine - should divide up the sovereignty of the remaining 5% still remaining unallocated - the West Bank and Gaza - in face to face direct negotiations (which could also include Egypt - particularly where Gaza is concerned). I believe such negotiations can be successfully concluded with no one - Arab or Jew - having to leave his current home. While I am at it - I have answered your above questions and I would ask you (for the fourth time) to answer "YES" or "NO" to the following question: "Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Posted by david singer, Thursday, 7 December 2017 6:50:11 AM
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//Come on Antonio lead the way and show them you are no cretin//
Up yours, splitter! //by answering [in the manner I dictate]// Okely dokely Dave, but I'm not sure what this is is supposed to prove: "YES" or "NO" to the following question: "Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 7 December 2017 7:50:05 AM
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Leading up to Israel's independence in 1948, it was common for the international press to label Jews, not Arabs, living in the mandate as Palestinians. The word Palestine or Filastin does not appear in the Koran. The term peleshet appears in the Jewish Tanakh no fewer than 250 times. Palestinians are Jewish user-names hiding behind Arab-Israeli caliphate tanks. The Rashidun army under the command of Abu Ubaidah besieged Jerusalem and after six months, the Patriarch Sophronius and Lord Balfour divided 5% of mandates into flats and penthouses , with strata title for minarets on pro-rata preferred basis . Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date palm, proclaimed on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) and up to 1967 for date men led to the question , with Arabs answering "yes".
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 7 December 2017 10:59:44 AM
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Dear David,
«12.5 million Australians had no trouble answering "YES" or "NO" to the question asked in the same sex marriage survey» Just because 12.5 million Australians eventually replied this way or the other, does not mean that they had no trouble answering, especially because the question included an incorrect assumption - that marriage of same-sex people was presently illegal in Australia: How can anything be possibly "legalised" when it is already legal?! Similarly, your latest question also contains a wrong assumption - which is that the Arabs want such a second state. Yes, if the Arabs so wanted, then they had several opportunities to have that state, especially under the leadership of Israeli PM Ehud Barak, but the majority of Arabs do not want such a state and never did, since then they would be forever stuck under a corrupt regime. The majority of Arabs would rather live in Israel and enjoy its democratic environment and prosperity - but that doesn't mean that Israel should succumb and accept them en mass, destroying its social fabric. Israel should leave them where they live in the West Bank and Gaza - and leave, just leave, whether the Arabs like it or not: if the Arabs still refuse (with all kinds of excuses) to have their own state there, then too bad, then let the Jewish settlers (those of them who prefer to remain in the West Bank after Israel's withdrawal, which by then, through that choice would no longer remain Israeli citizens) instead form their own second Jewish state in the West Bank. I think that most Arabs would prefer to even live under Jewish settler-rule than under their own corrupt leaders. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 7 December 2017 11:34:09 AM
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The Hasbara racist has asked (again)
""Do you agree that the second state the Arabs want to establish in former Palestine in 2017 - in addition to Jordan - occupying 100% of the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital (and not one square metre less) - could have been created at any time between 1948 and 1967 after all the Jews had been kicked out of these places by six invading Arab armies in 1948?" Answer (again): NO Reason spelled out in great detail in my earlier post. Recent event: In Jerusalem the Yanks have today joined American historical exceptionalism to Israeli racial exceptionalism to isolate both from the rest of the world's governments (including ours) and from the increasing preponderance of world opinion. Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 7 December 2017 11:56:01 AM
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Hi David,
"I believe such negotiations can be successfully concluded with no one - Arab or Jew - having to leave his current home." Okay.. I'm suppose I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but in regards to this: My position stated repeatedly in my articles published on OLO is that Jordan and Israel - the two successor States currently exercising sovereignty in 95% of the territory of the former Mandate for Palestine - should divide up the sovereignty of the remaining 5% still remaining unallocated - the West Bank and Gaza - in face to face direct negotiations (which could also include Egypt - particularly where Gaza is concerned). - You're going to need to elaborate. In regards to your question: I've assure you I've already given you my honest answer, If I gave you my 'ignorant' answer it would be "Probably Not, I doubt Israel would've allowed it to happen, and if you want my honest answer I'd have to answer 'I don't know'. I'll consider your request for an apology after you've elaborated further on your plan. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 7 December 2017 6:29:37 PM
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The Greater Germanic Reich of the German Nation is the official state name. Hitler also referred to the envisioned state as the Teutonic Reich of the German Nation. Territorially speaking, this encompassed the already-enlarged German Reich itself consisting of pre-1938 Germany proper, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, Alsace-Lorraine, Eupen-Malmedy, Memel, Lower Styria, Upper Carniola, Southern Carinthia and German-occupied Poland, the Netherlands, the Flemish part of Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, at least the German-speaking parts of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Additionally, the policy of Lebensraum planned mass expansion of Germany eastwards to the Ural Mountains. Hitler planned for the "surplus" Russian population living west of the Urals to be deported to the east of the Urals.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 7 December 2017 7:54:29 PM
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David seems quiet . It's Trump isn't it . Bullets and tear-gas over a silly little embassy . Announce a US consulate in West Bank Israel and Trump won't sleep much sending tweets to governments , stock exchanges, news fakers, mosques , police and oil refineries.
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 8 December 2017 1:32:32 PM
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Well he has a point, about the Balfour Declaration. For those not familiar, Rothchild's financial consortium were Jewish. They were funding Germany and the Allies in WW1, and obviously that had to be stopped, as the British and French and colonial troops were being thrashed. It was a war of attrition.
So - to fund the Americans entering the war, Rothchild's agreed to fund them and in return Balfour agreed to hand over the mandate to the Zionists. They reneged on that and the Zionists started terrorizing the British. Mainly because the British were in charge at the time, they got on with the Arabs or Palestinians. Then the United Nations gave the Zionist control of parts of Israel, not all of it, and it is a very small country, something like 150 miles long and maybe sixty miles wide at it's broadest point. Nearly all desert too, until the Israeli Jews started to clear it and put in fish farms, etc. The British had an embargo on Jews escaping the Holocaust, they were imprisoned in Cyprus at Kyrenia, been there folks. And when the mandate was authorized, the Jewish settlers were invaded by all the Arab countries and were not helped by anyone, that we know of. They prevailed, and since then they have had the six day war in 1965 I think, and the Yon Kippur invasion and eventually they got hold of all of Jerusalem that had been separated and run by the Jordanians. We had the crusades, that are still recalled by Muslims bitterly, although it was so long ago, we in the West don't give it too much thought. It is not just about religion, the Jewish orthodox Jews are extremists too, and the Liberal Jews have to contend with them as well as the Palestinians. Don't know how they will solve it without more bloodshed. Posted by Bush bunny, Wednesday, 13 December 2017 2:00:36 AM
What's next David? God gave you this land after forty years in the wilderness, just after the alleged exodus from Egypt? And that makes what Israel does now, right?
Just suppose emerging evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt, there was no such exodus?
Sorry David, you grow more shrill and bizarre by the day, as you and your ilk try to justify the unjustifiable, excuse the inexcusable, forgive the unforgivable!
Please don't try to interpret all opposition to manifestly illegal settlements and constantly expanded Israeli borders, as some kind of antisemitism?
The last resort of self evident scoundrels, who've obviously lost all the moral/justifiable rationale.
If you want other folk's land? Go annex it and kill as many as oppose that theft!
Just don't ever try and excuse it with, to the victor go the spoils?
I mean, history tells us Istanbul was once Constantinople. Changed when Christians were butchered, their land, farms and possessions confiscated by ethnically cleansing, invading hordes!
Nor are those you strenuously defend any better or more humane!
Take what you are going to take, kill as many as you need to take then hold it! As you say, but look what they do!
As any kind of excuse for extermination! If you're going to do it anyway? Get on with it!
Just don't come here trying to pretend that some lines drawn on some invader's maps justifies or legitimises any part of it!
Me? I'd offer inexhaustible energy and equally inexhaustible desalinated water, negotiated final final borders/a two state solution, a divided, east west Jerusalem, peaceful cohabitation and mutual respect for the next 1,000 years!
After all, one catches many more flies with a teaspoon of honey than a whole jar of vinegar! Just not any part of your, carved in stone, mindset/gambit?
Surely, both sides have had enough, blinkered vision, bloodletting by now!? Which can only ever get worse and worse, unless finally resolved, however unpalatable!?
A permanent stalemate/impasse resolves nothing!
Alan B.